Email from Janet Paulson to Tom Furlong 2-26-06 Aanenson. Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Tom Furlong [tfurlong@apexfsLcom] Monday, February 27,20062:32 PM Gerhardt, Todd; Aanenson, Kate FW: February 27,2006, City Council meeting, New Business: Bangasser variance Tom Furlong (952) 238-1315 -----Original Message----- From: paulseng@juno.com [mailto:paulseng@juno.com] Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:59 PM To: mayor@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; slabatt@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; blundquist@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; cpeterson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; btjornhom@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Subject: February 27, 2006, City Council meeting, New Business: Bangasser variance Dear Mayor and Councilors: According to city code a lot cannot be divided by a street: Sec. 1-2. Rules of construction and definitions. Lot means a separate parcel, tract, or area of land undivided by any public street or approved private street, which has been established by plat, metes and bounds subdivision, or as otherwise permitted by law, and which is occupied by or intended to be developed for and occupied by a principal building or group of such buildings and accessory buildings, or utilized for a principal use and uses accessory thereto, including such open spaces and yards as are designed and arranged or required by chapter 20 for such building, use or development. Staff proposes to join together two lots separated by a public street (for the purpose of providing more impervious surface.) two lots is prohibited by city code. commission addressed this issue as I would set a bad precedence. Combining these Neither staff nor the planning had requested in the public hearing. This proposal Because both these nonconforming lots are in Shoreland and if combined would make one riparian lot a still more serious precedence would be established. Where would this end? Hypothetically, lots separated by a greater distance could be combined. Respectfully, Janet Paulsen 7305 Laredo Dr. Chanhassen MN 55317 934-7032 Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month! Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage. Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today! 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS ~ 1-2 Lot line, side means any lot line other than a front or rear lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from a street is a side street lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot or lots is an interior side lot line. (20) Lot, nonconforming, see Nonconforming lot. (20) Lot, parking, see Parking lot. Lot of record means any legally recorded lot which at the time of its recordation complied with all applicable laws and ordinances. (20) Lot, riparian means any lot abutting the ordinary high water mark of a lake, pond or wetland. (20) Lot width means the shortest distance between lot lines measured at the midpoint of the building line. (20) ) / cLot, zoning means a single tract of land which consists of one or more lots of record and which, at the time of filing for a building permit, is designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used, developed or built upon as a separate unit under single ownership or control. A zoning lot mayor may not coincide with a single lot of record, but in no case shall a zoning lot include only a portion of a lot of record. (20) Low profile business Sign, ground, see Sign, ground low profile business. Manufactured dwelling see Dwelling, manufactured. Marquee sign see sign, Marquee. May not, shall not. "May not," "shall not," and similar phrases have a mandatory negative effect and state a prohibition. (1) May. The word "may" is to be construed as being permissive. (1) Medium texture shall mean the USDA classification's sandy loam, silt, silt loam, and sandy clay loam. Fine texture is USDA classification's clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, and clay. (19) Menu board sign see Sign, menu board. Merchant, transient see Transient merchant. Mineral extraction see Excavation or mining. Mining or excavation see Excavation or mining. Mini-warehouse means a building or group of buildings in a controlled-access, screened and secured fenced compound that contains varying sizes of individual, compartmentalized, and controlled-access storage spaces of varying sizes which are leased or rented on an individual basis. (20) Minor street means a street of limited continuity which is used primarily for access to ) abutting properties. (18) (20) CD1:29