Legal Description KNOW.4u. PERSONS BY Tf{ESE: PRESE:NTS: That Chanhassen Development, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. fee owners of Ihe folfDWI:tJg described property situated in the County of Carver. State of MinrresotC1, to wit: That part of the west half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township /16 North, Range 23 West. Carver County. Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said Section 24,' thence along the west line of said SectiOl1, 24, South 00 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds tast, a distance of 1495.27 feet to a point tflat is deSCribed n.~ the NPolnt of BeginningH of Tract B In Document No. 306531, on file and of record In the office of the County Recorder and said poInt also being on the northerly Right of Way fine of Highway 312 os shown on Minnesota Department of TronsportC1tiOl1 RIght nf Way plat No. /0- /7. Carvor County. Minnesota: thence afong saId northerly RIght of Way fine, North 00 degree9 01 mInutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 174.31 feet of the PoInt of BegInning of the tract of land herefn described; thence along said northerly Righi of Way line, the following two (2) courses; thence South 89 degrees 33 minutes 41 seconds Easl, a distance of 63.00 feet: thencs South 00 degrees 01 mfnutes 22 secOfIds East, a distance of 134.65 feet to a corner or said northerly Right of Way line common with the northerly line of 0 certaIn tract of fand described in said Doc. No. 306531: thence northeasterly along said northerly Right of Way line common wilh said Documenl No. 306531 the following three (3) coursas: thence along 0 curve, concav.. to the fiol1then.~t, whose elements are: arc length of 419.rrJ feet. radius of .4669.60 feel, cenlral al1gle of 05 degreM 08 minutes 36 seconds and a chord that bears North 61 degrees 09 minutes 27 r;econds East, 0 distance of 419.05 feet: thence North 19 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds East, a distance of 49.59 feet; thence North 71 degrees 27 minutes 35 seconds East. a distance of 67.79 feet to the Intersection wilh the westerly right of way line of Trunk fIIghwoy No. 101 as shown on sold Minnesota Department of Transportatron Right of Way Plot No. 10- /7; thence northerly along sold westerly {ine, the follOWing two (2) courses: thence North Ot degrees 48 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 414.90 feet: thence North 20 degrees 41 mfntues 77 seconds West, a distance o( 058.07 feel 10 the Intersection wIth the southerly right of way line of Lake Susan /)rlve as shown on sold Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. lO-t7; thence southwesterly alang said southerly line of Lake SUsan Drfve the followIng four (4) (:(Jume.':: thence alang a curve, concave to the south, whose elements are: arc tength 15.42 reel, rodlus of 250.00 feet. centraf angle of 17 degrees 17 minutes 09 seaonds ond a chord that bears Soulh 56 degrees 55 minutes .JJ s(lconds West, a distance of 75.11 feet; tllence SoC/tf! 48 degrees 15 mintues 58 seconds West, a distance of 225.39 feet; lhMce "long a curve, con eoV<'! tll thl! north. whoso ruements are: are length of 254.:W feet. radius of 350.00 feef. central angle of 41 degrees J6 minutt!s 49 seconds and a chord that bears South 69 dt!rJrees 05 mInutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 2-48.65 feet; thence South 89 degracs 53 minutes 47 seconds West. " distance of 47.02 feet to sold west line of Section 24, bGing also the centerllno of the (J1C(stlr1g right of lVay for Trunk Highway No. 101 and also an eastf'.rIy ilno of the plat of Chanhassen Hills Jrd Addition, 0 plat on fl!e nnd of record rn tho offico of the County Recorder. Carver County. Minnesota; thence oIong said west 11M of Section 24, Slluth DO degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds EOI~t. 0 dl.~tance of 305.89 feet to the Point of BeginnIng. AND That part of the west half of tho North....est Quarfflr of Sedran 24, Township 176 North, Range 23 West, Carver County. Minnesota descn"bed as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said Section 2-4; thence along the west line of soid Section 24, South 00 degrees 01 mirlUtes 22 s(Jcond.~ Cr:r$f, <1 distance of 727.22 feet to the Point of Beginning of the land herein described: thence cant/nuing alOflg said west b:'1t!, South DO degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds East a distc1tlce of 187.88 feet to northerly line of Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Pial No. 10-/7. 0 plat that is on file and of record In th6 omce of the County Recorder, Carver County. Minnesota; thence along said northerly line of Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Right of Way I'lat No. 10-17, tht:' following four (4) courses: thence North 89 degrees 53 mInutes 46 seconds East a distance of 46.89 feet; thence along a CUrvtl concave to the northwest. whose elements CJn1: arc length of 181.57 feet, radius of 250.00 fet!t, central anglo o( 41 degrees' 36 minutt!!:s 48 seconds and a chord that bears North 59 degret!!:s 05 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 177.61 feet; tht!!:llct!!: North 48 degrees 16 minutes 58 slX:Onds East" distance of 225.39 feet thence along a curvrJ, concave to the southeast, whose elements are-: an: length of 61.18 feet, central angle of 10 degrees 00 minutes 57 seconds and a chord that boars North 53 degrees 17 minutes 27 seconds Eo,~f. 0 distance of 6/.11 fet!!:t to the inlerseclion with the south /inf! of tho north 660 feet or soid west holf of the Northwest Quarter; thence along said south line. North 89 degrees 19 minutes 33 r;econds West 0 rli...tance of 397. 14 feet to tho easterly right of way line of Highway No. lot, berng also the most northeasterly comer of a certain tract of land deeded to Bell Telephone and dcsr.ribl'd jn DoctJment No. 90735, on file and of record in thtS office of the County Rocorder, Carver County. Minnesota: thence soufheasterly, southwesterly and northwesterly along the Irnes of sold certaIn tract of land deeded to Beft Telephone In Document No. 90735, the followIng three (3) courses: thence South 26 degrees -47 mlnutes 09 seconds East a distance of 241.31 feet: thence alang 0 curve, conca.-e to the northwest, whose ..lements ora: arc length of 85.00 fet:'f; radius of 506.30 feet; centrol angle of 09 degrees 37 minutes 07 seconds and a chord that b(Jors South 66 degrees 55 minutes 58 .~eeands West a distancB of 84.90 feet; thence North 19 degree." f6 mInutes 30 seconds West a distance ar 192.70 feet to the Point of Beginning. AND That part of the Southeast Ouarter of thf! Northeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 1t6 North, Rr:rnge 23 West, Carver County. described as follows: Bagfnl1rng at the southeasterly comer of Trunk Highway No. 101 as dedicated on the plat of Chanhassen Hills Jrd Additron, a plat on file and of record fn the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County. ""nnesota, being also on the westerly fine of said Section 24, hetrlg 0190 on the centerline of said Trul1k Highway No. 10f: thence South 00 degrees 01 mrnutes 22 second., F.:ast, oIong said centerlrne, a distance of 212.17 feet to th<l southea.starly comer of 0 certain tmcf of land deeded to Merltor Development Corporation in Document No. 104301; thence orang the southeasterly line of said Document No. f04J01, South 54 degrees 25 minute.~ :IS .~econds West, a distance of 38.32 feet to the east line of sold Chanhassen Hills Jrd Addition; thence along said eO$t line, North 00 degrees 11 minutes 39 seconds West. a distance of 234.30 feet .to the southwesterly comer of saId dedicated part of Trunk Highway No. t01; thence dong the southarly tine of said dedicated part, North 8g degrees 41 mfnutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 31.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. Has caused the some to ba surveyed and plotted os GA 7EWA Y NORTH and does hereby donate and dedicate fa the public for public use forever the highway. and alsa dedicate thp- easements far draInage and utl1l1y purposes as shown Oil the plat.