1984 05 23 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 23, 1984 ~ REGULAR MEETING Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan and Jim Thompson MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Merz, Howard Noziska and Michael Thompson STAFF PRESENT: Scott Martin, Community Development Director PROPOSED REZONING FROM R-Ia (AGRICULTURAL RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO R-I (SINGLE FAMILy-aESIDENCE DISTRICT) AND PROPOSED METES AND -- BOUNDS SUBDIVISION INTO TWO ill PARCELS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LAKE LUCY ROAD AND POWERS BLVD., PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Conrad opened the public hearing and Scott Martin pre- sented the Staff Report. The proposal to rezone the property from R-Ia to R-I and to subdivide the existing 2~19 acre tract into two lots was found to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. and City Ordinances. ~ Sarah Evans, representing Dr. Rosalie Dodd, adjacent property owner, expressed Dr. Dodd's concern that the proposal was incon- sistent with Dr. Dodd's tentative plans for large lot residential development of her property and that she was fearful that small homes would be built on the property and detract from her property's value. Martin explained that the adjoining area has been designated for low-density residential use on the adopted land use plan. Dr. Dodd's property would be served by municipal sewer and water ser- vice, so it is unlikely that one acre or larger lots would be economically feasible. Conrad added that the City does not control single-family home design. If the home meets building and zoning requirements, a permit is issued by the City. Martin added that the proposed subdivision of the Jacques Property would not adversely affect the potential for development of the adjacent Dodd Property. Existing topographic features to the north of the Jacques Property eliminate the potential for access through the Jacques Property to serve the Dodd property. Access to the Dodd Property will be provided by a new local street system off of Lake Lucy Road. J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee, to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. - J. Thompson felt that the proposed private access easement necessary to serve the northerly-most lot shown in the future resubdivision plan should be established at this time. Martin explained that such a requirement would be premature, since - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 23, 1984 PAGE 2 future lot lines have been shown in concept only, and have not been surveyed. He recommended that the requirement for an access easement be made a part of any future subdivision of Parcel B. Albee asked if the metes and bounds legal description for Parcels A and B was adequate. Martin responded that both legals are acceptable. Ryan moved, seconded by J. Thompson to recommend approval of the petition to rezone the subject property from R-la to R-l, based upon its consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and the existing development and zoning pattern in the immediate area. The Commission further recommends approval of the proposed metes and bounds subdivision of said property, as shown on the applicant's "Certification of Survey" dated May 10, 1984, subject to private driveway access to Parcel B being restricted to a point on Lake Lucy Road located not less than 100 feet west of Powers Boulevard, and subject to the location of the new homesite in such a manner as to provide for the future resubdivision of Parcel B, in accordance with City Ordinances. All voted in favor and the motion carried. e SKETCH PLAN REVIEW, PROPOSED RURAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION: swl OF THE NEl, SECTION 26, ROBERT HENDRICKSON, ETAL: Martin presented the staff report for the above described pro- posal, and explained that the request was to create four separate parcels to provide for the dissolution of an existing part- nership. He pointed out that the developer also prepared a future resubdivision plan showing how a total of 18 rural resi- dential lots could be created from the entire tract. Herb Baldwin, Landscape Architect for this property, gave a brief overview of the topographic, vegetative, and traffic related issues that were considered during the development of the plan. Martin explained that Carver County and MnDOT review of the sketch plan had not yet been completed due to a delay in plan referral. He recommended that their comments be addressed by the subdivider during preparation of the preliminary plat. Ryan asked if the property could be served by the 201 Program sewer extension planned for the W. 96th Street neighborhood. Martin responded that it could not be served under the 201 Program, since the program is designed to correct failing systems only. e J. Thompson advised the developers of their responsibility to future homeowners if septic systems fail in the future. He cautioned them against assuming that tax payers would be willing to "bail-out" homeowners in the future through another 201 Program. . , . PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 23, 1984 PAGE 3 Baldwin said that the smaller lots lying along the bluff line may be included in the preliminary plat, since these lots include the most desirable building sites. J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee, to recommend that JCB Partnership proceed to the Preliminary plat stage for their pro- posed subdivision. The applicant should work closely with city staff and affected referral agencies to insure that the transpor- tation issues identified by all parties are adequately addressed in the preliminary plat. The applicant should also redesign the lot layouts along the bluff line to insure that adequate area is available on the hilltop for septic systems and building sites. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee, to approve the minutes of the April 25, 1984 meeting as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. OPEN DISCUSSION: Conrad asked staff to pursue the idea of designating the "Lake Minnetonka Sailor" as the City's Official Newspaper, in order to reach more Chanhassen residents. Conrad also suggested writing a letter to Mayor Hamilton explaining the Commission's concern about the lack of recent progress on the new zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. The Commissioners agreed with this suggestion. Martin pointed out that completion of staff review of the draft ordinances would be nearly impossible until the City Planner's position is filled. He said that at least two weeks of uninterrupted review time would be required to adequately complete staff editing of the ordinances. S. Albee suggested the establishment of an aluminum (pop) can recycling box in the downstairs waiting area of City Hall as a measure to show the City's support for recycling and solid waste landfill alternatives. Martin promised to follow-up on this suggestion. Martin reported that the Milwaukee Road has rejected the City's request for a new railroad crossing between West 79th Street and the Downtown area. The City Council will consider whether or not to pursue this proposal sometime in June. J. Thompson moved, seconded by Ryan to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.