1983 11 09
NOVEMBER 9, 1983
Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.
Members Present
Jim Thompson, Tom Merz, Susan Albee, Ladd Conrad, Bill Ryan,
Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson.
Members Absent
Staff Present
Scott Martin, Community Development Director, Bob Waibel, City
Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary.
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Campus Business to
Commercial, Northwest Corner of Intersection of County Road 17
and Highway 5, Public Hearing.
Public Present
M. Thompson moved, seconded by H. Noziska to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Waibel noted that staff is recommending approval for the reasons
noted in the staff report.
B. Ryan moved, seconded by Albee to recommend amending the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan from campus business to commercial
for the property as shown on attachment #2 of this report.
Approval of Minutes
Albee moved, seconded by Conrad, to approve the minutes of
October 12, 1983 as written. Albee, Merz, Conrad, Ryan and M.
Thompson voted in favor and the motion carried. J. Thompson and
Noziska abstained.
J. Thompson moved, seconded by Ryan, to approve the minutes of
October 26, 1983 as written. J. Thompson, Albee, Ryan and M.
Thompson voted in favor and the motion carried. Merz, Conrad and
Noziska abstained.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 9, 1983
Page 2
Discussion, Environmental Protection Components of the Proposed
Revisions to the Subdivision and zoning Ordinance
The Environmental Protection Committee was present to go over the
revisions with the Planning Commission. Zack Johnson was also
present to go over the report with his findings with the commit-
Water Quality:
Zack Johnson stated that he felt the control of fertilizers
should be addressed in other City codes. He stated that possibly
it could be made into a separate ordinance. Martin stated that
the problem with having an ordinance on this would be the enforce-
ment and knowledge of this at the City level, i.e. would have to
hire someone with the knowledge and background of such. It was
brought up that possibly the watershed districts could give input
on this. The Planning Commission wants the EPC to check into
this and discuss the alternatives/measures for improving the
water quality.
Maintenance and Control of Erosion:
Zack Johnson also felt that this issue should not be dealt with
in the zoning ordinances. He stated that the zoning ordinance
has provisions on the control on new construction sites but he
didn't see how we could control the maintenance of land already
in existence, i.e. farm land. Staff felt that there would be no
way to control this, unless someone was hired to visit all the
surrounding farm areas.
Control of Aquatic Herbicides:
Zack Johnson felt that the Department of Natural Resources had
very good control on this issue. He also stated that he didn't
think that the City would have any authority to enact controls on
public waters. The Planning Commission directed staff to find
out if it can be controlled by the City and for the EPC to find
out if herbicides are abused on public waters.
Clear Cutting on Existing Sites:
The major concern on this issue was someone cutting all of the
trees down on their property. Staff stated that there was really
no way to stop someone from doing this on their own property if
they wanted to clear it. The Planning Commission directed the
EPC to find out if other communities were discussing/concerned
about this and if any ordinance was in existence. Also to find
4It out if this is a great problem in the City.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 9, 1983
Page 3
Historic Buildings:
It was suggested that in the zoning map to make these overlay
other than these specific items the Planning Commission and the
EPC were in agreement with the revisions.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.