1982 04 22 APPROVED ON ;? - c;il"'-~ e MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD APRIL 22, 1982, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Members Present: Chairman A~t Partridge, Ladd Conrad, Carol Watson, Bill Swearengin, and Howard Noziska. Members Absent: J. Thompson and M. Thompson Staff Present: Bob Waibel, Scott Martin and Becky Foreman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Street Vacation Request, Lots 1 and 2 Shore Acres, Robert Rogers: e No one was present representing the applicant. Waibel explained to the Planning Commission that Robert Rogers owns a large tract of land which lies west of Lake Riley Blvd. When Lake Riley Blvd. was reconstructed as a part of sewer installation in that neighborhood, the City obtained a right-of-way easement which allowed Lake Riley Boulevard to be reconstructed a few feet west of its original location. At that time, the City vacated the obsolete portion of the o~d right-of-way. He explained that Mr. Rogers is requesting that a portion of the obsolete right-of- way, that was overlooked in the original vacation, be vacated at this time. The original vacation was done in 1978. Waibel explained that the Planning Commission is required to make a recommendation to the City Council on all vacations. Waibel also explained that the City Engineer has looked at this request and indicated that this is only a housecleaning item, and recommends approval. Swearengin made a motion, seconded by Watson, to approve the street vacation for Robert Rogers as requested. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Minutes Watson made a motion to approve the Planning Commission minutes of the April 8, 1982 meeting as presented. Seconded by Conrad. The following voted in favor: Conrad, Watson, Swearengin, and Partridge. Noziska abstained. Joint meeting with the Environmental Protection Committee: - The following members were present from the Environmental Protection Committee: Rick Murray, Court MacFarlane, Jack Mauritz, Susan Conrad, Dick Vogel and Ellen Chilvers. Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 1982 Page 2 - Waibel explained that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss with the Environmental Protection Committee (EPC) areas such as Bylaws and a work program. Waibel stated that some of the priorities the EPC should have are the deve~opment of a Wetlands Protection Ordinance, review the Shoreland Management Program classification for the lakes in Chanhassen, and develop a Wetland Protection, Component) 'of the proposed Environmental Protection Ordinance. He further pointed out the areas that should be addressed in their work program. He listed the following: 1. Wetland Protection 2. Woodland Protection 3. Unique Habitat Protection 4. Soil Erosion 5. Groundwater recharge 6. Conservation District 7. Agricultural Preservation 8. Mineral Extraction 9. Noise Abatement 10. Hazardous Substances e Partridge explained to the EPC that the Planning Commission feels that the EPC should set their own meeting dates, rules, schedule and officers. Partridge stated that he would like the EPC to keep in close contact with the Planning Commission on their progress. Conrad suggested that the EPC get back to the Planning Commission within one month with their bylaws, have dates set for projects completed, list of resources needed and any organizational matters they have completed. Watson suggested that the EPC should add Sanitary Landfills to their list of items on their work program. Also she suggested that clearcutting be discussed with woodland protection. The EPC decided to meet on April 27 for their first meeting. Susan Conrad suggested that Waibel send the wetland ordinance that was drafted in November 1981 to Craig Mertz, Assistant City Attorney, to have him look it over for possible mistakes. Conrad suggested to the EPC that they read the Comprehensive Plan to see what the City is trying to preserve. Discussion, Proposed Revisions to Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance: - Martin presented a Table showing the schedule of non-residence district regulations for area, bulk, placement, and land use intensity. The Planning Commission a~reed with the Table except for the Maximum lot coverage section. Conrad stated he would like to see the same Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 1982 Page 3 e percentage of lot coverage for all non-residential districts. Martin explained that industrial land needs less green space- He further stated that smaller lots also require less green space as the size of the building and parkin0" lots w:mld" have tore so small that it WQuldn It be feasible. Martin indicated that the current ordinance calls for 15% green space. Martin explained that he did a study from Plymouth, Eden prairie and Minnetonka on their green space requirements and Chanhassens are more restrictive. than those cities. There was some discussion regarding giving incentives to developers who use energy efficient devices on their building. It was suggested that the incentives be given for things such as fire resistant buildings, use of sprinklers or using brick building materials. Swearengin asked if the City will need to designate a section in the business park for railroad trackage. Martin explained that the type of business he expects in the business park will be more high technology and will not be the types of businesses to need railroad trackage. e Conrad asked if sidewalks should be required in the B-4 district. Martin indicated that sidewalks are the responsibility of the public. He further explained that-sidewalk requiilJements should be listed in the Subdivision Ordinance. Swearengin stated that he would rather see trails through the City and walkovers by the highway. Martin indicated that the walkovers could be a part of the highway 5 update. Conrad suggested that the Planning Commission encourage shared parking and joint buildings to regulate the intensity of the land. He also indicated that the incentives could be given in added percentage of lot coverage for using passive solar, fire resistant materials or brick building materials. He suggested 3% more lot coverage to be given for each. The Planning Commission concensus was that they approved of the presented Table with changes made only to the lot coverage section. They suggested that the B-4 and lOP Districts be changed from 75% lot coverage to 70% lot coverage with an increase of up to 10% by using certain incentives. Conrad asked if Martin could look into an architectural code for the B-4 District. He asked if the Planning Commission wants all the businesses to look alike. Partridge stated that he does not like the frontier motif that the City had planned earlier. Conrad suggested asking the Chamber their opinion on whe~her or not to have the store fronts all the same. e Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 1982 Page 4 e Martin indicated that the Planning Commission should also discuss the Institutional District. He explained that this district is for public or semi-public non-profit uses such as schools, churches and other places of worship, government administration buildings, post office, fire station, public library, public museum, hospital, nursing homes, community center, public recreational facilitites, and any structure or land used for public purposes~ He stated that this would not be the district to locate a VFW, club or lodge, he indicated these would be commercial uses. Swearengin asked Martin if there should be a provision for freestanding church signage. Martin stated that he would look into this. The concensus of the Planning Commission was that they agreed with the provisions for the Institutional District as described in the memo from Scott Martin dated April 19, 1982. Martin stated that another area the Planning Commission needs to look at is the Commercial/Industrial district by the Highway 169/212 area. He explained that this district is shown in the existing Comprehensive Plan as being future agricultural land and open space. He futher explained that this area is not sewered and is not planned for in the immediate future. e Martin stated that there are presently seven commercial and two industrial uses located in the Highway 169/212 area. He stated that most of the businesses are non conforming. Martin stated that there are 4 homes in the district that will need variances if they ever want to add on. Partridge indicated he would like to see this area zoned R-IA since there is no sewer and water facilities. Noziska made a motion, seconded by Conrad, to recommend to the City Council that zoning in the 169/212 area be zoned agricultural in conformance with the ~reeently adopted Comprehensive Plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Martin suggested that Gedney Pickle be zoned from I-I to lOP. Swearengin suggested that stafI advise developers interested in the Highway 41 and 7 area that the Planning Commission will consider zoning that area as commercial. He indicated that the Planning Commission is not hard and fast on that area staying low density residential. Partridge agreed with the statement, Watson disagreed, and Conrad and Noziska abstained. - Martin stated that he will bring a summary of their comments. on May 27th for their review. Noziska made a motion, seconded by Watson, to adjourn. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m.