Approval Letter 3-3-06 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us March 3, 2006 Mr. Jamie Thelen Chanhassen Gateway Place, LLC P.O. Box 10 Albany, MN 56307 Re: Gateway North-Planning Case 06-05 Dear Mr. Thelen: This letter is to formally notify you that on February 27, 2006, the City Council adopted the following motions: PRELIMINARY PLAT "The Chanhassen City Council approves the preliminary plat for Planning Case 06-05 for Gateway North as shown on the plans received January 6,2006, subject to the following conditions: 1. Submit storm sewer design calculations with full-size drainage map for a 10- year, 24-hour storm event. 2. Work with staff to revise the pond design calculations for the 10- and 100- year storm event. 3. Realign Lot 1, Block 2 full access perpendicular at Highway 101 and Lake Susan Drive intersection. 4. The applicant is required to coordinate with MnDOT on the full access at Lake Susan Drive and the storm pond outlet control sewer construction. 5. The applicant is responsible for obtaining and complying with all regularity agency permits: Watershed District, MPCA, NPDES, MnDOT, Health Department, etc. 6. On the grading plan: a. Show an emergency over flow. b. Show stormwater pond easement. c. Show silt fence Type II around the proposed pond. d. Extend Type I silt fence to the north along the west side. e. Show minimum 75-feet construction rock entrance. f. Add a bench mark. The City ot Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality scnools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Mr. Jamie Thelen Chanhassen Gateway Place, LLC March 3, 2006 Page 2 7. On the utility plan: a. Show the watermain within the street Right-of-Way as a public utility. b. Revise the existing sanitary sewer flow direction. c. Add a note that any connection to any existing structure must be core drilled. d. Show all utility sewer pipe type, class, and size. e. Show all utility manholes rim and invert elevations. f. Add a gate valve to Lot 1, Block 1. 8. Plan and profile views are required for the entire public utility. 9. To guarantee the installation of the public improvements, the applicant must supply the City with a financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow and enter into a development contract. 10. On the plans, show the pedestrian ramps and a sidewalk connection between the south and north sides of proposed Lake Susan Drive and add a sidewalk along the north portion of Lot 1, Block 2. 11. Temporary easements are required for any off-site grading. 12. The applicant must provide a proposed haul route for review and approval. 13. If fill is coming from and/or going to another site in Chanhassen, a separate grading permit will be required for the other property. 14. All disturbed areas as a result of construction are required to be reseeded and mulched within two weeks of site grading. 15. Add City Detail Plates Nos. 1002, 1004, 1005, 1006,2001,2101,2109,2110,2201,2202, 3101,3102,3107,3108,3109,5200,5203,5206,5214,5215,5217, 5300, and 5301. 16. On the site plan, show the dimensions of the parking stalls and driveway widths. SITE PLAN "The Chanhassen City Council approves the site plan with a variance for the reduction of nine enclosed parking spaces for Planning Case 06-05 for Chanhassen Gateway Place as shown on the plans received January 6, 2006, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall replace the Colorado blue spruce specified on the landscape plan with an alternate evergreen species. 2. One monument sign shall be permitted at the entrance to the development off of Lake Susan Drive. These signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in sign display area nor be greater than Mr. Jamie Thelen Chanhassen Gateway Place, LLC March 3, 2006 Page 3 five feet in height. These signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. 3. Additional information must be submitted pertaining to the height and materials used for the privacy fence located east of the tot-lot and picnic area. 4. Details on the storm sewer connection to proposed Lake Susan Drive and proposed TH 212 should be provided. An emergency overflow for the proposed pond should be illustrated. The applicant should submit a routing plan for any pond overflows from the site to a public water body. 5. Drainage and utility easements (minimum 20 feet in width) should be provided over all storm water infrastructure, including any emergency overflow structures. The storm water pond should be platted in an outlot. 6. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3: 1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Steeper than 3: 1 10:1 to 3:1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. 7. Rock construction entrance shall be installed as illustrated on Chanhassen Detail Plate 5301. 8. Wimco or similar inlet protection shall be installed at all inlets that may receive storm water from site per Chanhassen Detail Plate 5302A. All inlet protection shall be inspected and maintained to comply with NPDES requirements. 9. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed. 10. Temporary stabilization of the exposed area shall include a straw or hay cover at a rate of 2 tons per acre, disc anchored into the soil, including the area around the apartment building. 11. To minimize tracking and erosion around the apartment building during construction, temporary cover of straw or wood chips shall be placed around the building in amounts sufficient to control rutting. Mr. Jamie Thelen Chanhassen Gateway Place, LLC March 3, 2006 Page 4 12. The plans shall be revised to show a concrete washout area, BMPs for containment and potential stockpile locations. 13. Silt fence (Chanhassen Type 1) shall be installed around the north and east side of the pond within 24 hours of permanent outlet installation. 14. The plans shall be revised to show inlet protection for sediment during construction for the trench drain at the garage and shall include a detail. 15. Submit a detailed lighting and signage plan consistent with the Chanhassen Gateway PUD Development Design Standards. 16. Building Official conditions: a. The building must be protected with automatic fire sprinkler systems. b. The building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. c. An accessible route must be provided to the building, parking facilities and public transportation stops. d. All parking areas, including parking garage, must be provided with accessible parking spaces. e. Accessible dwelling units must be provided in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. f. The building owner and or their representatives shall meet with the Inspections Division to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 17. Fire Marshal Conditions: a. A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, Le., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. b. Yellow curbing and "no parking fire lane" signs will be required. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact locations of yellow curbing and locations of signs to be installed. c. Builder must comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention division policies. Copies enclosed. c.l 1-1990 regarding fire alarm systems. c.2 4-1991 regarding notes to be included on all site plans. c.3 7-1991 regarding pre-fire drawings. c.4 29-1992 regarding premise identification. c.5 34-1993 regarding water service installation. c.6 36-1994 regarding proper water line sizing. c.7 40-1995 regarding fire protection systems. c.8 06-1991 regarding fire lane signage. c.9. 52-2005 regarding commercial plan review submittal criteria. Mr. Jamie Thelen Chanhassen Gateway Place, LLC March 3, 2006 Page 5 d. Show on utility plan location of post indicator valve (PIV). e. The hydrant on the south end of the loop shall be moved approximately 30 feet northeast. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location and approval. f. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. Temporary street signs shall be installed at each street intersection when construction of new roadways allows passage by vehicles. Pursuant to 2000 Minnesota State Fire Code Section 501.4 g. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be serviced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Pursuant to Minnesota Fire Code Section 503.2.3. 18. Approval of this site plan is contingent upon approval ofthe final plat for Gateway North. 19. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement. 20. The building shall comply with the Planned Unit Development building setback requirements 21. The applicant shall revise the plans to show a clock on the vertical element of the building." The Site Plan Agreement must be prepared by our offices for recording; however, cost estimates for the improvements must be submitted to our offices before the agreement can be prepared. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ...r Sharmeen AI-Jaff Senior Planner g:\plan\2006 planning cases\06-05 gateway north subdivision-gateway place site plan\letter of approval.doc