1982 06 10
HELD JUNE 10, 1982, AT 7:30 P.M.
APPROVED ON b-~r;-'b;f'
Members Present:
Carol Watson, Jim Thompson, Howard Noziska,
and Bill Swearengin
Members Absent:
Art Partridge, Ladd Conrad, and Mike
Staff Present:
Bob Waibel and Scott Martin
A motion was made by Watson, seconded by Swearengin to appoint
J. Thompson chairman in the absence of Chairman Partridge and
Vice-Chairman Conrad.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Conditional Use Stable Permit, Lot lL Block lL'Julius Addition,
Public Heari~ Robert Greene:
Present: Mrs. Gerald O'Brien, 450 Indian Hill Road
Paul Rojina, Chanhassen (Co-owners)
Harold Rojina, Indian Hill Road (Co-owners)
Ali Brock, 330 Pleasant View Road
Dave Brock, 330 Pleasant View Road
Kathleen Kleinpaste, 110311 Center Green Circle,
Waibel presented the staff report to the Planning Commission.
He explained that the applicant, Robert Green, is requesting
a conditional use permit for a horse stable in an R-l,
Single-Family Residence District, for the purpose of stabling
two horses on his property. Waibel stated that the property is
2.14+ acres and is located 700 feet north of the intersection
of Pleasant View Road and Horseshoe Curve on the west side of
Pleasant View Road.
Waibel explained that there is a single family detached residence
presently located on the property and that this property is
planned for low density residential use.
Waibel pointed out to the Planning Commission that Section 7.04
(10) of Ordinance 47B requires a conditional use permit for
stables in an R-l District.
Waibel indicated that the applicant is the prospective owner of
the property and has indicated that he will not have any horses
on the property for at least one year.
Waibel explained that according to Ordinance 56, the applicant's
proposal is compliant with all applicable requirements.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 10, 1982
Page 2
Waibel stated that the staff recommends approval of a con-
ditional use permit for the stabling of horses on Lot 3, Block
1, Julius Addition with the condition that the applicant obtain
a written recommendation for approval or disapproval from the City
Horse Committee based upon reinspection of the property prior
to the establishment of the stable.
Waibel presented a letter from Don Berg, SCS District
Conservationist, regarding the location of the pasture area in
Wetland Basin 01-02.
Mrs. O'Brien, 450 Indian Hill Road, indicated her concern
regarding the applicant's ability to fence the proposed pasture
area. Mrs. O'Brien also stated that she would not like the
applicant to be able to stable any more than two horses on his
Noziska moved, seconded by Watson to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska suggested that this request be sent to the Horse
Committee for additional input.
Noziska moved, seconded by Watson, to recommend approval of a
Conditional Use Permit for the stabling of 2 horses on Lot 3,
Block 1, Julius Addition with the condition that the applicant
obtain a written recommendation for approval from the Horse
Committee based upon reinspection of the property prior to the
establishment of the stable, including the location of the
fence in relation to the wetland basin. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Final Development Plan Amendment and Preliminary Plat for
Replat of Park One for the Expansion for the Press, Inc.:
Present: Jules Smith, Attorney
Roger Drewing, President of the Press, Inc.
Waibel presented the staff report to the Planning Commission.
Waibel explained that the request is both a replat and site
plan review under the Final Development Plan Amendment provi-
sions of the zoning Ordinance. He stated that the applicant
is requesting approval of a three-phase 146,000 square foot
office, warehouse and production addition, onto the existing
38,000 square foot Press Inc. facility. Waibel pointed out
that the property is presently zoned P-4, Planned Industrial
District, and is located at 18780 West 78th Street, north of
Highway 5 in the Hennepin County portion of the City.
Waibel stated that the property is planned for industrial deve-
lopment, and that there is City sewer and water service
available to service the property.
Waibel explained that the applicant is also proposing to replat Lot
1, Block 1 and Outlot B of Park One in conjunction with The
Press, Inc. expansion.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 10, 1982
Page 3
Waibel stated that the applicant is proposing to construct a
private service road approximately 20 feet north of the Highway 5
(southerly) property line. Waibel explained that the proposed
revisions to the Chanhassen zoning Ordinance provides for
a 25 foot front yard setback for such access roads, so an addi-
tional 5 foot setback is necessary in order for this plan to
conform to this proposed standard.
Waibel explained that the proposed site plan also provides for
a 5 foot parking setback along the easterly property line.
Waibel also stated that the proposed revisions to the Zoning
Ordinance would require a 10 foot side yard setback for parking
and manuevering areas.
Waibel stated that the site plan shows a proposed ponding area
between accesses to West 77th street and West 187th Avenue in
the northwest corner of Lot 1. He further stated that the
revised grading and drainage plans eliminate this ponding area.
Waibel indicated that the applicant agrees that the private
access drive onto West 187th Avenue should be eliminated as
requested by staff in order to reduce traffic conflicts near
this intersection.
Waibel pointed out that the applicant proposes to have 73% lot
coverage, whereas the proposed zoning ordinance states that
there be a maximum of 70% lot coverage.
Waibel reviewed the staff's recommendations with the applicants
representatives and the Planning Commission. Smith indicated
that the applicant is willing to comply with all the staff
recommendations as listed in the Staff Report dated June 2,
Waibel advised the commission that the City Engineer recommends
that West 77th Street be constructed to the NE corner of pro-
posed Lot 1, Block 1 and terminated with a temporary cul-de-
sac, and that no further construction, beyond the three phases
of the Press, or future platting be approved without triggering
the extension of West 77th Street and West 184th Avenue to T.H.
5 including required widening and traffic channelization on
T.H. 5.
Waibel stated that the City Engineer also recommends that a section
of 10" watermain and 4" sanitary forcemain be constructed with
the extension of West 77th Street for future use within Park
One, and that further modifications be provided to the drainage
Planning Commission Minutes
June 10, 1982
Page 4
waibel presented the City Engineer's recommendations as
follows: 1). that the final drainage plan direct as much runoff as
possible toward the north drainage system, 2). that said north
drainage system, including the permanent pond, be sufficiently
developed to handle expansion prior to overflow, 3). that the City
Engineer continue to work with the developer and his engineers
towards development of a mutually acceptable final drainage plan and, 4).
that the final plan be subject to all conditions as set by
applicable local, state, and federal regulatory agencies.
watson moved, seconded by Swearengin, to recommend
approval of the preliminary plat and site plan for
The Press, Inc. subject to all of the following conditions:
1. That an additional 10 feet of right-of-way be dedicated on
the Final Plat for West l84th Avenue in order to provide
the full right-of-way width of 50 feet recommended by the
City Engineer.
2. That the site plan be revised to provide for a 10 foot side
yard parking area setback on the proposed easterly property
line of Lot 1.
3. That the plan be revised to provide for a 25 foot front
yard setback for the proposed service road from the Highway 5
(southerly) property line.
4. That the proposed private service road be visually defined
and separated from Highway 5 through the installation of
luminaries, and/or berming and additional landscaping.
Said luminaries shall be uniform with the existing lumi-
naries and shall be located to the specifications of the
City Engineer.
5. That full public improvements be constructed on West l87th
Avenue and West 77th Street to a point perpendicular to the
proposed easterly property line of Lot 1 and that a tem-
porary cul-de-sac be constructed at the terminus, as recom-
mended by the City Engineer.
6. That the northerly most access abutting West l87th Avenue
be eliminated from the final revised plan.
7. That the landscaping materials to be planted in the north-
west corner of Lot 1 not impair the sight distances for
traffic egressing the property onto West 77th Street and
traffic traveling on West 77th Street and West l87th
Planning Commission Minutes
June 10, 1982
Page 5
8. That the plan be revised to provide the required 20 foot
parking stall length and 24 foot clear aisle width for the
900 parking spaces located along the east side of the
proposed building.
9. That the applicant provide evidence to the City that all
necessary Pollution Control Agency air quality permits have
been received on individual presses associated with
atmospheric emissions prior to installation,
and that the applicant obtain all required operating per-
mits from the PCA.
10. That the applicant provide evidence to the City that a
hazardous and toxic substances inventory permit has been
received from Hennepin County prior to the issuance of a cer-
tificate of occupancy.
11. That the perimeter of all service drives, parking and
manuevering areas be lined with concrete curb.
12. That all rooftop mechanical equipment be screened from view
at street level.
13. That the applicant receive all applicable federal, state,
and regional permits prior to the issuance of a certificate
of occupancy and in the case of the Watershed District per-
mit, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
14. That all revisions and background data be consolidated into
a revised final plan and be submitted prior to the issuance
of a building permit.
15. That the final drainage plan direct as much runoff as
possible toward the north drainage system, as recommended
by the City Engineer.
16. That said north drainage system, including the permanent
pond, be sufficiently developed to handle and store all
quantities of increased runoff generated by the Press
expansion prior to overflow. (The City Engineer should
continue to work with the developer and his engineers towards
development of a mutually acceptable final drainage plan.)
17. That no more development shall be permitted in any portion
of Park One prior to the full completion of the road and
utility systems in Park One.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 10, 1982
P ag e 6
Discussion, Minnesota statutes Amendments on Zoning Controls for
Mobile Homes:
Martin explained that the 1982 Minnesota Legislature amended
the Municipal Planning Act to prohibit the exclusion of
mobile/manufactured homes from Minnesota cities effective
August 1, 1982. Martin explained that the Chanhassen Zoning
Ordinance currently does not allow for mobile homes in the City
and that the Planning Commission should amend the zoning ordi-
nance in response to the new state requirement.
Swearengin suggested that the City designate several areas for
mobile home parks throughout the City. Watson expressed her con-
cern that mobile homes are usually located too close to one
another in most mobile home parks. Martin explained that
overcrowding could be avoided by regulating lot size, building
setback and density. Martin indicated that typical mobile
home parks have lot sizes ranging from 4,500 square feet to
7,500 square feet and side yard setbacks of 10 feet.
Swearengin asked if the City could purchase property in order
to develop their own mobile home park. Martin responded that
this approach would be somewhat unusual but that it could be
further explored with the HRA if the Commission desired.
~ Martin explained that after August 1, 1982, under the provi-
sions of the new legislation, someone could locate a mobile
home anywhere in the city unless the City adopts an ordinance
specifying where mobile homes are permitted and where they are
prohibited. He suggested the establishment of a new zoning
district for mobile homes as a means of complying with the
State law without actually zoning specific properties for
mobile home parks until specific proposals are received from
Swearengin stated that a community storm shelter should be
required in all mobile home parks.
Noziska felt that mobile homes were poorly constructed and
insulated, and that standards should be placed on their
It was the concensus of the Planning Commission to continue to
prohibit mobile homes in all existing R-Districts, and to deve-
lop a new zoning district for mible home parks (rental lots),
and mobile home subdivision (owner-occupied lots).
Planning Commission Minutes
June 10, 1982
Page 7
Martin indicated that he will draft a mobile home park ordi-
nance for the Planning Commission to review on June 24 or July 8.
Discussion, Revisions to Proposed Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance:
Martin asked the Planning Commission to review
the proposed zoning Ordinance definitions and to advise him of
any questions or problems with the proposed language.
Martin reported that his progress on the proposed Zoning
Ordinance was behind schedule due to other work assignments.
Swearengin asked if a moratorium on new fast-food restaurants
should be established in order to prevent a recurrence of the
McDonald's issue while the revised ordinance is being deve-
loped. Martin said that the establishment of a moritorium
would be a legitimate approach to protect the planning process.
Swearengin moved, seconded by Watson, to recommend that the
City Council establish a 6-month limited moratorium on fast-food
restaurants for all C-2 and C-3 zoning districts lying south of
Highway 5. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Watson moved, seconded by Swearengin, to approve the May
27, 1982 Planning Commission minutes with an amendment to #5 of
the conditions on page 8 to read as follows: That the park dedica-
tion fee be negotiated with respect to the dedication of the
trail easement for park dedication credit consideration. The
following voted in favor: Watson, J. Thompson and Swearengin.
Noziska abstained. Motion carried.
Minutes of the HRA meeting of March 18, 1982 were noted by the
Planning Commission.
Open Discussion
J. Thompson made a suggestion to table any action on the
Environmental Protection Committee bylaws until all the members of
the Planning Commission are present. J. Thompson questioned if
Section 3 should be reworded to state that removal of a member
should be brought before the Planning Commission for their review.
Also J. Thompson indicated that Section 1.2 should be reviewed.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:15
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.