3a 4th of July Fireworks Contract CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 3Gl. MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: ~ Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent DATE: March 17, 2006 SUBJ: 2006 Fourth of July Fireworks Contract In preparing for the upcoming Fourth of July Celebration, our department solicited quotes for the 2006 fireworks show. We received quotes from Arrowhead Fireworks Company and Melrose Pyrotechnics. Both companies prepared and submitted the necessary quote information and returned it by the established due date. After reviewing both quotes, it was apparent that both companies met the specifications; however, Melrose's show appears to have more bang for the buck. Their opening body, main body, and grand finale had more selection and variety. Additionally, Melrose offers a unique feature-a mid-show barrage and a pre-finale teaser. The City of Chanhassen has contracted with Melrose Pyrotechnics for over 20 years. Staff is comfortable with the safety and quality of the products they provide. Staff has also developed a great working relationship with the lead technician from Melrose and, over the years, everyone's expectations have been met. This has saved the city staff time and money by not having to go through set up and event details year after year. RECOMMENDA TION It is staff's recommendation that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Fourth of July Fireworks Contract with Melrose Pyrotechnics in the amount of $23,000. This amount is included in Fund 1600 of the 2006 Budget. The fireworks display will take place on Tuesday, July 4 at 10 p.m. at Lake Ann Park. The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. G:\PARK\4TH\2006\fireworks pre memo. doc //~{;1~' .;Y;'. .4'. f' ,,~ ' ,r .<!r ,4". ,,4', /(:,;;'/ Z7: > 'L~ '" .. ,t ~,/-~ -. _'o;~ / City ofChanhassen ,/ Attn: Mr. Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintend~rit /: ,./""SJ 7700 Market Boulevard /./ (:';..../......,.J'..... -< .,' PO Box 147, / . / "' ~"1:-(~X Chanhassen, MN 55317 i,l ,../ .(Vl} .' '.' .' /.' t,..[l~:i'>' ,C"~; Thank you for requesting a proposal for y6~2006 F)f~~()rks dl~Jt '., i.., J;i 11i~ pr6gram~lh~~e'.in mind foliour' July A'(/ 4th celebrati~n is magnificent!. DUri?g P,led.. iSPlay. }.h E e....~.i~t skY......I.~.. ill})e cons~t1.. ~:lit up Wi.9t. ....b...e..aut~ful CO....I. ors....'....ttn.ddesJ...gn..."'. s. .... '/:'" ....~L,)' We plan to hght up the sky WIth maJ~sttc colors,extraordmaryi~})e9tal effe . . d pattems.:along WIth thun~erous so~dS to/.;5>' "A we" you and your audience! /', ,(,:, ! ' . / ' . Y - _J',,' ~ &~::~>:-/" I.". if,)' ('j .' . '.' l~7i: /,l' .i{,':'Y' Enclosed are two proposals as requested. . ;A'sample trislJI' ..... ific~t~i)Yith cove 5;OUO,9g9~00 is include~kju:!he /,1 back pocket of the binder. As u~i1'al we will iric1ude thltit}i 0 ... hanflassetr8'S; insure' I the proposaV:,/ ./j requirements listed in your reqhesrar~ caa~~ssed ~}I1epropos!f 0.. .' '. . ;/'/./ .. /(.? We know your shoot site well and havedesigned'hprogram fiU . ..:wiili a me. ...........() frrewor~~ptoducts from ai-build the /:.:, world! Your show wi~l be electro,~ical!y frred./fhisJs to mllfiDi~~.safety.:~hdt?'allow for'control offrrin~/6f!he shrlls~to It? prevent gaps and provIde.the perfect pace for/your choreographed dIsplay!'. . .' . f '/.. r_-~~:' it',', '.: ,l ;' t:.,':~ l<":U\,~' ,l' ^ -'/ '"' ; ,..-"( C"." 1. '",- <; Ie"' ~ ,!'f:,";>:, Upon arrival at your shoot site', our. crew will stay on site,lintil the program is shot and cleaned up or refuoval of all is I." completed, in case of a can&:llation:'In tlie event the display is canceled for 'any reason, we 'rill secure die product and / . equipment accordingly. / :,' I:' f ", l t.. t. ../ l. I:, / ....~ f /- .... Section V. in your RFP discusses payment of $5000:00 ot to agre~on a mutual dAte tb reschedule.4heentire event. If'tirii operator and crew cometoyour site, setup and ar,e' prepared to sIlooty'ourdisplayand it get can6eh:d, they will attempt,to shoot the display on the neXt day/July 5; per your request. Iffh3.t als,o gets canCeled, we will require payment of IS'%per our contract to.coverbQrexpens~s.. If your frre.worksprogram:is'shot at a late'fdate, per your/equest, the contracfaritOunt will be due. Ifan'alternate shoot date is not agreed upon, you' will be billedtbe$5000.00 per your note. ,. .,. ,,/"':, ,I. " ""'" J ,,: /< /.} j As usual procedure:isthis: when w~ have your signed contiacf;we will re~erve,the show d,cite ll!id pr()duct for yo~.:Closer to your show dat~~'yotir insurance will be issue4and a cOPywlll be sent ~6yo~: On show/day~e will.1'end ~'()p~rator, Mr. Jamie PuIs, certification number 0 0431, dseourequipm6n~supplv liabilifYand workman's compensation inSUrance. Our crew will bring the frreworks and equipm~nt, set up, sh()b~ tear down ~dclean}lp,~e atea,:~s always, we tilia1<~ the process very easy for YOU!t~:..\ ."~_"'. /'.;7,." . 1;'~~Y (,':: l:',] /y We are excit~d,to,share the,enclosed flyenvith you. jWe;Melrose.py1:otechnics, Inc.jhav~been chosen to represent the United States'iI1,yVorld famous frreworks ,c()mpetitio,ri! ,{ " I 3 I .' " :; _ ',- ~ , I .', u. If you have any questions, we would be happy to ahswer:iliem or afldresS any concirri~y~u may have.biir~ffice!number 800-771-7976. Please view our web site at wwwkelr()~epyro.corif.\V~look fo~dto:being part ofyoUrceleoration! , .,,' JankYOU, Ai;' l':~} '.. ~elt-ose Pyrotecf,inics,Inc. ~.f. '.:'\'/U7.' q,\, ""'--...................... t.~r f~t", I .....J" ' 'b/ i :.,\ l.- {Mark,'C. Hanson/,:..l 1, "_ ',: _ ',-- t" ^.,' ~ ," "( IEv~~t Producer'.:..l I.... emi1 t. '.' i L I,' .j l' i,_;,} !,:: ,:.':', ",'; ( ..; Ij:j~c/ p, Iii ..-"l.It~~,f^POLlS I~Lpu.l~YILLE \")M1L'1.~~~t:J MELROSE PYROTECHNICS, INC. 9405 RIVER ROAD SE CLEAR LAKE, MN 55319 T 320.743.6496 800.771.7976 F 320.743.6499 800.775.7976 CHICAGO ATLANTA .,/" .;:: CHARLOTTE Our Product Factories .8 . . .. . .. . .. . . . . " e. . Ii . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . :. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Put US on display r) () ~@ ";-.-:; , "'1 . .~v An Ping lei'" -jj~' , . . . '. . · ""'OR" . T~ \lCtL&::'.4N(, t . ~ t_) ,/ " f "/'/t r ~/balle /:<' // v// /^>tl , ~.{ l~ . i ;.' i/ _ "J:"' /" _ " //~ Tlie,Jl(eworksl c {:r: '.-j /-" _',/ :~. i j~' < ~ :,';/ ,;-: "..:'" l; - ~ lith iSf'showla' ii /_F . Ill'" <' (i/,- - f/" < j/ colle~tion ~fproqucts j l' lr ,'_ :,' ~"J':'-^, it(::. l l frOh'r'thelworld,r nest t :_:o~; t -;,/ ,?~ /" ~ it 'J _,;; , pyrQtecl) , it ,I ,.' [ ',< ., /man uf~ctu rerga n8, tiave / _ if ,,_<' ,,:_ / /', " beert'sel,e<::ted,to cteate /,,::-"'0"'"\", ./, _ ,1 \;0,<,_: i,I . i. " (', :sel1sation~l pyro~~ch n ic ," J _r.. r.'" I stenes. / ; , , J (, f , I I ! / I , _"r""""'~<>;- IP..~ ",_M_ ...'- I' I J { ?' I {'" } I , , t L~c<< ;",~-J ,/ d''''"'''''~'!~'-lr:::=~::J -- ,.."~<:,>~: /~;:>~' ~~_:~O..~-: f~ ,'J ,!"'/"'<~'. . ~ ,^ ... L '" ~....----, ......c.:'. :;~/.,,: ~...~. "v~_' ,.<# /",A< <'-~:^~I(~~'<' Manufactured to our own ex,!ctlng,stand~d(the~e sheI~~,ar(designed t6 ._-~,:J produce an unusually Iarg~ffohl1Jie ofet'fectfot!~~Jr,ca;liber. The ~~~>./- come in. a variety ofuni~.y:c61Ors<~a'effects v' ",E.ell 'as ~~It~g,_f l4 and canIster style. .' ~4.' ,. ",",' . <,.' .J.' .L.........'.. ,/r^"'" /,/~;;,>~.,4' A --1'ir/ ,', ,,/,,/:. ",/,',:_:;'.1 /i ",,' _ /_ <.., /' (". .f".':' ~... . '.Cr' . ,,/ ",,P. ..P .'.." / (E~ . i/i/ ! / ~ ///~/ ,<0~' Known a(6Ul1d therWorld a~~pf()duce~bf:~cefu1 ~~uro shells,{lil~ge . gold or ~er c~oPY'shelli!t1mt0drape Jtie, sky) asiell)is man~o'fher' spec~~ ...., ~rIJsjn~Iuding!6r~ssettes,AlultipIe re.If6tt;shells ~dcoIorfuI palniJrees. l .,' ,/ .j , . / .. / ~ C) lOver ball. <t.1j>,. , . ~"Lk'. //,,/ ..,.-. - /~ / i/ f,' ,/ () , ~!~ ' . l/-~" ~ '_."7' . /<; l::<l ;/'/ ,/' :', / i~"l Afrte-xtensiy&yariety. of~tfe~ts are ,~ioduced by' S' high qualIty manufacture , l'-,"":n:>;? _~, ;'~. ;.: .:' 1_ ".' {,,~" ',:/ {., - :-, .', _ >_' I - .,:' t,,"\,',:'" IIniI?tessiYc~H}{liibltio9-'Ca?dles, ~ultifShot B}irrage items apda great selectil>W' ,/ . .' of ae1j8;I~shells mak~~Lidu BrapH.one of ourItop' s~pplier~l I>? < t:,~~~' /', l " jt > !, ".) ,~l /'/ J, i I . ,/. ;/ ,t ' i ! ! ]f. :' ! i" t: t l ... ..,,1 ~:>':" :,': ,- ,/'~:~.'> r '.: ,,':," ~jf .' .This factory i'faIriok fb/ies.;~FalliniLeaves" type.o. ishells. Thes{shells (<>perldn the S}{y>with a variety of efft~6tsdesigned t6drift downward for as Y: ' ,,"./ f;"-'__',.'-._~ _':', ",- ", :'::','~.:__ ~,,' r:_ {:', r 'long as 12,secoIids bef9'reflickering.into' darknes{They ate a very unique effect and~~y time~tus~din cOIl1bplfJ:tion withibfuer effects to l~y~i the sky with color arm dimen.siori:i I. : ! " !~, ~-:; r- t, ! { { t ' ..; l:,.; J J.I t. l-: ' t t l k' " .f x"r.;. /' l , I ! , . ,~-, 'j /.} i '. / i . ~,.) Smilin!rf~ces, heart shapes, ~tomic signs ahd~ve pointed ~arsare of top qualftyJrom this,tpanufactufefaiid their rriulti-shotiOafrag~products are always innovat'Weand spectacular for Orieillng Barrages, Mid-:Show and . ~,,,,,-,-, ,::" (- " ';' f}-"n; t'.-, €"" '- "01 Pre-Fmale speclaleffects.! tiS) l; , J ..} f'..,', j' ,:,~,,< ',,' :( $~ f' --',< ; ",:'1 {. '."" , t (,: ;1' 1 \'~ f,,_ ',) r.,.'..'''''.. '. J}~"":'::"@ ; ~...;; ~ <~":::~~'\ . ,,' J. ....:" ~tt/~i ';;::/ An Ping /--"\ (,-) f--:" ;. V' f' t f ( ji'- ,.,' ( f' ,,' '.'. ,:; """"-.....-."._~,~,~ ..__J ..s:r:::,-\. () . ---!J I,~...-_,.r~;->..','" b';'~~ c:,o ':,'~ ~~L SHOGUN ~,":':" t.,'..'",!!.' .(~) :,: 'I' /' .-:: "r (J~TM \" vULt:.4N (W" Pi r.o t e...,;;I"\ _,d CA8ALLER Phoenix Brand / " :,~) ~/!'" ~ ,<~~,,~.~' ,<," /' ,,,:~"f~ ~ ~~,::' /~ // .op" r i: ~ ,_~~~'j ~'" .~;,.1 -;1/."<Lf!""~"''''''~ .,#~~. .A I~~:l .1'" ./ 3:', ,.- L^ .: , /':--':':':-';' I:' / ,. ' l.>" /: -" "~ ,,, " 1-- ','i I ' ; }'..' /~ / I I j ",t,", ,! I ./ : I l, , I I ,fi , l..:'", ,:,.:' 'v.""" _ ,r, ,,' ~l- . ,''' ./ _ . i' ~t,_ ,.~)" Thisfamous Euf~pean martufacturing,and/display cBmpany produces/a large:yariety of:' re~isi~~~and{es, larg~ptiliber mi6esandJ~ge b6rel I.,; I'.," L' ::",/ ~: : ,! ",. ", j:,:." fountains_ Th rial s~ells;create \5- -ant and ~ique colors oH~ide the i, 'c' I I:! " :.';: normal spec ,,:.)for fi~eworks_ I /" . / i ""h'.''''' 1 1/ ,- iI. f. i 1 ,..:"j l l: l . i':'- _ ,J ~ r: ,.'" ~ I . J . f.';- i~- f f., /: J{ , , .~ "'.; - -:! { .t.'.' r I' J l .3 !, i ! ....... ! Large breaking p,~ony;and ch&sanihemunjsh~lls in a varie:<.of gf~at t,','__<::><,O: <1":,' '_~-_;: 4'",:,,>-',J ~,,":':::':,~'J '~<,''',_>~ colors_J::ong duratioh'stars fillthe sky from:.these powerfuLyet ~~e graceffit~h.ells_ l' {, . /:1 f < " f'" t" f" [ l J f'. r {' i } ! ' , t l ~ ' \, '\ ;,,~,,^,;;,~, t I , t i r I 1 ' / , :' :..'j ft " -- . > :.1 r , l f ., L......J (-) (~) /~) (". .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . .. . . if~pe o!Proflosal: . . . . Prop I Cost: An Ping @ () o 3-3 () Cj ~@ - ' . ......,' -\1, ;' ~ ':.-< An Ping () '-.c, (...~ ""/'c?'~~---~"~~~_~J~<~~,^,,,_~,<' ^:~;_",'_:7:.'::~'r777 ..F" E I. j ,_ j'r-;.k"'~ - " .K- t-; /.....- .j' L' /I"~-:<:r<cr:'/ -~"'."~.,-_i.- ~.:':~.:'~.~ ;it' :,.~...>' . / ~,,~ -'--""'-'---I~ .~'6-/E _" { _~_.~ ','_i~-,4"' 1:.1 /,./. " _,Y..... f' {(,A./ {;,r'd""'.,,// LJ .~~ Openif!g)Ba1;~age "C011til!:J(fil-~'~~-" < ",A""- ", -'j' ~G""I"""'--_.:_,,;..'r<'-" {::~.'1 ..(0'~-,- ;,<~- Jjl%r~",;.~ 4'~ -~~ l:J }~#Y~l~ ,tt'n',:',,',/,-: ,:~??~:., .l,<1~/ '"7P!ilfJ ,I." / ..... , <:il ,,(:> U /~Y. I.,.....'.. ~. ......!................. "'....... /. '_ E:'..- _-_'_~i:-.{/[:::: /' -.;:;. ~ . n,( ./. /(i VULe.AN //" f .. . -'<'F , . I J j ",' /".;.;,!" sft~j~~O'~i:IOi.&h~IlS / /'. ///F if.:' "'1..""/ ..' /( 1 /i')/ tQlJ3.lue Crltclding Tail Peonf Shells //. 24l(!hr~~~s Dlutf~ she~ /; .tv. :~iij~:/ -/;.il l..,:' i,... . / ~.~)J//.€fold F;!igrrr wi~hP"urple/Ristil f$hel!s. .... /'<i/ ,/< <</ I"~ / 'c. ../ /. / - 4"'..dld F(ilsh/to,.ReJiShells l.' .../ I A'iy.'ly' i................... . '. f'il I,;;,: /'yi ed, W[il. ...: qn~ J3lYl!' Magtze~Jum DqhUa Shells l:<./' ',CUi:..,,; l.i.........? t........../ - if'/Red Pdlmt['ree with Tail SHells (<<.~..\lJ l.}~j ,1./'. l)':,v - 5" Silver"Broclldejwith Ri/dj'Sfro.bl{Plstil Shell .... l>"/ l~'} /'/J '0..> /./ /'1 Diskqr~ ehryJsarfthemuln~hells l lie :.i I........; l .f I ! 3 - 6" Pi~~.f~ony lfith;,Silver ITa;1 Shells l '<...:.: r / 1>/ r'> l ,. 6 "lBll(e Crafkli1g Wil!o,wShel!s, t... ,,' \,.}<' r .......j' r---.. {. {'J 2 - 8" Three:Timesll!t~bade ifJrO~$ette sh411~H I f.... { IT....,;' k.;;; 1 - 10" 'tterilfgJ ColofChanging,.Ch,rysanthdmu!n Shell i,;,,,.) ,.t.".".,.,.,.>. 1 i' ..c..! l"q .~./ r....J f "f {} 'c:~';"~_L:..;~;/ l.r ," H ',,' I~:~'^ >1 ,~' I :,' ":;J f i 1......>.......................1 t;:.:>~~:,:< <>_~ ....'-,_c, ' ~> 2 A~ (0_'; 25 100 200 (-) 40 75 51 (=) 40 531 ;..r"~~.~'7 , <fl"#' ,r"'rr- f ,r<i..lc-.,' ,,: >~ ,.<:".AY: ,. f >) /(;:;;>1:faln PIJ!8liO-,IJ1=::J /..r/> !' .' . .... >~- $' /13'~';i;assbrled.t{erial snells __ ~,4~~:~#?' ,',~ t:'.", ,~r~ '" H ~~::~:~,~V~j ~. ." .>tl .-'4 ti """.f#'tr:'_,._ ':',,';i if ~ly;,;'i>~.r.. ir................. 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Wn; "Sil,:er T,igeri .r reen S6nu~t wI Whitel~~ny; If.) ~~ Crackling Comelwl Repod;White Rin~;~urple Coriletwl Yellow poony; Blue [,. /tiger Tail; .Red Comet \X/Report; B~tf~Rmg l' /}{ ;';/ l( // .... /< . //': ,.. /1 /<'/' =~..J'.".:".'."~.....'......;.'.."'/rPu.........W.. i.I..e. . ".....peony to........c.....E.~....'............Ckiing S. tar. ......i.>S.....,.....R~d Ring;4....I.."'. tracklipg. P.l...~ti..I;\Vhite way. e.I.'.I.......... .-- ~',/ \~gw/ colo~1'qtpYsan~elmin:f; Gree ' ceil; Blue~gw!Brocade Cenfer;' An 'Ping preen PeonyWC81ckling,Stars;~ite ,//' i/ :I I . l (.,J / 1 .I / i / l t"o t ! ? fi ! f r t ! .i " (""" l .. I, /, {, Red 8siI3lue,Peohy )"IIted Tail; 9reell & Purpleleony wI Green Jail;! Golden W ave"to.Plirple Cl}tysanthemu~s wI Green Tails; Glittering. SilvettQ.Green r:;-'",-,:, ."" ;I, ,.-,:'.''" i: "".,-:':: t. -} :':: <' Chry'sallthemum 'Green Tail;lRe<tCoconuts)'w/Red Tails' i (' " i.l",{ f.~>::i '~~...,', .' - .~ f: ,.~~, '~I i\ 10"'; tV:", t:, l/ r i' . '. ....f r. .... ~ .' t. ...... ". .....' Ii MineY ellO\y'~em~nthte' 'wI Repbrt; MinetGteert; Mine Mul~cOlor; Mine Titanium Sirpep~fue wI S9reanibr; Mine }3Ibe;iMine White;fMiQe Red p ; , ~ . . CO" ,. Serpentine:wlR~port & Whistle; Mine Red / Ii CA. ALL I R \.;,IC:;];:/ fi.."' .f {.r, .: ,-~j I' ' , ,. . '... j J- __ C.' t ..1 ('"7).L/ l'/ Diamond Screamer &!RedStats;MidIllghtiSnow; Goldenwbirl & Blue Twilight Glitter to Blrle;r>iamond S~reafuer & Yellowlstats I ',' - ' 1.- '/: ~ ') r; ,..... e' c' I f ~, '! {' ^ ^1 l ~'- 1;., ,." t 'T' I 3([[>' (;,D)d t. i! h 1 r t 1 ala '~:Lass(jrte ae{v;/}} s e,; l ,,1 ~" ,. f r fi f /.. "",J lid r"'~' C0.' ~~TM vULC.AN ......-::~~;;. ( ) "-. ./ 11 40 42 o 18 18 12 C~) 16 157 ..,~"#~'-~~V .,.._'-""-'~'-~:-:--:::7<'-T7 ./< ,,/';"'~.' (J /' /a' In ProlO'pam ,~~-"~"" f;',i~~,/" :.: ',' l:J,,"~I__,,-.~:_~-- ;-.",~_~.-.'. ;;-;,....::-.;...~ !",':/" -/ ~. . _,-r--<>-''''*: --;"'" /,41"'assorted.aer'fal shells ,,//-:' t,/ ./ " _;:~:=~~::J .' :l .iF",",'. / , /'. //"">/t //'/" r/' f'~;;/ Multi-Color wi White:fail;Orange'&Crackling..wlPiQcha Tailr '. . . 0 & G~.e Rays wI Piocha TaiJrWhite Fliper& Pink w&P'i~clia taJI;",,~1riori'comets~w~ite' Tail; Aqua Cometlw/White:tail; Kamu~oW/Kamurd'.:rail;Yellow Seri>e*ine wI IOu8r bell. Reports; Whir~s4'iUu1iti11/W1Report ~,P{uple; Scre_anf~fS'& Fu~~~iar~)-' , /i Ii p/. , /' ..;: //, . /~' / " I" ; . r .. /d': ",'" .' /. . t 'I '''" . I " /..." Blue 9hrysanth~xb~ wI Si~vG~ Palm Pistil'; Bowtie qreen.Strobe; 'Yfii~e Dahli~; ItS ' . . # Variegated Stained Glass; Red to Silved::>iamond; Silver Strobe WilIow; Red ,to Blue, ,..' Cra:~kJihg{TaiL.[>~6ny; Retlt() Silver D1atti~nd ,./ I ,/, I"'..:"': \'-.;':','/ l -,' r>'-,. /;!-..~",,--'~ l- j'. ,l' /''--:'-: i:' : ; - _oj # r ~ I ~~ . .r . it '0< ,,' ,/~ . .1' .> ,,- Jt! /". I'. ",' - ;1';: l j .I ./ I",i Bro~aa~crown. / obe Pistil ~l Gold T~I; Silver Cf ..' wI Strobe pf~i..~~ ;(.... ~~ J~l~7!wl~~~rriI~;t~~~7~;Sct~r~~~i~u4>:1 ,/' / /, 1'.. :/ l - t // ,t, l-- Ie,"-__" /" f:' "f /.... i" t .... j { Ie: ,r~" " .' r . . f.' } I ., "j f ,_~ it~-:>- l~~:. _ ' ," i'., / t"- -' ',--,;' " . . ~. . ". i : . .. ' t'.' }' ..' R~d'Peoriy wi Blu'Pistil wI G6IdT~il; Glitt~ring Silver to aIue/wl Red Pistil\:vfl /oo;," '.-- ,"~_'.:"'- _ ,:' ,p', _ ' ,~" '-,:-'" ,f, ,..._,' t , .~ Silve~Tail; GreefiCoconut wlGold Tail; ~edWave wI Silv~rTail; Blue to,Silyer Phoep nd r~onYiwith Sil'y~rrr:ail; Gli~ring;Silver \0 G~een wi YeifoWJPistil wI Silv~{T.a'il \. ' . .... ~ / ' / . / / i . I , ~ .~ /.' I ,I ,'. ..j t i . ./t:!!:>." l /. I... It' i..:-} ~~~/: \.JR~d PaJwl.R~d Taill~lue Palm JBlu~ Tail; snterpalm 'ZSilve/'f~g; ....An Ping Green ~~lmWI Green"Tail; Gold ~lhnTree wi G?ld ~~il /l ~-'-~,- ,~ I, -~ t - -- l~ > ::~- ,. ,.~ .' . f:: ',< ,'. - ",' l ~:'> ,-- l ' ' ,~:.f , ....; {;"/ r.... ;' 1 t",~~.,---~ 1"___ / ~ Silver 'S~~gler li#t 5 COI~I~~santhemJIDwf Silver Tail;l~ilv;~r Double Ring; Red DOll;61elting; Blue1to$iJver Peony ",I Silver Tail; Red Wave Tail; Green C~9iiu~rWI Gold/Tail;}Red Peo~):";"'lBlue Pistil ~Gold T 1 '<.,.,;," Ii : 'j' f': }: ;- 1 t /"_ t/...."."".. J ?- !;:) [HJ {~\ leiJ l. H j Brocade; G~s~Hoppe~ Green},~ Gol&GJitter;jfourbillion ~/R~port; Purple & TwilIght GlItter i" ,. f I . f f~. t .<~~, ("7"') If., i l;,j f t. .'.~ """i,' ............:1 ';"4 Totat'4-" ass'orted fietlal snells t~, -,,; i~' r ~,>--. 1 '" t~, . i \,_U~~, f [_, ~"_~~<_.J hi d'f~~, ~f~. (~~') ~.Q{fl, ~~TM lIULC.AN n '---_./ 32 27 o 18 20 16 .lli u 131 ,," ,,- i " i <f",":_~,_-_.__<.~:~J'._,_ :.- L~j " /':'-#4ih P~(Jgr((1if?'72;CJ ;i"~::.-'_,_:~;:>' ,- ~':--,.f _ __,_::,_._~rr;<" _ ::'. __H' Ii'; 5'?"'assort~(j/tierial s hells,~~'~:;:;J ~"", .,F"i" ",,,,~"'ir'{'/~ ,i ,.,,/d. ".,' ~.\ ;.,/'; " ,e"'" F,j _ ",~1 l....-".'.:} ".,...>!' \i,..""~~:,.-;c>>.,->>-:^,.,,,;3 ",,' "..t'f!' Pi"'_ _ _ ',) j' 1:-', ,#,,"f(~~;fr>:'" :[ 4' ,_"" ". '<.,1 ~ R~ to Silver cracl1l,), /~. ,?liI ~o~e),G~D,~i;;;:~'Fi~~",!~" ~ Tatl; Yellow D~I.I~)VI Yellg",'ratl; Stiver Strobe Wtllow.,wl Stiver Tatl; Gold Brocade,,(?;,;;, Kamuro wi T~i~Thousanl,E.ed ChrysaIith.enmffi/( /,,/ ,/.;"'~~;/;:jr /,l/; f;:,; fit;i; ""/1\ /" ' ,//,.,.,;;." E 't-::} /' ? '. ,r I'~"~-' ~ ;e.,l r i,:-;-,;,~' ,7(/ /~< ',,' .' .r"> ~f~" .A'/,~Y< J E'-, / .'- , ~ / /- ll..>" /(,/". ,,;{/i\y i// /<~f; /,Jf C'i L~( ~ (~;;~ZW~~;:~~~J~I~eq~e~l~:;~~:~:~~r:;~:~J:;:;::~:t~I!~e Chry~antIieffiun1';,Glittering Silver.to PurpliChrysanthemum' /'. . '.. .l~_'."'-'-_/ 11,_.'__~-:>' t".i,' it - _;::.i ..,t. - //.:. _~l( l' ,/ '. l"~ /" f-- /_. ~-.- /" / l " " , ,,~' f.__ ";.t' ,I -1-. ," I . ~ , tld" J ,f : / / /' /" r~' ~.". ;.,.:.j.f.})[:~;~{.i;. >(0f{{t.e;.I~~~ ~.IS.~0~aTt~~~~~.~i~~:~4:.::ra;::c~~I:er (!)Y ~v to G,reeriwl Gold lail;Poinsettia; Color Chahgirig Saturn /' / t~.;" "" .'.'.'"/.....,. /"" {" ' ;,"' , I l'" /. . ,_ ~/, / i / [ \i;-.:",:.-+C? i{":. /, }/; // $;i~' - J "'''';! I; {<'d' .Ai>< /......../ ./:. .(" ,..,,reen W~Y~~~~"''Thql1?er.wl Purp!eRipg; Tnple~g Pattern; "Red Heart'P8;*Q1~1 Sily~rRing; Silver/Snail Pattem;Sunflower Flashinrn 'Sh~dPattern l.e' l / i-. ;</ /_. /. :'::~lt i:.": {, ':' " ,..,.t. r, l~.- r- :/ f!~" )f f:--7'~1 1:,.< ~_-' :-':" 1<--.,.->,):' t;;,~~^,l ,l,_,~:,';__'.J;;.i Min~C"~RJd WillO~~i;Y ari~gat~d,}VtfReport; Mine ,Rainbow wi f~~ . . ~ . ';~:fl'~ '. WhisHeS1v1 Rep6ns;'MfueScrfiuners wi ReHbrts"i \LDC.A · ALL · R "<i;;r:i,,1E.",t r',-'"""" /; l...........i... .,; J:,~ l .' ". ' ,l,c. . ' t..... l f I f ~- l ,; !i i \'. I, r>' 6"'> Sapl'Ilire Bllle1o,Brocade;fRuby' Red to Brocade; ciu"diilal Orchid; Y ef,lo\V9rossettejRed:to .?~en,.cross,ette; . wi Ruby Red Pistil 1> i I",; t .. .'. / $" . '. . f ~ r:.;; , ; II I' 1~S:\ (0') /./ l..../ Totar~7" assorted faerial shells ~1 '.~ f ~<..<': i ~~~;..7 , .:"'_:~~~~~ r~"":'~04_~ ~'."" Aill~ ~X~TM VULC~ ,'~~'~"-~-r->"""-'~"'-':1>_t't"~""'''''' /" /-'~ I",) 18 22 o 22 10 18 (. " 'J 16 106 , /A ," . .. . .'" t'i0'fP~ . ",,e,~"'.. .' Red Gambog~'~SiIver ~tro~e'~1 Silvef'rail; Gol~,rGlitter Crossette;'Blue Crossette; 96nFigl1~g;.SHver Cr~s~tte wi Cr9sse~e Mine; yarfegated to Str~b Willow; Green to Djamopd Rain; Silver Crackling Spider y;1 Crackling Pis~il'" /1 /':, 'i // ',/ " r A/ ' /r<'. /1 / ,f ,: 'i I ,... ',I ,/1, /i //./// .. ;/ .// .//.. /'/ ~~ ~~l~chut :c;rf:~;v;:jjtz;~~~~~~~,;J(/ (~~iGree~'Ch?'santhL~" d ~t'X~Il?w~ t~,]3lue:to Green!P~ony; Purple ,~eopy "<""/)1 ..' /1"'/" if ....,.// // l J. 'i, / I, / l l' :' /t l/ /m' l,' .'. .,....l . ,F-'c I,I .(~tGre.e~ to ~ifve~,t~;p~rp}~~plor Ch~~ing Sa~/T~o~san~ BloP"fuiIig Flo~e~; /':/ i'Brocade/Crown to.PiJU>lewl GoldjTaIl;Kamuro'to'White TipS; ,5 qolor F . i- '. Chrysarllliemiun wi i yerTail; K~uio wi Th6usand Bloomirlg Flower I / '. /!'" ~, I:""; / '.;' l.i J:' , l'. ' ~~', " J F ' : .', ',' I' i >e. I ! ""l ' .J' l. / / /l . J ' I if I ' ;, ;I} <ID f 'l ,,' f ( J " , t / F: I.) J. / l ,'''' '" I' I I J r " t __ ~~,>' , ,Cluste~ of ~~;,~ed,~~lend~d ~lowe~; Gold Willow,;wl Silver Glitter; led . "...-._.,CracklmgfWdl,ow}.Blu,e,Cracklmg WIllow l J f An Plqg,,\. $. ",J l i /: l "i, , t." f..) {, [" F i' t. ",_' I: I I ; L,/ I"~,,, I f ,/ \"';':;:''',/ /':../ CT~~ ,/::4 /, .. Gre~~g, Brocad lue Flo')r~r;~}lverKlimtiro'wl Purple FlO)\ier;/ Brocade (;Jreen t a~~ l}e~rlowers I / t <\":~) ~~0;: i,:,.' "':>. -:: l ) h."":...,, 11 f. . J J: r ". f I. F ,I,' I [-' 'L ! s^ r:~1. I t (0 ! t , f.... .l J .... j. J "~" (,i r.oi Sily~r'Tw~lin& Willow; }{ed~trobing qIIfysa'nthef!tu#I; ~ellow Strobing Wjllow} Golden wi G~I~.tTrun:k; BJri~Willow, wi ~ilver Core & Rising l'ail; Green Strobmg Willow wi Greed StrobingT~il; ~tpie Willo~ wi Red Strbbing Tail; Silver r } Waterfall wi Tail ":1 r:J !; tef ~;,;, ; l.<~\Y/ / .. il I.'..,' t.. " orted aerial s~ell~ {: :~~/ E"~! L~_, . . ,r ,~'- - - ."'''''''--:~~ ,;;.:~i;ll;ml?rdgr;ml; ~= /"f .: r: ~~ 4""'-"-""""",,,,,- J 6'" assorted aerial shells~' ,'- ,. r' / ./ '~-~"i:Ls:~1:J .~"," ..,c" <'1'" ,"~.r' ."tJ'''''' ,rd'. ,,,,,,4(":' ',' ~~ :: -:{ (-j 8" 6 () 18 6 '1 \ '---./ 10" 8 4 S 3 ~~ SiB) 12" /;"<"" ;,';'t!?/ ,,,,,_'~~S0i~4'~;:;:~:~ 1;;r:,~<fi4:Jr(4i1J<Rtogfa~' lq.r~edia!pe1,~(J~rial kg!. ./. ./. /.... ..';/ f... 4....:~},d.. f.... I t"'i.. ..,' /'.' (.1 / ....).i) .I'.f'j/ iF) .Lf:~,,- ',:/" t,~~-~/ .;t" ::-5j';)~~ fr ,1../' J"'" I.. . ' '. ./ ,/ /. /'" ., . l ". J/' () / ' . /' ( I /, '" . I /; '., I " J" ,'t I ,~ ,/ / l ' Y' 4~ ~ t I l / ,". ~ /; f : , . /Puwle Syn wi GlJ~~ a~'q~re~l1I<;>usands 'off' atpuro Tw~).lin , Silve~ ~ ;: Brocade Dragon;!Cliarcoal Clfry~themum ;vlr Vanegated ,PIS~tl; Gold FlItter wi Gr&en Pistil &Gold Tail' Whit~ DahlialOoJd'Flitter vi!. GreenlJctopus /' ';4-Gblor Changihg p~ony w;tiIv~r TaihG~ld"BrocadelK.ari1Uro t~'Silv \,.c, \,/" ;....J ./// i if ./ 1/_,:-:-""";:-)/ f ~ I~~:> )( r, . /' t) fi.., /" fU/ it,l r(;/ . . F .1." .... .1.................'.... I......................... l /,,'-' :',:',:-." 'e".f' It'.." ':/ -_'_~ /. ~{~ic.6I~r to ~4~6e; Br~4d~i"~ BIU~IOr~:rs; ThOU~8l1~i~;O'r~~ :,'0 . TM A}3!p~.a~~"fl ~par~ling Si~~r;j~tlver ~~Jro wi PurpleIF~?Wer; ".,;.0 1..C4NlJ3r?cad~~/ /, ./ I,. I'd} .' .':!, ('..:.lr?C)/{ /e I! ley /: /7 .... ..' .... F' I. f',. l /..;' "~', ",-~:'" ',} j:':w W /; l' ,:' l t' A .'V'." { ..' /i (?~) /'/ / / /f (~""\ Ii R~?iqll-ysantheplUDlfo ~it7Irl~hing; Gol~enWillow to Gr,eIl~lRed to,,:' ~. .'j StlverCrown; Gree~to Sdver to Blue Peony; Blue Chrysanthemum wi Yellow I. ~ ~:stil;Red'to WlIiteto Blue;tosiiver Peony;.Grben Peony w~.1>aliD Tree Pistil;l / iJreep. t6\Gol.'d~oPhrple; ~iue~~ony wi ~.aIln,ffree Pistil l.. / l' . c.... ." t." ..... r ... 1.( J' ji"" /'< f~',~ '-;-/ t.' I { '~ .~.} { " I, ../'j .f.' ..j ..r .'J I.............:... '.; \~ I;, /;' I, /:./ <. I>} r:.'} t:/ I.! r:i .ff''''"'', f..'; I:'i f'l i' ." r',:,' fi,\') ,'~'. {.y. ,.'/t. . l>! . If t :. i "':.L>' .' (--cfalm Tref?wl qaid; Tad;qhttermg G~ldto MulttcoloriChfYsanthemum;,o-: .; ~..;~~4~l:1::*:;:;;~~~~~t~~~~v~t::Z~1~!o PurplewlGold Tail . / r I i (..' r {' i l " I j' l t /.' i, I ,f fI"-.' "1 i."} f l' ." t ' ,-"-, ': , , ( . f> \ t l ~,' -f ? i ~ ',. "" ..r"""~, t. .'.' , . ! . Total Large d~lrfi1~lei} ~erfal she/Is r ; l i l, f r /., J I f J r ; ,. i {' i'! I r ( I.' ..! .1' .1.. . , ! d Ii i j t.p..c:..J L". ~. o l:,' t". " I/ o .. ',' 8 o /~:~:~~').. C7:c,'=,.,c"~T , /:.;..--' /:,'J A,d) L,~' 4:>~/.I..,;~~:_f~ Mid Sho~fjJrragi1r~';'e!1t$~ d. r"" ",(L':;'\' :/ 4y>~: (j/ff!ij} .T.i}0t11,( '.... r /~:)0J VUL':~<"/'>' ~..,..,.o",..,/ t~,/2 . ~J>/ /'./ /:>,. C;U" ~L II V>"',/' ./'.. ./- -, ./ *~.. /~~'.;-"",~,y .l'/"--' ",.,' r#'-,'-~;;-' ,,0-',:. '._." ,/f.. ,:' ",;,.' /,,-':'-': 'x :r,i':>_:)~ ~/.." ;,_/~ L~.^-:'_:-/~v,j;:-~" f: d / or, 1/;;1E / The following is a list9f"Mid,S1iow"h~~ge ~egIJl~~ts '~hi~~~jlr be incorporate .;ihto/thei6rogra1n' &iilg(fh eSlgn stag~.~,/ " l~[>.i" ~ ',..;? ;/ /'~:/.!'/ l:',' . .l ,.;/ /~.;il tJ0iii /i0;IV /~/ 'lz)Milltz-C61011 Bi1lrntShells i~F .... /1: /0 l:~- ,---- ',' -F-~ ~m~_ ;~; r l.",/ .( 24l'R~d redftiCro / t/ \\';'/'i'" /',' / '.' li/ (in a ;vqrtetfidf si~~s.fr~.In/-I 1 Q/thch) (",.j ('il l....i..... / .,' l . I . t I t I / /. I l'i,] /i;' 10 y 4{qmicl .alutest,.\;/ /r./! {iI} ([s) l: r" t ". " t ." f:' , .. ,i f. 'J l ....' ! J f.... l t .....' l . t:. j.' I .. 1';" f ,.; r..' ~. .,. r.. , ,Z 2 R~(j:3Tig4.,..r ails ~i/ ;;:~) ,"> [>.:;} r 'f J-: -! f. .... . f'" ;,j I. I., f" J .~:.: " t ' t '.; I (.' "....~ /' . "\ ) ". ",' -.., i;,.>~.;..",_,,:,," () C) L:'."~::. "Ir ,6~C>;~ ~.-,:>1'i::~::'-'J .,4~~~rr:iSpebitilE1f~d! , (J //' ..... /_<<T/~/,~~" /', .,', ~/~' .,y" !,'i /",< ,A/,it /,..~"". '. 1:>"'/ · -j:,., , ',','.:1/1;: ,/' ,~","..'. /: 9.~.,., ,.' ",x~., # "'~, ,1* :/~~..~'~:v&lL ,,14.'::.....U'C(Ce;~1;,l .,c~~ ~1 "I'" E-It:~" .,/C"IALLIR.,/. ",,~......""'~) L/~" ;' r"'. /- :..,,~,>,- .t,~..-..f LC< ~ ,~ .f ~~".';-" 1" "r" ?i if: ,./', ,( ,", _ ~ 3, t'.,? ,L A .. ./......" ..~/..,; ,1/,// i~ ..',..,.....",./ ,.,..~.r9./ All our produc!;fs/b!lj~ug~<fo ,o~ff4c(ttfy anfi/p testedfor saftfty(q,~(rp~di;o?fflJ!hce g~ior ~o1,[se.O /1/ [/)..../</;11.. I~,..,I,.. ;>1 Some oftheSpeeial.,.Effi ~i ite;ms'whleh wi~l{be r~'-" < ---:",-J~ _/'..--.-.-;' ,j,',_',,- __f,: /': iJ:!elt!decf/ir{yp1!.rprogram (tine: ~ .'. . ,~::< /r:~__,<~\~):~-' \;,,::: <l:,~' _>~ ;'-".' fl'"'''' ;I-'.::~l o .'~, // A./ ./ ")/~ 1-' I Long Dur4tivn/Brocqlies, Q@(br C!hllngl'lg'ShellsJ</ ~~-",~. ,/" ,- <. t,'", ,n t',::",:,,'/ 'rff~~': :t" ,f "/', ::,' l' / Willow)'fJqitible B! eak ~h(d71s;: /lvfulti-~Qlor &//l 4: li> ....... . ..fiLi/.' ..< I , Bloomz,ng":Shells. ~:tJj/Jjrlg,./)cqtteringl&" Brillibflt t~;'?:~~. l' ,:y ~~,,' J, ',:; /,,-:; {". , l: ,{'j Star E/il1ets~,Ef?at~er1J S~~lls s~th: as: f?al111:"~Trl3tJs, ~",__,,~ ;, ,;_~",',,,: __<,,"'::'_" .-?,~'_ :<'.,'_:} _t",,_:':'~,," ,:'- (':,:,".,"::-':"; "<<,-" "f:-,"::~:,_,,:< Diam'onds, Stdt~j/ H~~lfts, ]Jl#gs, ah/j Smil~l;fg Edtes.l"!'~,/ i<>J f<",i !i;:} j" ii/ le,/ ... 1./././ /,l,l. / r 'h ?"''''~ I r .. f., Ii ~l;;:C;i~::;:~frt~~~;t~;;r;:::~~t:t:~ II ;..... .': i~/'" < I,J r ....1 U certain~v thrill falfr a~(Ji:ence! 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U C> ' Jl$ ~ -~ ~. j 1+= "'IU ~ 2 =E ~ tiJ E l- ,$/J CLIENTS INCLUDE: . /':~./ Jd {." 0<._,.~~,,,;~~,~,,.~':~;y-~.::.r:~::l1 FAIRS, FESTIVALS, FOURTH OF JULY & SPECIAL ~~~:rs'" fJ .//.. ..' :>~'<c'~. -",~__:~;~~:=:J Moondance Jam, Walker, MN~ofthbranch Abundant,Life Churchd"""'~- ">1 f' ~~< . ,/,<.<' ~ ~ ~~ r h j ~...~~~r;'~1 Polaris 50th Anniversary-Roseau ,j! CitY of Clearwater Sdquicerff~nnial ,~;/":"//' . ~ ::: 4,? /~ "'':',',; ,." A .~!" . "'t.l t~ " ' Petter's Birthday party,,/,.r~ ''lj () St Paul's Winter Carnival f: Andersen Windows IOOth Anniversary /' ' t' I City of Apple Valley - July 4, Celebration! i' City of Princeton - July Celebration /. /1..... Windom Riverfest (:>/' City of Coon Rapids - July CJ Hennepin County Fair @, Veit W edding Anniver~ary / lf~ , r I ' //()// . Brooklyn Park - Tater <. .,,&: Nati6nalNight Ou 't;",',<>" f;.. f' Freeport Parish Fest};jl~\ ! Schwans Soccer,W~iid'chp - \ ".' / National sports Center Foundatlon~ Blaine/' . /J(:'f.~~ /,,' , Plymouth Civic1Ifea'gUe - Mu~icin the ~~rk \);,X,21 ~<>" t:.~/ City of Garrison - July 4th Celebration \;;.;'.;/ The Lindbe, nndati. Annir~ Dakota Connection Casino-Sisseton:"S6/ City of Albert Lea - July 4th Celebration r''>, Bismarck-Mandan syrtlphony 0411es~a ~t~,~~lr >~~ -'~<- Wannig~:Bays - St Croix Falls, WI 8' ( \ St. Croix Events - Stillwater Lumberjack Days Thunder in "the Vall 1'\ t'j Longville, MN -}ply 4th Celefiratlon I' '\ ~<~'=~ ! ..c~:'::~'-o. Dultlt1{CVB - July r'<',i'u' ,,,,F'" _ '" ",: >" cityofWood6tiryA4th oUtil;' . ,/. //':. :.(!'.tc ",.,,'/~ ,,/r' - ,,,~ l Taste of Minnesota /' Mr. Ron Maddox/ 1097 Payne Avenfie; (', ./ St. Paul, Minn&6ta 55(01 651-772-99 // ./l ..f..I' '. ~. .! ,,t'(/' /:, ) ~'- "f .jc City of Coon ~1>ids'Fire.,D.epa:rtmeIJt'<.. Mr. Jake Schultie, 1'1 . 2355121~t7Circie... / C061iR3pTd~':Minnesoti55448 763;;;767-6323.,/ /. , "..... i'. It;'" I. '.:k j! St. Paul Winter Carnival/ " " ,<><, ,,"> ~ . pi 1'. f St. Paul Festival ~ Heritage Foundation Msirheresa F'tsch' / ; " ;' ,- l" - " j 429 Landmark Center / ,. .. th' .../ , 75 West 5 ,$treeC",'4, ,/ . 't;Paul, ~nnesdtil55102 51-223-4700/ i. ......,. .i I.. . l,' " '__' ~x ~ Cl ol\Woo. bury/ ./ f~ ,..<:' ,,-'..t j - ,f!; \;".y' Msfi~nn,Ringgo!d .. 8595 Central Park Place t .. ,. Suite 102 / i Woo~bury, l\linlU~sota 55.125 651~714-3515..Y l A_., Ii I ,f."~' l' ./ , PlynlouthMusic iothe/Park / ''1.-: ',' ~/ ".." . n' ! "'.Mr. TonrVog~1 r . 5039 Fountain Lane North Plymoutb;.Minnesoili.55446 763-205-5491 r. ; /~:\ roix EvJ~t~t;) Mr. Dave'Eckbe . 423 South Mair{Street Stillwater, Mi~nes6ta 55082 651430-2306 '".... . i ) " "",<,>,- , L~2":~," ('l References: o CD MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC ~p~ AGREEMENT Y This contract entered into this 6th Day of March AD 2006 by and between MELRO E NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. of Clear Lake, MN and Citv of Chanhassen (Customer) of City Chanhassen State Minnesota . WITNESSETH: MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. for and in consideration of the terms hereinafter mentioned, agrees to furnish to the CUSTOMER..Q!!!L Fireworks Display(s) as per agreement made and accepted and made a part hereof, including the services of our Operator to take charge of and fire display under the supervision and direction of the Customer, said display to be given on the evening of Julv 4. 2006 (Rilirlate 7-5-06) Customer Initial , weather permitting, it being understood that should inclement weather prevent the giving of this display on the date mentioned herein the parties shall agree to a mutually convenient alternate date, within six (6) months of the original display date. Customer shall remit to the first party an additional 15% of the total contract price for additional expenses in presenting the display on an alternate date. The determination to cancel the show because of inclement or unsafe weather conditions shall rest within the sole discretion of MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. In the event the customer does not choose to reschedule another date or cannot agree to a mutually convenient date, MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. shall be entitled to 40% of the contract price for costs, damages and expenses. If the fireworks exhibition is canceled by CUSTOMER prior to the display, CUSTOMER shall be responsible for and shall pay to MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. on demand, all MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC.'s out of pocket expenses incurred in preparation for the show including but not limited to, material purchases, preparation and design costs, deposits, licenses and employee charges. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. agrees to furnish all necessary fireworks display materials and personnel for a fireworks display in accordance with the program approved by the parties. Quantities and varieties of products in the program are approximate. After final design, exact specifications will be supplied upon request. It is further agreed and understood that the CUSTOMER is to pay MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. the sum of $ 23.000.00 (Twentv three thousand and 00/100 dollars) of I Y2 % per month shall be added, if account is not paid within 30 days ofthe show date. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. will obtain Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers Compensation Insurance. Customer will provide the following items: (a) Sufficient area for the display, including a minimum spectator set back of 700 feet at all points from the discharge area. (b) Protection of the display area by roping-off or similar facility. (c) Adequate police protection to prevent spectators from entering display area. (d) Search of the fallout area at first light following a nighttime display. It is further agreed and mutually understood that nothing in this contract shall be constructed or interpreted to mean a partnership, both parties being hereto responsible for their separate and individual debts and obligations and neither party shall be responsible for any agreements not stipulated in this contract. Customer agrees to pay any and all collection costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and court cbsts incurred by MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. in the collection or attempted collections of any amount due under this agreement and invoice. The parties hereto do mutually and severally guarantee terms, conditions, and payments of this contract, these articles to be binding upon the parties, themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. =LR~~PYRC1EC~ Date Signed: March 6. 2006 CUSTOMER By Its duly _ _ woo represents h<lsbc bas full authority to bind the <UStomcr. Date Signed (pLEASE TYPE OR~ Mark C. Hanson 9405 River Road SE Clear Lake, MN 55319 (800) 771-7976 Name Address Phone ACORDT,. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ! DATE (MMroM'YYY) I 10/21/2005 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Britton-Gallagher and Associates, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 6240 SOM Center Rd. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Cleveland OH 44139 -- INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAlC# c--- ._-_._.._--_._----.------~----. INSURER A: Lexington Insurance CO INSURED Melrose North Pyrotechnics, Inc. INSURERB: Granite State Insurance Co. 9405 River Road SE INSURERC: Arch Specialty Ins Company Clear Lake ~~ 55319 INSURER 0: MN WC Assigned Risk Plan ,INSURERE: COVERAGES 'mE POLICIES OF INSURAl'lCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING N,Y REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCOMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MJI.Y PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL ':'HE TERM~, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. lNi:lADO'L! -- POUCYNUMBER POUCYEFfECTIVE POUCYEXPIRATlON UMITS A! GENERALLIABIUTY 2831404 4/1/2005 1/15/2006 fACHOCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 X ! COMMERCIALGENERALLlABllfTY PREMISES Eaoccorence S 50,000 ClAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR MEDEXP(Anyonepen;oo) S PERSONAL & AOV INJURY S 1,000,000 I GENERAl.AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PROOUCTS.COMPIOPAGG $ 2,000,000 AUTOMOBILE UABILlTY X I ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS X I HIRED AUTOS X j NON-<lWNED AUTOS U I I I ' CA62659312 4/1/2005 I I I j 11/15/2006 i I i I i r I COMBINEDSINGLEUMIT (Ea 1lCCidenl) B ! GARAGE LIABIUTY r--r ~ AAY AUTO ! I ~ESSJUMBRELLA LIABILITY r=: OCCUR [J ClAIMS MADE W DEDUCTIBLE I X i RETENTION $ 10,000 D I WORKERSCOMPSlSATIONANP I EMPLOYERS' UAIltLlTY I ANY PROPRlETORIPARTNERlEXECl1T1VE OFFICER<1dEMBER EXCLUDED? ~WC~~~~below ! OTHER PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per 1lCOdent) P 1,000,000 Is Is I 1$ I I BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per IItCidenl) OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: AUTO ONLY. EA ACCIDENT EAACC C AGG S $ $ $ 4,000,000 $ 4.000,000 $ $ S ULP0005662 4/1/2005 1/15/2006 i EACH OCCURRENCE , AGGREGATE WC2204088770 4/1/2005 14/1/2006 X E.l. EACH ACCIDENT S 500, 000 E.l.OlSEASE.fAEMPLOYEE $ 500,000 ! E.LPlSEASE'POLlCYllMIT S 500,000 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCElLATION SHOULD Alrf OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING INSURER Your Name WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO so Your Address - Auywhere SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON Your City, State Zip THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORJZEl) REPRESENTATIVE ~J2J~ ACORD 25 (2001108) @ACORDCORPORATION1988 nRROWHE ST. LOUIS PARK, MINN. DULUTH, MINN. S [0., I n c. RECEIVED MAR 0 8 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH 989 FAH 218- 21-3918 DULUTH, MINNESOTA 55816 Dear Mr. Ruegemer, Thank you for giving us this opportunity to bid on your 2006 July 4th firework display this year. Enclosed you will find two signed copies of our bid for the display in the amount of $23,000.00, a copy of our insurance, a list of references and copy of my state operators license. The firing system which we use is the pyromate firing system. The display will last approximately 20 minutes. The shells, which we would use in your display, come from two different domestic companies, ten Chinese companies, one Spanish, two Japanese, and one Taiwanese Company. In the event of cancellation due to weather the fireworks would be taken to our storage facility and the mortar racks would be left on sight if the display will be shot the following day. If show can not be shot the following day the mortar racks would be taken to our storage facility. If sight is available at 8:00 am that would be sufficient amount oftime to set up display. If you have any questions or concerns please call me at telephone number 952- 929-8255. Thank You, ~~~SCO.,INC. Thomas E. Atol C()mme.-dal and f)lsplay r=1.-ew().-ks PyrDteth!,~~s 6ull~ I!'tem~t~~nal DULUTH, MINN. ST. LOUIS PRRK, MINN. S CO., I DC. nRROWHE DULUTH, MINNESOTR 55816 SPECIAL FIREWORK PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN JULY 4, 2006 OPENING SET 12 50MM BLUE CROSSETTE 8 SHOT EXHIBITION CANDLES 120 3" ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS 120 3" TITANIUM SALUTES W/RISING SILVER TAILS 40 4" ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS 10 5" ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS 3 6" ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS BODY OF DISPLAY AMERICAN & SPANISH STYLE SHELLS 10 3" 10 3" 10 3" 10 3" 10 3" 10 3" 10 3" 8 3" 2 3" 3 4" 3 4" Pumtl!chnlcs Guild International WHISTLE & STARS SHELLS SERPENTS & STARS SHELLS FISH & WHISTLE SHELLS THUNDER & RAINBOW SHELLS WHISTLE W/REPORT SHELLS ARTILLERY SHELLS TWO BREAK GREEN PEARLS TO DRAGON EGGS SHELLS THREE BREAK GREEN TO YELLOW TO SILVER W/SERPENTSSHELLS PALM TREE SHELLS WHISTLES & STARS SHELLS THUNDER & RAINBOW SHELLS (;()mmerdal and V.splay nrew()1'ks 3 4" TWO BREAK RED TO CRACKLING TO PALM SHELLS 3 4" STARS & ROSSETTES SHELLS 3 4" SILVER WHISTLES & RING OF TORBILLION SHELLS 3 5" STARS & ROSSETTES SHELLS 3 5" TORBILLIONS TO REPORT IN RING SHELLS 3 5" COMET SHELLS 3 5" F ARF ALLA (BUTTERFLIES) W/ST ARS SHELLS 3 5" DRAGON EGGS & ARTILLERY SHELLS 3 5" HUMMER SHELLS 2 6" DELUXE STROBE SHELLS SPECIAL P A1TERN SHELLS 10 5" 10 5" 10 5" 5 6" 1 0 6" 5 6" SILVER BOWTIE WITH GREEN RING SHELLS FIVE POINT STAR SHELLS DOUBLE HEART SHELLS FIVE POINT STAR SHELLS SMILING FACE SHELLS DOUBLE HEART SHELLS SPECIAL PARACHUTE SHELLS 4 6" STAR WARS SHELLS 4 6" GREEN LANTERN SHELLS SPECIAL ORIENTAL MADE SHELLS 432 3" RED CHRYSANTHEMUM, BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE CHRYSANTHEMUM, COLOR CHRYSANTHEMUM, PURPLE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE TWINKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM, RED TO CRACKLING, YELLOW TO CRACKLING, BLUE TO CRACKLING, GREN TO SILVER PEONY, PINK PEONY, YELLOW TO WHITE PEONY, ORANGE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE & BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM, ~ ORANGE & GRASS GREEN PEONY, GREEN WAVE W/COCONUT PISTIL, DIADEM CHRYSNTHEMUM TO STROBING, GLITTERING COCONUT TREE, GOLDEN PALM TREE, CRACKLING WILLOW, DAHLIA RED, WILLOW TO STROBE, GOLDEN WILLOW TO GREEN, GOLDEN WAVE, RED DIADEM, BROCADE CROWN, WILLOW TO SILVER TO CROWN, GOLDEN KAMURO, WILLOW W/GREEN LEAVES, RED CRACKLING RING, RED & PURPLE GLITTERIING, YELLOW DIADEM, GREEN TO GOLDEN PEONY, WILLOW TO SILVER CROWN, BLUE COCONUT TREE, DRAGON EGGS, RED TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, GREEN TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, BLUE TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, YELLOW TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, PURPLE TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, SILVER CRACKLING STARS, DRAGON EGGS, RED BALL, GREEN BALL, BLUE BALL, RED WAVE, GREEN WAVE, PURPLE WAVE, BLUE WAVE, YELLOW TO PURPLE PEONY, GOLDEN TO BLUE PEONY, RED TO BLUE PEONY, GREEN TO GOLDEN PEONY, YELLOW TO GREEN PEONY, RED PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, GREEN PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, BLUE PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, BROCADE RED, BROCADE YELLOW, BROCADE PURPLE, GOLDEN PALM TREE, RED TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, GREEN TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, BLUE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, YELLOW TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, PURPLE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, WHITE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, SEA BLUE PEONY,GRASSGREENPEONY,ORANGEPEONY,~RED' & Y2 GREEN PEONY 270 4" RED CHRYSANTHEMUM, BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE CHRYSANTHEMUM, COLOR CHRYSANTHEMUM, PURPLE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE TWINKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM, RED TO CRACKLING, YELLOW TO CRACKLING, BLUE TO CRACKLING, GREN TO SILVER PEONY, PINK PEONY, YELLOW TO WHITE PEONY, ORANGE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE & BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM, ~ ORANGE & GRASS GREEN PEONY, GREEN WAVE W/COCONUT PISTIL, DIADEM CHRYSANTHEMUM TO STROBING, GLITTERING COCONUT TREE, GOLEN PALM TREE, CRACKLING WILLOW, DAHLIA RED, WILLOW TO STROBE, GOLDEN WILLOW TO GREEN, GOLDEN WAVE, RED DIADEM, BROCADE CROWN, WILLOW TO SILVER TO CROWN, GOLDEN KAMURO, WILLOW W/GREEN LEAVES, RED CRAKLING RING, RED & PURPLE GLITTERIING, YELLOW DIADEM, GREEN TO GOLDEN PEONY, WILLOW TO SILVER CROWN, BLUE COCONUT TREE, DRAGON EGGS, RED TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, GREEN TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, BLUE TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, YELLOW TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, PURPLE TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, SILVER CRACKLING STARS, DRAGON EGGS, RED BALL, GREEN BALL, BLUE BALL, RED WAVE, GREEN WAVE, PURPLE WAVE, BLUE WAVE, YELLOW TO PURPLE PEONY, GOLDEN TO BLUE PEONY, RED TO BLUE PEONY, GREEN TO GOLDEN PEONY, YELLOW TO GREEN PEONY, RED PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, GREEN PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, BLUE PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, BROCADE RED, BROCADE YELLOW, BROCADE PURPLE, GOLDEN PALM TREE, RED TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, GREEN TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, BLUE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, YELLOW TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, PURPLE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, WHITE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, SEA BLUE PEONY,GRASSGREENPEONY,ORANGEPEONY,~RED & ~ GREEN PEONY 257 5" RED CHRYSANTHEMUM, BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE CHRYSANTHEMUM, COLOR CHRYSANTHEMUM, PURPLE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE TWINKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM, RED TO CRACKLING, YELLOW TO CRACKLING, BLUE TO CRACKLING, GREN TO SILVER PEONY, PINK PEONY, YELLOW TO WHITE PEONY, ORANGE CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE & BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM, ~ ORANGE & GRASS GREEN PEONY, GREEN WAVE W/COCONUT PISTIL, DIADEM CHRYSANTHEMUM TO STROBING, GLITTERING COCONUT TREE, GOLEN PALM TREE, CRACKLING WILLOW, DAHLIA RED, WILLOW TO STROBE, GOLDEN WILLOW TO GREEN, GOLDEN WAVE, RED DIADEM, BROCADE CROWN, WILLOW TO SILVER TO CROWN, GOLDEN KAMURO, WILLOW W/GREEN LEAVES, RED CRACKLING RING, RED & PURPLE GLITTERIING, YELLOW DIADEM, GREEN TO GOLDEN PEONY, WILLOW TO SILVER CROWN, BLUE COCONUT TREE, DRAGON EGGS, RED TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, GREEN TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, BLUE TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, YELLOW TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, PURPLE TO GOLDEN CRACKLING CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER, SILVER CRACKLING STARS, DRAGON EGGS, RED BALL, GREEN BALL, BLUE BALL, RED WAVE, GREEN WAVE, PURPLE WAVE, BLUE WAVE, YELLOW TO PURPLE PEONY, GOLDEN TO BLUE PEONY, RED TO BLUE PEONY, GREEN TO GOLDEN PEONY, YELLOW TO GREEN PEONY, RED PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, GREEN PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, BLUE PEONY W/COCONUT PISTIL, BROCADE RED, BROCADE YELLOW, BROCADE PURPLE, GOLDEN PALM TREE, RED TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, GREEN TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, BLUE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, YELLOW TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, PURPLE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, WHITE TO SILVER CRACKLING STARS, SEA BLUE PEONY, GRASS GREEN PEONY, ORANGE PEONY, ~ RED & ~ GREEN PEONY 186 6" PEONY SHELLS IN YELLOW, WHITE AND GOLD CHRYSANTHEMUM SHELLS IN RED, YELLOW, BLUE GREEN, WHITE, GOLD, SILVER, PURPLE AND VARIEGATED TWO, THREE AND FOUR COLOR CHANGING PEONY SHELLS TWO, THREE AND FOUR COLOR CHANGING CHRYSANTHEMUM SHELLS GLITTERING SILVER CHRYSANTHEMUM SHELLS IN RED TO GREEN, RED TO BLUE, GREEN TO YELLOW, GREEN TO SILVER, BLUE TO RED RING SHELLS IN RED, GREEN, BLUE, DOUL VE, TRICE MAGIC, TRIPLE, SATURN RING W /SCA TIERING, PURPLE, SILVER CRACKLING, YELLOW CRACKLING, GREEN CRACKLING, RED CRACKLING GOLDEN WAVE TO BLUE TO RED, GOLDEN WAVE TO SILVER TO GREEN, GOLDEN WAVE TO SILVER TO PURPLE PEONY SHELLS WITH HALF RED AND HALF GREEN, HALF RED AND HALF BLUE, HALF BLUE AND HALF PURPLE CHRYSANTHEMUM SHELLS WITH HALF AND RED HALF GREEN, HALF RED AND HALF BLUE GOLD STROBE, SILVER STROBE, SILVER TO RED STROBE, SILVER SPIDER STROBE, RED GAMBOGE TO GOLD STROBE, RED GAMBOGE TO SILVER STROBE, FLASHING STARS SILVER RAIN, GOLDEN RAIN, AZALEA FLOWER, GREEN MARBLE, GOLDEN KAMURO, METEOR COMET, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS, ARTILLERY TITANIUM, CRISS-CROSS, DANCING DRAGONS, DAHLIA WITH CRACKLE CROSSETTTE SHELLS IN RED, BLUE, GREEN, PURPLE AND GLITTER THOUSAND MUMS (SHELL OF SHELLS) IN RED, GREEN SILVER, RACKLING AND ASSORTED COLORS 24 8" GOLD BROCADE WATERFALLS WITH GLITTERING TAIL BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM WIRED PISTIL W /SIL VER TAIL GLITTER COCONUT & GLITTER TAIL W/GREEN SCATTER & GLITTER BLUE CHRYSANTHMUM W/P ALM CORE W/SIL VER TAIL CRACKLING SPIDER W/SILVER TAIL 4 COLOR CHRYSANTHMEMUM W/DOUBLE PISTILS W/SIL VER TAIL GLITTERING SILVER TO RED CHRYSANTHEMUM W/GREEN OCTOPUS PISTILS W/SILVER TAIL KAMURO-CRACKLING W/GLlTTERING TIAL 12 10" THOUSAND COLORS TO CRACKLING GLITTER TO GREEN STROBE W/STROBING PISTIL GOLDEN KAMURO GLITTER COCONUT W/GLlTTERING TAIL DIADEM CHRYSANTHEMUM W/TITANIUM REPORT W /SIL VER TAIL GLITTERING SILVER TO BLUE TO RED CHRYSANTHEMUM W REPORTS AND SILVER TAIL GOLD BROCADE KAMURO W/COLOR CHANIGNG PISTILS W/GLlTTERING TAIL DAHLIA W/CRCKLING PISTIL W/GLlTTERING TAIL OVER HALF OF THESE SHELLS COME WITH RISING TAILS SPECIAL EXHIBITION BARRAGE REPEATER CAKES 2 600 SHOT SKYP AINTER 2 600 SHOT WHISTLING & SALUTE 2 664 SHOT CRACKLING COCONUT 2 300 SHOT THUNDER 2 200 SHOT CHRISTMAS IN JULY 2 104 SHOT POISONOUS KINGDOM GRAND FINALE 96 3" 144 3" 30 4" 15 5" 9 6" 2 8" 1 10" TITANIUM SALUTES W/RISING TAIL SHELLS ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHEMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHEMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHEMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS ASSORTED PEONY, CHRYSANTHEMUM, TWICE AND THRICE COLOR CHANGING SHELLS CHRYSANTHEMUM SHELLS CHRYSANTHEMUM SHELL $23,000.00 THIS DISPLAY INCLUDES $1,000,000.00 LIABILITY INSURANCE AND OPERATORS TO SETUP AND FIRE THE DISPLAY. pu/' ~~ Certifiea,~.~:'of]nsu ranee '. .,. .....396.. ,. " , -- PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND Combined Specialties International. Inc. CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE 8362 Tamarack Village DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR LATER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE Suite 119 POLICIES BELOW. Woodbury Minnesota 55125 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ( INSURER A: Underwriters. L10yds of London INSURED INSURER B: Arrowr-.ead Fireworks Co., Inc. INSURER C: 3625 Normanna Road Duluth Minnesota 55816 COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE NAMED INSURED ABOVE FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE FOLLOWING: LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS: 1) THE INSURANCE EVIDENCED BY THIS CERTIFICATE IS LIABILITY INSURANCE ONLY. IT IS NOT A BOND OR ANY FORM OF SURETY AGAINST WHICH SOMEONE OTHER AN .INSURED. MAY ASSERT A CLAIM OR BRING ANY ACTION. SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS. CONDITIONS, DEFINITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS THE INSURANCE ONLY INDEMNIFIES AN INSURED AGAINST CERTAIN LEGAL LIABILITY. 2) THE INSURANCE DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS FOR BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OF THE NAMED INSURED'S SHOOTER(S) ASSIST ANT(S) OR ANY OTHER PERSON(S) INCLUDING ANY VOLUTEER(S) PARTICIPATING IN ANY WAY IN ANY DISPLAY OR SPECIAL EFFECT PERFORMED OR EXECUTED BY THE NAMED INSURED. 3)COVERAGE DOES NOT APPLY TO CLAIMS FOR BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF THE INSURED'S FAILURE TO FOLLOW NFPA OR OTHER APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS. LAWS OR RECOMMENDATIONS, INCLUDING THOSE RELATING TO POST DISPLAY OR SPECIAL EFFECT SEARCHES OR CLEAN UP. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE (MM/DDIYY) A GENERAL LIABILITY 1114194237/005 May 01. 2005 May 01. 2006 EACH ACCIDENT $1.000.000 CLAIMS MADE MEDICAL EXP $5.000 (anyone person) FIRE LEGAL LIABILITY $50.000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2.000.000 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGG $1,000.000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ (Ea accident) ANY AUTO BODll Y INJURY $ ANY OWNED AUTO (Per person) SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per person) EXCESS LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT $ FOLLOWING FORM AGGREGATE $ WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- OTHER AND TORY LIMITS $ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYER $ E,L. DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILO~ATIONSNEHICLESlEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS , " , . . . .. ,. .- .. ~. ~- - CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAil SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENT A TlVES /~ eeL- AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE?-t-. . - DULUTH, MINN. RRRoWHE References: 1. Aitkin Area Chamber of Commerce Carol Kukowski - 218-927-2316 2. City of Landfall Helen Hallis - 651-739-4123 3. Gilbert 3rd of July Committee Linda Tyssen - 218-741-5544 4. Madiline Island Chamber of Commercee Leeann Merrill- 888-475-3386 5. Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Assoc. Shonda Allen - 612-722-4817 6. Proctor Lions Club Nancy Smith 218-624-3641 S CD., I DC. ST. lOUIS PRRK, MINN. DULUTH, MINNESOTR 55816 P!lrotechnlcs Guild International f:()mmerdal and Display t=irew()rlu """'-:~1'lf<<r~~B.O--7--1". FI~9R.1<$9f~TOR '. q~FlCATE Certificate No: 80133 THOMAS E ATOL 362SNORMANNARD DULIJTtJ MN 15803 ".::-:;>->. .Effec:tlveDate . ElcpJratJon Date 1213112003 1213112007 j' .... ..'>''"-,..._......._.-._-~_._--. .... ~---_.~..._..-.. /"" '.