1983 04 27
APRIL 27, 1983
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with the following
members present: Jim Thompson, Mike Thompson, Bill Ryan, and
Susan Albee.
Commissioners Conrad and Merz arrived later.
Staff present: Bob Waibel, City Planner, Scott Martin, Community
Development Director and vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Public present:
Mike Litticoat
Julie Gay
Charles Markert
Greg Pepper sack
Mark Belden
Carver County Courthouse, Chaska.
Carver County Herald, Chaska.
14324 Minnetonka Industrial Park.
940 Western Drive, Chanhassen.
16400 Seymour Drive, Minnetonka.
Street Vacation Request for the Northerly 3900 + Feet of Ches
Mar Drive.
Waibel explained that the request is to vacate the northerly 3900
+ feet of Ches Mar Drive to reduce potential maintenance costs by
replacing its park access function with a shorter access as shown
on attachment #3. He mentioned that once the County has
completed its acquisition of the Plehal-Crowley and Volk
properties, the County will own all of the abutting property on
the section proposed to be vacated with the exception of the
southerly 500 + feet on the east side of Ches Mar Drive and that
said street vacation will not eliminate access availability for
any of the private residences abutting Ches Mar Drive. Waibel
stated that the proposed vacation has the following positive
1. It removes the park access function from the portion of
ChesMar Drive used for residential access.
2. The replacement access provides improved site distances
to what exists on the ChesMar accesses.
3. It enables the County more flexibility to put the vacated
portion of ChesMar Drive, and the lands under their
ownership lying to the east of same, into park use and
4. It reduces future maintenance costs to the City and or
County by removing its public transportation function.
J. Thompson asked how much would be saved by this and the pur-
pose. Also, his concern was the that the area would turn into a
parking lot for boat trailers and the overload would end up
~ parking along the vacated ChesMar Drive.
APRIL 27, 1983
Waibel noted that the Conditional Use Permit granted by the City
to the County limits the parking of boat trailers to the areas
designated in the Park Master Plan which does not include Ches
Mar Drive.
Ryan felt that ChesMar Drive should not be vacated until there
is another access available.
Albee moved, seconded by Ryan, that the Planning Commission
recommend that the City Council approve the vacation of ChesMar
Drive as proposed in Planning Case 83-1 Street Vacation with the
following conditions:
1. That the vacation as proposed not be officially recorded
until such time as the Plehal-Crowley and Volk properties
have been acquired by the County and access has been
extended to Hwy. 41.
2. That the public use of ChesMar Drive not be terminated
until such time as proper access improvements are
completed for the southern intersection of ChesMar Drive
and Hwy. 41 and until such time as Carver County has
completed construction of a turnaround at the northerly
teminus of the unvacated portion of ChesMar Drive.
3. That the proposed vacation is additionally subject to the
recommendations in the City Engineer's memorandum to the
City planner dated April 8, 1983.
4. That the road be barricaded in a manner approved by the City
Vote in favor, J. Thompson, Merz, Albee, Conrad and Ryan, naye,
M. Thompson, motion carries.
M. Thompson stated that we should not be determining what the
County does with the abandoned part of the road.
Conditional Use Permit Request for the Establishment of an Auto
Parts Machine Shop, 404 West 79th Street.
Waibel summarized that this request was for the addition of an auto
parts machine shop to the Chanhassen Auto Parts business. The
floor space for which the machine shop is proposed to occupy is
presently being used for storage. He also stated that most of
the work would be brought in and delivered using the parts store
truck thus minimizing any potential problems for parking,
traffic, and/or outside storage.
e Conrad asked Mr. Mark Belden, the applicant if he had any com-
ments to add. Mr. Belden stated that he had no problems with the
staff recommendations.
APRIL 27, 1983
M. Thompson moved, seconded by J. Thompson, to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Several of the Commissioners asked about pollution if any.
Belden stated that the basic operation is reconditioning of
engine parts, which they have only metal filings/shavings which
are swept up.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Merz, that the Planning Commission
recommend that the City Council approve a conditional use permit
for Chanhassen Auto Parts to establish an auto parts machine shop
as presented in Planning Case 83-2 Conditional Use Permit with
the following conditions:
1. That machine shop activity be confined to the area so
designated on the schematic floor plan dated received
Chanhassen Community Development Department, February 28,
2. That the machining services rendered not be intensified
or enlarged beyond that which is able to be provided by
the equipment shown in attachment 4 without first having
obtained a conditional use permit amendment.
3. That there be no outside storage on the premises of
equipment or parts associated with machine shop activity.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request for the Use of Accessory
Structures for Home Occupations
Waibel briefly stated that Mr. Markert was intending to purchase
the property in hopes of establishing his art studio for hot air
balloon art work at his prospective place of residence. Also, he
stated that Mr. Markert's occupation is in accordance with the
Home Occupation Requirements of zoning Ordinance 47 with the
exception that the vertical and horizontal space requirements for
his work requires the use of an accessory structure such as the
existing barn on the property which he proposes to use.
Albee moved, seconded by Ryan, to close the public hearing, vote
unanimous, motion carried.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee, that the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council the adoption of the
following motion;
1. The Planning Commission recommends approval of a Zoning
Ordinance amendment concerning home occupations as follows:
a) Amend the second to the last sentence of the Home
APRIL 27, 1983
P AG E 4
Occupation definition of Zoning Ordinance 47 to read as
follows; "No accessory buildings, other than existing
structures customarily related to agricultural uses,
shall be used for such home occupations."
b) Add to Section 6.02, R-1A District Permitted Use
provisions, the following subsection 4, "Home Occupations
conducted within a principal or accessory agricultural
c) Add to the Residential Permitted Use provisions of
Ordinance 47; "Home Occupations."
All voted unanimously in favor, and the motion carried.
Proposed Sign Ordinance Amendments (Ordinance No. 36-E)
Martin summarized that on March 7, 1983, the City Council
directed staff to prepare a proposed sign ordinance amendment
which provides for the administrative issuance of sign (building)
permits when all sign ordinance requiremens have been met, and
which allows off-premise real estate signs under certain con-
ditions. He stated that the City Council wants an "over the
counter issuance" instead of the applicant going to the Planning
Commission and then to the City Council.
Ryan moved, seconded by Albee, to close the public hearing. All
voted unanimously, motion carried.
M. Thompson questioned number 6 of the ordinance.
he would like to have a time limit on the removing
He felt that the leasing of 80% would sometimes be
to keep track of with business' moving in and out.
He stated that
of the sign.
Merz moved, seconded by Albee, that the Planning Commission reco-
mend approval of Ordinance No. 36-E to the City Council with
the exception that number 6 read as follows:
6) Such signs shall be removed within seven (7) days following
the lease or sale of eighty percent (80%) of the building space
which it is advertising, or within twelve (12) months from the
date ~ permit is issued, Whichever comes fIrSt. ---- ---
All voted unanimously, and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Albee moved, seconded by J. Thompson, to approve the Planning
Commission minutes of March 9, 1983. Vote unanimous, motion
APRIL 27, 1983
Zoning and Subdivision Worksession
Zack Johnson was present to meet with the Planning Commission for
the zoning and Subdivision worksession.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.