Final Plat Received 3-6-06 CHRISTENSEN ADDITION LpLA T FILE NO. ieR Doc. NO. KNOW AU MEN BY lHtSE PRESENTS: Thot Rob.... R. Christensen and [th"~ Z. Cht..tenslr'I. husband and wif.. f.. OMl", of thl followlnliJ dncrlad prop...ty situoted In the County of Ccr".... Slot. of Minnesota. 10 wll: QlY taJNCI. 0IAI0tASSEII. """""A The North 230 'Ht ot the West 190 fnt of Ih. South 904 '"I of thot pert 01 the Northw..' Duort... of Ihe South~.t Ovorl" of Section 2. Township 1115. Rong. 23. Carver CCUlt)', Minnesota. lying ...t of Ih. Chonhonen and bc:e1islor Publk: Rood. occordlng 10 the plot tMreof on n. or of record n the office of th. CO\a"lty Recorder, CCII'YW County. Mnne.oto this plol of CHRISTENSEN AODInON WOl opproved and accepted by the city counc:ll of the c:Ity of Chonhos!.", MIn"I.olo, ot o re9Jlcr m..Ung held thl, _ do)' of . 20_ and Ils In Compf\onCI wit" Ih. proYlslons of Minnesota Statut... Section ~O5.03. Subd. 2. All manum.,ta .M b. Ht ~ Ipeclfied by Ihe City Councl and os started on th. plat., occordlng to Mmn..oto Statut... Sec:tlon ~'-02. Subd. 1. ..... Outlots A and B. Burl_cod. according to the p10l lh..eol on fl. or of fltCord In thl offlc:. 01 \he County RecoreS.-. Corwr County, MMuoto. B, . Mo)'O" B, ,0" H~ caused the some to be IUl'W}"Id CI1d p10ned en CHRISTENSEN ADDITION ond don hel'eby donete O"Id dedlcote 10 the public lor public \1M lorewr the .nem....t. os shown on th. plot lor droln. ond utllty purpoSft only. CAIMR SI.JIM"/llR Ccnw c:.unt)<-. PurIUO"It to Chapter 395. M1nrIesota Low. of 1971. this plot hOll been opprcwed th" _ doy 01 .20_ In wltnen whel'eol sold Robel't Chr..t......... ond [thelYi Z. Chr..I.......... husband ond wife. hOll cauHd IMse pr......t. 10 be signed b)' It. prop... offle... this do)' of . 20_ . B, John [. freem)el' Corwr Count)' Surve)'O" SHiIt€D: ItClBERT 0IRIS1ENSEN AN) ElHELW Z. 0RSlENSEN B, CCUN1Y AUllI1IlR Ccnw County, -. B, STAlE OF' UNE:SaTA CllIllY OF I hereby c...tHy thot lax.. pa)'Oble h _ and prior )"ltO"1I ~ been poId for land ~Iled on this plol Doted Ihltl _doyol .20_ "artt Lundgr..... County Auditor The lore901n9 Instrum....t wo. OCknowled9ed befor. me this ,th. do)' of .20_.by ot Rob...1 av..t......, and [Ihel)" Z. B, ....., Chr..t....sen. husband oncl wife. Notory Public. "y Commission Ihplres Count)'. Minnesota CCUN1Y IlEI:CRIlEII Ccnw County, -. .20_ I h.,lIby certif)' 11'101 thhi plot of OIRISTENSEN AOOlnON wos filed this _ do)' of _ o'dodt -y. 011 Docum....t No. 20_ot I "...IIb)' c...tlfy that I hove ---,-d ond plon.d the prop...ty descrlled on this plot 01 CHRIS'TENSEN ADDITION; 11'101 the pial Is a correct representation 01 Ihe ___y. that all dI,toncn ore corYeCtI)' shown on the plot In Iftl ~ hunci'"edlh. ot o loot; Ihat 011 hove b..... correctl)' ploced h Ihe ,,"ound or .. be correcll)' placed In the vround os desl9nated; that 11'1. oulslcfe boundar)' linn ore correctl)' deslonated on Ih. plot end thot th.e ore no wel lands or public: hl9flwo)'S to be desirgnoted other than 01 shown on Ihe pial C~ W. Hanson Jr.. County RltCordsr B, DOllie! C. Nickols. Land Surveyor Minnesota Lic....se No. 19839 STA1E OF' UNE:SaTA CllIllY OF CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED The foregoing Instrument wos ockno-'ed9ed before me thit _ do)' 01 Deniel C. Nic101s. Lend Surveyor. 20_. by MAR 0 6 2006 Notar)' Public. __ Count)', Minnesota "'y Commission ellplrn .20_ CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ENGINEERS · SURVEYORS · PLANNERS SOIL TESllNG · ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHEET 1 Of" 2 SIlEE1S ~2.0 :l C :l,tt CDCDO (l)0r+ 00(1) r+' pa.)> 5.0 :l :;:a. CD,!D o _m :::!lc 0' CD- ~ 00 _0 a. r+. :l" CDO o 00 00 c' :l9: ~~ ;or+ CDO o or+ ,:l" a. CD CD :,"0 oS- o ,r+ ~:l" ,~ (I) 00 0- Co ~:l ':< :::!l (b o , )> Z o 0"0 "'" 0_<U)r+-4 ,0CDCD:l"::J" <r+(I)OO(l) CD r+r+r+ , r+ -. :l"Oo"Oz O(l)_:loO ~~~N~~ ... 0 ... . :l" :l_(I) 0 ~oOc;t_N :l:l"~r+~ s:: o:l:l" _.:::!l:l (I) CD_ :l -:l":l" (I) :l (I) 0 -. Z (I) CDo(l)"OOr+ (I) (I) , O'(I)=r+o (iO:lcn:l"- _ .~r+ ,0..,.,(I):l" CD :l AI r+ (I) o a.o o fTI~ 0 :E ctX(l)CCD o 0(1) _.CDN~r+ :l:::UlCD~ r+ !!!.. , (0 :l"OOOO (1)'0-- 0"'U<r+~ _CCD:l"r+ :::!lO""CD ~ c,.OU>~ 00 o;occr+ _O:lr+:l" o r+:l" (I) :;: .P- ':< ~ U> (l)0S::~0 00-. 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