1989 01 18 - CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 18, 1989 Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ladd Conrad, Tim Erhart, Steve Emmings, Annette Ellson, Jim Wildermuth and David Headla MEMBERS ABSENT: Brian Batzli STAFF PRESENT: Steve Hanson, Planning Director and Larry Brown, Asst. City Engineer (Due to technical failure of the audio equipment, the meeting could not be recorded. Therefore, the Minutes are summarized rather than verbatim.) PUBLIC HEARING: SITE PLAN REVIEW AND A VARIANCE TO THE PARKING LOT REQUIREMENTS FOR A 696 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO THE CHANHASSEN TACO SHOP ON PROPERTY ZONED CBD, CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AND LOCATED AT 195 WEST 78TH STREET, GUY PETERSON. ~ Public Present: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Peterson - Applicants Steve Hanson presented the staff report on this item. The applicants, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Peterson, stated that the issue stated in the staff report that negotiations for acquisition of the Taco Shop due to the realignment of TH 101, were unknown to them until they had received the staff report. They stated that the City had made comments a few years back but not recently. The Planning Commission discussed the item and were concerned about the lack of information provided to them and that they really didn't have anything to react to. They talked of denying the item, as staff had recommended, passing it onto City Council without a recommendation or tabling the item so the applicants could provide more information. The following motion was decided upon after discussion with the Planning Commission and a recommendation from Councilman Jay Johnson. -- Emmings moved, Ellson seconded that the Planning Commission recommend to table action on the Site Plan Review and variance to the parking lot for Chanhassen Taco Shop and pass it onto the City Council for their recommendation and to put a priority on whether this property would be affected by TH 101 and TH 5. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Planning Commission Meeting January 18, 1989 - Page 2 e PUBLIC HEARING: SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 97,600 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE/MANUFACTURING/WAREHOUSE FACILITY ON PROPERTY ZONED lOP, INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK AND LOCATED ON LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, PARK ONE THIRD ADDITION, VER-SA-TIL, R. JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. Public Present: Del Bogema - Applicant Bob Vetter - Engineer for Applicant Steve Hanson presented the staff report on this item. Bob Vetter, the applicant's engineer gave a short presentation on the application. The Commission asked Bob Vetter and Del Bogema some questions about the location of the building, it's design, what the company did, if they had any hazardous materials and if so, how they would dispose of those. The Commission seemed to feel that it was an overall good plan and made the following motion. e ElIson moved, Erhart seconded that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Site Plan #88-18 based on the plans stampted "Received December 27, 1988" and revised plans stamped "Received January 11, 1989" subject to the following conditions: 1. Additional landscaping be provided in the parking area. Specifically, this should include converting 8 parking stalls to landscaped areas. 2. All rooftop mechanical equipment will need to be screened and detailed plans provided. 3. Details on exterior lighting need to be submitted and approved by City Staff showing that lighting is screened and will not be visible from adjacent properties. 4. Conditions from referral agencies: a. The building must be sprinklered. b. A checklist of requirements is attached that must be a part of the building permit process. c. Fire hydrants need to have a spacing of 300 foot maximum. d. Fire Department needs 25 foot minimum clear width on parking rows for emergency vehicles. e. Inside trash storage area shall be protected by an improved automatic sprinkler system. e 5. The applicant shall receive and comply with all conditions of the Watershed District permit. 6. The applicant shall install all erosion controls prior to the commencement of any construction. All erosion controls shall remain Planning Commission Meeting January 18, 1989 - Page 3 e in place throughout the duration of construction. The developer shall be responsible for making periodic checks of all erosion controls and making any repairs promptly. 7. The plans shall be revised to incorporate the City's standard driveway apron for commercial development as depicted in Attachment #1 of City Engineer's memo. 8. The plans shall be revised to include typical sections for both types of driveway surfaces. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for all debris and clean up on and off site resulting from the construction of this site. 10. The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with a full set of "As Built" mylar reproducable copies prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy. 11. Conditioned upon the replatting of the site by the applicant. 12. Add an inflammable waste trap. All voted in favor and the motion carried. e APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Erhart moved, Wildermuth seconded to approve the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated January 4, 1989 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Wildermuth moved, Ellson seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.. Submitted by Steve Hanson Planning Director Prepared by Nann Opheim e