1982 03 11
HELD MARCH 11, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Ladd Conrad, Bill Swearengin, Carol Watson
Jim Thompson, Howard Noziska, and Mike
Members Absent: Art partridge
Staff Present: Bob Waibel, and Becky Foreman
Vice-Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Interviews for Environmental protection Committee:
- . . - -.-
The Planning Commission interviewed Samuel Miller and Richard
Vogel for the Environmental Protection Committee.
Sketch Plan Review, Lotus Lake Estates 2nd and 3rd Phases,
140 Sing-Ie F'amily Attached Dni ts :
Present: Rick Murray, Representative of B-T Land Company
Georgette Sosin
Susan Conrad
Frank Kurvers
Conrad stated that this is a sketch plan review and that
Murray is looking for the Planning Commissions comments before
they continue planning this development.
Murray indicated that they have concerns because of the
housing market in general. In the last three years there
has only been 100 permits have been issued in the City of
Chanhassen. He wants to look into how they can better use
this site.
Murray presented a map to the Planning Commission showing
the original plan. The first phase has 38 homes constructed in it and
the second phase was planned to have 94 lots. With the concerns
regarding the lake and the intensity of use, he expressed
concern for preservation of the sensitive areas especially
the northeast corner of the lake.
Murray explained that the improvements for the Conditional
Use Permit will all be on dry ground. Outlot B is pretty
much marsh. The wetlands in the center would not be altered.
He has taken the units that were proposed to be developed in
this area and clustered them on the northern area of the
development. The overall density is still within the low
density guidance that this property has. It is zoned as part
of the planned unit development. The units that we are
proposing have been built in Edina and Bloomington and they
have done well in the market because they look like large
single family homes. The roof lines give the impression
Planning Commission Minutes
March 11, 1982
Page 2
of a 3-car garage with a single entrance. This is not unlike
a lot of the homes in the area at this time.
Ilurray indicated that he is trying to preserve the natural
swale and drainage of the property. This plat has 40% less
hard cover than the concept proposed before. Hard cover
being the roof-tops and driveways. Water should be flowing
a lot slower with the new proposal. There are 140 units
represented with an overall density of 2.2 which is within
your overall low density guidelines.
Waibel stated that not all the units fall within the 150 foot
setback of the propos:ed draft wetland ordinance. One unit
is 95' back and the other is about 140 feet.
Murray indicated that the
approximately 70-75 feet.
or to make sure that each
the wetlands.
distance between buildings is
There is plenty of room to massage
building get beyond 150 feet of
M. Thompson asked how many units were in each phase as proposed
before. This 1st phase had 44 units, 2nd phase had 45 units
and the 3rd phase (which was still in concept) was 49 units.
This sketch plan is a combination between the 2nd and 3rd phases.
M. Thompson asked what the average size of the single family
homes were planned to be. Murray answered they would have
been 1800 to 2500 square feet. M. Thompson asked what the
average size of the 4-plex or 8-plex units? Murray stated
that the average would be about 1150 square feet. This will
be less square foot of housing than the 1st proposal. The
reason for this proposed change is that the average income
in Minnesota is $25,000 annually. This last week the FHA
ratings went down and a FHA loan is available at 16% at a
median income of $25,000 per family. Those folks can't afford
to build the same quality that we built in the first phase.
Housing is going to get smaller. If we would develop single
family housing, the houses would be much smaller than the
1st phase. Murray stated that he wants to build something
that people can afford.
Watson stated that these can't be compared to New Horizons
Homes. This is a very attractive concept.
J. Thompson stated that he commended Murray for what he is
trying to do. The type of buildings are very nice. I don't
like the 8-plexes closest to the wetlands. How do you plan
to massage this as you mentioned before.
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March 11, 1982
Page 3
Murray stated that there is enough room for them to move the
8-plexes farther away from the wetlands so that they can
maintain a 150' buffer.
M Thompson asked if Murray has talked with the neighbors in
the 1st Addition yet. Murray indicated that they have circulated
a petition and have all but 11 signatures yet to get. That
would make it 100% approval.
M. Thompson asked how this concept ties into the park. Murray stated
as far as roadways, the road goes through the park to Pleasant
View Road. Waibel sta.ted that they should, have a secondary
access. Conrad asked what the Park and Recreation Committee
will say about this road. Will they want a road through the
park? Waibel stated that a secondary road is desirable in the case
of emergencies should the only access be blocked and for overall traffic circulation.
The major park traffic will probably come back onto Pleasant
View Road. The Department of Transportation will only allow
1 access onto highway 101. Murray stated that going through
the Lotus Lake development will be a lot shorter for the park
traffic to get back onto 101. He doesn't like that idea.
Conrad asked how far is the access from Pleasant View Road.
Hurray stated 550'.
Murray indicated that they~e proposing 2~ parking spaces
per unit. There will be a one car garage and l~ outside.
Waibel stated that ordinance 47 calls for 2 off street parking
spaces per unit in an R-l District; however, no requireIrent exists in the p-District~
Murray explained the floor plan for the 4-plex. The garages
have a common hallway that goes to their homes. There are
2 units upstairs and 2 units down. There will be no base-
ments. They will be built on slabs. The footings have to
be 42" into the ground. Adding basements would add $4-5,000
per unit.
M. Thompson asked if the 8-plex has the garages on the ends.
Murray stated yes, that way there will not be 8 garages in a
Conrad asked if there will be a homeowners association? He
expressed concern about storage of boats, etc. Conrad suggested
that Murray be very restrictive regarding storage of recreational
equipment. This could become very junky. Murray stated that
they are considering having detached garages in the back to
hold storage. The area is there to do it. It might be near-
sighted not to.
Waibel stated that there is an ordinance stating recreational
equipment has to be stored along the rear lot. The Chaparral,
development contract states that no outside storage shall be
Planning Commission Minutes
March 11, 1982
Page 4
Waibel explained about the road into the park. When the park
was purchased there were 10. sewer hook-ups along Pleasant
View Road. The City couldn't put 10. homes on the parkland.
We felt we didn't need all the acreage that was there to buy
in order to put the park together. Waibel stated that he
came up with 3 concept plans for this area so 10. lots
could be platted so the City wouldn't have to pay all the assessments.
Conrad asked if anyone from the audience had any comments.
Frank Kurvers indicated that he doesn't like the traffic that
will be created by the road through the park. He suggested
that Murray work something out with Mrs. Klingelhutz to gain
access through her property.
Georgette Sosin asked if the Planning Commission is going to
set a precedent for the other larger pieces of land to be
developed around Lotus Lake regarding the 4 & 8-plexes. Maybe
they are good for now, but what about in the future. Are
we going to be stuck with something that later we won't
want. Swearengin asked Sosin how she views open space? He
feels that this is saving the wetlands and giving more open
Murray stated that this property is different from the other
parcels around Lotus Lake in that this property was rezoned
in 1978. They also have permits from the DNR. The other
parcels will have to come in and go through the whole process
to get their property rezoned. This parcel is already zoned
for a planned unit development.
J. Thompson stated that the philosophy of the Planning Commission
is that we would like to keep Chanhassen in the rural atmosphere
that it is today. However, we realize that there are housing
needs and that the market is not going to be the same at all
periods of time. We realize that there is a need for 8-plexes,
but the difficulty with the Dunn & Curry project was very
exasperating because that was not the way I wanted to see
Chanhassen to go; it looks like a barracks. But I feel that
if we can create a plan development with more open space and
still be attractive rather than barracks it would be a good
move. Times are tough now and we have to take that into
J. Thompson stated that 2.2 units is a guide, we are not
saying that you can have 2.2 units. What effect would it
create in costs if you were to get 12-20. less units? Would
you say - no way, or would it still be possible. Murray
stated that he has not looked into this; he doesn't know.
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March 11, 1982
Page 5
Murray indicated that when he started to look into this concept,
he knew what type of units he was interested in and what
type of quality. He knew what type of community he didn't
want to create. We came from 165 units down to 140
J. Thompson stated that traffic will be increased by about
50%. He stated concern about that. Murray stated that
condominiums generally generate less traffic. Most of the
people who live there will be families with no children or
single people.
Murray indicated that there is a lot of open space on the
top side of this plat because they are interested in
preserving the hill. On the original plat there was a
40' cut to make the roads work with the city maximum grade,
we were going to take the top of the hill off and move the
dirt down hill. Murray stated that they are wrapping the
hill with the road now. There will be substantially less
grading than the original plan. There was a greater impact
of the runoff with the 1st plan.
Conrad stated that there were some points that he would like
to bring up. He likes this plan. As far as the design of
the housing and design of the footprints and overview, he
really liked that too. There is not a great deal of changes
that he would ask for. He is concerned about how close some
of the units are to the wetlands; the Planning Commission
would like you to try to solve that problem. Murray has
done a good job on the impervious part of the plan. One
other concern is about density. We don't have a net density
ordinance, just gross density. We don't have a very good
guideline as far as density transfer. He would like to see
if possible, the density reduced by changing 4 of the 8-plex
to 4-plexes to take the density down to about 124 units.
This is going to set a precedent for a lot of new developments.
The layout is good.
Swearengin stated that Murray should be given credit for
wetlands as far as density goes. Conrad stated that he likes
how Murray is trying to preserve the wetlands. Conrad stated
that you can only give so much credit for transfering density,
the Planning Commission needs to have a guideline.
Noziska asked if Murray has looked into incorporating some
solar ideas into the homes. Murray stated that he hadn't
looked that far yet.
Conrad asked for the Planning Commission to each state their
feelings on this proposal.
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March 11, 1982
Page 6
J. Thompson stated that he is concerned about the increased
traffic, slightly concerned about the density even though
he likes what Murray has come up with. J. Thompson stated
that Murray has done a good job.
Swearengin stated that he sees no problems with it at all.
He feels that the traffic will probably be less than with
single family homes.
Watson stated that she thinks this concept looks good. The
units are large but they are very attractive. The only
concern is that they stay 150 feet from the wetlands. She
stated that she did not like the road into the park. If
they start with a problem like that it will create a problem
Conard asked if the Planning Commission cared to discuss the
road situation. M. Thompson stated that he feel that sOmeone
has to make a determination regarding the road. He doesn't
like it connected with the park. There should be a secondary
access but he doesn't know where to suggest. There should be
some study done on where to put it. Waibel stated that they
have looked into this and that is the only place.
Con~ad asked if the Planning Commission could have a copy of
the Park and Recreation Committee's minutes on the subject
when it comes before them regarding the access.
Murray stated that he would prefer two accesses.
Conrad asked about plantings. Waibel indicated that that
would come with the Landscaping plan later.
Noziska stated that he is slightly concerned about the density.
He would like to see it lower. Solar should be utilized in
the homes. The outside parking with trailers should be addressed.
The basic idea is good. He likes the idea of keeping the
wetlands free of development. Fire resistant flues rather
than class A metals on the fire places should be used.
M. Thompson stated that access on Pleasant View Road is a
problem. A study should be done regarding this problem.
It should include how the other two pieces of property will
be affected. Maybe through that another traffic pattern can
be made. The blacktop areas might end up to be a lot. M.
Thompson indicated he is not sure if he is for all the additional
parking under blacktop. The Comprehensive Plan addresses this
area as a single family detached. We ought to determine if
this is going to be in conflict with our Comprehensive Plan,
then we would have to have an amendment for this area. Another
thing is the density transfer, before we consider a density
transfer, staff should set up some standards for density trans-
fers for us to go by. At this point we have no standards to
work with. On the other hand, there will be more people in
the area with less actual constructed housing on a square fOotage
basis; this is favorable.
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March 11, 1982
Page 7
Sign Ordinance Variance Request .by..ABC Millwork,. Tne:
Waibel explained the request for variance from the Staff
report. The signs are existing free-standing directional
signs at the corner of West 78th Street and ABC/Lyman Lumber
access drive. According tb the Sign Ordinance, this sign
does not meet the technical definition of a directional sign
and that is why it is before the Planning Commission to receive
a variance.
It was asked if the Ordinance should be changed. The Planning
Commission indicated they have never seen the ordinance yet.
Swearengin made a motion seconded by J. Thompson to table this
item until the Planning Commission has had time to review
the City Sign Ordinance. All voted in favor and the motion
was carried.
Conrad stated that he would like to review the ordinance and
find out what the intent of the applicant is. This looks like
a valid use for the sign. Maybe the ABC Millwork could be
eliminated and just have the words shipping and receiving.
Swearengin stated that this sign is not offensive and it serves
the purpose that it is there for.
Watson asked if this could be on the next agenda? There is
no need in making them wait too long for this.
Discussion structure and Work Frogramofthe Environmental
protect.ion Committee:
Conrad and Watson were in attendance at the City Council meeting
where they discussed this committee. Conrad explained the
types of things that the City Council is looking for. They
didn't like the 9 members, they requested a work plan,and the
City Council tixmght that the Planning Commission had poor
communication with the Lake Study Committee. The City Council
made comments regarding having a farmer on the committee.
Waibel stated that the
are not available yet.
they would like a full
City Council minutes from that meeting
He asked the Planning Commission if
record before they made any decision
M. Thompson made a motion to postpone this item until we can
review the City Council minutes of that meeting.
Motion died because of lack of a second.
J. Thompson made a motion to recommend to the City council
the people to be appointed to the Environmental Protection
Committee and to have a joint meeting with the City Council
to discuss the organization.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 11, 19B2
Page 8
Conrad asked the Planning Commission if they want to disband
the Lake Study Committee and start an Environmental Committee.
Is there a valid reason for the change? Are there other
reasons for the Lake Study to work on? Conrad stated that
if there are no good reasons to keep the Lake Study Committee
then we should not have one.
J. Thompson made a motion to recommend to the City Council
that the Lake Study Committee be disbanded for lack of a
function. Second was made by Watson. The following voted
in favor: Watson, Conrad, Swearengin, and J. Thompson.
Noziska - Abstained and M. Thompson - voted nay.
Motion carried.
M. Thompson stated that he wants to wait for the City Council
minutes of March 1, 1982.
Swearengin made a motion to adopt a resolution that the Planning
Commission shall set up an Environmental Protection Committee
and that the Planning Commission shall adopt bylaws and a
work program and set the number of people for their committee.
Second was made by J. Thompson. The following voted in favor:
J. Thompson, Watson, Swearengin, Conrad, and Noziska. M. Thompson
voted nay.
M. Thompson stated that he voted nay for the same reasons
as before.
There was some discussion regarding setting up different
groups rather than just one. Watson indicated that the staff
has a limited amount of time. They would have to prepare and
go to a lot of meetings if we make too many committees.
Swearengin made a motion to appoint 7 members to the Environmental
Protection Committee. Second by Watson. The following voted
in favor: Watson, Swearengin, Conrad, and J. Thompson.
Noziska and M. Thompson voted nay. Motion carried.
Noziska stated that he feels 9 members is a better group. They
have enough work to do to keep them busy. M. Thompson stated
he voted nay for the same reason as before.
Conrad stated that everyone they have interviewed has a lot
to contribute to the committee.
Swearenqin made a motion seconded by J. Thompson torecQmmend
to the City Council to appoint seveti members t.othe Environmental
Protection Committee and upon their approval the Planning
Commission set a joint meeting with the new committee members
to establish the bylaws and to develop a work program.
All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
Planning Commission Minutes
.March 11, 1982
Page 9
The following is a list of those applicants recommended to
the City Council for appointment to the Environmental Protection
Committee: Ellen Chilvers, Susan Conrad, Jack Mauritz, Rick
Murray, Kathy Schwartz, Henry Sosin, and Richard vogel.
Approval of Minutes
J. Thompson made a motion seconded by Noziska to approve the
Planning Commissio'n minutes of February 25, 1982. All voted
in favor and the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Watson seconded byJ. Thompson to adjourn
the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 a.m.