1982 01 06
HELD JANUARY 6, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Art Partridge, Howard Noziska, Bill Swearengin,
Carol Watson, Mike Thompson, Jim Thompson,
Ladd Conrad, Pat Swenson, Tom Hamilton, John
Neveaux, Clark Horn.
Members Absent: Dale Geving
Staff Present: Scott Martin, Bob Waibel, Don Ashworth, Becky
Art Partridge, Chairman of the Planning Commission, called the
meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Partridge explained to the City
Council that the Planning Commission would like to get some feed
back from them on the Planning Commission's Work Prog~am Schedule
and also about the revision of the zoning ordinance.
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Hamilton suggested that the Planning Commission change their work
schedule into two lists, the first list would be the priority
items and the other would be the on-going items. Hamilton stated
that the items on the list should be listed in order of priority
as follows:
Establish Planning Commission By-Laws
Commercial and Industrial District Revisions
Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Regulations
Unsewered Area Regulations (Ordinance #45)
PUD Procedures and Standards
R-District Regulations
Sign Regulations
Adopt Recodified Zoning Ordinance
Subdivision Ordinance Amendments (Comprehensive Revisions)
And the on-going list should be as follows:
Development Application Review
Routine Land Use Plan Amendments
Routine Zoning Ordinance Amendments
Routine Subdivision Ordinance Amendments
Training and Educational Planning Workshops
Planning Commission/City Council Meeting
January 6, 1982
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There was some ~iscussion regarding the proposed revisions in
Ordinance 45. There were concerns that changing the ordinance
might affect the legal suits that are pending because of that
ordinance. Hamilton suggested that the City Attorney look into
Neveaux asked if updating the bylaws had to be a priority. Partridge
explained that it is a very high priority because they need to
know the rules to go by. The Planning Commission would like to
set up some guidelines to follow. Conrad stated that the bylaws
will hopefully allow the Planning Commission to get more accomplished
because they will have something to go by.
Swenson suggested that when the revisions are done there should be
a section in the front of the ordinance stating what each chapter
is about so that things will not be so hard to find.
Partridge indicated to the City Council that the Planning Commission
also would like their opinion as to what type of businesses they would
like to have in the B-1 District as shown in the Proposed
Revision to the Chanhassen zoning Ordinance. Partridge stated
that this area is known as the "gateway to Chanhassen". It is
cut off on one side by a railroad track and Highway 5 on the other
side. It was asked if the City Council would like to see some
sort of a fast-food restaurant in that area. Neveaux stated that
he would rather see fast-food restaurants in the area of C.R. 17 and
Hwy 5. Horn indicated that he didn't care what went into that
area just so that it blends in with the downtown area and didn't
distract from the looks of downtown.
Conrad suggested that the highway traffic should stay close to the
road and out of the downtown area. Maybe gas stations and fast-
food restaurants should just be located along the roadside.
Neveaux stated that he does not like to see fast-food places in
clusters. Maybe the City could adopt a rule that not more than
2 fast-food places in a 5 acre area.
An idea was brought up to list only the uses not to be permitted
in the B-1 district rather than what is to be permitted. Neveaux
stated that he feels the uses listed in the proposed ordinance sound
good; he did not like the idea of a negative ordinance. Horn agreed
with Neveaux. Chanhassen should be a positive place to build not
start out negative. Horn indicated that he would not like to see
large signs in the B-1 District; he wouldn't want to distract from
the downtown area.
Neveaux indicated that he is generally comfortable with the list
of uses for the B-1 District except for #23 which states "Other
similar uses as determined by the Zoning Administrator to be of the
same general character as this District's permitted uses based upon
the legislative intent of this section." Neveaux feels that it
should read "as determined by the Planning Commission and City
Planning Commission/City Council Meeting
January 6, 1982
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Martin stated that if an applicant comes in and has met all the
requirements of the ordinance, he shouldn't have to go thru the long
Planning Commission and City Council meetings. Hamilton indicated
that he agrees with Neveaux and Horn, anything approved by the staff
should go to the City Council on the consent agenda to be approved.
Hamilton suggested that the Planning Commission and the City Council
read through their Proposed Revision to the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance
books and make any comments of things that should be changed in
the margins. After this is finished, send your book to Scott Martin
so that he can get a feel for what the City Council and Planning
Commission are saying. This should be done by January 18th.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.