1984 06 27
JUNE 27, 1984
Members Present
Jim Thompson, Tom Merz, Susan Albee and Ladd Conrad.
Staff Present
Scott Martin, Community Development Director and Vicki Churchill,
Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.
Subdivision #84-8 (Sketch Plan Review): Proposed "Piper Ridge
Subdivision" - 16 Lot Single-Family Development located south of
Sandpiper Lane and Minnewashta Woods Drive; Randolph Herman,
Martin stated that this proposal is to develop 16 single-family
lots on 7.32 acres of land located south of Sandpiper Lane and
Minnewashta Woods Drive. He stated that the property lies imme-
diately outside of the MUSA line, yet the property can be served
by gravity-flow sanitary sewer and by a logical extension of the
City water system. He stated that staff believes the MUSA line
should be adjusted to include this property.
~ Martin stated that the proposed lot sizes range from 15,000 to
19,000 square feet which is substantially consistent with the
lots in the immediate area. He noted that access to the property
would have to be gained through acquisition of a part of Lot 1.
He noted that a letter from Mr. Herman was included in the packet
concerning his attempts to aquire access from the owner of Lot 1
whose property is presently on the real estate market for sale
and that he has failed. He stated that Mr. Herman is petitioning
the City to assist in the aquisition of that property for a 50
foot right-of-way in an area that is already an existing drainage
and utility easement.
T. Merz stated that the applicant must have known before he bought
the property that it was landlocked.
Randy Herman stated that the property was first obtained in
1952 by my father. Approximately 140 acres, 133 of which were
sold to Carver County as part of the Minnewashta Regional Park.
Actually about 128 of the remainder went as a donation to the
City of Chanhassen for Herman Field. This property was
landlocked at the time the remaining property was sold. At that
time my father received some sort of oral assurance that he would
be able toobtain an access to this property.
T. Merz asked if Carver County or the City was suppose to give
~ access.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 1984
Page 2
Randy Herman stated that he has talked with Pat Murphy and he
stated that it really would have been in the City's hands. No
steps were taken at that time to make that access possible.
Basically the Planning Commission felt that the plan looked good
provided the applicant could gain appropriate access.
S. Albee moved, seconded by J. Thompson that "The Planning
Commission recommends that TRI-R Development Co. proceed with
their proposal to develop 16 single-family lots within their pro-
posed subdivision. The applicant should petition for an amend-
ment to the land use plan, petition to rezone the property from
R-la to R-l, and prepare a preliminary plat for future review by
the Commission at a Public Hearing. The applicant should work
closely with city staff to address the issues identified by the
City and referral agencies, and city staff should pursue a minor
adjustment to the MUSA line with the Metropolitan Council."
S. Albee, J. Thompson, L. Conrad voted in favor. T. Merz voted
naye. Motion carried.
T. Merz is opposed because he felt it was wrong to take part of
someone elses property to gain access to another when the
property became landlocked because of the City or Carver County.
J. Thompson asked if part of Herman Field could be given back so
that the applicant could gain access through there.
Randy Herman stated that it really wasn't feasible. He stated
that they would have to cross 200-300 feet of swamp.
Metes and Bounds Subdivision #84-10: Two Single-Family
Residential Lots located along the east side of Highway 41;
Dennis Jacobson, owner.
Public Present
Mary Savoie
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jacobson
901 Smithtown Terrace
6841 Hazeltine Blvd.
Martin stated that this proposal is to create 2 parcels from an
existing parcel to allow the construction of a new single-family
home. He stated that the proposed subdivision is consistent with
the adopted Comprehensive Plan as far as land use and density but
the proposal would create a landlocked parcel. He stated that
each new lot in the unsewered area is required to have a minimum
frontage of 180 feet on a public street and added that this is
intended to provide for orderly future subdivision and develop-
ment of large tracts that could possibly be resubdivided.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 1984
Page 3
S. Albee moved, seconded by T. Merz that "The Planning commission
recommends that Metes and Bounds subdivision #84-10 be denied
because the proposed landlocked parcel (Parcel B) does not meet
city Subdivision Ordinance requirements for public street fron-
tage of at least 180 feet for all newly created lots. The
commission further recommends that the applicant revise his sub-
division plan to be consistent with city requirements, and also
show how the property could be resubdivided in the future in a
manner consistent with adopted ordinances."
S. Albee, T. Merz and J. Thompson voted in favor. L. Conrad
voted nay. Motion carried.
L. Conrad stated that he is not sure there is a good alternative
for this parcel and the present plan seems reasonable.
Metes and Bounds Subdivision #84-11: Creation of 14 acre parcel
to be consolidated with an existing 10 acre parcel for single-
family residential use, located along Audobon Road; Jim Curry,
e Public Present
Bill & vicky Goers 1601 Lyman Blvd.
Al Klingelhutz (representing Jim Curry)
Martin stated that this was a proposal to consolidate a 14 acre
parcel with an adjacent 10 acre parcel used for single-family
residential and agricultural purposes. He said that this pro-
posed subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and
proposed new zoning District Map. He added that since the 14
acre parcel being subdivided from former Lake Susan West lands
does not have frontage on a public street, a requirement that the
title to this parcel be consolidated with the adjoining Rime
property (buyer) is necessary to avoid creating a landlocked
S. Albee moved, seconded by T. Merz, that "The Planning
Commission recommends approval of Metes & Bounds Subdivision
#84-11, subject to the consolidation and recording of the prop-
erty titles for both the new 14 acre parcel and the existing 10
acre parcel owned by Thomas Rime, and subject to the submission
of a Certificate of Survey and legal description for the newly
subdivided and consolidated parcel."
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 1984
Page 4
Metes and Bounds Subdivision #84-12: Creation of 5 acre lot from
an existing 160 acre parcel for single-family residential use,
located on the south shore of Lake Susan, adjacent to Great
Plains Blvd., Jim Curry, owner.
Public Present
Al Klingelhutz
8601 Great Plains Blvd.
Martin stated that the proposed 5 acre parcel was to be sub-
divided from the former Lake Susan South lands. He added that
only a small point of the subject property abuts Great Plains
Blvd. and the title to the proposed new lot should be con-
solidated with the applicant's existing property in order to pro-
vide this property with approximately 400 feet of public street
frontage. He also added that this property is designated for
Medium Density Residential use on the adopted Land Use Plan, but
the current proposal for a single-family use is more in keeping
with the existing character of the neighborhood.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by T. Merz, that "The Planning
Commission recommends approval of Metes and Bounds Subdivision
#84-12, subject to the consolidation and recording of the prop-
erty titles of the proposed 5 acre parcel with the land owned by
the applicant (and prospective buyer) which is located adjacent
to the subject property lying north of Great Plains Boulevard in
Section 24; and, subject to the submission of a Certificate of
Survex and legal description for the newly subdivided and con-
solidated parcel. The Commission also recommends that the ini-
tial home to be constructed on the site be so located as to
provide for the possible future resubdivision of the property, in
accordance with applicable City ordinances; and, that the appli-
cant dedicate a 20 foot wide utility easement across the
northerly portion of the property in a location which is
acceptable to the City Engineer."
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Land Use Plan Amendment #84-1 and Conditional Use Permit #75-2:
Proposed land use plan change from Parks/Open Space to
Residential-Low Density for property located along the east side
of Highway 41 and proposed revision to Lake Minnewashta Regional
Park Conditional Use Permit to remove "Parcels C & D" from Park
Public Present
R.R. and Mary Roettzer
3221 Dartmouth Drive
Martin stated that this proposal is to remove the property lying
east of Hwy. 41 from being a future part of the Lake Minnewashta
Chanhassen Planning commission
June 27, 1984
Regional Park. He added that since this property is cut-off from
the main part of the park it would seem logical to eliminate it
from future parkland designation and also to designate it as low-
density residential.
T. Merz was concerned about the effect of the reduction in
parkland on the overall use as it was designed to hold a certain
number of users. He stated that Carver County should be present
to provide specific data concerning the park usage.
s. Albee moved, seconded by J. Thompson to table this item for
more specific information from Carver County until July 11, 1984.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Request to initiate Zoning Ordinance Amendment to allow
Contractor's Yards as a Conditional Use in R-la Zoning District
(Zoning Ordinance Amendment #84-2).
Public Present
Mr. Bulter (applicant)
Mr. Herb Baldwin
Martin stated that in the new Revised zoning and subdivision
Ordinances draft would allow Contractor's Yards as conditional
uses in the proposed A-I (Agricultural Preservation) Zoning
District. He stated that only the Planning Commission or City
Council can initiate amendments to the text of the Zoning
Ordinance that is now in effect.
s. Albee moved, seconded by T. Merz that the Planning Commission
initiate the zoning Ordinance amendment for a public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by S. Albee to approve the Planning
Commission Minutes of May 23, 1984 as written.
J. Thompson, S. Albee and L. Conrad voted in favor and the motion
carried. T. Merz abstained.
Open Discussion
Martin told the Commission that Barbara Dacy was hired as the
City Planner and would be starting August 1, 1984.
~ Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.