1982 06 25
HELD JUNE 25, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M.
"7 -<3 -lSd-
Members Present: Chairman Art Partridge, Bill Swearengin, Ladd Conrad,
and Jim Thompson.
Members Absent: Carol Watson, Mike Thompson and Howard Noziska
Staff Present: Bob Waibel and Becky Foreman
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Partridge at 7:35 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning from R-IA to Industrial 8470
Galpin Road, Public Hearing, Merle Volk:
Present: Mr. & Mrs. Merle Volk, Mound Avenue, Tonka Bay
Jerry Gustafson, 8341 Galpin Blvd
Roger Schmidt, 8301 Galpin Blvd
Katherine Wyers, 8241 Galpin Blvd
Waibel presented the staff report to the Planning Commission. He
indicated that the applicant is requesting to amend the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan from Agricultural Use to Industrial Use, and also to
rezone his property from R-IA, Agricultural Residence District to
Waibel explained that the property is located at 8470 Galpin Road
about 1,000 feet north of the intersection of Galpin Road and the
Chicago and Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way on the West side of
Galpin Road. He also explained that the applicant is presently using
the property for an excavation business, agricultural, and a garbage
fleet operation.
Waibel stated that the Land Use Plan has this property designated as
agricultural land and is located in the Rural Service Area.
Waibel explained that Carver County is planning to extend
County Road 18 (Lyman Boulevard) along the applicant's southerly
property line within the year. Waibel further explained that
with County Road 18 being extended along the applicants pro-
perty, it will give the property a much better access for
future industrial development. He also indicated that the
direct connection to Highway 41 will eliminate the need to use
Galpin Road for north/south truck access, thereby reducing
traffic through the residential area lying to the north.
Waibel stated that the Holasek property, located on the south
side of the applicant's property is also suited to limited
industrial development because of the similar location and physi-
cal characteristics of the property. Waibel indicated that
neither of these properties should be zoned industrial until the
issue of sewer and water is settled.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 25, 1982
Page 2
Waibel explained to the Planning Commission, that at the time
the staff report was written, the staff felt that this request
should be continued until the July 22 meeting in order to receive
input from referral agencies such as the City of Chaska,
Metropolitan Council, and the Metropolitan Waste Control
Commission regarding this proposal. Waibel further stated that
since the time that the staff report was sent to the Planning
Commission, referral letters from the City of Chaska, the Soil
Conservation Service, Minnegasco, Metropolitan Council, Carver
County, and Northwestern Bell have been received by the Community
Development Department.
Waibel read the letters to the Planning Commission. He
stated that the City of Chaska has no objections to this
request, and that sanitary sewer and water could
possibly be obtained from Chaska for portions of the property.
Waibel stated that Minnegasco indicated that they do not
currently have gas distribution or transmission facilities to
the property, but in the future, the owner could petition for
an extension of the gas lines. Waibel read the letter sub-
mitted by the Metropolitan Council which indicated that they
will not make any formal comments until after the Planning
Commission has acted on this request and submitted it for City
Council review. Waibel also explained that the Metropolitan
Council feels that rezoning this property would not be con-
sistent with their policy. Waibel indicated that Northwestern
Bell has concerns regarding commercial development on the
applicant's property. He explained that the telephone facili-
ties in the area are only designed for rural residential and
not for commercial; they also stated in their letter that they
would require a one year notice to change the service from
rural to commercial. Waibel also stated that Carver County
indicated that they had no specific comments at this time, but
asked to be notified of any further changes.
Merle Volk, the applicant, stated that he is requesting to
have the western side of his property along the highway to be
rezoned for Industrial. He indicated that he is using the
property for farming and an excavating business. Volk indi-
cated that he feels rezoning this property should be con-
sistant with the zoning for the area because he is bordered
on 3 sides by industrial uses.
J. Thompson asked if Volk should be requesting a Conditional
Use Permit instead of rezoning. He also asked Volk if he
realized that he was running his excavating business
illegally. Volk explained that the City Council requested
that he come before the Planning Commission for rezoning.
Roger Schmidt, 8301 Galpin Blvd, expressed concerns regarding
rezoning the Volk property to industrial. He asked if the
property is rezoned, would there soon be a whole strip of
industrial in that area. Also he indicated that he did not
want sewer and water in the area.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 25, 1982
Page 3
Jerry Gustafson, 8341 Galpin Blvd, indicated that he likes
the Volk property the way it is now. He also stated that he
would not like to have any more industrial in the area, or
sewer and water.
Swearengin moved, seconded by J. Thompson, to close the
public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Schmidt stated that the City has plenty of industrial space,
and those areas should be used up before the City designates any
more sections to be industrial. He suggested that the
Planning Commission issue a conditional use permit for the
Volk request. Swearengin felt that an excavation business
would not fit into an industrial park. Swearengin indicated
that Volk has done a fine job in berming his property and
keeping it up, he also indicated that there were no
complaints from the neighbors.
Conrad indicated that he was not for a rezoning of the pro-
perty because the Metropolitan Council is not in favor of the
request. Conrad felt that the Planning Commission should
table this action to allow time to review the zoning in the
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Conrad, to recommend to the
City Council to deny the Volk request for rezoning from R-IA,
Agricultural Residential to Industrial because the request is
inconsistant with the Comprehensive Plan for the City, but
should allow the applicant the option to return before the
Planning Commission at a later date to request a conditional
use permit. J. Thompson, Partridge, and Conrad voted in
favor, Swearengin voted nay.
Swearengin indicated that he would like to table this request
and to reveiw the area for future industrial zoning.
Schmidt indicated that he would like to see Volk continue his
operation, but would not like to see it expand.
Conrad moved, seconded by Swearengin, to instruct staff to
review options of allowing a use such as an excavation
business in an agricultural area. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Variance Request, 608 Flying Cloud Drive, Robert Julius and
Don Christy:
Present: Don Christy, applicant
Waibel presented the staff report to the Planning Commission.
He stated that the applicant is requesting to construct a
commercial recreational water slide on the northeast corner
of the intersection of Highway 212 and Highway 169. He
stated that the property is presently vacant, except for one
building which was formerly used for an auto sales office.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 25, 1982
Page 4
Waibel explained that the applicant will need a variance to
Ordinance 45 because there is currently no sewer service to
the property. Waibel explained that Ordinance 45 states that
no building permits shall be issued for commercial, industrial
or multiple residential development unless the proposed deve-
lopment site is served with sanitary sewer. Waibel also
explained that the property was zoned Commercial in 1972, and
that there is currently a conditional use permit issued to the
property for the sale of used cars. Waibel stated that commer-
cial recreational facilities are not permitted in a C-3,
Commercial Service District.
Waibel stated that the Planning Commission recommended in
April 1982 to have the properties along Highway 169/212, that
are presently zoned C-3, be down-zoned to R-IA Agricultural
Residence District to reflect the Comprehensive Land Use Plan
designation of properties in that area for Agricultural Use.
Waibel indicated that the Planning Commission has two
options, they could amend the C-3, Commercial Service
District to include commercial recreational facilities with a
conditional use permit, or they could amend the R-IA,
Agricultural Residence District provisions to include commercial
recreational facilities as a conditional use and rezone the
property R-IA in accordance with the Comprehensive plan and
proposed revised zoning map. Waibel explained that both
options would require a variance to Ordinance 45
Waibel stated that the staff feels the Planning Commission
should deny this request for variance based upon the lack of
any apparent hardship and the proposal's inconsistency with
the purpose and intent of Ordinance 45, the adopted
Comprehensive Plan, and the proposed Revised Zoning map for
the area.
Waibel also stated that a commercial use of this type should
only be allowed in the City where there is adequate sewer and
water facilities.
Don Christy, the applicant, explained that the property is
zoned commercial and is also an excellent spot for a water
slide because it will be located on a busy road, is close
to Valley Fair and the slope of the hill is good. Christy
presented pictures of similar slides from other areas in the
country. Christy explained that there is a slide in Iowa which
is open for 118 days a year; Christy is proposing to have his
open for 90 days. Christy explained that the proposed obser-
vation deck is for parents to watch their children.
Christy indicated that there is presently a septic system on
the property. He further stated that the water from the
e slide is recycled and cleaned like a swimming pool.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 25, 1982
Page 5
Partridge stated that Mr. Sellerud, a property owner in the
area, called to state that he is opposed to this request.
Christy indicated that the slide would be open between 10
a.m. and 10 p.m. at the latest.
Partridge indicated that Ordinance 45 prohibits building any
type of structure in an unsewered area. Christy indicated
that there is a building already located on the property that
he is planning on remodeling. He also indicated that the
Planning Commission was working on changing that area back to
agricultural zoning.
Swearengin asked if the City Council has reviewed the
Planning Commission recommendations on down-zoning that sec-
tion of property to R-IA, Agricultural Residential. J.
Thompson indicated that no decision should be made on this
request until they hear how the City Council feels about
their recommendation.
Waibel indicated that the Comprehensive Plan would have to be
amended also.
Christy indicated that he has an option on the property and
would like to have an answer as soon as possible because it
is costing him money to hold onto the property.
Conrad indicated that he would vote against this proposal.
He stated that because of the proposed 360 people a day, it
would be too much for an area without sewer and water. He
indicated he would like to see the slide located closer to
Chanhassen's more populated section.
Swearengin indicated that he would be willing to consider the
request if they used an enclosed system for the sewage. He
stated that he would like to see how the City Council feels
about the Planning Commission recommendation for the parcel
before he decides. Swearengin stated that this is a good
spot for this type of use, it faces the south and it is
sheltered from the wind.
J. Thompson indicated that he agrees with Swearengin.
Partridge indicated that he is against this proposal, because
there is no hardship with the property or any pressing need
to grant a variance. He indicated that the area is not in a
sewered area, and cannot be sewered according to the
Metropolitan Plan for some time. He also indicated that the
intersection that the proposal is near a very dangerous inter-
section, and this type of use will only make it worse.
Christy indicated that the adjacent property owners are in
favor of this request, but the ones that are farther away are
against it.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 25, 1982
P ag e 6
Discussion, Environmental Protection Committee Bylaws:
J. Thompson explained that the Planning Commission continued
the review of the Environmental Protection Committee's (EPC)
bylaws at the last meeting because all seven members were not
J. Thompson indicated he felt that Section 3.1 should read:
The committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members. The
seven members shall be appointed by the Planning Commission
and may be removed by the Planning Commission with reviewal
authority by the City Council.
Conrad stated that Section 1.1 should be noted. The EPC is
not an advisory committee, they are only for the development
of an ordinance.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Conrad to revise Section 3.1
of the EPC bylaws to read: The committee shall consist of
seven (7) voting members. The seven members shall be
appointed by the Planning Commission and ma'l.be removed by
the Planning Commission with reviewal authority by the
City Council. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Conrad moved, seconded by Swearengin, to adopt the EPC bylaws
as revised. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
e Minutes
Swearengin moved, seconded by J. Thompson, to approve the
minutes of the June 10, 1982 Planning Commission meeting as
presented. J. Thompson and Swearengin - aye, Partridge and
Conrad - abstained. Motion carried.
Open Discussion
Pending Development Signs -
Partridge indicated that the developer could be requested to
pay for the signs to be placed on their property indicating
what they are requesting. Swearengin indicated that neigh-
boring property owners should be made aware of what is being
developed in their area.
Work Program -
Conrad expressed concern that the Planning Commission is
falling behind on their work program schedule. He requested
that Scott Martin prepare a revised work schedule taking into
account his own work load.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 25, 1982
P ag e 7
Partridge indicated that the Planning Commission will
possibly have to go on with their work schedule and give
Martin some more time to work on the zoning ordinance.
Partridge requested that staff draft an ordinance for review
on mobile homes for their next meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.