1984 09 12
SEPTEMBER 12, 1984
Vice-Chairman Mike Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.
Jim Thompson, Tom Merz, Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson.
Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad and Bill Ryan.
Scott Martin, Community Development Director, Barbara Dacy, City
Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit Request #84-10 to allow
the private stabling of four (4) horses on property zoned R-l
at 6301 Church Road, James Frizzell, applicant.
Public Present
Merlyn & Betty Wanus
Harry Campbell
Bill Schmid
Jim Frizzell, applicant
M. H. Kerber
6231 Church Road
6241 Church Road
3670 Hwy. 7
6301 Church Road
6320 Church Road
Dacy explained that the applicant was seeking a conditional use
permit to allow the stabling of four horses on property in the
R-l district. She stated that Ordinance No. 56 regulates the
boarding of horses within the City, but the Zoning Ordinance pro-
vides that a conditional use permit must be issued in the R-l
district. She stated that Mr. Dave Headla, Stable Inspector, has
inspected the property and has signed a stable permit for two
horses. Headla stated that on the permit application that he
knew of no other stable where the pasture adjoins backyards that
were actively used and a 'judgement call' would have to be made.
Dacy stated that the applicant is planning on stabling 2 horses
immediately in the existing barn and 2 more next summer pending
construction of an additional shelter area. She also stated that
the property totals 3.5 acres which exceeds the 2 1/3 acres
required for four horses stipulated in Ordinance No. 56.
Merlyn Wanus, Harry Campa and Mike Kerber stated that they are
against the request because of the smell and it should not be
allowed in a residential neighborhood. They also stated that the
neighbors had a meeting about it and had agreed that they
wouldn't mind letting the applicant have two horses only because
the present owner would not be able to sell the property.
4It Bill Schmidt also stated that the field is tiled and the manure
drains toward the highway and Lake Minnewashta.
Chanhassen Planning Commission Minutes
September 12, 1984
Page 2
Jim Frizzell, the applicant, stated that the property is equipped
for horses with the barn and electric fence, and the previous
owner has had horses for the past 6 years. He stated that the
reason why he asked for the Conditional Use Permit for four horses
is because he may want a third or fourth horse in the pasture and
did not want to go through this process again. He stated that
about a block away there are horses in the same zoning district.
He stated that Merlyn, who resides on Church Road, raises hogs in
the fall, and there's been geese in that area. He stated that if
horses are properly taken care of, he felt there would be no
J. Thompson moved, seconded by T. Merz, to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Merz asked why the conditional use permit was not kept up-to-
Martin stated that the owner should have had the stable permit
renewed every year but apparently did not. The neighbors stated
that they thought the owner rented the pasture for horses the
last two years.
Merz moved, seconded by M. Thompson to deny the conditional use
permit request for James Frizzell as proposed. Merz and M.
Thompson voted in favor. J. Thompson and Noziska voted against.
Merz moved, seconded by Noziska to recommend the conditional use
permit for two horses only including the following conditions:
1. The applicant maintain the pasture and barn in a clean and
orderly manner with proper disposal of manure; and
2. all requirements of Ordinance No. 56 must be satisfied.
Merz, J. Thompson and Noziska voted in favor. M. Thompson voted
nay. Motion carried.
Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit Request #84-11 to allow
temporary storage of a marketing sales trailer on property zoned
R-la located south of and adjacent to Highway 5 and immediately
west of Chanhassen Estates, Kerr Companies, applicant.
Public Present
Bob Martinson, representing the Kerr Companies
Dacy stated that this request was to allow temporary storage of a
marketing sales trailer on property south of the American Legion
property, east of Hwy. 101. She stated that the applicant
intends to develop the 80 acre parcel for residential uses in the
Chanhassen Planning Commission Minutes
september 12, 1984
Page 3
near future. She stated that the trailer is fairly well con-
cealed by surrounding trees and tall grass and should not cause
any adverse impacts on surrounding properties in its present
Bob Martinson representing the Kerr Companies, stated that they
do intend on developing the property and agree with staff's
recommendations. He stated that the trailer would be used as
their sales office with displays, drawings, models and infor-
mation on the homes.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Merz to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska moved, seconded by Merz to recommend approval of the con-
ditional use permit request for the Kerr Company to allow the
temporary storage of the marketing/sales trailer with the
following conditions:
1. The trailer must be removed from the site if application for
development approval has not been made by November 30, 1984.
2. If application is made and approved and construction started,
the trailer must be removed by September 1, 1985.
3. If the trailer is moved on site, its location should be approved
by the Planning staff.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Public Hearing: Metes and Bounds Subdivision Request #84-15 to
subdivide property containing 26.03 acres into two separate par-
cels on property zoned R-la and located at 8280 Galpin Blvd.,
Dennis J. Moore, applicant.
Public Present
Dennis Moore
8280 Galpin Blvd.
Dacy explained that this proposal is to split the 26 acre parcel
into two single family lots. She stated that the site is located
outside of the MUSA line and that percolation tests were required
for the individual septic system on the properties. She stated
that George Donnelly, Building Official, has advised staff that
upon further discussion with the applicant, installation of a
"curtain drain" with the septic system resolves his concerns with
the soil tests and he stated that the percolation rates were ade-
Noziska moved, seconded by Merz, to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Merz moved, seconded by Noziska, to recommend approval for the
Subdivision Request #84-15 for Dennis Moore into two parcels as
proposed. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chanhassen Planning Commission Minutes
September 12, 1984
Page 4
Public Hearing: Subdivision Request #84-16 to create four
single family residential lots to be known as Fox Hollow 2nd
Addition on property zoned P-l and located west of and adjacent
to T.H. 101, south of Pleasant View Road, Builders Development,
Inc., applicant.
Public Present
Rick Murray
Dacy explained that this proposal was to replat two lots and
Outlot C from the Fox Hollow subdivision including the otto Flom
property. She stated that the Flom residence as it exists now
lies 15 feet from the south lot line of Fox Hollow Subdivision.
She stated that 91 feet of the Flom property would be added to
the subdivision in exchange for a 72' x 220' lot on the north
boundary (Lot 3). She stated that the main concern was the
radius of the new Lot 3 in the cul-de-sac which measures 23.56
feet. She stated that this may cause problems for access to and
the location of a structure in relation to the required set-
backs and that realigning the radius as shown would allow more
area and more flexibility to place a structure on the lot.
Noziska moved, seconded by J. Thompson, to close the public
_ hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Merz, to recommend approval of
Subdivision Request #84-26, Fox Hollow 2nd Addition with the
following conditions:
1. The west lot line of the proposed Lot 3 be realigned as
depicted in Attachment #6.
2. Access to the proposed Lot 3 must be from the cul-de-sac.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Public Hearing: Land Use Plan Amendment Request #84-2 to amend
the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Parks/Open Space to
Residential Low Density located south of Sandpiper Trail and
Minnewashta Woods Drive, Randy Herman, applicant.
Public Present
F.L. & Edile Cook
Betty Lang
Marcia L. (Will) Schifeile
Larry & Diane Spooner
Ralph & Kay Hegman
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Schmidt
Tom Schoenecker
Peter Throdahl
6351 Minnewashta Woods Drive
2631 Forest Avenue
325 George Street
2800 Sandpiper Trail
6361 Minnewashta Woods Drive
2810 Sandpiper Trail
2820 Sandpiper Trail
6345 Minnewashta Woods Drive
Chanhassen Planning Commission Minutes
September 12, 1984
Page 5
Dacy stated that this is a request to amend the Land Use plan
designation for a 7.32 acre parcel from parks/Open Space to
Residential-Low Density in order to develop 16 single family
residential lots. She stated that the property can be served
with water and gravity flow sewer service by logical extension of
facilities from the north of the site. She stated that the City
Park and Recreation Commission and Carver County reviewed this
proposal and found that it would have no adverse impact on the
adjacent parks. She stated that in order to shift the MUSA line
to include this parcel, the Metropolitan Council requests that a
land trade of equal acreage from the unserviced area be provided.
She stated that acreage from this proposed amendment plus the 22
acres from the Electro-Craft Corporation land use application
will be proposed in exchange for the exclusion of the Hillside
Oaks subdivision which cannot be serviced by gravity flow sewer.
Randy Herman stated that thise parcel was originally part of the
family's 140 acres. He stated that in exchange for the dedica-
tion of Herman Field the City provided an access easement for
this 7.32 acre parcel. He also stated that they have reduced the
proposed number of lots for this development from 16 to 12
because of neighborhood concerns of traffic flow and the
topography of the parcel.
Some of the neighbors were concerned that the value of their
homes would decrease because of the smaller size of lots and
homes that would be built in this development.
Randy Herman stated that the lots would range in size from about
19,000 to 35,000 square feet and the homes would be contemporary
styles and he intends to regulate this with covenants and
Almost all of the neighbors in attendance stated that they
purchased their homes thinking that the subject parcel was
parkland and would never be developed, and wanted to know if the
City would be willing to purchase the land from Mr. Herman
because of Herman Field.
Martin stated that the City is not interested in additional
parkland in that area. He stated that if the neighborhood wishes,
a formal request should be submitted to the Park and Recreation
Commission for their consideration. He also stated that ini-
tially when the consultant drew up the Land Use Plan map they
made an error. He stated that in the text of the Comprehensive
Plan Land Use Plan section it clearly defines the area as not being
included as parkland.
It was asked if Mr. Herman would be agreeable to let this parcel
go as parkland and he stated that he would not because they have
paid taxes on this parcel over the years and have acquired an
easement for access.
Chanhassen Planning Commission Minutes
september 12, 1984
P ag e 6
One of the neighbors stated that the City can't take care of
their roads now, much less add another development.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor the motion carried.
J. Thompson felt that the development proposal looked good and
even more so with the reduction of the lots. He stated that
staff should see if they can get the street situation corrected
because that is not the developer's problem. He also stated that
everyone would like to keep their area rural in character but
this is not always possible.
M. Thompson stated that he felt the owner should be able to do
something with his property but also felt that the neighbors
should have a chance to see if the City wants to acquire more
Noziska moved, seconded by Merz, to recommend approval of the
Land Use Plan Amendment #84-2 changing the land use designation
from parks/Open Space to Residential Low Density and to revise
the MUSA boundary to include the subject parcel. The request is
approved with the condition that it be postponed for City Council
review until October 15, 1984 in order to give the neighbors a
chance to submit a formal request to the Park and Recreation
Commission to see if the City would acquire Mr. Herman's parcel
for parkland.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Public Hearing: Land Use Plan Amendment #84-3 to amend the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Industrial and Agricultural to
Industrial on property located in the southwest corner of
Highway 5 and Audubon Road, Electro-Craft Corporation, applicant.
Public Present
Pat and Lee Kerber
Michael A. Nekrich (Electro-Craft)
James Mertes (Electro-Craft)
1620 Arboretum Blvd.
142 Cambridge, st. Paul
142 Cambridge, st. Paul
Dacy explained that this proposal was to designate 22 acres as
industrial for the site of Electro-Craft Coporate Headquarters.
She said that the 22 acres is immediately south of the 40 acre por-
tion already designated as Industrial. She also stated that the
southernmost ten acres would remain as agricultural. She
explained that the site can be served with gravity flow sewer
She also indicated that in the Land Use Plan Amendment report for
Randy Herman, the additional 22 acres will be coupled with the 7.32
acre Herman property in a petition to Metro Council to shift the
MUSA line to include these parcels in exchange for the exclusion of
the 29.3 acre Hillside Oaks Subdivision.
Chanhassen Planning Commission Minutes
September 12, 1984
Page 7
Noziska moved, seconded by Merz to close the public hearing. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska moved, seconded by Merz to recommend approval of Land Use
Plan Amendment #84-3 changing the land use designation from
"Industrial and Agricultural" to "Industrial" on the 62 acres
located in the southwest corner of the Highway 5 - Audubon Road
intersection and to revise the MUSA boundary to include the sub-
ject parcel. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Public Hearing: Rezoning Request #84-3 to rezone property
located at the southwest corner of Hwy. 5 and Audubon Road from
R-la, Agricultural Residence District to P-4, Planned Industrial
Development District, Electro-Craft Corporation, applicant.
Public Present
Pat and Lee Kerber
Michael A. Nekrich (Electro-Craft)
James Mertes (Electro-Craft)
1620 Arboretum Blvd.
142 Cambridge, st. Paul
142 Cambridge, st. Paul
Dacy explained that the applicant is proposing a rezoning from
R-la to P-4 to allow the construction of corporate headquarters
for Electro-Craft Corporation. She stated that this proposal was
submitted in conjunction with the applicant's land use plan
amendment. She stated that the proposed district is consistent
with the adopted land use plan and should not adversely affect
adjacent properties.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska to close the public
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska to recommend approval of
Rezoning Request #84-3 which changes the zoning on the 62 acres
located in the southwest corner of the Highway 5 - Audubon Road
intersection from R-la, Agricultural Residence to P-4, Planned
Industrial Development District. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Merz moved, seconded by M. Thompson to approve the August 8, 1984
Planning commission minutes as written. Merz, J. Thompson and M.
Thompson voted in favor. Noziska abstained. Motion carried.
Merz moved, seconded by M. Thompson to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
e Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.