Color Elevations '" $' " ,. .... . .. I RECEIVED APR 1" 4 2006 .cITY OF CHANHASSEN '- cT ( ( ( , t r r . ( t . c ~ l t t l I t ---........ I I , J ~ t ~ I , ......----------------~~ RECE~IYED APR l' '4 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN "'::-"t-t ~ ~ ~ : Top View Side View 28.00 in 2 4 24.00 in r 20.00 in I 24.00 in 44.00 in 60.00 in 30.00 in 13.00 in SCANNED ~ iIDllIii4rfr~ Customer: Chapel Hill Academy Est #: 2491 Project Manager: Jim Abrahamson Designer: Torn Schommer Approved By: Date: File Location: 0 A-Z 0 Transfer. Tomfs Mac File Name: CHA Monument.ai Sign Type: D I f Monument Sign wi lW Message Center Size 1: See Drawing __!!!li~"_ Size 2: xx Font 1 : Copperplate ..- --- -- ---"'-- Font 2: xx Font 3: xx Color (]) Beep Blue Cabinet Color @ Sunflower Yellow letters ---- Color CD xx Color @ xx Port 0 24" x 6011 x 2411 Brick Colums to Match Bldg. . - Port f) lime stone Caps wi Rock Face Edge Port 8 20" Deep Aluminum Cabinet - ------ -- - - Port 0 1/2" Dimensional letters Port 6) 1311 x 9411 Amber lED Panel -- ---- -- --- Porf 0 Digitally Printed Logo on 1/2" Aluminum CREATIVE SOLUTIONS 14530 Morfin Drive · Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952.975.4940 · Fax: 952.975.9209 Toll Free: 877 -861-8270 · Web: www.sign-source.com This drawing is the property of SignSource, Inc. and may not be used, reproduced or disclosed without written authorization.