Miscellaneous Emails ~tltW,~", Received via email February 13,2006: Good Afternoon Mr. Metzer, My name is Peter Plucinak and I live a 3631 South Cedar Drive. I am writing regarding the variance proposed by Dave and Mary Joe Bangasser to build a new garage at 3633 South Cedar Drive. As you can see the Bangasser's are our neighbors; I have reviewed with Dave his garage proposal and am very comfortable with his plans and how it will look in our neighborhood. As you know the property for the proposed garage is on an adjacent parcel and will in no way effect the aesthetic value of our home or those homes around us. The Bangasser's have been on the lake for a long time and have always worked to improve the property; I feel the garage will be consistent with those property improvements. Thank you for your consideration, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Regards, Pete Plucinak 474-6183 Received via email January 31,2006: Hi Josh, I wanted to send a note of support for Dave Bangasser's variance requests due to come before the Planning Commission on February th. I live in one of the houses that will directly view Dave's structure. I am aware of the situation he has with the property in question and have reviewed Dave's proposal with him. I request that Dave's proposal be supported and his requests for variance be approved. Thanks very much Steve Gunther 3628 Hickory Road Chanhassen (Excelsior) MN 612.859.3729 (cell) Received via email January 31,2006: Josh, This email is in reference to the proposed 3 car garage project that Dave and Mary Jo Bangasser are planning to put up directly across the street from our home at 3637 South Cedar Drive. Since the project is directly in front of our house Dave has been in contact with us since the beginning of his planning. I think the project will be a nice addition to the neighborhood and am in full support of what they would like to build. Since I will be out of town for the planning commission meeting next Tuesday, I wanted to email you with my support of the project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks, Tom Johnson VP of Operations Viking Collection Service, Inc. 800-745-5504