1982 11 10
HELD NOVEMBER 10, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M.
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Members Present: Ladd Conrad, Bill Swearengin, Mike Thompson,
Carol Watson, and Jim Thompson.
Members Absent: Howard Noziska, Bill Ryan
Staff Present: Bob Waibel, City Planner, Scott Martin,
Community Development Director, and Becky
Foreman, Planning Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Conrad at 7:40 p.m.
Proposal for Exchange of Property: Part of Lot 1, Block 5,
Chanhassen Estates Second Addition and Part of Rice Marsh:Lake
Par k :
Waibel explained that the proposed subdivision consists of a pro-
perty exchange with the City. The public access to Rice Marsh
Lake Park is presently located on a parcel of land to be
exchanged with the City for a similar size portion of Rice Marsh
Lake Park which abutts the Frey property.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Watson, to recommend approval of
the proposed subdivision of Lot 1, Block 5, of Chanhassen Estates
Second Addition and Rice Marsh Lake Park as depicted in Schoell
and Madson' Certificate of Survey dated August 27, 1981 and
revised July 29, 1982, for reasons that the proposed exchange of
property is the most reasonable and acceptable means by which the
encroaching park access may be placed under appropriate
ownership. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Request to Purchase City Property located along the West Side of
Powers Boulevard in the Vicinity of Willow Creek Road, Arno
Waibel explained that Mr. Windsor has an interest in purchasing
a small triangular portion of land from the City in order to make
his lot more suitable for the construction of a new home. Waibel
stated that the property proposed to be purchased contains .16
acres and that no value has been established for this parcel as
J. Thompson moved, seconded by M. Thompson, to recommend approval
of the sale of a portion of City property along the west side of
Powers Boulevard in the vicinity of Willow Creek Road, as
requested by the applicant. All voted in favor and the motion
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1982
Page 2
Selection of Planning Consultant for Preparation of New Zoning and
Subdivision Ordinances:
The Planning Commission interviewed two consultants for the pre-
paration of the new Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. The con-
sultants were Zack Johnson from Zack Johnson and Associates,
Inc., and Bill Chapman from B.B. Chapman, AICP. After much
discussion, Watson moved, seconded by M. Thompson, to table
this item to the December 1, 1982 meeting in order that all
Planning Commission members can be present to be involved in
making this decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Because the next regular Planning Commission meeting falls on the
day before Thanksgiving, the Planning Commission decided to can-
cel the November 24, 1982 meeting and move the first regular
December meeting of December 8 to December 1, 1982.
Review position Paper on Status of Downtown Redevelopment Project:
Watson moved, seconded by J. Thompson, to note that the Planning
Commission has reviewed the "position Paper on the Status of the
Downtown Redevelopment Project" dated November 2, 1982, as pre-
pared by the Downtown Project Steering Committee. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Status Report on Chamber of Commerce Transportation Task Force
Efforts to Improve Highway ~
Martin reviewed the various efforts that are being made by the
Chamber of Commerce Transportation Task Force to gain
Metropolitan Council approval for upgrading Highway 5 to four-
lane divided arterial standards from 1-494 to TH41. Swearengin
moved, seconded by Watson, to note the Community Development
Director's report. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Swearengin moved, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve the minutes
of the October 28, 1982 Planning Commission meeting as presented.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Watson moved, seconded by M. Thompson to note the City Council
minutes of October 4, 1982. All voted in favor and the motion
Watson moved, seconded by J. Thompson to note the City Council
minutes of October 7, 1982.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:40 p.m.