1983 09 28 Chanhassen Planning Commission Minutes September 28, 1983 Regular Meeting e The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Members Present Jim Thompson, Tom Merz, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan and Mike Thompson. Howard Noziska arrived later. Members Absent Susan Albee Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Revision Worksession Zack Johnson was present to review ordinance revision materials distributed during the September 14, 1983 worksession. The Commission reviewed the Final Preliminary Draft of the Subdivision Ordinance in its entirety and suggested several minor modifications. Thge Commission also reviewed proposed Parking and Loading Area Regulations and the preliminary draft of the PUD regulations. .- Proposed minimum lot sizes for conventional detached single- family homes were also discussed. The Commission was split on the minimum lot size in the proposed R-1B zoning district. Noziska and Ryan preferred a 12,500 square foot lot size, while Conrad, M. Thompson, and J. Thompson preferred a 15,000 square foot minimum. Merz said that he could live with either standard. No action was taken on this issue, since Commissioner Albee was absent and no clear consensus was reached in her absence. The Commission decided unanimously to completely eliminated the proposed R-1C (7,500 square foot lot minimum size) zoning district. Subdivision Request for One Single Family Detached Building Site, 731 West 96th Street, Arthur Bandimere, Public Hearing. Public Present Bill Heinlein Carol Dunsmore Frank Kurvers Jack & Monica Swenson Art Bandimere Ray King Rick Denman (Lundgren Bros. Const.) 721 West 96th Street 730 West 96th Street Chanhassen Road 126 Judith Drive, Chaska Bandimere Heights 9391 Kiowa Trail 935 E. Wayzata Blvd., Wayzata e Wiabel presented the staff report and stated that this request is to subdivide the property to create a .9 acre single family building site in the southwesterly most corner of the 90 acre parent parcel. He added that this proposal involves a 1.1 acre lot area variance and 30 foot lot width variance. He also stated e Planning Commission Minutes September 28, 1983 Page 2 that this proposal includes a request to waive platting require- ments to allow for the subdivision to be recorded by metes and bounds description. Bill Heinlein stated that he is concerned on the proposals impact on the valuation of his property and additionally questioned whether the planned 201 Project would have sufficient capacity to accommodate adding this home onto the proposed sewer line. waibel stated that the house would have to minimally meet the uniform building code. Ryan moved, seconded by J. Thompson to close the public hearing, all voted in favor and the motion carried. M. Thompson and Merz stated that they had problems in approving a subdivision with less than the required lot area without knowing that the proposed sanitary sewer system will indeed be installed. Chairman Conrad stated that the City Engineer should verify that the perc tests are adequate and that the property could be able to accommodate an on-site septic system if the 201 Sewer is not installed. e J. Thompson moved, seconded by Noziska, to recommend that the City Council approve the lot area, lot width and platting requirement variances requested in Planning Case 83-12 Subdivision with the condition that a septic system including drain field be installed in accordance with the requirement of Ordinance lOA in the event that the West 96th Street sewer line is not installed as scheduled. All voted in favor and the motion carried. J. Thompson stated that the reason for dropping staff condition #1 is that he feels that providing the access along the westerly side of the property to the north would be providing access to an area that he feels is environmentally sensitive due to the existence of the wetland and poor soil conditions north of the proposed subdivision. Sign Area Variance Request, Near Mountain PRD, Lundgren Brothers, Inc. e Waibel stated that this request was for a 56 square foot sign area variance to the 24 square foot area limitations for a tem- porary project identification sign. The proposed sign is to be constructed on the American Lutheran Church property, for which Lundgren Brothers have gotten approval from the owner and also they have an option to purchase this land. M. Thompson felt that the proposed sign size is reasonable for e e e Planning Commission Minutes September 28, 1983 Page 3 the promotion of the development. He felt that approval would be reasonable in assisting Lundgren Brothers in getting on with their project. M. Thompson moved, seconded by Merz, to recommend approval of the proposed temporary project identification sign as requested in Planning Case 83-15 Sign Permit with the condition that the sign be removed upon completion of construction of 80% of the units within the development. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Planning Commission suggested that the City Council may con- sider a condition of renewal of the permit on an annual or bi-annual basis. Staff was directed to prepare standards for development and project identification signs that would assist in the recent promotion of development within the City as part of the overall Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance revision. Wetland Ordinance Discussion. The concept of density credit was briefly discussed. Waibel indicated that staff recommends that density credits be con- sidered on a one to one basis to the extent that the proposed Wetland Ordinance requires that land which would normally be developed to be set aside for uplands runoff storage basins and/or set aside for increased setbacks, minimum lot area etc. as contained in the general regulations section. Such credit would be based upon the permitted density of the underlying zoning district. J. Thompson stated that he feels that as the value of land goes up there will be less of a tendency to voluntarily set aside wetlands for part of the overall drainage system. Due to the lateness of the hour, it was agreed that the overall discussion of the Wetland Ordinance should be continued at a following meeting to be scheduled in the next few weeks. Noziska moved, seconded by J. Thompson to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.