Preliminary Plat received 3-1-06 o 2005 Westwood Protes.lonal S<nfcos, Inc. Development Data .'" g ~ ~ '" '" I I Totol Sit. Area ExIsting Zoning ExIsting CuIde PIon PropoHd Zoning Totd Premltr Townhomes Totd Concord Townhomes 0-01I Den.ty QltIot A Totd ExIsting Wetlondo Totd Wetlond lilt. Area Totd JO% Slopa N.t OeW1lopable Area N.t OeMIty Totd ItnpeMous Area StrHt, Roodrtoys ond Drives Local Public Street ROW Public Street - 60 ft. ROW Private Slre<1t Private DrIves Buldlng Setboclcs (minimums) Public ROW Private Street Private DrIveway Abutting Property Wetland Buffer BuHolflg to BuHo/f1g Porposed Lot Line 36.01 Z ac. A-2, Agricultural Preservation Residential Medium Density (4-8 u/a) Reslden tlal Medium Density -PUD 98 units 48 units 4.05 un./ac. 0.4.J acres 0.90 acres 2.77 acre. 1.47 acres 28.00 acres 5.21 un./ac. 8. 71 oc. (:m, of Net) '" ~ . ~ Co I"J o :3 z ) I I I --~ / , , , , " , , , , , , , , , , / / , I t'lo I .~ l ~ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "".... \ \ \ I I ,~ I I \ I \ I \ I ,,' -9- I L---- -9- 478.32 -f" I l~ .'" ro' o~ ty / ~ ~ .~._~._.__._._.~. / ,(1'nlpoMd 50' Abuttin9 "- PrcpertJ Setback u.. (1)1>.) ... . / "- / ............... / / --J 2.44 ac. JI ft. 8-8 24 ft. 8-8 20 ft. 8-B '" "'- -- 20 ft. w/walk Ie 15 ft. w/out walk 24 ft to bock of curb 20 ft. to bock of curb 50 ft. 40 ft. 20 ft. 10 ft.' IIInImurn Dri_y Letlgth Premier 20 ft. (to curb or walk) Majestic 20 ft. (to curb or walk) l'iOm I. 1I1e lot dimension. and oreos on thl. plan ore approximate. Refer to the FInal and supporting data for exact lot dimension. and areas. 2. All setback. measured excluolflg .toops, patios. porche. or deck.. J. .Unless plotted os townhome. In which ca.e the common lot wHl be 0 ft. . ~ - Town ond Country Homes 7615 Smetana Lane. Suite 180 Eden Prairie. IAN 55J44 Phone: (952) 25J-0462 Fox: (952) 944-J4.J7 Contact: Kevin Clark n.ANNBBJBNGlNBBl'ImlRr Westwood Professional Services. Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie. MN. 55J44 Phone: (952) 9J7-5150 Fax: (952) 9J7-5822 Contact: Chrl. Moehrl 10' Typical Concord Lot ~ ~ ;., o o :3 :z -- ...... ......... "".... ~~ ""... '- ~ .... .'\ ~ ", \"", \ "l' r-t-, ) j,' I , _.JJ I \ 1f';;U / / J I ,--' / '1/) I I 'I ._.~~L/~/ ._._.~~_ - "/ " / ... / 10' ~ ~ 0. ~;!:. ~N Z.... " I ' I '- \ :.,e;~I I -------------- CJI . " ~ l.. Q. Q. :; ~ '" /" CJI . " :::; ~ ~ N " 0:. ... ,-__--4fI' " '" '~'" "._-,.",. ........CoIculat~ Rood PIakl Un. (t)P.) ",'" -'" ",- ",'" ",'" ",'" '" '\ "- - \ \ \ \ CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED Legend MAR 0 1 2006 Concrete Curb Ie Cutter Concrete Sidewalk ~~ CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT I 0' I 100' 200' 300' C-2 ZOOZ1071PPF01.0WG ~.. TOWN &: CDUNTRY HOMES ~~'7~~ Liberty at Creek .Side Dote: 6/17/05 - 3 OF 10 I "T ---.... 781_ ..... -~....... PHCN . I15H:J7.5'iso -.- 1'CIU.... ..-.m....50 I ..., ..." ... .... ... - ....... .,. - - ... .., .... ........... .. ... I _ . ..., a.-.I UNO .-nwa ...............fJI~ . - ~,..("'~(T~_.. .".", ~ CWIoI n..w. . as ~ DmwIM ../... l'zepced for: Preliminary . Plat ua...t'....,. .. Call w._ C1Z/03/06 ""'~ft1........... Ylma80ta