1983 12 14
~ DECEMBER 14, 1983
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Conrad at 8:15 p.m.
Members Present
Tom Merz, Ladd Conrad, Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson.
Members Absent
Jim Thompson, Susan Albee and Bill Ryan.
Staff Present
Bob Waibel, City Planner and Scott Martin, Community Development
Site Plan Review, Proposed 18 Unit Apartment Building, Chanhassen
Michael Dorn
Frank Reese
Warren Anderson
Dorn and Associates
Reese Architects
Dorn and Associates
Waibel stated that the proposal is for site plan approval to
construct an 18 unit appartment building at the southwest end of
the Chanhassen Meadows complex. The proposal is compliant with
all of the zoning requirements of the R-4 District with the
exception that the building should be shifted approximately 7
feet to the southwest to simulate the required side yard setbacks
between buildings for a total of 50 feet. The City Engineer has
indicated that there are no problems associated with site utili-
ties or storm water drainage.
Waibel also stated that the comprehensive plan has noted the
intersection of West 78th Street, Highway 101 and Highway 5 as an
area of transportation deficiency. The City had a realignment
study done in 1981 showing various alternatives for the improve-
ment of this intersection. He stated that the preferred alter-
native shows the realignment of 101 and West 78th Street to
bi-sect the property where the apartment building is proposed.
There has been no committment made by the City to prepare any
plans or acquire lands to implement this realignment. Waibel
stated that a decision must be made as to whether or not to
approve the proposed building or commence negotiations for the
acquisition of land needed for the right-of-way. With estimated
acquisition costs of between $125,000 and $150,000 and with
estimated intersection improvement costs of $600,000, staff is
hardpressed to make a recommendation to acquire the site.
The Planning Commission did review alternatives 1 through 5 of
the May 1981 T.H. 101 Realignment Study. Although the Planning
Commission agreed that the feasibility of site acquisition and
construction of improvements is somewhat questionable and that
Planning Commission Minutes
December 14, 1983
Page 2
site plan approval is in order, they did agree that from a
planning perspective alignment alternatives #1 and #2 seem to be
the most acceptable solution to the problem.
If there were traffic problems in the area, the developer would
be responsible for paying for expanding or making a by pass.
Merz moved, seconded by Noziska that the Planning Commission
recommends the Site Plan approval of the proposed 18 unit apart-
ment apartment building as depicted in the Site Plans dated
received November 28, 1983 and as contained in Planning Case 83-3
Site Plan with the following conditions:
1. That the proposed building be located at least 50 feet from
the existing apartment building to the northeast.
2. That the proposed building be constructed having the same
architectural treatment as the existing buildings in the
Chanhassen Meadows complex.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Worksession
Zack Johnson was present to go over the revisions of the
ordinance with the Planning Commissioners.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.