1983 10 26 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING 4It OCTOBER 26, 1983 Members Present Jim Thompson, Susan Albee, Bill Ryan and Mike Thompson. Members Absent Tom Merz, Ladd Conrad and Howard Noziska. Staff Present Bob Waibel, City Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary. Commissioner Mike Thompson, acting Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:23 p.m. e Sketch Plan Review, Pheasant Hill P.R.D., Northeast 1 of Section 3, Thomas Klingelhutz Waibel presented the staff report and stated that this was an informal review on a proposal to develop 92 unit single family detached residential district. He stated that the lots vary in size from 22,000 + square feet to 7,500 square feet and the general pattern is to locate larger lots in areas adjoining other properties and existing development on steep slope areas while infilling the development interior with the smaller lots. He stated that the proposed plan was consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the development would be zoned P-l, Planned Residential Development District. Bill Ryan suggested that the applicant look further into the possibility of reducing the number of proposed lots with double frontage. Susan Albee asked Mark Koegler, Project Consultant, what is the estimated schedule for phasing. He stated that the phasing is tentatively 1984 for Phase I, 1984-1985 for Phase II and 1985-1986 for Phase III. Albee felt that the City should con- sider timing its Lake Lucy realignment plans to coincide with Phase II. Some of the Commissioners were concerned that about 1/3 of the lots were under 12,000 square feet. They stated that they should look at eliminating some of these if possible. Albee moved, seconded by Ryan, to recommend the applicant proceed with the preliminary development plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ~ Discussion: Proposed Wetland Management Ordinance The Planning Commission and Environmental Protection Committee e e . Planning Commission Minutes October 26, 1983 Page 2 met jointly to discuss any possible reV1S1ons to the Wetland Management Ordinance prior to presenting same for public hearing. The Commission and Committee agreed to a number of grammatical and housekeeping revisions in the draft as well as referred cer- tain sections to the City Attorney for further explanation and or revisions. Waibel stated that it is quite likely that the changes discussed could be taken care of in time for a November 30th public hearing. Discussion: zoning Ordinance to Designate City Council as Board of Adjustments and Appeals Mike Thompson suggested that if the BOA meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. before the Planning Commission meetings, possibly there would be someone that would be able to do this. The members of the Commission reaffirmed their concurrence with the City Attorney that making the Board of Adjustments and Appeals a one step process would save staff time and costs. Jim Thompson moved, seconded by Albee to recommend the City Council adopt the amendment of Ordinance 47, Section 22 designating the City Council as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Discussion: Meeting Schedule for November and December The Commissioners agreed to change the second meeting of November to the 30th of the month. The Committee discussed the December meeting schedule and decided not to make any changes at this time. Jim Thompson moved, seconded by Albee, to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.