1982 02 25
HELD FEBRUARY 25, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Chairman Art partridge, Bill swearengin,
Carol Watson, Jim Thompson, Howard Noziska
and Mike Thompson.
Members Absent: Ladd Conrad
Staff Present: Bob Waibel and Becky Foreman
Community Development Block Grant Program - Discuss Program
The HRA suggested that $10,000 be utilized in conducting a
housing survey and that the balance would be put in reserve
for future senior citizen's project or something of that nature.
Generally, these types of grants go to the elderly to help
them repair roofs. and install insulation.
Partridge stated that presently the Planning commission has
$42,918 placed in a reserve and the City is planning on receiving
$37,000 more for this year. J. Thompson asked if there was
a time limit for spending the grant money. Waibel, City Planner,
stated that he thought it was 3 years.
Waibel stated that there was a housing assistance plan done in
1975. It indicated things such as number of houses with foundation
problems, structural problems, income per household, etc.
Watson indicated that the survey would be for the Planning
Commission to see if there is a need to establish housing for
senior citizens. She felt that this should be for low income
waibel stated that urban counties of over 200,000 population
get entitlement monies from the Federal Government; whereas,
cities like Hutchinson, Alexandria have to compete for dis-
cretionary funds based upon their need. Watson stated that
if the Planning Commission would send the money back, then
they would divide the grant money up with other cities.
Watson asked if it was necessary to spend $8~10,000 to hire
a consultant to do a housing needs assessment? Could the
survey be done in-house?
Noziska stated that he feels that a multi-unit senior citizen
type of a building would be something that Chanhassen needs.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25, 1982
Page 2
Swearengin suggested that the Planning Commission prepare a
survey and mail it to the citizen& Watson indicated that
the questionaire could include other information and questions
that the city is interested in also. J. Thompson suggested
that the Planning Commission form a sub-committee under them
to work on the questionaire. He would be willing to work on
Swearengin made a motion to recommend to the city Council
#1 from the February 18, 1982 memorandum regarding Block
Grants as follows:
1. Preparation of a housing needs assessment study to determine
if there exists a real need for new senior citizen housing
and low/moderate income family housing in Chanhassen
to be done in-house.
and also #3 as follows:
3. Remaining grant funds should be placed in reserve for
covering program administration costs and for future senior
citizen housing site improvements and/or senior center
development. Funds not expended during the current program
year may be set aside for use within the next two year
Second was made by J. Thompson. partridge, Watson, Swearengin,
J. Thompson and Noziska voted in favor, M. Thompson abstained.
Noziska stated that the Planning Commission feels a housing
needs assessment is necessary, but we feel that we should at
least investigate doing it in-house and if it cannot be totally
done in-hous~ then a mail-questionaire should be used.
Annual Review of Planned Unit Development Districts:
Each p~district was reviewed individually.
that the Planning Commission should notify
if Planning Commission action considerably
of their property.
Waibel indicated
parties involved
changes the status
(1) Chanhassen Lakes Business Park p-4: The Planning
Commission discussed Park Drive access onto Highway 5. The
Planning Commission feels that this access should be ~eviewed.
The official final development plan states that this road be
reviewed after County Road 17 is operational. County Road 17
has been in use for over 1 year.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25, 1982
Page 3
J. Thompson made a motion that there be no change in status
except to review Park Drive access onto Highway #5 after the
traffic study has been done; at that time, the Planning Commission
shall make a decision regarding renewal or discontinuance of
the access. Second was made by Noziska. All in favor and
the motion carried.
(2) Chaparral P.R.D.: There was some discussion as to
how much development has taken place on this development.
M. Thompson made a motion seconded by J. Thompson to maintain
this item on the annual review list. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
(3) Chaparral West P.R.D.: The Planning Commission dis-
cussed the status of this development. There was some concern
regarding the zoning. waibel indicated that it is too early
to down-zone this property. Partridge asked if the City could
track down who the owners are of the property and be keeping
track so that the planning Commission does not loose sight
of what is happening with the property. Noziska made a motion
seconded by M. Thompson to maintain this item on the review
list. Partridge, J. Thompson I M. Thompson I Noziska, Swearengin
voted in favor, Watson - nay. Motion carried.
(4) Colonial Grove 2nd Addition P.R.D.: Waibel stated
that public improvements have been cOJUpleted last
year. J. Thompson made a motion to maintain this item on
the review list. Noziska seconded the motion. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
(5) Fox Chase P.R.D.: Waibel explained that all action
on this item has been tabled until findings on drainage come from
the u.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Noziska made a motion
seconded by M. Thompson to maintain this item on the review
list. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
(6) Lake Susan South P.R.D.: Discussion occurred on
the landfill being across the road from this development.
Noziska made a motion to maintain this item on the annual
review list. Second was made by J. Thompson. All voted
in favor and the motion was carried.
(7) Lake Susan West P.R.D.: Noziska made a motion that
this item be maintained on the annual review list. Seconded
by Watson. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
(8) Lotus Lake Estates 1st, 2nd, 3rd Additions P.R.D.:
Waibel stated that 1st Addition is considerably developed
and should be dropped from the review list. Noziska made
a motion to remove the 1st Addition from the review list
and maintain the 2nd and 3rd Additions on the annual review
list. Seconded by M. Thompson. All voted in favor and the
motion was carried.
Planning Ce~nissien Minutes
February 25, 1982
Page 4
(9) Lyman Lumber and Park One P-4 P.LD.: M. Thempson
made a matian secanded by Noziska to' maintain this item an
the annual review list. All vated in favar and the motion
was carried.
(10) MTS (CPT) p-4 P.LD.: Watsan suggested that this
item remain an the review list because af all the land that
CPT is net using, then the Planning Commission can keep an
eye an what they are daing. Noziska made a motion seconded
by Watsan to' maintain this item an the annual revie,w list.
All vated in favar and the mation was carried.
(11) Near Mauntain P.R.D.: Waibel stated that the
develapment can tract for the first phase has been drafted
M. Thampson made a motion secanded by Watsan to' have Waibel
bring to' the next Planning Cammissian meeting the present
status of the Near Mauntain P.R.D. in relation to' the development
cantract afphasing ef the prapesed plans that Flaum is
presenting to' the City at this time. AlsO' that this item
be maintained an the annual review list. All voted in favO'r
and the mation was carried.
(12) Oakmant P.U.D.: Watsan made a matian secO'nded by
M. ThO'mpsan to' remeve this item from the annual review list
because it is nO' langer a P.U.D. All vated in favor and the
matian was carried.
(13) Park II: M. Thompsan made a matian secanded by
Naziska to' maintain this item an the annual review list.
All vated in favor and the motion was carried.
(14) Sarataga Addition P.R.D.: Waibel explained that
this P.R.D. is mere ar less camplete except for the duplex
lats and a cauple single family lats. There are 3 mare
apartment buildings in the plan to' be built. Naziska made
a motion seconded by Watsan to' maintain anly the apartment
partian on the annual review list. All vated in
favar and the mation was carried.
(15) Sinnen Property (Hidden Valley Estates) p-2 P.U.D.:
Watsan made a matien secendedby M. Thompson to' remove this
item from the annual review because it has now been dawn-zaned
to' R-lA. All veted in favar and the matien was carried.
(16) Sunnyslape P.R.D.: Watson made a motion secanded
by J. ThO'mpson to' maintain this item an the annual review
list. All vO'ted in favO'r and the metiO'n was carried.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25, 1982
Page 5
(17) Waldrip Addition P-l: Waibel stated that Waldrip
indicated that he has found a potential buyer for the property.
Noziska made a motion seconded by Watson to maintain this
item on the annual review list. All voted in favor and the
motion was carried.
(18) Western Hills 3rd Addition P.R.D.:
a motion seconded by M. Thompson to maintain
until 70-80% of the area has been developed.
favor and the motion was carried.
Noziska made
the 3rd Addition
All voted in
Final Adoption of Comprehensive Municipal Plan - Public Hearing:
No one from the public was present.
Chairman Partridge opened the public hearing at 8:30 p.m.
Mark Koegler and Craig Mertz were present.
Koegler explained to the Planning Commission the minor changes
that have been made since they have last looked at the Comp
Watson made a motion seconded by Noziska to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
J. Thompson made a motion seconded by Noziska to recommend to
the City Council that they adopt the Comprehensive Plan
as is without changing the wbrding and that we retain the
HUSA Line designations and the highway classifications
that we have shown. Noziska, Partridge, J. Thompson, Swearengin
voted in favor and Watson and M. Thompson against.
M. Thompson stated that parts of the Comprehensive Plan which
we completed in order to conform to the Metro Council's direction
which does not really reflect the City's real desire or our
best interests. Also I do not believe that the Comp Plan
reflects our current outlook on residential zoning as far as
lot sizes and the variations of residential single family.
I don't believe that we should be approving the Comp Plan
until we have reviewed our present zoning ordinances and updated
it, and that it reflects our current position on zoning.
At this point we are dealing with outdated zoning ordinances
and I don't believe that our present Comp Plan as proposed
has taken these changes that should be made into consideration.
Watson stated that the Planning Commission did not write
the Comp Plan as proposed, this is the Metro Council's Plan.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25, 1982
Page 6
Approval of Minutes:
M. Thompson stated that the last paragraph regarding the
Environmental Protection Committee should be amended as
The planning Commission or Chairman is going to develop
a plan or charter for the Environmental Protection Committee
and give them a specific group of charges that they are to
carry out.
There shall be 9 voting members.
When vacancies occur they should be filled by the process of
appointment in the same manner in which the original appointrnents
were made.
The Committee is to set attendance standards, and a member
could be removed by not meeting these standards.
The Committee shall elect a Chairman from among it's members
for a term of 1 year. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings.
The Corrmit.tee shall elect a Vice-Chainnan to preside in the Chairmans
They shall hold 1 regular meeting each month or more to adopt
rules for the transaction of business, shall keep a record of
its business, and transactions and findings, and that the
Committee shall prepare a program of work outlining activities
proposed to be undertaken. ~he work program may include:
1. Wetland Protection
2. Woodland Protection
3. Unique Habitat Protection
4. Soil Erosion
5. Ground Water Recharge
6. Conservation Districts
7. Agricultural Preservation
8. Mineral Extraction
9. Noise Abatement
10. Hazardous Substances.
Minutes of the Environmental Protection Committee shall be provided
to the Planning Commission, and a member of the Environ-
mental Protection Committee shall appear before the Planning
Commission on a regular basis to-advisethe.Gommission of progress
made in completion of the Committee's work program.
The general purpose of the Environmental Protection Commission
is to prepare ordinances to protect the environment.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25, 1982
Page 7
M. Thompson made a motion seconded by Noziska to amend the minutes of
February 11, 1982 with the above modification~ All voted
in favor and the motion was carried.
Noziska made a motion to approve the minutes of the Planning
commission meeting of February 11, 1982 as amended. Seconded
by Watson. Partridge, Noziska, Swearengin, M. Thompson and
Watson voted in favor, J. Thompson abstained.
Watson made a motion to note the minutes of the City Council
meeting of January 25, 1982. Seconded by J. Thompson. All
voted in favor and the motion was carried.
Partridge made the following comments regarding the United
Mailing, Inc. proposal held at the February 8, 1982 City Council
"That the approach to the City Council was inappropriate and
unfortunate, and the comments made by the council and by the
Mayor were unfortunate and inappropriate. That the Planning
Commission wishes to have no further dealings with this part-
icular project. All the elements of planning Commission
review were considered by the City Council and there is no
further need for our participation in this particular venture."
Partridge also made the following remarks regarding the Water
Surface Usage Ordinance from the same meeting:
"That the City Council having called upon Commissions and
Committees to draft ordinances does not see fit to recognize
or invite those members of the commissions at the time of formal
ordinance adoption and further sees fit to modify the ordinances
in what would appear to be a. capricious manner. II
M. Thompson further stated:
"That the Planning Commission would like to recommend to the
City Council that they should make notice or commend the Lake
Study Committee for the hard work and excellent job they have
done on the Water Surface Usage Ordinance and the Beachlot
Watson made a motion to note the City Council minutes of the
February 8, 1982 meeting. Seconded by J. Thompson. All voted
in favor and the motion was carried.
Agricultural Preserves Act:
Waibel explained that this program is manditory because of the
legislation in 1980; whereby, in order to preserve farm lands,
they are given tax benefits. The deadline for applicants is
Monday, March 1, 1982, for this program.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25, 1982
Page 8
Partridge explained that a farmer has to have 40 acres of
agricul tural land & he gets a tax break, but in return, for 8
years he gives up the rights to develop the property.
Waibel stated that he recommends that everything south of the
"Chanhassen MUSA Line", and that is zoned R-IA be included as
an eligible parcel. Certification of it would corne about by
an application process.
Watson made a motion to recommend to the City council that
all R-IA zoned properties outside the "Metropolitan MUSA Line"
be certified eligible for the agricultural preserves act and are
also eligible to apply for that program. Seconded by Noziska.
All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
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