1982 01 27
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HELD JANUARY 27, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M.
/}~ 11- 3d-
Members Present: Chairman Art Partridge, Carol Watson, Jim
Thompson, Bill swearengin, Ladd Conrad, Howard
Noziska, and Mike Thompson.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Bob Waibel, Scott Martin, Craig Mertz and
Becky Foreman.
Chairman Partridge called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
A motion was made by Conrad and seconded by Partridge to move
item #2 of the agenda to the beginning of the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion was carried.
Review Revised Draft of Planning Commission Bylaws:
The Planning Commission discussed whether or not the Planning
Commission bylaws should be made a resolution to replace Ordinance
#28. Mertz indicated that there is 3 items in Ordinance #28
that is. manditory accordingnto State law, the rest of the items
are not essential.
Martin stated that he feels it is not necessary to make the
bylaws into an ordinance. If there needs to be any updating,
then they would have to go through the procedure of amending
the ordinance rather than just changing it at their meeting.
J. Thompson made a motion seconded by Noziska to direct the
staff to rewrite Ordinance 28 to'only include the items required
by State law and to delete the rest of the ordinance. All
voted in favor and the motion was carried.
Mertz went through the bylaws indicating any changes that should
be made before adoption.
J. Thompson made a motion seconded by Noziska to adopt the
bylaws with the changes as made at the meeting of January 27,
1982. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
Discussion, "proposed Revisions to ChanhassenZoning Ordinance":
The Planning Commission discussed what type of permitted uses
should be made for the B-1 District between the railroad and
Highway 5.
Watson indicated that the Planning Commission should take into
account that that area is almost all developed now and should
change the zoning to something that would include what is there
rather than creating non-conforming uses.
Planning Commission Meeting
January 27, 1982
Page 2
Conrad stated that this area is the best area for highway business.
Maybe some of the businesses could work out a shared parking lot
Martin indicated that the area could be made into an Office
Business District and only allow offices in there. Chanhassen
is going to get a lot of offices in the Business Park and then
an office district might not be so good in this area.
Swearengin stated that the entrance to Chanhassen could be
changed to West 78th Street because it goes from highway 5
right into the downtown redevelopment area.
Martin asked the Planning Commission how they would feel about
a multi-story building there or would they like to keep it a
low profile area. The Planning Commission indicated that that
would be no problem.
Conrad suggested that the ordinance prohibit outdoor storage,
drive-in theaters, outdoor displays (car sales), etc. in this
Partridge suggested that they should encourage multiple use of
structures, like a mini-mall. They should also have larger setbacks
from the highway.
e The Planning Commission discussed signage for this area. They
decided that there should be no roof-top signs but wall mounted
would be acceptable.
Martin was asked to take into consideration the items discussed
concerning this area of the city and bring back a revised section
of the ordinance_at the ne~t meeting.
Lake Study Committee:
Waibel explained that the Lake study Committee has been disbanned.
The City Council would like to start an Ecological committee.
The members from the Lake Study Committee could serve on the
new committee if they are interested.
Partridge indicated that he would like to see some interest from
the farmers and contractors from the City.
The Planning Commission concurred that 7 members is good size.
Conrad suggested that the current members of the Lake Study Committee
should have to reapply for their position. This would be a form
of recommitment.
Planning Commission Meeting
January 27, 1982
Page 3
J. Thompson suggested that the core of members on the committee
could bring in a consultant to help them with the ordinances that
they are writing.
It was suggested that the Ecological Committee make up their
own work schedule.
The Planning Commission will have to interview the applicants
at their next meeting. Ten minutes should be allowed for each
A motion was made by Watson seconded by J. Thompson to note_the
minutes of the joint City Council and planning Commission meeting
of January 6, 1982. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Watson and seconded by Noziska to approve
the Planning Commission minutes of the January 13, 1982 meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion~s carried.
Watson made a motion seconded by Noziska to note the minutes
of the Lake study Committee. All voted in favor and the motion
was carried.
A motion was made by Watson and seconded by Noziska to note the
minutes of the Park and Recreation Committee. All voted in favor
and the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Watson and seconded by Conrad to note the
minutes of the December 21, 1981 city Council minutes. All voted
in favor and the motion was carried.