1984 03 14 e PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 14, 1984 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Members Present Jim Thompson, Tom Merz, Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan, Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson. Members Absent None Staff Present Bob Waibel, City Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary. Site Plan Review, Pen Industrial Center, Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Third Addition. Terry Kilbane, the architect, was present to answer any questions that the Commissioners had. e waibel stated that this proposal was to construct six buildings over four phases totaling 495,000 square feet of office, assembly, service and warehouse facilities. He stated that this proposal was compliant with the zoning Ordinance for industrial develop- ment with the exception of the impervious surface area standards for Shoreland areas. He added that the D.N.R. has found that the plan as proposed is acceptable due to the drainage improvements proposed to be constructed. Waibel stated that the project has gone through an Environmental Assessment Review in accordance with Minnesota Environmental Quality Board Regulations and resulted in the finding that no Environmental Impact statement is necessary and that prohibition on local govern- ment approvals of the project is lifted. waibel stated that Jim Castleberry, the Fire Marshal, recommended the need for a revised final utility and hydrant location plan. The Fire Marshal also advised that the service drive on the south side of the office portion of the plan be connected to the service drive on the south side of the service building. e Waibel noted that a feasibility study will need to be done for the installation and extension of public improvements to the site. He added that the proposed building and parking phasing plan adequately addresses interim traffic circulation and parking needs and modifications that may occur would involve location of temporary curbs for interim drainage purposes and the timing of construction of the service road on the south side of the power center. He indicated that it is staff's feelings that these mat- ters should be addressed in greater detail when building permits for individual building phases are applied for. e Planning Commission Minutes March 14, 1984 Page 2 Waibel summarized that as in all industrial site plan approvals, the proposal will be subject to the requirements for 1) the installation of concrete curbs on the perimeter of all vehicle manuevering and parking areas, 2) the screening of rooftop mechanical equipment from view at street level, 3) the installa- tion of shielded high pressure sodium illuminaries, and 4) main- taining all parking within the areas so designated on the approved plans. e Tom Merz questioned the adequacy of the proposed method of handling storm water runoff. He felt that too much of the runoff would be routed directly to the lake and such could affect the water quality of the lake. Waibel stated that the plan has been designed so that all of the runoff from the developed portion of the property would be directed to two holding ponds, one lying north of the site and the other lying to the west near County Road 17 for sedimentation purposes prior to discharge into Lake Susan and Riley Creek. He also noted that the City Engineer has determined that there is sufficient flexibility to provide ponding capacity for this development as well as other develop- ment within the subwatershed. He stated that the City Engineer has found that the actual size and capacity of these ponds will more appropriately be determined at the time when the feasibility study for public improvements for the extension of street, sewer and water services is prepared. Merz expressed concern that berms and/or noise walls might be considered along the southerly portion of the project to diminish traffic noise in and around the site. Terry Kilbane noted that throughout the planning research stages of this project he had been working closely with Mr. Jim Murphy, President of the Lake Susan Homeowners Association, on design considerations. He noted that some of these considerations included the placement of building and driving areas to be as visually unobtrusive as reasonably possible. Measures taken to achieve this were loca- tion of certain buildings and activities that would be most effectively screened by existing vegetation, positioning buildings in the more visible areas of the site so that a reduced angle of view from the existing homes would result and by keeping the developed portions of the site well within the setbacks from Lake Susan that were established as part of the Zoning and Subdivision approval of the property. e Albee inquired as to the impact of the impervious surface area within the shoreland area of the lake. Waibel noted that the D.N.R. Division of Waters has determined that since the runoff from the developed portion of the site will be routed to holding ponds prior to discharge to streams or lakes, the impervious sur- face area ratio as proposed is acceptable. It was also noted that the impervious surface area ratio is still 16% lower than what would be allowed by the City for other typical industrial Planning Commission Minutes March 14, 1984 e page 3 and commercial proposals and furthermore the feasibility study will investigate the need for construction of skimmers or baffle weirs, etc. within the holding ponds to be used by this property and other properties within the watershed. The use of berms and landscaping were further discussed by the commission for diminishing traffic noise and headlight glare from the site. Kilbane mentioned that berming the top of the lakeshore slope would probably result in the need to adjust gra- des down the slope and/or placement of additional retaining walls along the slope. He mentioned that the design of the plan included minimizing the amount of area where retaining walls would be needed. He noted that working with the Homeowners Association on this plan it was his impression that, with the exception of landscaping plant materials, the Association wanted to retain the shoreline side at present grades and appearance as much as reasonably possible. He felt that any changes including berms and retaining walls should be brought back to the Association for their consideration. e Wayne Holtmeier representing Lake Susan Association stated that from a neighborhood perspective they would rather see evergreen plantings for screening rather than berms or soundwalls in order to keep the shoreline slope as natural as possible. He mentioned that the neighborhood has three other concerns concerning the project. One was the lighting on the lakeside of the property. They felt that lighting would be alright for just the sidewalk area, but felt no need to light up the whole building. The second concern was the need for more landscaping in between the building and lake. They would like to see evergreens so that there is cover year round. The last concern was the color of the concrete building. They would like to see concrete with an earth tone color to blend into the landscape. Conrad was concerned about vehicle driving and parking areas on the lakeside of the project. Kilbane stated that the project was designed to keep truck traffic oriented to the interior areas however, due to building design, there would be the need to have some automobile traffic and parking located on the lakeside of the buildings. Noziska felt consideration should be given to designing the access south of the power center so that it would be used by emergency vehicles only and not have the appearance or function of a roadway. Kilbane mentioned that the first phase is now planned for 1986. In response to the question concerning noise level involved with the testing area, he stated that the testing areas have soundproofed interiors with muffled exhaust vents. e e Planning Commission Minutes March 14, 1984 Page 4 Ryan stated that measures should be taken to assure that the drainage between phases be directed away from the lake. He asked when Lake Drive is planned to be extended to 101 to which Waibel stated that it is staff's feeling that this is to be determined as part of the feasibility study for Lake Drive improvements. Conrad was concerned with the apparent conflict between D.N.R. responses on the plan. He stated that it is important that it be demonstrated that water quality after development will not be deteriorated. Ryan stated that the motion should include the D.N.R. comments when the design for the holding ponds is being studied and also should include a statement about assuring that drainage between phases of construction be directed away from the lake. J. Thompson moved, seconded by B. Ryan that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Pen Industrial Center Site Plan submittal dated received December 15, 1983, and as marked Official Copy and contained in Planning File 83-2 Site Plan Review with the following conditions: e 1. That project construction not commence until plans for the exten- sion of street, sewer and water services to the property have been initiated. 2. That a final plan showing the revised water main looping and hydrant and service road connection location be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. That consideration be made from comments from the Soil Conservation Service District Conservationist, D.N.R. and the Planning Commission concerning runoff, landscaping, road- ways, building aesthetics, noise and site preparation plans include allowance for drainage during interim period. 4. That the applicant obtain all necessary local, state or federal agency permits. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 1984 P-District Review The Planning Commission reviewed updated summaries of all existing p-Districts, in accordance with Section 14.07 of the Zoning Ordinance. e J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee that no change in status i recommended. All voted in favor and the motion carried. . . e Planning Commission Minutes March 14, 1984 p~e5 Approval of Minutes Albee moved, seconded by M. Thompson to approve the minutes of February 22, 1984 as written. J. Thompson, Albee and M. Thompson voted in favor. L. Conrad, B. Ryan, H. Noziska and T. Merz abstained. Motion carried. Adjournment Noziska moved, seconded by Ryan to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.