Engineer's Estimate 3-3-06 Gateway North Chanhassen, MN Engineers Estimate For Work Within R.O.W.: Est. Qty. Est. Qty. Unit Total Unit Total Total Price Price (Plan) (Bid) Description: West Sidewalk LF 228 228 $18 $4104 East Sidewalk LF 362 362 $18 $6.516 8" DIP Watermain (All Depths) L.F. 206 206 $24 $4.944 8" GV & Box EA 2 2 $900 $1.800 8" PVC Plug EA 1 1 $18 $18 Fittings (Ductile Iron) LBS. 405 405 $6 $2.228 Wet Tap Existing WM EA 1 1 $2 500 $2.500 6"Ped. Ramp EA 3 3 $450 1350 Sub. Total: $23,460 6' Sidewalk: includes 6" depth Concrete and 4" Class 5 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAR 0 3 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT