1984 02 08 Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting February 8, 1984 . Members Present Jim Thompson, Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan and Mike Thompson. Members Absent Tom Merz and Howard Noziska. Staff Present Bob Waibel, City Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary. Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. Subdivision Variance Request, 495 Lakota Lane, Maynard Happe, Public Hearing. Public Present . David Teich Maynard Happe Neil Klingelhutz Brian Klingelhutz Al Klingelhutz 10151 Great Plains Blvd., Chaska 495 Lakota Lane 8601 Great Plains Blvd. 8407 Great Plains Blvd. 8601 Great Plains Blvd. Waibel stated that this was a request for variance approval to sub- divide the property into 3 unsewered single family detached lots. The proposal requires variances on all lot since the depth proposed is greater than two times the width as well as respective variances of 22 feet and 28 feet for parcels 2 and 3 to the requirement that unsewered lots be 180 feet wide at the building setback line. He stated that the primary concerns were whether or not septic system problems experienced by the existing residence can be remedied and whether or not such problems may be symptomatic to the area resulting in system failure for future residences constructed on the proposed parcels. He advised the applicant to consider shifting the proposed easterly property line of parcel 3 a few feet further to the east as this would result in the benefit of greater flexibility in the placement of a residence on the property while reducing the possible need to go through the variance process. Also the applicant requests a variance to record the property with a metes and bounds description to which staff is recommending denial. Waibel stated that platting is a standard procedure for the subdivision of property. Maynard Happe: then result in home on parcel He stated that He felt that moving the lot line on parcel 3 would the same problem with parcel 2. He would like the 2 to be able to be built in the middle of the lot. when the surveyor worked on the subdivision, the . Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1984 e Page 2 surveyor felt that it was the best layout for the property and also that a metes and bounds description was just as good as RLS or lots and blocks. Mr. Happe also stated that he will get percolation tests done when the snow melts. Waibel stated that Mr. Happe would have to submit the request to build the home in the middle of parcel 2 to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals for a variance at the time a building permit is taken out. S. Albee moved, seconded by J. Thompson to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Commissioners wanted to know how if the City would be liable for failing septic systems. They felt they could not make a recommendation because there were no percolation tests done. They noted that there were 5 variances to be dealt with on the sub- division. M. Thompson moved, seconded by J. Thompson that the Planning Commission deny the request based on there being 5 variances requested, 201 study results were "marginal to failing" on the existing septic system and that the applicant wants to record the property in metes and bounds. J. Thompson, S. Albee, B. Ryan and M. Thompson voted in favor. L. Conrad voted nay. Motion carried. e *On February 22, 1984 the Planning Commission added the following statement to the above recommendation, "Commissioners J. Thompson and Albee stated that they are still unhappy about the allowing of 2t acre subdivisions in the unsewered areas." Final Development plan Amendment, street and Easement Vacation Request, Near Mountain P.R.D., Lundgren Brothers, Public Hearing. Public Present Rick Denman Sherman Goldberg Dennis Mulvey Peter Pflaum Nancy Osgood Alan Kramer Lundgren Brothers Lundgren Brothers Lundgren Brothers Lundgren Brothers 745 Pleasant View Road 531 Indian Hill Road e Waibel stated that the request is for final plan amendment and street and utility easement vacation approval for the Near Mountain P.R.D. He noted that in review of this request a discrepancy in the number of units was discovered. Apparently the preliminary plat showed only 134 family units as opposed to the previously approved 144 units. The amendment request is an increase in pro- ject area from 147 acres to 153 acres and a denisty increase of .07 units per acre. He stated that staff finds that the reduced average lot size is minor as well as the overall project density Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1984 Page 3 e change of 1.94 to 2.01 units per acre. He stated that the pro- posed gross density is .2 units below the minimum density prescribed in the Comprehensive Plan which states the low density residential areas shall have a density range of 2.2 to 3.4 units per acre. Waibel stated that the City Engineer indicated that the street and easement vacations are of no detriment to the City and result in overall improvement to the plan. The applicants had a slide presentation and were available to any answer questions. J. Thompson moved, seconded by B. Ryan to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. J. Thompson moved, seconded by S. Albee that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Final Development Plan Amendment and street and utility easaement vacations as depicted on the Sathre Bergquist, Inc. proposed amended plan for Near Mountain and the Sathre Bergquist, Inc. legal descriptions of proposed street, utility and drainage easement vacations dated received February 2, 1984. e J. Thompson, S. Albee, L. Conrad, B. Ryan all voted in favor. M. Thompson abstained. Motion carried. Subdivision Variance Sketch Plan Review, Northeast and Northwest Corners of Intersection of Co. Rd. 17 (Powers Blvd.) and Co. Rd. 18, Brian and Neil Klingelhutz. Waibel stated that this is a sketch plan review to subdivide 10 detached single family residential unsewered lots. The property has moderate to severe slope conditions which require the pro- perty to have four accesses, two of which are onto Co. Rd. 17 and two onto Co. Rd. 18. The County and City Engineers conclude that due to the slope limitations of the property, the accesses as proposed are probably acceptable, however, no additional future accesses should be allowed. Waibel noted that the preliminary plat must demonstrate that future building sites will be designed to allow for site con- ditions proper for home construction, driveway access, and pri- vated septic system, drainfield and well installation according to the City Engineer and the Soil Conservation Service. After review of the sketch plan the Commissioners encouraged the applicants to prepare the preliminary plat with the following suggestions: e Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1984 e pag e 4 1. To reconfigure two lots to conform with the ordinance stan- dard of 2.5 acres in the unsewered area to eliminate land variances. 2. To take precautionary measures to minimize erosion in the area. Approval of Minutes S. Albee moved, seconded by B. Ryan to approved the minutes of November 30, 1983 and January 11, 1984 as written. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. e e