Final Plat 11x17 3-3-06 I GA TEWA Y NORTH PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. ~ <: ~tl UI::: ~Q b...~ ......u::, ~\;JQ 9:::~i!: ~"'!l:: KNOW ALL PeRSONS BY THEse PReSENTS: That Chonhassen Development. LLC. a Minnesota limited liability company. fee owners of the following described property situated in the County of Carver, Stote of Minnesota. to wit: In witness whereof said Chonhossen Development, LLC. a Minnesota limited liability company has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this _ day of 200_> That part of the west half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 2J West. Carver County. Minnesota described as follows: CHANHASSCN oeVfiOP&lENT, tiC Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said Section 24; thence along the west line of said Section, 24, South 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds East. 0 distance of 1495.27 feet to 0 point that is described os the "Point of Beginning" of Tract B in Document No. J065Jl, on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder and said point also being on the northerly Right of Way line of Highway J12 as shown on Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Right of Way Plot No. 10-17. Carver County. Minnesota; thence along said northerly Right of Way line. North 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds West. a distance of 174.Jl feet of the Point of Beginning of the Tract of land herein described; thence olong said northerly Right of Way line, the following two (2) courses: thence South 89 degrees J3 minutes 41 seconds East. a distance of 6J.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds East. o distance of IJ4.66 feet to 0 corner of said northerly Right of Way line common with the northerly line of a certain tract of land described in said Doc. No. 3065Jl; thence northeasterly along said northerly Right of Way line common with said Document No. J065JI the following three (3) courses: thence along 0 curve, concave to the southeast, whose elements ore: arc length of 419.19 feet. radius of 4669.60 feet, central ongle of 05 degrees 08 minutes J6 seconds and a chord that bears North 61 degrees 09 minutes 27 seconds East. 0 distance of 419.05 feet; thence North 19 degrees 12 minutes J2 seconds East, a distance of 49.59 feet; thence North 71 degrees 27 minutes J5 seconds East, 0 distance of 67.79 feet to the intersection with the westerly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 101 as shown on said Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Right of Way Plot No. 10-17; thence northerly along said westerly /ine. the following two (2) courses; thence North 01 degrees 48 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 414.90 feet; thence North 20 degrees 41 mintues 17 seconds West, 0 distance of 38.07 feet to the intersection with the southerly right of way line of Lake Susan Drive as shawn on said Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 10-17; thence southwesterly along said southerly line of Lake Susan Drive the following four (4) courses: thence along a curve. concave to the south, whose elements ore: arc length 75.42 feet, radius of 250.00 feet, central angle of 17 degrees 17 minutes 09 seconds and a chord that bears South 56 degrees 55 minutes J3 seconds West, a distance of 75.14 feet; thence South 48 degrees 16 mintues 58 seconds West, 0 distance of 225.39 feet; thence along 0 curve, concave to the north, whose elemen ts ore: arc length of 254.20 feet, radius of J50. 00 feel. central angle of 41 degrees 36 minutes 49 seconds and 0 chord that bears South 69 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds West, 0 distance of 248.65 feet; thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds West. 0 distance of 47.02 feet to said west line of Section 24, being also the centerline of the existing right of way for Trunk Highway No. 101 and also on easterly line of the plot of Chanhassen Hills Jrd Addition. 0 plot on Me and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota: thence along said west line of Section 24, South 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds East, 0 distance of J05.89 feet to the Point of Beginning. By Sheldon Wert. Chief Manager STATE: OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of . 200_, by Sheldon Wert. Chief Manager of Chanhassen Development, LLC. a Minnesota limited liability company. on behalf of the company. By Notary Public. My Commission Expires County. Minnesota I hereby certify that I hove surveyed and plotted the property described on this plot os GA TEWA Y NORTH; that this plot is a correct representation of the survey; that 011 distances ore correctly shown on the plot in feet and hundredths of 0 foot; that 011 monuments will be correctly placed in the ground os shown. in accordance to Minnesota Statutes. Section 505.02, Subd. I; that the outside boundary lines art! correctly designated on the plot; and that there ore no wetlands os defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated other than os shown. By Warren L Delles. Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 41890 AND STA TE: OF UlNNCSOTA COUN TY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificote was acknowledged before me this _ day of Warren L. Delles. Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 41890. . 200_. by That port of the west half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West. Carver County. Minnesota described os follows: By Notary Public. My Commission Expires County, Minnesota Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said Section 24; thence along the west line of said Section 24, South 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 727.22 feet to the Point of Beginning of the land herein described; thence continuing along said west line, South 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 187.88 feet to northerly line of Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Right of Way Plot No. 10-17. 0 plot that is on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder. Carller County. Minnesota; thence along said northerly line of Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plot No. 10-17, the following four (4) courses: thence North 89 degrees 5J minutes 46 seconds East 0 distance of 46.89 feet; thence olong 0 curve concave to the northwest. whose elements are: arc length of 181.57 feet. radius of 250.00 feet, central angle of 41 degrees J6 minutes 48 seconds and 0 chord that bears North 69 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds East, 0 distance of 177.61 feet; thence North 48 degrees 16 minutes 58 seconds East 0 distance of 225.J9 feet; thence along 0 curve, concave to the southeast, whose elements ore: arc length of 61.18 feet, central angle of 10 degrees 00 minutes 57 seconds and 0 chord that bears North 5J degrees 17 minutes 27 seconds East, 0 distance of 61.11 feet to the intersection with the south line of the north 660 feet of said west half of the Northwest Quarter; thence along said south line, North 89 degrees 19 minutes JJ seconds West 0 distance of J97.14 feet to the easterly right of way line of Highway No. 101. being also the most northeasterly corner of a certain tract of land deeded to Bell Telephone and described in Document No. 90735, on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Carver County. Minnesota; thence southeasterly. southwesterly and northwesterly along the lines of said certain tract of land deeded to Bell Telephone in Document No. 907J5, the following three (3) courses: thence South 26 degrees 47 minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 241.Jl feet: thence along a curve. concave to the northwest, whose elements are: arc length of 85.00 feet; radius of 506.JO feet: central angle of 09 degrees 37 minutes 07 seconds and a chord that bears South 66 degrees 55 minutes 58 seconds West 0 distance of 84.90 feet; thence North 19 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 192.70 feet to the Point of Beginning. CHANHASSCN. IIINNCSOTA This plat of GA TEWA Y NORTH was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen. Minnesota, at 0 regular meeting held this _ day of . 200_, and is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes. Section 505. OJ. Subd. 2. OTY COUNCIl. OF THE OTY OF CHANHASSCN. MINNESOTA By Moyer By Clerk COUNTY $URVCl"CV? Carver County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Lows of 1971, this plat has been approved this _ day of 200_. By John E. Freemyer, Carver County Surveyor AND COUNTY AUDITOR. Carver County. Minnesota I hereby certify that taxes payable in _ and prior years hove been paid for land described on this plat. Doted this _ day of 200_. That port of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 116 North. Range 2J West, Carver County, described os follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Trunk Highway No. 101 os dedicated on the plat of Chanhassen Hills Jrd Addition, 0 plot on Me and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County. Minnesota, being also on the westerly line of said Section 24, being also on the centerline of said Trunk Highway No. 101; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 212.17 feet to the southeasterly corner of a certain tract of land deeded to Meritor Development Corporation in Document No. 104301; thence along the southeasterly line of said Document No. 104J01, South 54 degrees 25 minutes JJ seconds West, 0 distance of J8.32 feet to the east line of said Chanhassen Hills Jrd Addition; thence afong said east line, North 00 degrees " minutes J9 seconds West, 0 distance of 234.30 feet to the southwesterly corner of said dedicated port of Trunk Highway No. 101; thence along the southerly line of said dedicated part, North 89 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds East, 0 distance of Jl.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. By Mark Lundgren. Carver Caun ty Auditor COUNTY RCCORfXR. Carver County. Minnesota I hereby certify that this plot of GA TEWA Y NORTH was filed this _ day of o'clock _ M. os Document No. . 200_. 0/ By Carl W. Hanson Jr.. Carver County Recorder Has caused the same to be surveyed and plotted as GA TEWA Y NORTH and does hereby donate and dedicate to the pubfic for public use forever the highway, and also dedicate the easements for drainage and utility purposes as shown on the plot. ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAR 0 3 2006 CHANHASSEN Pl/.NNING DEPT W~$~€9€9~ IPro1e$$ional SelVices, Inc. Sheet 1 of 2 sheets ~ I ~ ~ <: ~'" UU '" E-.. ~~ t. ........ .....U'" ~\;JQ ~~i!: ~"'~ 61 ~~~:"- ~l " l GA TEWA Y NORTH PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. I I +-1 " ,,-'Ii ~ . ,1111. ,II. 'r....../""\-r IVIII VI YL::':V '/~ (J f:.-F~~F..' ;'.v: f:.~^./-; "r- VI- -:-,c/),/./SFJDF/-;:' ,7",'I"""'I^ I VIV LH/\ I I, n l\:Jr11 "r- Vo '.'A \/ "" , ::)1 A or . L.r" A ,/1 IYV. ., " .,-, I t.l-, / L_ -- 6 6 4/4.90 /;-~::A:'f:~r ;A;A~tNJ, OF AlINNfSOTA ~OI048"21"E / OF WAY PLAT NO. lO_17ORTATfON RIGHT 6 6 6 " ~:; ,- -~ " ~~~\ o ,>. >7 ~ Z 50 0 50 100 1""""""1 -- 150 Scale in , feet Scale: inch = 50 feet SECTION 24, T. 116, R. ZJ VICINI TY MAP NO SCALe 2 n"':. .' ... <:..> ';'\...., .1~ >7 -" "-:~ ~- ;~~ ""--..I." o Denotes 1/2"x14" iron monument set and marked by R.L.S. Registration No. 41890 -- r,- , ' -t;\----- -l-~O \,\ \ ~e~~;~:G~t:~[NT_: _ \ '--~ -, ,0 \ \? At/go/ \ --".9, <~/~ F. \.!1-!: . Denotes iron monument found -< ,. " 6, " ' 8J7. Denotes MNOOT iron monument found <.> -{\ -6- Denotes access control to MNOOT I I , ,_n__nn"',r_n_n_____n 660 __n___n_ --------------- -I' r(' J" :;\." n!r1 ... -" '<' ~77 ~:-. \-:-. .,>. ..t,,~ -:;- <.> -'(\ _7 '-"" 'C> }:" \>~ ,- BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE M"ST LINE OF THE M"ST HALF OF THE NORTHM"ST OUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH. RANGE 23 M"ST WHICH IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOOOOI'33"E. c/; .., .., IV~b "'8 0>. ~............-...~ 'n ~~"'..c. IV~.<P\, ..;~<l. r ... ....Q."s. .. 0 ~. ~~"p...... "0 c::. .... ... o"i.-:z. "oJ.. -" .. G\ \ ~f'" ... ("": "IV ~ ~~<l. ,. " ~~. 7,,\. .,',' '\.. "-<"' o1.~'b' 35"':( ... ~~C!.. +",'b' tl~o;,:, ~o...."P --?' . "y ~ IV 1'. ~~~N~:~~~ \ UnLITY CASCM[Nr _)0 unLlTY "SEMENT. .., . UnLlTY e'SEMENT peR (., I- 10 "". ~" ~.' " OOC. "::;",~':.!.:o~'., \ :L _ _ _ _ _ _" _ ~J-*,~ _ _ _ _N'lE'E!.J.E.." ,~ 1(-= - -. ~'-!-.- _\~:.:.' <;J ,,"D'''.'O' -.: ~ : '......... .d_Joof6'07' \ '. - - - - - -:~_- - - - - - 8J6-=~.>.;-~gkJJ'9W \ ~_,_,_"'L.f9.B9 ~ ' 8<5 -, " / -. --, 10 -, ':':;;D~-L"2J02 />unLlTY,eASCMENr PER DOC. NO. 206JS8-:-' Noogg,~~,;'~ [:>,'kI' '13466 'V _, 8J7 :> ~ ~_ . 'J06I.' NOO'O,.JJ'" "" __~ <;)~: 5oo00;'.],J"E \ ,,-S< COR OF TR.cr OF ~ <;) g T 116. R. 2J SEl Y COR. OF TRUNK HWY. NO '01 <;)~ ( \ ;' "NO IN aoc. NO. 'D'JDI ~~ "i 101 ASDEOfCArEDON THfPLArQF' \ ~~_rNlYRlCHr()l'WAYL1N[OF"MINNfSOTA \ I 3l ' ;>_- CH'NH.sSCN HILLS JRO .00mON., " =l ~ ~ : '/Y::';'~~:TO:;aT~~".s:;ORT.nON RIGHT 'l ~"~. ~~ ._ 50000/'33"[ '\'0,,"00 5ooJ~5081:33"~ \ ' ~-'" '155.96 NoooO",JJ"W /_'-\ I VVII.,VI C......... '''9'.21 \ 5OO00,'JJ-[ I;. , \ S. 7". T' ,'. "'r\ of n of N8904,"",o.r 4, I r=-~~- _:>- _ "'V. .v. L , I - T _ _~ -,- ~- -=, '. - - - ,J/.87-<_, I - - ~ _--- 60 -"-.-1 . I .... I :: I \ : ~ ......\....CCNTfRUNf /;,: fXISTlNG'" I 'Cr l..' I RIGHT OF WAY FOR 'TRUNK ...... .... I I ":;1 r.,",,~~ C/i ~~ HWY. NO. 101 AND Ety I L...LV"" I I ~J:::- I LINEOf' TH[PLArQF' 1/'rl,!.,^.'/rf,!.SS:-"-,^.v', ;7'" , ~ "I ~"T" A nn/"T"II"""'\^, I t.') ~~ I ~~:::~SENHILLSJRO i~1.C~'/~~ I IL.L........ ,....;, I'LlLlI' IVt v ... ~ ' III I - ~~ ~~ {)"'f I -" -'- '...,\ ~ <::. .;: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ( ~ ~~ <i 't SHx . :~ :J ~~ ~ -. '" ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 3~ ~i ~ ~~ ~ l3l.B9 SOOOOO'08~f ~;) -/~,)~ ,- ~, -:;- ," CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED o -,...., Ml-\R 0 3 2006 2 >:'- ..' v r- .>~ -" CHANHASSEN PU\NN1NG DEPT 'b ,n I ,~I"I / v- " rn_nn-" r-----------___ 660 . ------------------------- MOST Nfly COR OF TRACT OF LAND IN ~. ~907J5--...-... r -, ..~ WI/4 COR. OF sec, 24, r. 116, R. 2J (CARVf:R co. C.I.M.).., /-~~j. r:1:C~N/~~ ~6'Jl \ , _ _ .....!..!.2..!. _S~OI .I. " .22722_ -t- ,- -.i r I I T I I 1/" fA ^'I 1,01 ......-r-\' ,-,(7", v (7n::":::":t:, r 101 _ 554 025 '22"W :,>J8.32 =l ~i:Jn ,....1 \LI / / / / NOOofJ'SO.W:: sn Y LINE Of' Tf'MC~ OF ' \ LAND IN DOC. NO. 104J01--' 'fAST LINe OF CHANHASSCN HILLS JRD ADDITION A nn,"T"II"""'\^, nLlLll1 J VI V 7\ / \ / 5 \ / \ / \ / \ --' ';.:..~;; .~'\ ?:.~_ ~~"7 '.~2. ~-:-.. ".....- ~-I~ """Z- )-~\ ~~I\ '>7 ':>_ ~:-. ',->, <-> _~ -~ .,2. ~r _-' -z- <..) <:'1\~~~ )7 <..> -,~, '--" ',:" . ~-;.. >~" ',,>_ ~7/--C) '-:~...., _ \ -... _1.7_ / I . , ., '-SW'L Y COR. OF TRUNK HWY. NO 101 AS DfDICA TfD ON THE PLA T OF CHANHASS[N HILLS JRD ADDI nON ',:",..\ W~$~€9€9~ IP'rofe:ssional Seriices, Inc. Sheet 2 of 2 sheets ~