Geotechnical Evaluation 3-17-06 A Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report for Mr. John Przymus .. ......: JOHN B PRZVMUS ~. .. ....~: 12174 176TH AVE ....... ',' VILLARD MN 56385-2203 Six Acres-West of Galpm Boulevard North Of West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAR 1 7 2000 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT j: Professional Certification I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ~:J:;: Principal Engineer License Number: 18221 August 15,2002 i . Project BABX-02-0452 Braun Intertec Corporation I BRAUN .1 NTE RTEC Braun Interlec Corporation 6801 Washington Avenue 5 Minneapolis, MN 55439 Phone: 952.941.5600 Fax: 952.941.4151 . Web: brauninfertec.com August 15,2002 Project BABX-02-0452 Mr. John Przymus 12174 176th Avenue Villard, MN 56385 Dear Mr. Przymus: Re: Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Przymus Property, Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street, Chanhassen, Minnesota In accordance with our proposal (BABX-02-P0387) dated August 2, 2002, we have completed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the residential townhouse development in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The purpose of the evaluation was to assist in evaluating subsurface soil and groundwater conditions with regard to site grading and foundation support of a potential residential development at this site. Summary of Results Six soil borings were completed across the site. Soil conditions varied widely from the west (Borings ST-l through ST-4) to the east (Borings ST-5 and ST-6). West Half of Site. The west part of the site is lower, at about elevation 955 feet. Soil conditions in the west included about 11 to possibly 18 feet of peat, slopewash-deposited soils, muck and very soft clays. At depth, the soils transition into stiffer glacial till clays. . East Half of Site. Ground elevations at the east side of the site are about 967. Soils at the east borings included about 6 feet of clayey or silty sand fill or possible fill underlain by medium to rather stiff glacial till soils. At the time of drilling, groundwater was observed in the four west borings at depths of 7 to 10 feet below existing grade. Groundwater levels may rise higher in time. Summary of Recommendations In our opinion, the topsoil, peat, slopewash, soft clays and fill soils are unsuitable for residential townhouse foundation and slab support due to their potential compressibility under fill and building loads~ To prepare the site for townhouse support, we recommend removing the organic soils, peat, slopewash, soft clays and fill. The grading contractor will need to control groundwater seeping into the. western excavations. The excavations should then be backfilled, where needed, with engineered fill to establish house grades. Using this approach, typical spread footing foundations sized to exert a maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure of up to 2,000 pounds per square foot should be used for house support. . Providing engineering and environmental solutions since 1957 BRAUN INTERTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 6801 Washington Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55439 Phone: 952.941.5600 Fax: 952.941.4151 Web: brounintertec.com A. Introduction A.I. Project The site of the proposed residential townhouse development is in Chanhassen, west of Galpin Boulevard and north ofthe newly-built West 78th Street which is the north service road for State Highway 5. Although a specific development plan has not been developed, a preliminary concept shows eight duplex buildings might be feasible. A.2. Purpose The purpose of this geotechnical evaluation was to assist Mr. John Przymus and his consultants in evaluating subsurface soil and groundwater conditions with regard to site grading and foundation support of the proposed residential. development. A.3. Scope The borings were completed based on our proposal to Mr. John Przymus dated August 2,2002 (proposal BABX-02-P0387). Our scope of services was limited to: . coordinating the locating of underground utilities near the boring locations; . conducting a total of six penetration test borings to nominal depths of 20 feet; . returning the samples to our laboratory for visual classification and logging by a geotechnical engineer; . conducting laboratory tests on selected samples to assist in the soil classification process; . analyzing the field and laboratory tests; . formulating preliminary recommendations for earthwork, site grading and pavement sub grade preparation; and . submitting a preliminary geotechnical evaluation report containing logs of the borings, our . Providing engineering and environmental solutions since 1957 t. . Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15, 2002 Page 2 analysis of the field and laboratory tests, and recommendations for foundatiOli design, site grading, floer slab support and design of the paved areas. 1'," A.4. Documents Provided Schoell and Madson later provided us with a concept site plan which shows the existing topography and property lines and proposed building pad locations. The plan was prepared by David A. Kirscht Associates and dated January 14,2002. f : r. ! A.5. Boring Locations and Elevations The borings were performed near the locations shown on the sketch in the appendix of this report. The locations were chosen by Braun Intertec. Surface elevations at the borings were determined by referencing to the top of manhole elevation shown on the plan near Boring ST-5. This manhole elevation is shown as 960.33 feet. J, :f," ( The boring locations shown on the attached Soil Boring Location Sketch should be considered approximate. For more accuracy, we recommend a professional surveyor shoot the boring locations. f, B. Results i. f, , B.t. Logs Log of Boring sheets indicating the depths and identifications of the various soil strata, penetration resistances, laboratory test data and groundwater observations are attached. The strata changes were inferred from the changes in the penetration test samples and auger cuttings. The depths shown as changes between the strata are only approximate. The changes are likely transitions and the depths of the changes vary between the borings. J I , ~ if ," j r . Geologic origins presented for each stratum on the Log of Boring sheets are based on the soil types, blows per foot, and available common knowledge of the depositional history of the site. Because of the complex glacial and post-glacial depositional environments, geologic origins can be difficult to ascertain. A detailed investigation of the geologic history of the site was not performed. B.2. Site Conditions The property is higher on its east halfthan its west half by about 14 feet. Elevations range from about 970 at the east part ofthe site to 951 in the wetlands and shore lines. Much of the site is lightly vegetated with grass and bushes. A border of large trees is present in the northeast area and a wetland occupies the northwest corner of the site. , I. Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15, 2002 Page 3 i' f - B.3. Soils " West HaIf of Site. Borings ST -1 through ST -4 were performed in approximately the west half of the site. At these borings, the generalized soil conditions include substantial depths of peat, slopewash, organic clay and soft clay over stiffer glacial till clays. r' Initially, the borings found 11/2 to 2 feet of peat or organic clay. The borings next found slopewash-deposited soils to depths of 4 to 7 feet. The slopewash consisted of wet clay or silty 'sand , with organics. Two of the borings next found swamp-deposited organic clay to depths of 8 to 9 feet. Below the peat, slopewash and organic clay, the borings found glacial till to the termination depths of the borings at 20 1/2 feet. The upper layers of glacial till were typically very soft wet clay. The very soft to soft clays extended to depths of 11 to 18 feet. The glacial till clays then increased in consistency to a medium to rather stiff. East HaIf of Site. Borings ST -5 and ST -6were performed in the east half of the site. These borings found about 6 feet of fill or possible fill consisting of lean clay, clayey sand and silty sand. Below the fill and possible fill, the borings found sandy lean clay glacial till with traces of gravel. The glacial till ranged from medium to rather stiff in consistency. B.4. Groundwater During the drilling operation, water was observed in Boring ST -1 at a depth of 18 feet. After the auger had been withdrawn from the boreholes, four of the boreholes were left open for one day. Water levels were observed in Borings ST -1 through ST -4 at depths of 7 to 10 feet. Because of the low permeability of the clay soils, the water levels observed may not represent the actual water levels. A period of several days may be necessary for the water in the boreholes to stabilize at the groundwater level. It is likely the groundwater levels would rise higher over time. Groundwater levels should be expected to show annual and seasonal variations. B.S. Laboratory Testing Moisture content, organic content and dry density tests were performed on selected soil samples, and the results of the tests are shown on the attached Log of Boring sheets opposite the samples on which the tests were run. The laboratory tests were performed in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) procedures. Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15, 2002 Page 4 C. Preliminary Analyses and Recommendations C.l. Proposed Construction At the time of this report, actual development plans for the site have not been finalized. However, preliminary plans were created with the City of Chanhassen's assistance and indicate the development will consist of constructing about eight twin townhomes with associated roadways and utilities. We assume the structures will have shallow or full-depth basements with concrete or masonry block foundations walls, and wood-frame construction above grade. We assume the structures will be supported by typical spread footing foundations. About 41/2 of the westernmost building pads would be affected by the deep organic and soft clay soil conditions. C.2. Site Preparation C.2.a. Excavation. Based on the results. of the borings, we judge the surficial topsoil, organic soils, slopewash, soft clays and fill to be potentially compressible and unsuitable for fill and foundation support. In our opinion, the underlying medium to rather stiff clayey soils appear suitable for fill and foundation support. . In general, we recommend that an excavationlbackfill approach be used for site development. A piled foundation system could also be considered for the western building pads. To accurately predict pile lengths, additional borings would need to be performed to depths of 60 to 80 feet. The excavationlbackfill approach will involve excavating the vegetation, topsoil, peat, slopewash, fill and soft clays, and then placing engineered fill, where necessary, to establish building grades. Table 1 outlines the anticipated excavation depths needed at the boring locations to remove unsuitable soils. If roadways are constructed in a given boring location, it may be possible to decrease sub cut depths and leave some of the softer clays in place. This should be evaluated during the site grading. Table 1. Excavation Depths at Boring Locations ~ Approximate Anticipated Approximate Groundwater Boring Surface Excavation Excavation Elevation During Number Elevation Depth Bottom Elevation Drilling (feet) (feet) (feet) ST -1 * 955.0 9 946 945 ST-2* 953.8 12 942 944 ST-3** 954.5 12 to 18 942 1/2 to 936 1/2 945 1/2 Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15,2002 Page 5 Approximate Anticipated Approximate Groundwater Boring Surface Excavation Excavation Elevation During Number Elevation Depth Bottom Elevation Drilling (feet) {feeO (feeO ST-4* 954.2 15 939 947 ST-5* 967.9 1-6 967 to 962 NE ST-6 967.4 6 961 1/2 NE *It is important to note that at Borings ST-l, ST-2, ST-3 and ST-4, the subcut excavations will extend to or below the groundwater elevation. ** At Borings ST-3 and ST-5 test pits should be performed to confirm subcut depths. The excavation depths indicated in the above table are approximate and could vary. The actual depths of excavation required may differ between boring locations and should be determined in the field at the time of the site grading. In areas requiring engineered fill to establish footing grades, the excavations must be oversized to provide lateral stability to the engineered fill. The bottoms of excavations should be oversized 1 foot beyond the outside edge of the footing for each foot of engineered fill placed below the bottom of the footing( 1: 1 oversizing). To minimize disturbing the medium clay soils, we recommend the deeper excavations be performed with a backhoe equipped with a smooth-edge bucket. If the excavation bottom soils become disturbed, they should be sub cut and replaced with engineered fill. The bottoms of the excavations should be observed by a geotechnical engineer to evaluate the removal of unsuitable soils and the suitability of the natural soils left in place. This should be done prior to the placement of engineered fill and/or footings. Where excavations extend below groundwater elevations and/or, if appreciable groundwater accumulates in the excavation bottoms in the low-lying areas, it may be necessary to place a layer of clean sand in the excavation bottoms to achieve compaction. We recommend the sands contain less than 50 percent passing the number 40 sieve and less than 5 percent passing the number 200 sieve. Prior to placement of the sands, sump pumps should be used to lower the water levels within the excavation. Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15, 2002 Page 6 I, It may be necessary to remove weak, compressible soils from below proposed slopes that are not located in house pad areas. Slopes constructed over compressible soils would cause the underlying soils to consolidate. This consolidation of the underlying soils may create an unstable slope, which would have a tendency to creep or fail. r Care should be taken when filling over existing slopes that are steeper than 5H: 1 V (horizontal to vertical). We recommend benches be excavated into the natural soils of existing slopes that are steeper than 5H: 1 V prior to fill placement. The "stair step" shaped benches are recommended to key the fill into existing slopes and reduce the risk offill instability. Benches should be a minimum of 10 feet wide. Once the benches are cut, the near-surface soils should be bladed and compacted to disrupt any sand lenses which could weep moisture out onto the slope face. r, l C.2.b. Fill Placement. Based on the results of the borings and laboratory tests, the deeper elevation glacial till soils below the topsoil, peat, slopewash, soft clays and fill appear generally suitable for use as engineered fill; however, portions of the soils will be in a wet condition and will require aeration during placement to lower their moisture contents so that the specified.compaction requirements can be achieved. It is more likely that imported fill will be needed in the west portion of the property. We reconunend the engineered fill placed for building support be compacted to at least 95 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). We recommend the moisture contents of the engineered fill soils be within 3 percentage points of its optimum moisture content. Compaction tests should be taken to evaluate the contractor's method offill placement. r In the western building pads, it is likely that substantial depths of fill will be needed once soil condition subcuts are performed. If clays are used for fill depths in excess of 10 feet, some long-term consolidation of the fill could take place which could lead to structural distress to buildings. The amount of settlement could be reduced by limiting clay fill depths to 10 feet or less and importing sand for fill below the 1O-foot depth. f Iffill depths exceed 10 feet, the compaction specification should be increased to at least 98 percent of standard Proctor density and a construction delay may be needed to allow the fill to consolidate under its own weight. Deep fill situations will need to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In deep fill situations, it may be necessary to perform deeper sub cuts (prior to fill placement) to reduce consolidation and settlement amounts. A construction delay may also be necessary after site grading is complete. f I Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15,2002 Page 7 C.3. Foundation Design C.3.a. Bearing Pressure. Based on the soil boring results and performance of the above-described soil correction procedures, it is our opinion the engineered fill soils and remaining natural soils should be suitable for support of spread footings sized for an allowable soil bearing pressure of up to 2,000 pounds per square foot. We recommend that strip footings be at least 16 inches wide and that column pads be at least 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 feet. This loading should also provide a theoretical factor of safety of greater than 3 against localized shearing or base failure of the spread footings. C.3.b. Footing Depths. Perimeter footings in heated building areas should be founded a minimum of 42 inches below the nearest exterior grade for frost protection. Footings in unheated building or garage areas should be founded a minimum of 60 inches below the nearest exterior grade for frost protection. C.3.c. Settlements. It is our opinion that total and differential settlements based on these loadings should not exceed 1 inch and 'is inch, respectively. Wood-framed single-family houses can generally tolerate this magnitude of settlement. C.4. Floor Slabs CA.a. Subgrade. After the building pad preparation has been completed, we anticipate the floor sub grade will be compacted fill. Backfill in footing and mechanical trenches should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. Lowest floor slabs should maintain adequate separation above normal groundwater levels which is commonly given as 4 feet. C.4.b. Vapor Barrier. If floor coverings or coatings less permeable than the concrete slab will be used, or if moisture is a concern, we recommend a vapor retarder be placed beneath the slab. (Some coverings, coatings or situations may require a vapor barrier, i.e., a membrane with a permeance less than 0.3 perms.) Industry standards generally allow burying the vapor retarder or barrier beneath a layer of sand to reduce curling and shrinkage of the concrete, but this practice risks trapping water between the slab and vapor retarder or barrier. Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15, 2002 Page 8 C.S. Drainage Considerations and Lateral Wall Pressures Any basements wilt likely be surrounded by clayey and silty soils. If water enters the wall backfill soils, it may enter the basements through the concrete or masonry walls. Collecting runoff and discharging jt well away from the foundations and sloping the ground surface down and away from the foundation walls are two common methods of reducing infiltration and percolation. Slope erosion control measures should address diversion of runoff from the steeper slopes. As an added precaution against basement seepage, we recommend installing perimeter foundation drainage systems. This system should include a perforated pipe with an invert within 2 inches of bottom-of-footing elevation. Collected seepage should be routed to a sump and then drained by a pump or gravity to a storm sewer or low area on the site. The seepage control system should include permeable material against the basement walls such as a geocomposite wall drainage board or at least 3 feet (horizontal) or permeable gravel or clean sand backfill. The gravel or clean sand backfill should have less than 5 percent of the particles by weight passing the number 200 sieve. The gravel or clean sand should be capped by a slab, pavement or at least 1 foot of clay topsoil or clay sloped away from the structure. Below-grade walls should be designed to resist the appropriate lateral earth forces. Where the on-site clayey and silty soils are used for wall backfill, we recommend an equivalent fluid pressure equal to 70 pounds per square foot be used for design. C.6. Construction Considerations We recommend the basement floor grades be established to maintain at least a 4-foot separation between the basement floor grades and normal groundwater and at least a 2-foot separation between the basement floor grades and the 100-year flood levels of adjacent retention ponds or wetlands. We recommend that Braun Intertec review the grading plan to evaluate if any fill lots will require a construction delay prior to building construction to allow for consolidation of thick (typically 10 feet or greater) fills. C.7. Pavement Areas C.7.a. Grading. We recommend the vegetation, topsoil, peat, slopewash, organic clay and very soft clays be excavated from the pavement areas. At four borings, a layer of soft clay was encountered below the surficial topsoil, peat slopewash or muck. This layer will consolidate if additional fill is placed over existing grade. Ifroadway construction will occur soon after filling, this layer should be Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15,2002 Page 9 removed. If a substantial period of time will pass (four to six months) prior to paving, some of the soft clays could beJeft in place and allowed to consolidate. A decision regarding leaving soft clays in roadways should be made in the field and should also consider utility trench backfill problems. , ' In areas requiring engineered fill to establish pavement grades, the excavation should be oversized at least 1 foot beyond the outside edge of the toe of the roadway embanlanent for each foot of fill placed below the bottom of the toe of the roadway embanlanent. C.7.b. Engineered Fill. The engineered fill placed in paved areas should be compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor density to within 3 feet of sub grade and 100 percent within the upper 3 feet. We recommend the moisture contents of the engineered fill soils be within 3 percentage points of the optimum moisture content to within 3 feet of sub grade and not more than 1 percentage point over the soils' optimum moisture content in the upper 3 feet. r- C.7.c. Proofroll. Prior to placement of the aggregate base, we recommend the pavement sub grade be proofrolled with a loaded tandem truck to detect unstable areas. Any unstable areas should be subcut and replaced with a drier, compactible soil or dried and recompacted. C.7.d. Pavement Design. Based on the borings, it appears the sub grade soils will consist mainly of lean clay. For pavement design, we recommend an assumed Hveem stabilometer R-value of 10 be - used. Some cities require the pavements to be constructed with it sand subbase. Construction with a sand subbase will often provide a more stable pavement sub grade and reduce the required pavement section. Drain tile should be placed in the sand subbase to drain low-lying areas where water could potentially pond. c.s. Utilities We recommend that utility trenches not be located within the zone of influence of future structure footings. This is generally considered as the zone within a 1: 1 (horizontal to vertical) area below footings. ,-..; The medium to rather stiff glacial till soils below the topsoil peat, slopewash, organic clay and soft clays at the anticipated pipe invert levels appear generally suitable for pipe support. Groundwater was encountered in a number of borings. Dewatering in some areas should be anticipated for the utility installations. The placement of additional aggregate to provide a stable pipe bedding subgrade should also be anticipated. I, Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15,2002 Page 10 We recommend that the utility trench backfill be compacted to the specifications previously outlined in Section C. 7., Pavement Areas. ~ C.9. Additional Evaluation and Testing During Construction We recommend backhoe test pits be performed prior to the site grading to further evaluate the soil and groundwater conditions. , . I Grading of some areas of the site can be difficult in areas of high moisture content clay soils. We recommend a geotechnical engineer or his representative is on site during the site grading. At that time, the suitability of the subsurface soils for support offill and foundation loads can be further evaluated. Excavation depths and provided oversizing can also be documented. t, . ~ . Ii Compaction tests should be taken during the site grading operation, utility backfilling within the roadway areas, utility backfilling near house pad areas and house foundation wall backfill operations. In general, compaction tests should be taken after about 2 feet of fill has been placed in the excavations and then at about 2-foot vertical intervals thereafter. i, D. Procedures I. D.l. Drilling and Sampling The penetration test borings were performed on August 5 and 6, 2002, with a core and auger drill equipped with 3 1/4-inch inside diameter hollow-stem auger mounted on a truck-mounted carrier. Sampling for the borings was conducted in general accordance with AS1M D 1586, "Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils." Using this method, the borehole was advanced with the hollow-stem auger to the desired test depth. A 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches was then used to drive the standard 2-inch split-barrel sampler a total penetration of 1 1'2 feet below the tip of the hollow-stem auger. The blows for the last foot of penetration were recorded and are an index of soil strength characteristics. Samples were taken at 2 1'2-foot vertical intervals to the IS-foot depth and then at 5-foot intervals to the termination depths of the borings. A representative portion of each sample was then sealed in a glass jar. I; f. D.2. Soil Classification Soils encountered in the borings were visually and manually classified in the field by the crew chief in general accordance with AS1M D 2488, "Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures)." A summary ofthe AS1M classification system is attached. All samples were then returned to our laboratory for review of the field classifications by a geotechnical engineer. Mr. John Przyrnus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15,2002 Page 11 Representative samples will remain in our Minneapolis office for a period of 30 days to be available for your examination. D.3. Groundwater Observations Immediately after taking the final samples in the bottoms of the borings, the holes were probed through the hollow-stem auger to check for the presence of groundwater. Immediately after withdrawal of the auger, the holes were again probed and the depths to water or cave-ins were noted. Four of the boreholes were left open overnight to recheck water levels. The borings were then immediately backfilled. E. General Recommendations E.1. Basis of Preliminary Recommendations The preliminary analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the attached sketch. Often, variations occur between these borings, the nature and extent of which do not become evident until additional exploration or construction is conducted. Are-evaluation of the recommendations in this report and possibly additional soil borings should be made after a more complete design is available. The variations may result in additional grading costs, and it is suggested that a contingency be provided for this purpose. It is recommended that we be retained to perform the observation and testing program for the site preparation phase of this project. This will allow correlation of the soil conditions encountered during construction to the soil borings, and will provide continuity of professional responsibility. E.2. Review of Design This report is based 011 the preliminary design of the proposed development as related to us for preparation of this report. It is recommended that we be retained to review the geotechnical aspects of the designs and specifications. With the review, we will evaluate whether any changes in design have affected the validity of the recommendations, and whether our recommendations have been correctly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications. E.3. Groundwater Fluctuations We made water level observations in the borings at the times and under the conditions stated on the boring logs. These data were interpreted in the text of this report. The period of observation was relatively short, and fluctuation in the groundwater level may occur due to rainfall, flooding, Mr. John Przymus Project BABX-02-0452 August 15,2002 Page 12 t I, irrigation, spring thaw, drainage, and other seasonal and annual factors not evident at the time the observations were made. Design drawings and specifications and construction planning should recognize the possibility of fluctuations. r E.4. Use of Report This preliminary report is for the exclusive use of Mr. John Przymus and his design team to use to design the proposed development and prepare construction documents. In the absence of our written approval, we make no representation and assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The data, analyses and recommendations may not be appropriate for other structures or purposes. We recommend that parties contemplating other structures or purposes contact us. E.5. Level of Care Services performed by Braun Intertec Corporation personnel for this project have been conducted with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area under similar budget and time restraints. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. <)=J N G~ Z OJ eq' W ~ D H D W I ~ J.' l t .1 I '. ~. "J ~ . I . ... ~. . ;.s r., .~ ,,- J J ZU w ::t~ cCw jldt- II~ "C .. III > . III >."S Q) III t::OIll- III Ol ~ g Q.cW III 2.-.c c c.. Eo ~ .= Ullllr--:!: ::l C) - ~ E.... Ul c >. 0 ~ III N_>Ul L.; Ul.... ~ c..~o.c c I .c C .cUlt::1ll o III o.c -,tizO <( >< en l~ ~,e CIN ...... lco I C5 ..... NIB..... lOX '<t'" ~ I q I >< 11Il C/)....,m Ie: < 0::. < 0 C) C) m .....' z :;; .i\i >' 0 I ... "' q ... i ~ ~ ~i~ -Ii 1il ~ FIGURE NQ BRAUN'" INTERTEC Braun Project BABX-02-0452 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION John Przymus Property Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota I , I, DRILLER: D. Lovassen Elev. feet 955.0 Depth feet ASTM 0.0 Symbol PTw 953.0 2.0 ,\/, CL !9 o '+:1 ., .;;: ] 947.0 ..c ., ..... o c: o '+:1 ., ] 8.0 CL 941.0 14.0 CL 934.5 20.5 r 0 ~ '" ~ .. S 0 ~ ll:l ... P- o N ::il 0 N 0 0 9 !::! ~ ll:l I ~ ll:l BABX-02-0452 BORING: LOG OF BORING LOCATION: See attached sketch. ST-l METHOD: 3 1/4" HSA Autohammer DATE: Description of Materials (ASTM D2488 or D2487) PEAT, black, wet. I, ," (Swamp Deposit) SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown and gray, wet, very soft. (Slopewash) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with a trace of Gravel, gray and brown, wet, soft to medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with a trace of Gravel, gray, wet, medium to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water down 18 feet with 19 feet of hollow-stem augerin the ground. Water down 10 feet 10 minutes after withdrawal of the auger. Boring then backfilled. Braun Intertec Corporation 8/6/02 BPF WL WH 3 5 8 7 9 SCALE: 1" = 4' Tests or Notes Elevations at soil boring locations referenced to top of manhole north of Boring ST-5. Plans indicate top of manhole = 960.33. An open triangle in the water y. level (WL) column indicates the depth at which groundwater was observed while drilling. A solid triangle indicates the stable groundwater level in the boring on the date indicated. Groundwater levels fluctuate. Yl- ST-! page! of! , BRIlUNSl. INTERTEC Braun Project BABX-02-0452 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION John Przymus Property Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota DRILLER: D. Lovassen Elev. feet 953.8 Depth feet 0.0 952.3 I" ~ ..g 946.8 OJ ] .c OJ .... o l:: o .~ 8 ~ 933.3 20.5 o ... .\2 on ~ 00 5 t:1 ~ ~ <i:: t:1 N on ... o ... o o o ..l U ~ ~ ~ ~ BABX-Q2-Q452 1.5 CL 7.0 CL BORING: LOG OF BORING LOCATION: See attached sketch. ST-2 METIiOD: 3 1/4" HSA Autohammer DATE: Description of Materials (ASTM D2488 or D2487) PEAT, black, wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY, with wood, light gray and brown, wet, very soft. WH (Slopewash) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with a trace of Gravel, gray, wet, soft to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water down 10 feet 10 minutes after withdrawal of the auger. Boring then backfilled. Braun Intertec Corporation 8/6/02 SCALE: BPF WL MC DD % pcf 1 3 3 11 12 10 22 104 :f 22 104 1" = 4' Tests or Notes LX , ' ST-2 page 1 of 1 . BRAUNS>< INTERTEC Braun Project BABX-02-0452 GEOTEC~CALEVALUATION John Przymus Property Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota DRILLER: D. Lovassen METHOD: 3 1/4" HSA Autohammer LOG OF BORING BORING: ST-3 LOCATION: See attached sketch. DATE: 8/5/02 SCALE: 1" = 4' Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL 954.5 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) PT ~ PEAT, black, wet. I, ," (Swamp Deposit) 953.0 1.5 r SM , SILTY SAND, with organics, dark brown, wet, very soft. . " (Slopewash) " 950.5 4.0 r,-. OL ORGANIC CLAY, with wood, light gray, wet. (Swamp Deposit) WH ~ 0 '<=1 oil '5= ~ :g ..... 945.5 9.0 .Y 0 ~ CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, with a trace of Gravel, gray and 0 '<=1 some brown, wet, soft to medium. 3 ] (Glacial Till) 4 ~ ' 4 Tests or Notes 8 END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Borehole left open I day. Water down 9 feet 1 day after withdrawal of the auger. Boring then backfilled. Braun Intertec Corporation ST-3 page 1 of! BRAUN'" It~TERTEC Braun Project BABX-02-0452 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION John Przymus Property Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota DRilLER: D. Lovassen Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM 954.2 0.0 Symbol CL 953.2 1.0 SM ..' .. .' '. . . '. .. 950.2 4.0 . '. OH ~ 0 '+:l o:l .;;: ~ 946.2 8.0 ,L:l 1; CL ..... ,.. 0 s:: 0 '+:l gJ .!':! I .' 939.7 14.5 933.7 20.5 o N ~ ... <:: .. !-< Q o ~ III ;;:: o N ::j1 ~ o o S u ~ III 5 ;;! III BABX-02-0452 CL BORING: LOG OF BORING LOCATION: See attached sketch. ST-4 METIiOD: 3 1/4" HSA Autohanuner DATE: Description of Materials (ASTM D2488 or D2487) LEAN CLAY, black, wet. To soil SILTY SAND, with organics, black, wet, soft. (Slopewash) ORGANIC SILT, gray, wet, very soft. (Swamp Deposit) LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, very soft. (Alluvium) LEAN CLAY, with a trace of Gravel, gray and brown, wet, rather soft to medium. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. . Water down 7 feet 10 minutes after withdrawal of the auger. Borehole left open. Braun Intertec Corporation 8/5/02 SCALE: 1" =4' BPF WL MC DD % pcf 3 WH 1 15 5 Tests or Notes ~ . "'-1 ' ., ~ ~~-~ 22 103 OC=2% 7 22 103 OC=2% ST-4 page 1 of 1 " . I, Elev. feet 967.9 967.4 Depth feet 0.0 0.5 LOG OF BORING BORING: LOCATION: See attached sketch. ST-5 DATE: 8/5/02 . BRAUN'" INTERTEC Braun Project BABX-02-0452 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION John Przymus Property Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota DRILLER: D. Lovassen METI:IOD: 3 1/4" HSA Autohammer Description of Materials (ASTM D2488 or D2487) LEAN CLAY, with Roots, black, wet. o soil SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown, wet. (possible Fill) BPF WL 5 6 961.9 6.0 ~ CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark gray, wet, rather stiff. 0 .~ (Glacial Till) '" .;; 9 ~ '" .... 958.9 9.0 0 c:: SM SILTY SAND, brown, wet, medium dense. 0 .~ ' (Glacial Till) 12 ~ ..!S 956.9 11.0 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, with some Gravel, mottled brown, gray and red, wet, medium to rather stiff. 7 (Glacial Till) 949.9 18.0 947.4 20.5 '" M ~ VI ~ 00 S ~ ~ l%l ;;:: ~ N VI .,. '" M '" o o ...l (J ~ l%l ~ l%l BABX-02-0452 CL 10 SANDY LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) 12 END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Borehole left open 1 day. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 16 1/2 feet 1 day after withdrawal of auger. Boring then backfilled. Braun Intertec Corporation SCALE: 1" = 4' Tests or Notes ST-5 page 1 oft