PC Minutes 3-21-06 Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 2006 McDonald moved, Undestad seconded that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit for alterations within the flood plain and development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall implement the 'Preliminary Offsite Upland Planting Plan' dated 9/29/05 for restoration within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 2. The applicant shall submit a full-sized 'Preliminary Offsite Upland Planting Plan' with final plat submittal. 3. The wetland mitigation for Liberty on Bluff Creek shall be constructed prior to or concurrent with wetland impacts on the Liberty on Bluff Creek project. 4. Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420) and the conditions of the Wetland Alteration Permit for Liberty on Bluff Creek. 5. Wetland buffers 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around Wetlands A and B and the constructed wetland mitigation areas. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and must pay the City $20 per sign. All structures shall maintain a minimum 40-foot setback from the edge of the wetland buffer. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to o. Sacchet: Thank you very much. We wish you luck. So the idea is that this will be looked at before it goes to council. It goes to council on April 10th depending on where we are with those issues, and I believe our discussion bore out the issues pretty well how we feel about this. PIONEER PASS: REQUEST FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE AMENDMENT FROM RESIDENTIAL. MEDIUM DENSITY AND OFFICE/ INDUSTRIAL TO RESIDENTIAL. LOW DENSITY (APPROXIMA TEL Y 43 ACRES): REZONING FROM AGRICULTURAL ESTATE DISTRICT. A2 TO RESIDENTIAL LOW AND MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT. RLM (APPROXIMATELY 43 ACRES): PRELIMINARY PLAT (PIONEER PASS) CREATING 82 LOTS. 8 OUTLOTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY FORPUBLCI STREETS (APPROXIMATELY 73 ACRES): CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT WITH A VARIANCE FOR ENCROACHMENT INTO THE PRIMARY ZONE: AND A WETLAND AL TERA TION PERMIT FOR THE GRADING AND FILLING OF WETLANDS ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF PIONEER TRAIL (1600 PIONEER TRAIL) AT FUTURE HIGHWAY 312. PLANNING CASE NO. 06-09. APPLICANT D.R. HORTON. 62 Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 2006 Sacchet: The applicant has requested this be tabled, so I'd like to ask for a motion to table the Pioneer Pass land use amendment, rezoning, preliminary plat, conditional use permit, variance and wetland alteration permit. McDonald: I will make such a. Generous: To April 4th. Sacchet: To April 4th. It will be tabled til April 4th. McDonald: I make a motion Mr. Chairman that we table until April 4th the proposal for Pioneer Pass which is a request for a comprehensive plan land use amendment from residential medium density and office industrial to residential low density. Sacchet: And everything else that goes with that. McDonald: And everything else that goes with it. Sacchet: Alright, we have a motion. Is there a second? Keefe: Second. McDonald moved, Keefe seconded that the Planning Commission table action on Pioneer Pass to the Planning Commission meeting on April 4, 2006. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to o. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Larson noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated February 21, 2006 as presented. Chairman Sacchet adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 10:05 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 63