1983 09 14
Planning Commission Minutes
September 14, 1983
Regular Meeting
Members Present
Jim Thompson, Tom Merz, Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan, H.
Noziska, and Mike Thompson.
Staff Present
Scott Martin, Community Development Director, Bob Waibel, City
Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Request to Subdivide a 60 + Acre Parcel into Two Parcels,
Northwest corner of Hwy. 5 and 41, Paul Savaryn, Public Hearing.
Public Present
Charles W. Markert
Paul Savaryn
Yolanda Savaryn Nelson
7461 Hazeltine Blvd.
40 27th Ave. S.E., Mpls.
1996 Ashland, St. Paul
Waibel briefly stated that the request was in response to a
purchase offer received by the applicant for the farmstead and
the adjoining 6 acres. He stated that the applicant presently
has no development plans for balance of the property.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Albee, that the Planning
Commission recommends City Council approval of the subdivision
for the property as legally described in Carver County Book of
Deeds 145, Page 415 in accordance with the Schoell and Madson
Survey dated received Chanhassen Community Development Department
August 24, 1983 marked "Official Copy" and contained in file
83-11 Subdivision.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Appointment of Planning Commission Member to the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals.
Conrad suggested that none of the Planning commission members would
always be available for the Board meeting, this position could
possibly be shared by all Commission members on an alternating
Martin advised the Planning Commission that during the review of
proposed zoning ordinance amendments, the City Attorney suggested
the City Council act as the the Board of Adjustments and Appeals in
order to simplify the variance review process. He suggested that
since no member of the Commission is apparently available to serve
on the Board, the Commission could initiate an amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance which establishes the City Council as the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 14, 1983
Page 2
S. Albee moved, seconded by J. Thompson to initiate an amendment to
Section 22 of the Zoning Ordinance to establish the City Council as
the Board of Adjustments and Appeals in lieu of the current make up
of the Board.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Planning Commission felt that in the long run this would be
the appropriate course to take and they don't feel that it is
proper at this time to substitute a new Planning Commission member
when it could be a short lived situation when the new zoning and
subdivision ordinances are adopted.
Approval of Minutes
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska, to approve August 24,
1983 minutes as written. All voted in favor and the motion
Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Worksession.
Zack Johnson was present to review the proposed Planned Unit
Development provisions of the revised Zoning Ordinance with the
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.