1982 01 13 e MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD JANUARY 13, 1982, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS APPROVED ON J- 9-1-'f)~ - Members Present: Chairman Art Partridge, Carol watson, Ladd Conrad, Jim Thompson, Mike Thompson, Howard Noziska, and Wm. Swearengin Members Absent: None Staff Present: Bob Waibel, Craig Mertz, and Becky Foreman Chairman Partridge called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Oath of Office: Mertz, the Assistant City Attorney, swore in the newly appointed Planning Commissioner, Bill swearengin, and two reappointed commissioners, Jim Thompson and Howard Noziska. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Request, Chanhassen American Legion, Public Hearing: Present: Harry Pauly, 7561 Great Plains Blvd, Chanhassen ~ Partridge called the Public Hearing to order at 7:40 p.m. Waibel explained that the present use is semi-public. It is zoned R-lA. Pauly stated that the building was built in 1959 and was basically financially stable until they were assessed over $40,000 this year. The Legion is requesting to be rezoned in order to subdivide to help pay for their assessments. Waibel explained that this item would not have to have Metro Council review because the MUSA line is already calculated for that area, and the request is not a large request. Waibel stated that this area would not be suitable for residential. Pauly stated that there has been some interest in purchasing the property by a filling station and a restaurant. Watson asked if the Planning Commission should wait to make a decision on this item until the Zoning Ordinance is revised. Waibel stated that the American Legion would like to have an indication whether or not this is a possibility. Then they will go ahead and have plans drawn up. e Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1982 Page 2 e Watson made a motion seconded by Noziska to close the Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. J. Thompson indicated that another gas station in that area would be too many; a family restaurant would be nice on that property. Conrad indicated that he agrees that this property should be zoned commercial, but he doesn't like a piece-meal strategy of zoning. Should take a look at the surrounding area. J. Thompson made a motion seconded by Noziskato recommend to the City Council to approve the request by the Chanhassen American Legion to designate their property as commercial on the Comprehensive Land Use Map without recommending any specific type of commercial use. Partridge, M. Thompson, Noziska, J. Thompson, Swearengin voted in favor, Conrad and Watson voted nay. Motion carried. J. Thompson stated that it is the Planning Commission concensus that service stations may not be the best use in that area. Conrad stated that he voted against this request because he feels that the Planning Commission should review the entire area south of highway 5, between 101 and Dakota Avenue from a Land Use Planning standpoint. e Partridge stated that the Planning Commissions recommendation was made because the best use for that area is commercial. The primary concern was regarding piecemeal zoning, but the Planning Commission feels that this area should still be commercial. Adopt Revised Planning Commission_ Wo_rk Program: The Planning Commission reveiwedthe revised Work Program schedule. A motion was made by Noziska and seconded by M. Thompson to adopt the Revised Chanhassen Planning Commission Work Program schedule with the understanding that the priorites and the completion dates may be altered due to current pressures at the time. Partridge, Watson, J. Thompson, Conrad, Noziska, M. Thompson voted aye, Swearengin- nay. Motion carried. Swearengin stated that if the Planning Commission was going to have a schedule, they should follow it. Discussion, Planning Commission Charter and Bylaws: The Planning Commission reveiwed the draft bylaws presented by the staff. The Planning Commission requested that staff make changes as discussed and present it at the next meeting for adoption. e Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1982 Page 3 e Annua 1 Organi za tional Items: Chairman: A motion was made by Noziska and seconded by M. Thompson that Partridge be appointed Chairman of the Chanhassen Planning Commission. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Vice-Chairman: A motion was made by M. Thompson and seconded by Noziska that Conrad be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Chanhassen Planning Commission to serve in the absence of the Chairman. Carried. Rules of Order: A motion was made by M. Thompson and seconded by Noziska that the Chanhassen Planning Commission shall conduct business pursuant to the Roberts Rules of Order Revised. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. Meeting Nights: Motion was made by Noziska and seconded by J. Thompson that the regular Chanhassen Planning Commission meeting nights shall be the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. for regular business. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. Agenda Systems: A motion was made by Noziska and seconded by Conrad that all meetings shall be conducted on the agenda system. Material for items under consideration shall be submitted 21 days prior to the next available regular Planning Commission meeting. e Board of Adjustments and Appeals: Motion was made by Conrad and seconded by Noziska that Swearengin be appointed the Chanhassen Planning Commission's representative to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. Alternative to Board of Adjustments and Appeals: Motion was made by Conrad and seconded by Noziskathat M. Thompson be the alternative Planning Commission's representative to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Conrad made a motion seconded by Noziska to not fill the Park and Recreation Committee or the Lake Study committee positions until the City Council clarifies the relationship between the Planning Commission and those committees. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. M. Thompson made a motion to appoint Watson as the Planning Commissions representative to the HRA. Second by Conrad. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. e e e e Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1982 Page 4 Approval of Minutes J. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes as presented from the December 9, 1981 Planning Commission meeting. Seconded by Watson. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by Noziska and seconded by Conrad to note the City Council minutes of December 7, 1981. Partridge, Watson, Conrad, J. Thompson, M. Thompson, Noziska voted in favor. Swearengin abstained. Motion carried.