1982 02 11
HELD FEBRUARY 11, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M.
, ~&-'
Members Present: Chairman Art partridge, Bill Swearengin,
Carol Watson, Ladd Conrad, Mike Thompson,
and Howard Noziska
Members Absent: Jim Thompson
Staff Present: Scott Martin, and Becky Foreman
Chairman Partridge called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Interview of Candidates for the Environmental Protection
The following is a list of the applicants who were interviewed
for this committee:
Henry Sosin, 7400 Chanhassen Road, Chanhassen
Ellen Chilvers, 6271 Hummingbird, Excelsior
Court McFarlane, 3800 Leslee Curve, Excelsior
Jack Mauritz, 6930 Tecumseh Lane, Chanhassen
Lloyd Miller, 610 Carver Beach Road, Chanhassen
Rick Murray, 15 Choctaw circle, Chanhassen
Susan Conrad, 6625 Horse Shoe Curve, Chanhassen
Kathy Schwartz, 690 Pleasant View Road, Chanhassen
A motion was made by M. Thompson seconded by Conrad to have
9 members on the Environmental Protection Committee. The
following voted in favor: M. Thompson, Noziska, Conrad and
Partridge. Nay votes were by Watson and Swearengin.
Conrad stated that the decision to have a 9 member committee was
because the Planning Commission feels that there is so much
work to be done, it will create a larger variety of input,
and because of the expected turnover rate. The Planning
Commission feel that a 9 member committee will provide for
continuity for the turnover.
Watson stated that she voted against the 9 members because
she feels that 7 is a better size. Swearengin stated that
9 is too large of a committee to work with.
The Planning Commission voted to accept all of the applicants
interviewed to be members of the Environmental Protection
The Planning Commission indicated that they would like to
send a member of their commission to the Environmental Protection
Committee's meeting to help them get started. The new committee
should choose their own Chairperson and start by reviewing
the Lakeville Ordinance.
Planning Commission Meeting
February 11, 1982
Page 2
Review Revision to Chanhassen.'Zoning.Ordinahce:
Martin gave a review of what was discussed at the last meeting.
He reviewed the permitted uses and the prohibited uses that
the planning commission had suggested at their last discussion.
The area between Highway 5 and the railroad will be zoned
B-2, Highway Business Services District.
The Planning Commission discussed the percentage of greenspace
that should be required per lot. Conrad indicated that 80%
coverage on a smaller lot would make sence but in an industrial
lot, 80% coverage would be a pretty large building. Martin
stated that industrial cannot be made to look like residential.
If the Planning Commission states that 50% of an industrial lot
would have to be greenspace, that would create a hardship
for the developer, it would be rendering half of his property
useless. Martin suggested 30% greenspace. Conrad, Watson and
Partridge stated that that sounded reasonable.
Martin explained the B-1, Neighborhood Business District to
the planning Commission. Martin asked what type of uses
and restrictions would they like to see in the B-1 District?
Watson suggested that B-1 be kept low profile, there should
be height restrictions (single story) larger setbacks, multi-
use buildings, all signs wallmounted, restrictions on hours
of business, and lights should not be facing the residential
Review Amendments to Ordinance #28 :
M. Thompson made a motion seconded by Watson to strike the
last sentence of 2.01 that states "One Commission member may
be chosen by the Council from among its own members."
All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
M. Thompson made a motion to adopt the bylaws as presented.
Second by Watson. All voted in favor and the motion was
Approval of Minutes:
Regarding the Planning Commission minutes of January 27, 1982,
Partridge indicated that Paragraph 4, page 2 should state
"Multi-story buildings would be no problem in that district."
Noziska made a motion seconded by Conrad to approve the January
27, 1982 Planning Commission minutes as corrected. All voted
in favor and the motion was carried.
Noziska made a motion seconded by M. Thompson to note the City
Council minutes of January 4, 1982. All voted in favor and the
motion was carried.
Motion was made by Noziska seconded by Watson to adjourn at
11:35 p.m.