Wetland Delineation, Classification and Identification 3-17-06 .~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAR 1 7 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Wetland Delineation, Classification and Identification Northwest Quadrant of Galpin Blvd. & Highway 5 Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for John przymus June 27,2003 8MI Project 63713-002 I -e- I Schoell & Madson, Inc. Engineering · Surveying · Planning Soil Testing · Environmental Services WNW. schoellmadson. com June 27, 2003 Mr. John przymus 7900 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Subject: Wetland Delineation Galpin Boulevard Dear Mr. Przymus: Please find enclosed a copy of the wetland delineation report, prepared for the former miniature golf facility along Highyway 5 and Galpin Boulevard in Chanhassen, Minnesota. We have identified three wetland basins on the property. As we discussed earlier, if any of the wetlands were created as a result of the construction of 78th Street, an application of exemption may be made. I have discussed this possibility with Lori Haak from the City of Chanhassen and she is looking into some historical aerial photography for the property. Please feel free to contact me at (952) 847-9637 with any questions you may have regarding this report. Thank you for the opportunity to conduct this work on your behalf. Very truly yours, SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. {1~~ Director of Natural Resources Enc. Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer 10580 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 1 · Minneapolis, MN 55305-1525 Office (952) 546-7601 · Fax (952) 546-9065 Project 63713-002 Wetland Delineation June 2003 Wetland Classification, Identification and Delineation for John przymus Summary Based upon the boundaries indicated on the site map provided to Schoell and Madson, Inc., we have identified three wetland basins. The wetlands were field identified on June 13, 2003. Total recorded rainfall at the Chanhassen Weather Station for the week preceding the delineation was 1.93 inches. Cumulative recorded rainfall for the month of June through the 13th was 0.77 inches. Cumulative recorded rainfall for the month of May was 4.91 inches, 1.52 inches. above normal. Review of U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Wetland Inventory maps indicate one PEMC wetland exists on this property. Project Location and Site Description The site is approximately 18 acres in size and is located along Galpin Boulevard near the intersection of State Highway 5 in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The site was formerly a miniature golf course and driving range. Characteristics of Wetland Basin Wetlands were delineated according to the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manuel. Basin 1 Wetland 1 consists of a Type 2, Inland fresh meadow as defined in Wetlands of the United States (USFWS Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine 1971). Basin 1 is classified as a PEMB (Palustrine Emergent Saturated) wetland based on the Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FWS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et al). I I Vegetation Observed vegetation along the wetland boundary consists of reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea, a facultative wetland (+) plant; and curly dock Rumex crispus, a facultative (+) plant. Vegetation inside the wetland boundary consists of reed canary grass and narrow leaf cattail Typha angustifolia, an obligate wetland plant. Upland vegetation consists of bluegrass Poa sp.; reed canary grass; and common plantain Plantago major, a facultative (+) plant. Project 63713-002 Wetland Delineation June 2003 Soils The USDA Soil Survey of Hennepin County classifies the soils on the property as Lester Loam. Boundary soils were field identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) loam to a depth of 15 inches. The upland soils were disturbed in the upper 10 inches. Below 10 inches, the Ab-horizon was identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) loam. Wetland soils were-disturbed in the upper 10 inches. The predominate matrix color was identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) with 5/5G gley. Yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) mottles were also present in the wetland profile. Hydr%gy In the boundary pit, saturated soils were identified at a depth of 2 inches below the surface. Free water was encountered at 15 inches. Saturated soils were encountered at a depth of 14 inches in the upland pit. Free water was present at 15 inches below the surface. In the wetland pit, saturated soils were present at a depth of 2 inches. Free water was encountered at 15 inches below the surface. Basin 2 Wetland 2 consists of a Type 2, Inland fresh meadow as defined in Wetlands of the United States (USFWS Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine 1971). Basin 2 is classified as a PEMB (Palustrine Emergent Saturated) wetland based on the Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FWS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et al). Vegetation Observed vegetation along the wetland boundary consists of reed canary grass, bluegrass, and sow thistle Sonchus o/eraceus, a facultative upland plant. Vegetation inside the wetland boundary consists of reed canary grass and smartweed Po/ygonum sp.. Upland vegetation consists of dandelion Taraxacum officina/e, a facultative upland plant; and mowed field. Project 63713-002 Wetland Delineation June 2003 Soils The USDA Soil Survey of Hennepin County classifies the soils on the property as Lester Loam. Boundary soils were disturbed in the upper 4 inches of the profile. Below 4 inches, the Ab-horizon was identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) peat to a depth of 20 inches. The upland soils were identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) peat to a depth of 25 inches. Wetland soils were disturbed in the upper 7 inches. Below 7 inches, soil was identified as bl~ck (10YR 2/1) peat to a depth of 24 inches. Hydrology In the boundary pit, saturated soils were identified at a depth of 12 inches below the surface. Free water was encountered at 18 inches. Saturated soils were not encountered in the upland pit. In the wetland pit, saturated soils were present at a depth of 10 inches. Depth to free water is greater than 24 inches. Basin 3 Wetland 3 consists of a Type 2, Inland fresh meadow as defined in Wetlands of the United States (USFWS Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine 1971). Basin 3 is classified as a PEMBd (Palustrine Emergent Saturated ditched) wetland based on the Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FWS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et al). Vegetation Observed vegetation along the wetland boundary consists of reed canary grass, smartweed, trembling aspen Populus tremula, a facultative plant; and box elder Acer negundo, a facultative wetland (-) plant. Upland vegetation consists of giant foxtail Setaria faberi, a facultative plant; golden-rod Solidago sp.; Aster sp.; mallow Napaea dioica, a facultative wetland (-) plant; and thistle Circium sp.. Project 63713-002 Wetland Delineation June 2003 Soils The USDA Soil Survey of Hennepin County classifies the soils on the property as Peat and Muck. Boundary soils were field identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) peat to a depth of 25 inches. Marl was present in the bottom half of the pit. The upland soils were identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) peat to a depth of 20 inches. Marl was present in bottom half of the pit. Wetland soils were identified as black (1 OYR 2/1) peat to a depth of 30 inches. Marl was present throughout the profile. Hydrology Though saturated soils were not encountered in the boundary or wetland pits, hydrology for the basin is assumed based upon the predominance of hydrophytes and hydric soils. Wetland Conservation Act The site lies within the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) boundaries. According to the Wetland Conservation Act of 1996, wetlands on this site come under the jurisdiction of the Board of Water and Soil Resources. The responsibility for administering the provisions of this legislation is up to the local unit of government (LGU). In this case, the City of Chanhassen will oversee as the LGU. The project must be certified by the LGU as having complied with the provisions of the Act. Any wetland impacts must be replaced or restored at a minimum ratio of 2 acres of replacement for every 1 acre impacted. These mitigation activities must occur within the same watershed as the impact occurs. The act also mandates that restoration or creation of replacement wetlands only be considered after an applicant has demonstrated that the impacts cannot be avoided, further minimized, corrected, or eliminated over time. This requirement is essentially the same as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit process. During the final design process, effort should be taken whenever possible to avoid and minimize wetland impacts. By utilizing this approach, wetland replacement costs will be kept to a minimum and any additional permitting will be more easily facilitated. In addition, this strategy should result in a greater level of project acceptance. Wetland Basin 1 Wetland Basin 2 Wetland Basin 3 r-_ I I I I / T7 ... ==-* ~~ I I -<-~ i'l I ~ ' \ I 1 ~.",~~;~... / / Ii lIS I li I.... I 1/ ~'I :; I 1 .~ I~ I I~ I ~I I. I J ! 10 I J II2 1 I I II .. IQ f~' ,.. I~ I , I I~ I ;' l!j I J/~I I> 1 I~I 10 I I I .__---.--~...~.... ':~"" I I .._.......... : _~~ I I 1 - ~ :c:: ~_= - _.z-~~~"'_~~:: /)... 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Engineers Surveyors Planners Soil Testing Environmental Services 10580 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 1, Minnetonka, Mn 55305 (952) 546-7601 Wetland Data Form Wetland Basin No. 1 Stake: 3 Routine Onsite Determination Method 1 Date: 6/13/03 Field Investigator(s): Meg Jeffery & Patrick Donahue Project Number: 63713-002 Applicant/Owner: John przymus Project Site: Chanhassen Minnesota County: Carver Plant Community / Name: Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes Has the vegetation, soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes soils status,:) Stratum 'eCies %~Status " , Stratum %,StatuSU: Stratum 70 ;FACW+:', Forb 100Bl>:','( Forb Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC > 50% Is the hydrophytic vegetation criteria met? Yes [ Matrix Color Mottle Colors 10YR 2/1 I _ On Hydric soils list _ Histic Epipedon Histosol Sulfidic odor _ Reducing conditions _ High organic content Organic streaking Concretions I Matrix Color Mottle Colors ':;T extllre/Stnieture, -i';h:<'i<"':'" 1 OYR 2/1 [ Wetland soils [ 'Depth (ihiriches)JH6rizoh i<.,,". , Matrix Color . Glevina '. Mottle Colors Texture/structure .. ;,' ; 0~15" 1 D istu rbed .::." ::;', ," 1 OYR 2/1 ",5/5G\ 1 OYR 5/6 " .. ,', '::" ':' , , , "'" " , :'" ., _ On Hydric soils list _ Histic Epipedon Histosol x Sulfidic odor Reducing conditions High organic content _ Organic streaking Concretions t f Schoell & Madson, Inc. Engineers Surveyors Planners Soil Testing Environmental Services 10580 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 1, Minnetonka, Mn 55305 (952) 546-7601 Wetland Data Form Wetland Basin No. 2 Stake: Routine Onsite Determination Method 1 Date: 6/13/03 Field Investigator(s): Meg Jeffery & Patrick Donahue Project Number: 63713-002 ApplicanVOwner: John Przymus Project Site: Chanhassen Minnesota County: Carver Plant Community / Name: Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes Has the vegetation, soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? No Stratum Forb Forb Forb Stratum Status,:}' Stratum 5'FAClJ);;,' Forb % 80 10 ,status'; Stratum FACW* Forb Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC Is the hydrophytic vegetation criteria met? Yes Matrix Color 10YR 2/1 _ On Hydric soils list _ Histic Epipedon Histosol Sulfidic odor Matrix Color 10YR 2/1 Matrix Color 10YR 2/1 _ On Hydric soils list _ Histic Epipedon Histosol Sulfidic odor >50% Mottle Colors Reducing conditions High organic content > Mottle Colors Glein Mottle Colors _ Reducing conditions _ High organic content :Statlis; Stratum .T exture/Struch.ire: _ Organic streaking Concretions _ Organic streaking Concretions Schoel! & Madson, Inc. Engineers Surveyors Planners Soil Testing Environmental Services 10580 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 1, Minnetonka, Mn 55305 (952) 546-7601 Wetland Basin 1 Hydrology Boundary Is the ground surface inundated? No Surface water depth: Is the soil saturated? Yes Depth to Saturation: 12" below the surface Depth to free standing water in pit or soil probe hole 18" below the surface List other field evidence of surface inundation or soil saturation Primary indicators Secondary indicators Inundation Oxidized root channels x Saturated in upper 12 inches Water stained leaves Water marks Local soil survey data _ Sediment deposits _ FAG-Neutral test definite vegetation transition at boundary _ Drainage patterns in wetlands Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? Rationale: Hydrology Upland Is the ground surface inundated? No Surface water depth: Is the soil saturated? Yes Depth to Saturation: 25" below the surface Depth to free standing water in pit or soil probe hole 25" below the surface List other field evidence of surface inundation or soil saturation Primary indicators Secondary indicators Inundation Oxidized root channels _ Saturated in upper 12 inches Water stained leaves Water marks Local soil survey data _ Sediment deposits FAG-Neutral test definite vegetation transition at boundary _ Drainage patterns in wetlands Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? Rationale: Hydrology Wetland Is the ground surface inundated? No Surface water depth: Is the soil saturated? Yes Depth to Saturation: 10" Depth to free standing water in pit or soil probe hole > 24" List other field evidence of surface inundation or soil saturation Primary indicators Secondary indicators Inundation Oxidized root channels 2-- Saturated in upper 12 inches Water stained leaves Water marks Local soil survey data _ Sediment deposits _ FAG-Neutral test definite vegetation transition at boundary _ Drainage patterns in wetlands Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? Rationale: Jurisdictional Determination and Rationale Is Hydrophytic vegetation present? Yes Is Wetland hydrology present? Yes Are Wetland soils present? Yes Is the plant community a wetland? Yes Rationale for jurisdictional decision All criteria met Schoell & Madson, Inc. Engineers Surveyors Planners Soil Testing Environmental Services 10580 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 1, Minnetonka, Mn 55305 (952) 546-7601 Wetland Data Form Wetland Basin No. 3 Stake: Routine Onsite Determination Method 1 Date: 6/13/03 Field Investigator(s): Meg Jeffery & Patrick Donahue Project Number: 63713-002 Applicant/Owner: John przymus Project Site: Chanhassen Minnesota County: Carver Plant Community / Name: Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes Has the vegetation, soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? No , Status" 'FACW+,' % 30 30 5 5 'FA""W"Y ; ': : - ,,\:.I. >;~~-.LS }Stahis';,,;i:: :FACU':?, Stratum Forb Forb Forb Forb , Ddri1il1alitPlanfS % status: Stratum Stratum Forb Forb Forb Forb Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC Is the hydrophytic vegetation criteria met? Yes >50% Mottle Colors Matrix Color 10YR 2/1 _ On Hydric soils list _ Histic Epipedon Histosol Sulfidic odor ',: Matrix Color 10YR 2/1 Matrix Color 10YR 2/1 _ On Hydric soils list _ Histic Epipedon Histosol x Sulfidic odor Reducing conditions High organic content ,Gte 'in Mottle Colors Mottle Colors Reducing conditions High organic content ,m~xture/structure,",; " Peatl:Ma'tr:; "" ' ," _ Organic streaking Concretions :~Textlfte/structUre/;:;~; ~~;<,,>,_~: :.; ,Pe'atlMarl',:{" ".:' '"," Organic streaking Concretions