Wetland Permit Application 4-2006 II I...., : . ,- .. '-to ". '10 .... 2005 MUSA AREA CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MN WETLAND PERMIT APPLICATION MITIGATION PLAN BASIN 8 -"'';t;1'\\!~ ~t\.."," I. t '~"#I'. , l I I '. ,t l I ; ,'...../ t · '.' ,. .( '.' : ~l: 1 t' , I t. \ '#~ J '. '.~ 1 t " . .' · I .". '. :.' . t' ,t \ , '. \ , (~f i , , . t J : I I,! I I ( j , ! , , f ; ,Presented to: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Suite 345N, 2550U"niversity Ave. W St. Paul, MN 55114 I t . r'J ~ . I Presented By: .HoustonEngineering, Inc. 10900 73rd Avenue North, Suite 106 Maple Grove,M'N 55369 April 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects Project Summary - Basin 8 Wetland Mitigation Plan................................... 1 I. Introduction.................. ... ........... ..................... ....... ..................... 2 II. Sequencing Discussion... ................ .............. ................................ ... 3 Wetland Avoidance. . .. . . . . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. 3 Wetland Impacts. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. 4 Wetland Impact Rectification. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. 5 Summary of Unavoidable Impacts........................................................ 5 III. Wetland Mitigation Plan.............................................................. .... 5 Replacement Requirement.................................................................. 5 On-Site Mitigation. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .... 6 Monitoring Plan.............................................................................. 7 Figures Figure 1 - Site Base Map Figure 2 - Wetland Delineation Map Figure 3 - Basin 8 Transect Locations Figure 4 - Proposed Roadways Map Figure 5 - Proposed Wetland Mitigation Figure 6 - Cross Sections of Proposed Mitigation Attachments Attachment A - Basin 8 Delineation Report Attachment B - Adjoining Property Owners Attachment C - Suggested Wetland Seeding Plan Attachment D - Suggested Wetland Maintenance Plan I NA-026620-03B (V.2.02 for MS WORD) 10/29/04 I Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects I USE THIS APPLICATION FOR ANY PROJECT AFFECTING A LAKE, RIVER, STREAM OR WETLAND, INCLUDING: Local Government Unit Approval Pursuant to Minnesota Wetlands Conservation Act (WCA) Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Permit to Work in Public Waters Department of the Army Permit (33 CFR 325) I Note: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) will forward application forms to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for processing if state water quality certification is required from the MPCA. You do not need to send this application to the MPCA. I This application packet includes: Part I: The BASIC APPLICATION and the COE APPLICATION to be filled out by all applicants (see Instructions). I PART II: The REPLACEMENT PLAN SUPPLEMENT to be completed only for projects that impact wetlands and require a replacement plan for wetland mitigation. If you're not sure whether your project requires a replacement plan, call your Local Government Unit (LGU) or Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office for guidance. I Do not proceed with your project until you have received all required approvals from your LGU, the DNR and the COE. If you wish to confirm the status of your application at any time, contact the agencies directly (see Instructions, page 2). Proceeding with work before all required authorizations are obtained may result in fines or other penalties, and may include a requirement to restore the project site to original condition. I If you have questions or need assistance with filling out these forms, contact your local SWCD office, your LGU, your Area DNR Waters office, or your COE field office (see Instructions, page 2). I If you believe that your project may be subject to watershed district, local zoning, or any other local regulations besides those of your LGU, contact those office(s) directly. If you are a Federal Farm Program participant and your project affects a wetland or water body on agricultural land, your eligibility for USDA benefits may be affected. Contact a Natural Resources Conservation Service office for further information. I A QUICK LOOK AT THE PROJECT APPLICATION PROCESS I Electronic files: Forms can be downloaded and filled out using Microsoft Word. Your input will be restricted to fill-in fields where users can enter text or check boxes. These areas appear gray on the screen, but not on the printed document. Send copies of these completed application forms to your LGU, your Area DNR Waters office, and your CaE regulatory office. I Any of the agencies may make initial contact with you to: a) inform you that it has no jurisdiction over your project; b) request additional information needed; or c) inform you of applicable fees. When your application is considered complete and appropriate fees have been received (if requested) it will be distnlmted for appropriate review. I Following agencies' reviews, you will be informed ifit has been approved, approved with changes or conditions, withdrawn, or denied. For information about state laws, rules and regulations that direct this process go to the web site www.revisor.Ieg.state.mn.us. For information on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulations go to the web site www.mvp.usace.army.miI. I Instructions for Part I HELP 1: Every applicant must fill out Section 1. The applicant is the person, agency, company, corporation, or other organization that owns, leases, or holds other legal rights to the land where the project is located. Indicate names of multiple applicants on a separate sheet. I HELP 1A: Fill out Section 1A only if you have designated an authorized agent. An authorized agent may be an attorney, builder, consultant, contractor, engineer, or any other person or organization designated by the applicant to represent him/her in this process. An agent is not required. I HELP 5: Purpose, description and dimensions of project: State briefly (in a sentence or two) what you propose to do and why it is needed. Also, describe whether your project will involve any of the following: Construction of structures, filling, draining, dewatering, removing, excavating or repair. Construction of an access path, bridge, culvert, dam, ditch, dock, driveway, riprap, road, sand blanket, shore protection, or tile line. Construction of any structures on fill, piles or a float-supported platform. If so, describe. Dredging or discharging (placing fill material) into a wetland or other water body (including the temporary placement of material). If so, explain the specific purpose ofthe placement of the material (such as erosion control) and indicate how it will be done (such as with a backhoe or dragIine). If dredged material is to be discharged on an upland site, identify the location ofthe site. I I Minnesota LocallState/Federal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects Instructions, Page I I I Include an overhead view drawing showing the work to be undertaken and its relative location on the property. Show items such as property boundaries or lot dimensions; location and extent of shoreline, wetlands and water; location and dimensions and footprint of the proposed project, structure or activity (include length, width, elevation and other measurements as appropriate); points of reference such as existing homes, structures, docks or landscape features; indication of north; and location of spoil and disposal sites (if applicable). Hand drawn, computer generated or professionally prepared drawings are acceptable, as long as they contain all necessary information clearly, accurately, and in adequate detail. Please include specific dimensions whenever possible. You may also include photos, if you wish. I I HELP 7: For information regarding adjacent landowners, contact the tax assessor where the project is to be developed. I HELP 8: If any part of the work has already been completed, describe the area already developed. Include a description of structures completed; any dredged or fill material already discharged (including type of material and volume in cubic yards); acres or square feet filled (if a wetland or other waterbody); and whether the work was done under an existing pennit (if so identify the authorization, if possible). I HELP 9: Other permits, reviews or approval related to the project may include the following: conditional use pennit; plat approval; zoning variance; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System pennit; state disposal system pennit (includes dredged material disposal); watershed district/watershed management organization pennit (stormwater, erosion, floodplain); environmental assessment worksheet/environmental impact statement; hazardous waste site; feedlot pennit; groundwater appropriation pennit; or county/township driveway/road pennit. Are you aware of any archeological or cultural resource detenninations or surveys completed concerning the project or replacement site by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) or others? If yes, please explain on a separate sheet or attach a copy of any detenninations or surveys. I I Final Checklists (Part I) ~ Have you completed all of Part I (page I), plus the Federal application (page 2)? [8] Did you (and your agent, if applicable) sign Section 10 on page I? [8] Have you signed the Application for the Department of the Army Permit (Page 2) to seek Federal authorization of your project? [8] Have you included the necessary attachments for Part I? Attachments must include: [8] Site Locator Map (Section 3) [8] Type of Project (Section 4) (if additional space was needed) [8] Overhead View of Project (Section 5 and HELP 5) [8] Project Purpose, Description and Dimensions (Section 5) (if additional space was needed) Attachments may also include: [8] Applicant Contact Information (HELP I) (if additional space was needed) [8] Project Location (Section 3) (if additional space was needed) [8] Project Alternatives (Section 6) (if additional space was needed) [8] Photographs [8] Adjoining Property Owners (Section 7) (if additional space was needed) o Work Already Completed Section (Section 8) (if you answered YES) o State Historic Preservation Office detennination or survey I I I I I Submitting Your Application Make three copies of the entire application and all attachments. Keep the original, and mail a complete copy of your application to each of the local, state, and Federal entities listed below. Be sure to include Part I and all attachments with each application. I LOCAL: Send to the appropriate Local Government Unit (LGU). Ifnecessary, contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office or visit the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) web site (www.bwsr.state.mn.us) to detennine the appropriate LGU. I STATE: Send to your Area DNR Waters office, attention Area Hydrologist. Ifnecessary, contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office or visit the DNR website (www.dnr.state.mn.us) to locate the Area Hydrologist for your location, or contact a Regional DNR office: NW Region: NE Region: Central Region: Southern Region: 2115 Birchmont Beach Road N.E. 1201 East Highway 2 1200 Warner Road 261 Highway 15 South Bemidji, MN 56601 Grand Rapids, MN 55744 S1. Paul, MN 55106 New Ulm, MN 56073 Phone: 218-755-3973 Phone: 218-327-4416 Phone: 651-772-7910 Phone: 507359-6053 I FEDERAL: Send to the appropriate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory field office: I Brainerd: u.s. COE, Regulatory Branch 10867 E. Gull Lake Drive N.W. Brainerd, MN 56401-9051 Phone: 218-829-8402 St. Paul: U.S. COE, Regulatory Branch Army Corps of Engineers Centre 190 51h Street East S1. Paul, MN 55101-9051 Phone: 651-290-5375 La Crescent: U.S. COE, Regulatory Branch 1114 South Oak Street La Crescent, MN 55947-1338 Phone: 507-895-8059 Two Harbors: U.S. COE, Regulatory Branch 1554 Highway 2, Suite 2 Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: 218-834-6630 I WEB SITES: BWSR: www.bwsr.state.nm.us u.s. ACOE: www.mvp.usace.army.mil DNR: www.dnr.state.nm.us MPCA: www.pca.state.nm.us I I Minnesota LocallStatelFederal Application Forms for WaterIWetland Projects Instructions, Page 2 I NA-026620-03B Minnesota Local/State/Federal Ap For Internal Use Only Date Initial A lication Received (V.2.02 for MS WORD) 10/29/04 lication Form for WaterlWetland Pro'ects I A lication No. Field Office Code Date initial A PART I: BASIC APPLICATION I "See HELP" directs you to important additional information and assistance in Instructions, Page 1. I 1. LANDOWNER/APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION (See Help 1) Name: Paul Oehme, City of Chanhassen Phone: 952-227-1100 Completemailingaddress:7700MarketBlvd.POBox147.Chanhassen.MN 55317 I lA. AUTHORIZED AGENT (See Help lAY (Only if applicable; an agent is not required) Name: Chadd Larson, Kimley Horn and Associates Phone: 651-645-4197 Complete mailing address: 2550UniversityAve.W,StPaul,MN 55114 I 2. NAME, TYPE AND SIZE OF PUBLIC WATERS or WETLANDS IMPACTED (Attach Additional Project Area sheets if needed) Name or LD. # of Waters Impacted (if applicable; ifknown): (Check all that apply): OLake DRiver OWetland type 1:8l1 0 IL 0 2 0 3 04 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 Indicate size of entire lake or wetland (check one): I:8l Less than 10 acres (indicate size: ) 0 I 0 to 40 acres 0 Greater than 40 acres I I 3. PROJECT LOCATION (Information can be found on property tax statement, property title or title insurance): Project street address: S of Lyman Blvd, E of Audubon Fire #: City (if applicable): Chanhassen '!. Section: Section: 22 Township #: 116N Range #: 23W County: Carver Lot #: Block: Subdivision: Watershed (name or #) Attach a simple site locator map. Ifneeded, include on the map written directions to the site from a known location or landmark, and provide distances from known locations. Label the sheet SITE LOCATOR MAP. I I 4. TYPE OF PROJECT: Describe the type of proposed work. Attach TYPE OF PROJECT sheet if needed. Wetland impacts totaling 0.56 acres and 1.12 acres of onsite wetland mitigation I 5. PROJECT PURPOSE, DESCRIPTION AND DIMENSIONS: Describe what you plan to do and why it is needed, how you plan to construct the project with dimensions (length, width, depth), area of impact, and when you propose to construct the project. This is the most important part of your application. See HELP 5 before completing this section; see What To Include on Plans (Instructions, page I). Attach PROJECT DESCRIPTION sheet. I Footprint of project: 0.56 acres or 24,393 square feet drained, filled or excavated. I 6. PROJECT AL TERNA TIVES: What alternatives to this proposed project have you considered that would avoid or minimize impacts to wetlands or waters? List at least TWO additional alternatives to your project in Section 5 that avoid wetlands (one of which may be "no build" or "do nothing"), and explain why you chose to pursue the option described in this application over these alternatives. Attach PROJECT ALTERNATIVES sheet if needed. See Report for Project Alternatives I 7. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: For projects that impact more than 10,000 square feet of water or wetlands, list the complete mailing addresses of adjacent property owners on an attached separate sheet. (See HELP 7) I 8. PORTION OF WORK COMPLETED: Is any portion ofthe work in wetland or water areas already completed? 0 Yes I:8lNo. If yes, describe the completed work on a separate sheet of paper labeled WORK ALREADY COMPLETED. (See HELP 8) 9. STATUS OF OTHER APPROVALS: List any other permits, reviews or approvals related to this proposed project that are either pending or have already been approved or denied on a separate attached sheet. See HELP 9. I 10. I am applying for state and local authorization to conduct the work described in this application. I am familiar with the information contained in this application. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in Part I is true, complete, and accurate. I possess the authority to undertake the work described, or I am acting as the duly authorized agent ofthe applicant. I Signature of applicant (Landowner) Date Signature of agent (if applicable) Date I This block must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity and has the necessary property rights to do so. If only the Agent has signed, please attach a separate sheet signed by the landowner, giving necessary authorization to the Agent. I Minnesota LocaIlStateIFederal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 1 I APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT (33 CFR 325) OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-003 Expires Dee 31, 2004 The public burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate ofInformation Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision ofIaw, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of these addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404,33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other Federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary; however, if information is not provided, the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. I I I ITEMS 1 THROUGH 4 TO BE FILLED IN BY THE CORPS 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED I YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE ITEMS 6-10 and 12-25 in the SHADED AREAS. All applicants must complete non-shaded items 5 and 26. If an agent is used, also complete items 8 and 11. This optional Federal form is valid for use onl when included as art of this entire state a lication acket. I I C"," " _. '.' _.' T ,,6: APPLICANT'S ApDRESS ' 7, APiLrCAN'h; 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not required) Chadd Larson, PE, Kimrey Horn and Associates 9. A(}Er-:H~SAriDIlliss 5. APPLICANT'S NAME Paul Oehme, City Engineer, City of Chanhassen . -- - . . 1 ~.A(}ENT'SPHO~m NO. I 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (if applicable; complete only if authorizing an agent) I hereby authorize to act on my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. I APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: DATE: I .0.'......', . ,,' --. I2.PROJECT NAME OR 'TITLE (see instructions) I , 15;, LOpAnON .OE PROJECTi<, ..I~.cb!lIERLbC~TI()NDESC~TI9NS, '.IF~OWN.(see .instrtictiqns) I ,12,SlJRF.ACE ARBAIN ACRES OF ,WETLANDS OR.OTlIERWATERSFII..LED I ""';':~.:"'. .-,' - ;,' , '., "":', :_-'--:-', '--': '- / ,. 23:IS ANY PORTION OF THEWOeRKALREADY COMPLETE? YES }~.M>r)~SSE~()E .ADf6IN~G~~OPER.TY OWNERS, I I 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent ofthe applicant. I I Signature of applicant Date Signature of agent (if any) Date The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant), or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in Block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States Imowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up with any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document Imowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, Jul97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE. (proponent: CECW-OR) I Minnesota Local/StatelFederal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects Page 2 I I I FOR LGU USE ONLY: Determination for Part 1: I o No WCA Jurisdiction o Exempt: No. _ (per MN Rule 8420.0122) o No Loss: _ (A,B,. . .G, per MN Rule 8420.0220) 181 Replacement required - applicant must complete Part II I COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW ONLY IF REPLACEMENT IS NOT REOUIRED: Application is (check one): 0 Approved DApproved with conditions (conditions attached) o Denied CommentslFindings: I LGU official signature Date I Name and Title I For Agricultural and Drainage exemptions (MN Rule 8420.0122 Subps. 1 and 2B), LGU has received proof of recording of restrictions (per MN Rule 8420.0115): I County where recorded Date Document # assigned by recorder I LGU official signature Date I I I I I I I I I I Minnesota Local/StatelFederal Application Forms for WaterIWetland Projects Page 3 I Instructions For Part II I Complete those portions of Part II: Replacement Plan Supplement for which information is readily available (such as location, existing land use, size of impact area, etc.) A person certified in wetland delineation must determine items pertaining to specific wetland impacts (wetland type, predominant vegetation, watershed name, etc.) Contact the local soil and water conservation district (SWCD) office for further information on obtaining such items. I What to Include on Plans I Detailed overhead views of replacement site(s) (part II), as well as profile view(s) of replacement site(s) (Part II), may be either hand drawn, computer generated or professionally prepared, as long as they contain all necessary information clearly, accurately, and in adequate detail. Please include specific dimensions whenever possible. You may also include photos, if you wish. I Overhead views of Part II replacement site(s) should include the following items that pertain to your project: Property boundaries and/or lot dimensions. Location and extent of shoreline, wetlands and water. Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity. Include length, width, elevation and other measurements as appropriate. Points of reference (such as existing homes, structures, docks or landscape features). Location of inlet and outlet structures. Indication of north. Location of spoil and disposal sites (if applicable). Areas of wetland and upland plants established. I I Profile views (side or cross-sectional views) should include the following items that pertain to your project: Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity. Include elevation, depth, soil profile, side slope and other measurements as appropriate. Proposed water level elevation. I Final Checklists Part II: Replacement Plan Supplement I D Have you completed all of Part II (pages 3-5)? D Did you (or your agent) sign Section 19 on page 5? D Have you included the necessary attachments for Part II? I I Attachments must include: D If the project includes any wetland banking (complete or partial), include Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form (Section 14) l:8l Ifthe project includes any project-specific replacements (complete or partial), include: Description of Replacement Wetland(s) Construction (Section 15) Copy of vegetation management plan (Section 15) Scale drawing of overhead view or replacement wetland (Section 18) Scale drawing of profile view of replacement wetland (Section 18) I I Attachments may also include: D Additional description of Wetland Impact Charts (Section 1 I) (if additional space was needed) D Additional Description of Replacement Wetlands charts (Section 17) (if additional space was needed) D Additional soils information for created replacement wetland(s) (Section 18) (if available) I Note: To deposit surplus wetland credits in the State Wetland Bank, submit a Wetland Banking Application directly to your LGU (Section 16). I Preparing Your Application for Mailing l:8l To apply for both state and Federal authorization, your application must include Part I (Page I), the Federal application (page 2), and attachments as indicated on Final Checklist for Part I (Instructions, Page 2). l:8l Your application must also include Part II (pages 3-5) and additional attachments as indicated on Final Checklist for Part II (above). l:8l Make three copies of the entire application and all attachments. Keep the original, and mail the three copies to the appropriate local, state, and Federal agencies (see Instructions for Part I for addresses). I I I Minnesota LocallState/Federal Application Forms for WaterlWetland Projects Instructions Page 3 I I PART II: REPLACEMENT PLAN SUPPLEMENT For assistance in completing Part II. contact your Local Government Unit or a professional consultant I 11. DESCRIPTION OF WETLAND IMPACTS: Complete the chart below: I) Use one row of boxes for each wetland impact; 2) If your project has more than one wetland impact, reference your overhead view (part of Section 5) to this chart by identifying and labeling "first impact" and "second impact" on your overhead view; 3) If you are identifying only one wetland type within a given wetland impact area, use the first dotted line and leave the others blank; 4) If you have chosen to identify more than one wetland type within a given wetland impact area, use the extra dotted lines to indicate each wetland type, and identify predominant vegetation and size of impacted area for each separate wetland type within that impact area; 5) If you do not have access to some of this information, caU your LOU or SWCD office for assistance. (Photocopy chart for more impacts, if needed.) I I Wetland Watershed County, Wetland type 1 Predominant Size of area Existing land use in project impact (as name or Section, vegetation in impacted area (check all that apply) noted on number (if Township, impacted (in acres or overhead known) Range wetland area square view) feet) Bluff Creek T116N 1 RCG 0.56 acres o Housing R23W o Commercial First See 22 ------------------- ------------------ --------------- o Industrial impact o Parks/recreation areas o Highways and ------------------- ------------------ --------------- associated rights-of-way o Forested [gJ Farmsteads/agricultural o Vacant lands o Public and semi-public (schools/gov't facilities) Second o Airports ------------------- ------------------ --------------- o Extractive (gravel impact pits/quarries) o Other: ------------------- ------------------ --------------- DESCRIPTION OF WETLAND IMPACTS I I I I I I I I 'If you are identifying only one wetland type within a given wetland impact area, use the first dotted line and leave the others blank. If you have chosen to identify more than one wetland type wi thin a given wetland impact area, use the extra dotted lines to indicate each separate wetland type, and identify predominant vegetation and size of impacted area for each separate wetland type with that impact area. TOTALS OF AREA(S) IMPACTED FOR EACH WETLAND TYPE ON CHART (indicate acres t8l or square feet D) I Type: 1:0.56 lL:_2:_ 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: R:_ I 12. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Are you aware of any special considerations that apply to either the impact site(s) or the replacement site(s)? DYes t8l No (Examples: the presence of endangered species, special fish and wildlife resources, sensitive surface waters, or waste disposal site.) If YES, list and describe briefly. I 13. SHORELAND IMPACT ZONE: Please identify each wetland impact site noted in Section 15 that is within 1000 feet of a lake or 300 feet of a river. I I I Minnesota Local/StatelFederal Application Forms for WaterlWetland Projects Page 4 I I 14. HOW PROPOSED REPLACEMENT WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED: Indicate how proposed replacement will be accomplished (check only one box below and continue as indicated): I I o A. Wetland banking only Complete Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form and include with your application. Copies of this form are available from your LOU, or download a copy from www.bwsr.state.nm.us Skip to Section 19, page 6 (You do not need to complete Sections 15-18). [8] 8. Project-specific replacement only Continue with Section 15 below. I o C. A Combination of wetland banking and project-specific replacement Complete Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form and include with your application. Copies of this form are available from your LOU, or download a copy from www.bwsr.state.nm.us Continue with Section 15 below. I 15. DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLAND(S) CONSTRUCTION (Complete this section only if you marked Box B or Box C in Section 14 above): Describe in detail how replacement wetland(s) will be constructed. If several methods will be used, describe each method. Details should include the following: 1) type of construction (such as excavated in upland, restored by tile break, restored by ditch block or revegetated); 2) type, size and specifications of outlet structures; 3) elevations relative to Mean Sea Level or established benchmarks or key features (such as sill, emergency overflow or structure height); 4) what best management practices will be implemented to prevent erosions or site degradation; 5) proposed timetable for starting and ending the project; and 6) a vegetation management plan. Write this description on a separate sheet of paper labeled DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLAND CONSTRUCTION. See report and attached plan for details I I 16. SURPLUS WETLAND CREDITS: Ifusing project-specific replacement (Box B or Box C in Section 14 above), will the replacement result in any surplus wetland credits that you wish to have deposited in the State Wetland Bank for future use? 0 Yes 0 No. If yes, submit a Wetland Banking Application directly to your LGU. Copies are available from your LOU, or download a copy from www.bwsr.state.nm.us I 17. DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLANDS: Complete the chart below: 1) Use one row of boxes for each wetland replacement site; 2) If your project has more that one wetland replacement site, reference your overhead view (part of Section 5) to this chart by identifying and labeling "first replacement site" and "second replacement site" on your overhead view; 3) If you are identifying only one wetland type within a given replacement site, use the first dotted line(s) and leave the others blank; 4) If you have chosen to identify more than one wetland type in a given replacement site, use the extra dotted lines to indicate each separate wetland type, and identify type(s) of replacement credits and "restored or created" for each separate wetland type with that replacement site; 5) If you do not have access to some of the information, or if you do not know your replacement ratio, call your LOU or SWCD office for assistance. Photocopy chart for more wetland replacements, if needed.) I I I Identify Watershed County Section, Wetland Type(s) of replacement credits Restored Wetland name or Township, Type 1 (in acres or square feet) or replacement number Range created? site (if known) New Wetland Public Value Indicate (as noted on Credits (NWC) Credits (PVC) RorC overhead view) Name of Bluff Creek Carver T116 1 1.12 C First R23 ----------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------- replacement See 22 site ----------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------- Name of Second ----------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------- replacement site ----------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------- tCircular 39 wetland types: Indicate!, IL, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, R, or U. If you are 1.12 identifying only one wetland type within a given wetland impact area, use the first TOTALNWC TOTAL PVC dotted line and leave the others blank. If you have chosen to identify more than one wetland type within a given wetland impact area, use the extra dotted lines to indicate REQUIRED REPLACEMENT RATIO: each separate wetland type, and identify predominant vegetation and size of impacted (Ifknown) 2:1 area for each separate wetland type within that impact area. DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLANDS I I I I I I I Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Forms for WaterlWetland Projects Page 5 I I 18. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR PROJECT-SPECIFIC REPLACEMENT (Required only if you marked Box B or Box C in Section 14): For projects involving at least some project-specific replacement, include the following additional information: I [8] Two drawings to scale of the replacement wetland. Include both overhead view and profile (side view or cross-sectional view). See What to Include on Plans (Instructions, Page 3) for a detailed description of what should be included in these drawings. Without drawings, your application will be considered incomplete. I o For created replacement wetlands, include additional soils information (if available) that indicates the capability of the site to produce and maintain wetland characteristics. I Note 1: For replacement wetlands located on pipeline easements, you need to receive endorsement of your project from both the easement holder and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety's Office of Pipeline Safety. Before start of construction, the owner of any utilities must be notified. The landowner or contractor is responsible for giving this notice by calling "Gopher State One-Call" at 652--454-0002 (Twin Cities Metro Area) or 1-800-252-1166 (all other locations). I Note 2: For extensive or complex projects supplementary information may be requested at a later dated from one or more of the responding agencies. Such information may include (but not be limited to) the following: topographic map, water table map, soil borings, depth soundings, aerial photographs, environmental assessment and/or engineering reports. 19. SIGNED AFFIRMATION: I FOR PROJECTS INVOLVING REPLACEMENT BY WETLAND BANKING ONLY. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in Part II is true, complete and accurate; and I affirm that the wetland losses will be replaced via withdrawal from an account in the State Wetland Bank. FOR PROJECTS INVOLVING EITHER PROJECT-SPECIFIC REPLACEMENT ONLY OR A COMBINATION OF WETLAND BANKING AND PROJECT -SPECIFIC REPLACEMENT: I Part A: The replacement wetland. I affirm that the replacement wetland was not: Previously restored or created under a prior approved replacement plan or permit; AND Drained or filled under an exemption during the previous 10 years; AND Restored with financial assistance from public conservation programs; AND Restored using private funds, other than landowner funds, unless the funds are paid back with interest to the individual or organization that funded the restoration; and the individual or organization notifies the local government unit in writing that the restored wetland may be considered for replacement. I I Part B: Additional assurances (check all that apply): [8] The wetland will be replaced before or concurrent with the actual draining or filling of a wetland. o An irrevocable bank letter of credit, performance bond, or other acceptable security has been provided to guarantee successful completion of the wetland replacement. o The wetland losses will be replaced via withdrawal from an account in the State Wetland Bank. I Part C. For projects involving any project-specific replacement: Within 30 days of either receiving approval ofthis application or beginning work on the project, I will record the Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants on the deed for the property on which the replacement wetland(s) will be located; and I will at the same time submit proof of such recording to the LGU. I To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in Part II is true, complete and accurate; and I affirm all statements in Part A and C, as well as checked assurance(s) in Part B. I Signature or applicant or agent Date I FOR LGU USE ONLY Replacement plan is (check one): 0 Approved DApproved with conditions (conditions attached) o Denied I LGU official signature Date LGU has receive evidence of title and proof of recording of Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland: I County where recorded Date Document # assigned by recorder I LGU official signature Date I I Minnesota LocaJ/StatelFederal Application Forms for WaterIWetland Projects Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT SUMMARY BASIN 8 WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN Applicant: City of Chanhassen, Paul Oehme, PE Agent: Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., Chadd Larson, PE Suite 345N, 2550 University Ave. W S1. Paul, MN 55114 Report by: Houston Engineering, Inc., Sara Beth Scadlock Suite 106, 10900 73rd Ave. N Maple Grove, MN 55369 Site Location: South of Lyman Blvd. and East of Audubon Road in the City of Chanhassen, 2005 MUSA Area, TII6N, R23W, Section 27, Carver County WCALGU: City of Chanhassen ,~Date: April, 2006 Description: The City of Chanhassen proposes to impact 0.56 acres of Type 1 wetland, Basin 8, for the purpose of constructing public infrastructure for the City of Chanhassen's 2005 MUSA expansion area (City Project No. 06-05). Wetland mitigation: Proposed onsite wetland mitigation includes the construction of a new wetland area adjacent to existing wetland area. The area of proposed onsite wetland creation is located on the east side of Bluff Creek adjacent to the east boundary of Basin 5. The wetland ctea.tion will result in 1.12 acres of New Wetland Credit (NWC) on site. April 2006 -Basin 8 Mitigation Plan I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Basin 8 W ctland Mitigation Plan I. INTRODUCTION The City of Chanhassen is proposing to construct infrastructure associated with their 2005 MUSA expansion area (City Project No. 06-05). This site, partially agricultural land, is located south of Lyman Blvd and east of Audubon Road in the City of Chanhassen, and is in the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. T116N, R23W, Sec. 22. Carver County, Minnesota (Figure 1). This public infrastructure project is proposed for the purpose of meeting the needs of future development as a part of the City of Chanhassen's 2005 MUSA area expansion. As a part of the project development an Alternative Urban Area Review (AUAR) was completed for the entire project area. This AUAR identified the need for Bluff Creek Boulevard to travel through the project area and intersect with Audubon Road to the west and Powers Boulevard to the east. In addition, the AUAR identified the need for a south connector road to connect Bluff Creek Boulevard to Pioneer Trail to accommodate future traffic demands. One wetland (Basin 8) was identified and delineated for this section of the project on November 1, 2005. Previous delineations on this site for this project by Houston Engineering include Basins 1-6 which were delineated in a previous report presented to the City of Chanhassen on May 26, 2005 and Basin 7 delineated in a previous report presented to the City of Chanhassen on October 28, 2005. Figure 2 shows all the existing wetlands delineated by Houston Engineering for this proj ect (Basins 1-8) and Figure 3 is a detailed delineation map of Basin 8. A full wetland delineation report including NWI maps, soils maps, and data sheets for Basin 8 is attached (Attachment A). Other wetlands associated with other portions of the MUSA area expansion were delineated by other consultants and are not discussed in this report. The infrastructure project addressed in this report would impact a total of 0.56 acres of wetland (Figure 4). This wetland was classified as a Type 1. Using the Cowardin system April 2006 - Basin 8 Mitigation Plan 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the wetland is a palustrine system with emergent vegetation that has a seasonally flooded regime and is partially drained (PEMCd). The following pages represent the sequencing discussion and describe the proposed wetland mitigation plan of expansion of Basin 5 in more detail. Figure 5 and 6 show the proposed on-site mitigation area and grading plan. II. SEQUENCING DISCUSSION The following section discusses wetland avoidance, impact, minimization, impact reduction and replacement in compliance with Minnesota Wetland Conservation (WCA) requirements. This sequencing discussion includes a summary of alternatives that were considered and changes that were made to the development plan to minimize wetland impacts. All avoidance and minimization options considered met the following goals for the development. . Provide for sufficient residential housing units to compensate for infrastructure expenses (roads, utilities, ponds, etc.) construction costs, and land costs. . Provide safe access to the site consistent with City planning. . Minimize direct, indirect, and long-term impacts to on-site wetlands and other natural resources on site. The following alternatives were evaluated within the criteria and constraints described above. Wetland Avoidance Using WCA guidelines, the wetland avoidance alternatives considered and evaluated included the no-build and alternate project designs that avoid all wetland impacts. Alternative Project Designs The proposed Bluff Creek Boulevard roadway alignment was chosen from numerous alternatives through multiple meetings with adjacent property owners (Attachment B), developers, and the City. The wetland, Basin 8, that is impacted by the construction of Bluff Creek Boulevard is located at the intersection with the future south connector roadway to Pioneer Trail. The location of this intersection was determined based on input from adj acent property owners and evaluating the best design alternatives based on the proposed roadway alignment and profile. This will be a roundabout intersection April 2006 - Basin 8 Mitigation Plan 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I which will enhance the overall roadway. The current roadway alignment minimizes flood plain and wetland impacts. Alternative project designs that avoid wetland impacts and allow the applicant to effectively utilize buildable upland areas ofthe site are not feasible. Other intersection locations were evaluated however the current location was selected based on the desire to accommodate both adjacent properties owners' site development plans and minimize the disturbance to other wetlands and natural land features. A conventional tee intersection was considered as an option however there was strong support to enhance the roadway with a roundabout intersection, which also played a role in the intersection location determination. No-Build Alternative The no-build alternative would avoid direct impacts to Basin 8, but would not allow the City of Chanhassen to utilize the surrounding properties as identified in the AUAR. The City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan indicates that a residential development would be an appropriate use for the surrounding properties given the access to existing roads, other developments in the area and planned future land uses. Single family home development is compatible with adjacent land use. Abandoning the proposed project fails to meet the project goals of the City of Chanhassen and does not make use of available space within the City. Logistically, the development of this project represents safe and efficient use of available property. For those reasons the no-build alternative was not considered feasible or prudent and was rejected. It was determined that practical and feasible alternative project designs that avoid all direct impacts to wetland areas are not present within the scope of the development, project goals, and site constraints. Wetland Impacts The proposed project plan (Figure 4) attempts to balance efficient land use and minimize wetland and other environmental impacts during and after construction of the proposed project. Wetland Basin 8 was identified for this project (Figures 2 and 3). Wetland April 2006 - Basin 8 Mitigation Plan 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I impacts, which are confined to only Basin 8, are necessary for construction. Impacts total 24,393 sq ft (0.56 acres). Wetland Impact Rectification No temporary impacts are proposed with this plan. Impact rectification does not apply. Summary of Unavoidable Impacts The proposed plan represents a reasonable effort to accommodate the desired development while minimizing wetland impacts, and replacing unavoidable impacts where appropriate. The proposed plan results in 0.56 acres of unavoidable fill. Impacts to wetlands have been minimized to the extent possible within the context of project goals. The wetland impact area is dominated by reed canary grass. III. WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN Replacement Reauirement Proposed direct wetland impacts involve filling 24,393 sq ft (0.56 acres) of Basin 8 for a roadway (Figure 4). The City ofChanhassen and the WCA wetland rules require wetland replacement at a 2: 1 ratio. Wetland mitigation areas will be constructed by excavation down to elevations equal to the adjacent existing wetland selected for an appropriate mitigation area which is Basin 5. Table 1 - Impact and Mitigation Summary Proposed Wetland Impact - Basin 8 (Type 1) Sq Ft Acres 24,393 0.56 2:1 Replacement Ratio Sq Ft Acres 48,786 1.12 Onsite New Wetland Creation (sq ft) - Basin 5 (Type 1) Sq Ft Acres 48,486 1.12 April 2006 - Basin 8 Mitigation Plan 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I On-Site Mitil!ation Of the several sites considered and after discussions with other developers working on the project and the City ofChanhassen staffthe proposed onsite wetland mitigation area will be excavated from upland adjacent to Basin 5 (Figures 5 and 6). Excavation using heavy and small equipment will expand the wetland area. Runoff from backyards is planned to enter the wetland basins after sediments and nutrients have been removed by the upland buffer areas. Buffer areas are designed between the proposed bike path and the created wetland area. The wetland creation area will be excavated to match the existing elevation of Basin 5 and graded to blend into the existing topography ofthe site. This will improve the success for wetland hydrology in the created wetland area. A herbicide will be applied to the soils and will be prepared for seeding of wetland vegetation. After final grading the replacement wetland will be seeded with BWSR seed mix No.2 or equivalent at a minimum suggested rate of 8 lbs/acre and a 10 foot buffer area will be seeded with BWSR seed mix No.5 to assist with slope stabilization and protect the created wetland from upland species encroachment (Attachment C). Seeding will be according to specifications with clean mulch tacked to the ground. The wetland is expected to develop to the 871 contour and will receive hydrology from the seasonal flooding of Bluff Creek as well as some groundwater and surface water influences. See wetland mitigation drawings (Figures 5 and 6) for grading details. The wetland will be maintained as needed and as suggested in Attachment D. Other proposed onsite mitigation areas were eliminated due to their lack of hydrology, proximity to the proposed developments, and locations of proposed stormwater ponds by other developers. April 2006 - Basin 8 Mitigation Plan 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Monitoring Plan Requirements for monitoring mitigation wetlands as described in WCA will be followed. The WCA rules require that an annual report be submitted for 5 years to ensure the success ofthe created wetland areas. The report must contain a description of the project location, size, current wetland type and desired wetland type; a comparison ofthe as-built specifications versus the design specifications; hydrology measurements; plant communities observed; and color photographs ofthe project area. Annual reports should be submitted to the City of Chanhassen. April 2006 - Basin 8 Mitigation Plan 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 1 Site Base Map I I I I I I I 'I ,1!.g 7(e~ij. a e>> I I I I I I I I I I I Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend c:J PropertyBoundary CJ Section Line Water Features (MN DNR 24K) D Waterbody or River - Stream or Drainage Ditch (Perennial) Transportation (MN DOT) ~ US Highway ~ State Highway ~ County State-aid Highway @ County Road Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, F,arm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) N W+E S o 1,000 2,000 4,000 6,000 I Feet Sheet: Hlluslon Engineering, Inc. Leave Nothing to Chance ™ 10900 73rd Avenue North, Suite 106 Maple Grove, MN 55369-5400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 www.houstonenaineerinainc.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 2 Wetland Delineation Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II I I I -I Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend CJ PropertyBoundary c:J Section Line D Actual Wetlands Water Features (MN ONR 24K) D Waterbody or River - Stream or Drainage Ditch (Perennial) Transportation (MN DOT) ~ State Highway G County State-aid Highway @ County Road Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) N W_E S o 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet - - Sheet: HOUBlon Engineering, Inc. leave Nothing to Chance TM 10900 73rd Avenue North, Suite 106 Maple Grove, MN 55369-5400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 www.houstonenaineerinainc.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 3 Basin 8 Delineation I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend c:J Actual Wetlands ,0 Section Line Transect Location Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) N W+E S o 75 150 -- -- 300 450 600 Feet Sheet: Hou,ton Engineering, Inc. leave Nothing to ChanceTM 10900 73rd Avenue North, Suite 106 Maple Grove, MN 55369-5400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 www.houstonenaineerinainc.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 4 Proposed Roadways Map -~ ~ CITY OF . CHAKHASSEK I \ . '\ \ \. 7700 Morket BI'w"d. PO Box 147 to Chonhossen, Minnesoto 55317 (952)-227-"OO (952)-227-1110 Fox '- ,. "',; I'"~ , .... ~ ~ /' ~ 7.. ~ f""': ..- I ~ ~. 7" ~~:~. y/ /:' J ~ ~/ 6,1' :/ A" /. \ 6J .;' ir j'. . ........ i"..r~p.'...,... ~.~'~ 'j ~ If ,;;: ~. .',' 'J · 1/7'~' /. ,/ 1.# /' ~/i'/./tf ...&" ~r ~ ;/. I, /,/ <~ LEGEND tM, WEll.AN) ~ ~;;~~ I .-'- -.-,\ ~.-.-._._._.-._! DEU'EA.TED WETLAND - -~.-.~ ~':..-- -... """'i < TREE TREEUNE aiEEKlWAlER , " j J 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAlN j ;' .- ......... ~::! ...~ / ri \. :( /1, ~/ "".,.-' ! .\~~;:,~::~~~-:, , "f .,.....-- .-- . '-, .... " \ , " ~l~ 1.rJfWJ.~LW~' '. r;~~ ~gl~ ~ . tJ ~r.~~~.+\ 1 / ~/ ~~ ~ < \ V -", r /:'""' ~ '. )..... -",. "' '" l . ~~......... "',"\ ~ \ \ t..:~ .~~ ;~~ \ \_ --\ \ I . \ .r? ~ ': ~*\. , \.,.'''' ,-\ \ ~..\.I ,,'" ~ J \ ~:\\ Y . \ I 't' I , · :\~\J( '" J j \ \..) ," ~ D '- ~ / ,.. \ v . ; ~ I -: ' (t ,,~ 'I' · - "'\', -; /) ~.___ "~ ,{ , , , ~. . '.'~ ~, I 'Il_ ~\-. r \ '" . (1. 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'if {j J. (;A~~: ::::': ::::: ::::<5! . ,/ . 'd ~" / ,t., .... ..~ /t:-. ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2005 MUSA AREA EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 04-05 EAST-WEST COLLECTOR ROADWAY . ; ." .-' ,/ . .. . " "~ .; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 5 Proposed Wetland Mitigation Area Adjacent to Basin 5 - - - $: \4970-000 Basin 8 Mitigation " 0 () :0 > I f: -t (Tl 8 ~ Q -< ", z 0 9 CD ~ DO ;U'" >(1) ~n~ ", CDO -< " CD ~ ",0 r;u C> ::J;;: I Z ~G) ?z ~> 0;:: Ul", " :0 ~ Z C ;:: z > 0 (I) ;:: '- CD ", r (I) P)2S 5..3 iZ~ gS: -- ..., e:::l CD .sn 5' p ~ II ~ ~i5 ~& ~~ '" jO) :i;; n o > ~ .roo ~~~:~ o~~~g ...,O~~-< :tiJ"'U-IO rr1~~hE~ Ul"":s:>~ -i~U'l(/)"T1 > vd5 " -< ;;joz:o:;! ~~~~~ 0:0 ~!iJ!8g Z~>tD(J') ~~~~~ ~~~~~ s>:;o~ ~g~8 ....rO:!! :r:-<""O '" :0> ;::=1 -<0 Z ;:: Z x r ?i z 9 x I~- z ? o o m ;:u (1) < iii' 0' '" Ul )> u u 81RE;j 8JLJ0 t?=j z t::J l?:l ~ r:n o-'l Z I:;') ~ o-'l ~ t:J II ~ ~ ~ ~ t:J t:J IS:: IS:: >-< >-< o-'l o-'l Q Q > > o-'l o-'l >-< >-< o 0 Z Z I I tIl tIl ~ ~ r:n r:n ::0 ::0 IS:: IS:: ~ ~ Z Z o 0 01 N - .... o o I ~ ~ "%j t-' o o t:J 'tJ ~ Z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "0 iiJ t-< 0 tc ~tD(l o t""' ~~~ ~tcC:: >'" tD",'TlO c:l"'''' ZZt"l S-ln'Tj Ooo~ "O~Gl(l >i<:tn >ntr1~ ~3~ n-l:><: ",00 g~5z tn>p tn-itn ~~~g: G) Ul 0 c:lo<: 0 ~Z~ ~ ~ ~z~ 00 '" Ul m > ~~~ "'0 ~~ Z M 2:- 0 .9- .s 2:- 0 ~ .9- .s 2:- Idl"'l ",Z ... / o tr1 0 0 g~iii ",:iJ ~"'m 0 ~"'Z ~~:;!~~ Z -< ;:: 0 Z ;:: ..., '" Z "'> >:0 ~ =I 0;;0 ~z~ :-J~~!"- !Jlt'" ,.. fi~~S;~;i;~ Ul ~;-" c '" ;::'" !" ,.. > M~;=J 00 =I> ~ z >" ;;j r :0 >M =I Jl>g~ ~d 0!2 CD o>rrJ~() c "':0 g:;!~ ~~~~~z;;;;~:;; 'ii fi~~1ii~~~ c ,,>;:: 0 =I Zo z z 1ii x:o ZZ Z 0 bF~g ~ Z 0 r",C I C c=l > > " 0 z"'r ~ -<'" ~rrJ~ '" N c!-< '" ?;;~ ~h:C==(ji15==~ Z 2~~~~~f5 =I >"r ~1ii =I =I ",:0:0 ", ZIO ~ '" ~ :00 O"Z :O~;;j>;;j ;:: ~~~ -<I;=J"':;!OQ"'O 0 0 ~~;; ~ 1ii 1ii ~8~ '" ~~~~~~g z "'z ffl~o .,,>-(/) > > l2!-< ~~~8>2~8~ '" ~ C!I ? 0> -< C;;jzzo Z "'ZO '" :0 "'-<~ :0'" ~ '" > :0:00 00 .., 0'" '" 8~~gRb~ ~", ", C=l ", C!",:::i~b ;;j >-< ~~~>~~~CD?o > ", ",:0 0 z ~2:;:o ...,..., -l ", 0:0 '" ", 0 ", :o!!1 ~ "'''' 0; ~~ OUl :0 C ~~r'1 '" 0 >z> -<-< ~~ m -< n Y1 Y1 Q :::err!> :;:0 Z ~(J)^-t(J)~~-<,:< :< -loC;55~AJ~ N 0 ", z"'=I 0 M;:o'O > >...,-< :u Ul'" dO z ~ '" ~~~ 0", ~~(J) 0 )> ;t> -I ~~~z~ Z 0 Z",> -<;;j~:;!;::08gJ> > OQ)M~::ogF ", 0 0 ", ...,z 0 ...,Z ol"'1~ ;:: 000 ::o~ ", C -< ~~t}~~BiUl~~ " ~~~~g~o 0 0 -'" ",r Z -0 -0 Z"'- !:' ~~ ~~~ " ", :oZO z > .., -< "'>z 5iii ~~ ~JIl~:;!o r z "Z ..., :0 ;:: -<00 -0 ~. _ !:-<>010~ ii::~M?~CO -< "", Z ;:: ~Z;;j -I >0 ;::z -< '" ~l;6 ~ "" ", X ", -< ;:u >oz"'~ ~b ?"'~ !:!1>~~o-t3::~ I Oz> o>~ ;:: C> '" > ", O"'Ul 0:0 >u; 0 ~~~~g O~O~;;o~~UlM ", ~=lZ"~~O ~~~ 0:0 ", 0 ~ ?;;';:r", 0_ 0=1 -0 '- 2~? ~~d:CO~. 2~ :0 :;!~~~:;!;~ Z >", ;:: 0 Z'" o..z ~~~;:f~ ~;g '" z z '" 0;; or", ~:;! ~'" ;:u fTl . 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"'" ~ Ul -< 0> >-< ,'" '0 ~Z en", u. -0 ~> ...r (J1~ I ... 1-" 00 0" I 0 "', ~~ :J 0 Z Ul I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment A Basin 8 Delineation Report I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents Delineation Report 1.0 Wetland Delineation Report Basin 8 1.1 Project Overview 1.2 Delineation Summary 1.3 Additional Sources 2.0 Wetland Delineation Methodology 2.1 Onsite Methods 2.2 1987 Corps of Engineers Manual 2.3 Wetland Plant Indicator Designations 2.4 Vegetative Dominance and Strata 2.5 National Wetland Inventory (NWI) 2.6 Symbols used in the Wetland Classification System Attachments Attachment A - Basemap Attachment B - Actual Wetland Map Attachment C - Transect Locations Attachment D - Delineation Data Sheets Attachment E - Site Photos Attachment F - NWI Map Attachment G - SSURGO Soils ...J., -..... ~",'" - :.~- ..'~'~ ---- -_---....:_~ c ~ CICI w.I 2 = - C a.. -- ~ IIC w.I C = ~ = ::::t 2 :::IE - -- In I~ - w.I - 2 r... e-..I -- ....I w.I =- =- 2 III: ....I t- , .... w.I i: . .....". " "" -..IIi .~ ....... I ...,,:..- -11< ~ ..... . " 1 . ~ ~ . . . \0 0\. In ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ = .... = ~ \0 ~ i ~;-~"-"" -- ~ CQ ~ = .. . .... ..... ~ QJ in ~ QJ in N 1 QJ ..... ~ in ..... in .. ~h.#.. rIJ ~ etJ -- ..... ....... ~ .... ~ = ..... = = Z I -- Z = .... ..... I QJ ~ ~ ;. rJJ ~ 'IJ .... -- ~ QJ QJ ~ 1 QJ ~ ... 'IJ ..... QJ . :. 0 rIJ QJ QJ .c ~..." ...::. ~ = ..... .c ~ rIJ ..... ~ -- QJ QJ -- e rIJ = Q. . .... ~ ;,. ;,. eJJ I < ~ 0 0 QJ ..... I . .... = j = Q.. Z ~ ;,. .. -",- ....'" ~ ;J ~ 0 0 ... = . QJ Z -- = = ~ = rJJ QJ Q C -- \ ..,'I/Iif!' ~ = In ..... C. - ~. ~ '.,- - In ~ :. 'IJ ~ ~ 0 M = ~ :t ..... 0 I Z :c ~ ..."'I! ~ In ;. "*. QJ ~ ~ ~ .. ... -- ~ t' "'.....~ .. e QJ = .... ....... ~ ........ ~ . .... ~, ;: ~.~ = ...~ rJJ = ....... ..... ... !illillh.. - ~ ... --- -;: -~ .., --, *.. .... .... :- ~ ,n :"" ". -- ~ :.-. . 'I. . ~.: ___~"" \II";_,~ f." I 1= I I~ l I; I I I' I' I I I I I I I [I II 1.0 Wetland Delineation Report Basin 8 1.1 Project Overview Owner/Applicant: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Presented by: Sara Beth Scad lock, Houston Engineering Inc. Houston Engineering, Inc. is pleased to provide this report regarding the field inves,tigation conducted on November 1, 2005 to inspect the site located in the 2005 MUSA Area, east of Bluff Creek in Carver County, Minnesota (Attachment A). If there are questions regarding this report please call Sara Beth Scad lock at 763-493-4522. This site, partially cropland, is located south of Lyman Boulevard and east of Audubon Road. The purpose of the site review was to identify and delineate one of the existing wetlands (Basin 8) located south of Bluff Creek in Section 27. Basins 1-6 which are located adjacent to Bluff Creek were delineated in a previous report presented by Houston Engineering dated May 26, 2005 and Basin 7 located east of Bluff Creek was delineated in a previous report presented by Houston Engineering dated October 28, 2005. 1.2 Delineation Summary There was one wetland area identified for this delineation project (see map in Attachment B). This wetland was classified using the Cowardin system. Basin 8 is approximately 0.56 acres and is classified as a palustrine system with emergent vegetation that has a seasonally flooded regime and is partially drained (PEMCd). Transect locations are shown in Attachment C. Data sheets for the sampling points are in Attachment D. , Basin 8 is approximately 0.56 acres and is classified as a palustrine system with emergent vegetation that has a seasonally flooded regime and is partially drained (PEMCd). Common vegetation identified at the upland sites for the property was soybeans that had been recently harvested. The eastern side of Basin 8 is adjacent to a farm field and the western half of Basin 8 follows a tree line almost exactly north/south. Site photos are found in Attachment E. Common vegetation in Basin 8 is reed canary grass transitioning to smartweed and ragweed before reaching the farmed area. The eastern side of Basin 8 is adjacent to a soybean field and the western side of Basin 8 follows a tree line almost exactly north/south. Soil textures at the upland and wetland sites range from clay to clay loam. The upland sites are generally poorly to very poorly drained soils with no free water detected in the soil pits. The upland sites lack hydrology indicators necessary to meet the wetland criteria and are sloping so that water would likely runoff towards the wetland. The wetland sites are generally very poorly drained with no free water found in the pit however due to the late season timing of this delineation this is to be expected. There were pockets of saturated soil found towards the center of the basin. The source of water is ponding due to ,H/! Houston Eng/nooping, Inc. . Leave Nothing'fo Chance'" ,~. .. www.houstc;~engineeringinc.c~m ':. ' MUSA Area Wetland DelineatWn Basin 8 November 10,2005 KimZey-Horn and Associates I f I r I: 1-; I I' I' I: I. I~ I: I I I I I I precipitation. There is a large watershed of at least 8-10 acres contributing to the hydrology of the basin. 1.3 Additional Sources The NWI map (Attachment F) indicates that Basin 8 is a palustrine system with emergent vegetation that has a seasonally flooded regime, and is partially drained (PEMCd). Soils mapped within the surrounding area of the site, according to Soil Survey Geographic data (SSURGO - Attachment G) include Canisteo silty clay loam, Cordova-Webster Complex, Glencoe clay loam, Hamel loam, Houghton and Muskego, Kilkenny-Lester loams, Klossner muck, Le Sueur-Lester loams (1-4% slopes) Lester-Kiflkenny clay loams (12- 25% slopes), and Lester-Kilkenny loams (12-25% slopes) (See Attachment G for detailed soil map). Some soils on the site are considered eroded. Some of the components or inclusions of these series are identified as hydric soils. 2.0 Wetland Delineation Methodology 2.1 Onsite Methods The wetland boundary, sampling transects and paired upland/wetland sampling points were logged using aerial photo review, and a site visit. A transect was recorded with an upland data point and a wetland data point at two locations on Basin 8. In addition to the data sheets recorded, the entire wetland boundary was walked and the soils were field verified by Houston Engineering staff. 2.2 1987 Corps of Engineers Manual Delineation of existing wetlands was completed utilizing the Routine On-Site Determination Method as described in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. Wetlands were classified using the Cowardin system as described in Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin et. aI., 1979). Paired point sampling for vegetation, hydrology and soils was utilized to determine if the site meet the criterion fo~ a wetland community. 2.3 Wetland Plant Indicator Designations Plant species are cited by scientific names and wetland indicator status according to the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: North Central, Region 3 (USFWS Biological Report 88(26.3); May 1988). A plus (+) or minus (-) sign attached to the indicator status for a species indicates that the species is on the high (+) or low (-) side of the frequency range for its indicator status. The indicator categories are as follows: OBLIGATE WETLAND (OBL): Species occurs almost always (>99%) in wetlands under natural conditions. FACULTATIVE WETLAND (FACW): Species usually occurs in wetlands (67-99%) but occasionally found in non-wetlands. ,HE) Houston Eng/neep/ng, Inc. '. leave Nothing To Chance"' .. .' WWW.houstonengineerin'ginc.com" ',. ... MUSA Area Wetland Delineation Basin 8 November 10,2005 Kimley- Hom and Associates I I~ I I~ I~ I: I I I' I I I' I I I I I I I FACULTATIVE (FAC): Species equally likely to occur in wetlands and non-wetlands (34- 64%). FACULTATIVE UPLAND (FACU): Species usually occurs in non-wetlands (67-99%) but occasionally found in wetlands (1-33%). OBLIGATE UPLAND (UPL): Species occurs almost always (>99%) in non-wetlands under natural conditions. 2A Vegetative Dominance and Strata For an area to be a jurisdictional wetland, more than 50% of the dominant vegetation from all strata (herbaceous, shrub, sapling, tree, vine) must be OBL, FACW, and/or FAC, under normal and undisturbed conditions. Dominance refers to the spatial extent of a species that is observed in the field. The dominant plant species for a stratum includes the plant species that immediately exceeds 50% of the total dominance for a given stratum, plus any additional species comprising 20% or more of the total dominance. Strata categories for which dominance is determined include: HERBACEOUS (HERB): Includes all herbaceous plants (grass, sedge, forbs, fems, etc.). SHRUB: 3 to 20 feet tall including multi-stemmed, bushy shrubs, trees and saplings. SAPLING: 0.4 to >5 inches DBH and ~20 feet or taller. TREE: >5 inches diameter at breast height (DBH) and ~20 feet. VINE: Includes all woody vines. 2.5 National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service produces information on the characteristics, extent, and status of the Nation's wetlands and deepwater habitats. NWI maps are compiled through manual photo-interpretation of aerial photography supplemented by soil surveys and field checking of wetland photo signatures. All photo-interpretable wetlands are mapped. In the treeless prairies, 1/4 acre wetlands are mapped. In forested areas, small open water and emergent wetlands are mapped. In general, the minimum mapping unit is from 1 to 3 acres depending on the wetland type and the scale and resolution of the source aerial photography. In regions of the country where evergreen forested wetlands predominate, wetlands smaller than 3 acres may not be mapped. A detailed site visit and historical analysis of a single site may result in a revision of the wetland boundaries established through photographic interpretation. In addition, some small wetlands and those obscured by dense forest cover may not be included in this dataset. The wetland classification system is hierarchical, with wetlands and deepwater habitats divided among five major systems at the broadest level. The five systems include Marine (open ocean and associated coastline), Estuarine (salt marshes and brackish tidal water), Riverine (rivers, creeks, and streams), Lacustrine (lakes and deep ponds), and Palustrine (shallow ponds, marshes, swamps, sloughs). Systems are further subdivided into subsystems which reflect hydrologic conditions. Below the subsystem is the class which describes the appearance of the wetland in terms of vegetation or substrate. Each class is further subdivided into subclasses; vegetated subclasses are described in terms of life form and substrate subclasses in terms of composition. The classification system also H/I Houston Eng/neep/ng; Inc. > . leave Nothing To Chance'. . > www.tfoustoiiengliieeringinc.com . "'; >.f.' ~: MUSA Area Wetland Delineation Basin 8 November 10,2005 KimZey-Horn and Associates I f I r I: I: I I' I' I: I I' I I I I I I I includes modifiers to describe hydrology (water regime), soils, water chemistry (pH, salinity), and special modifiers relating to man's activities (Le., impounded, partly drained). 2.6 Symbols used in the wetland classification system SYSTEM: CLASS: P - Palustrine RB - Rock Bottom EM - Emergent FO - Forested L - Lacustrine UB - Unconsolidated Bottom SS - Scrub-Shrub OW - Open Water MODIFIERS: A - Temporarily flooded C - Seasonally flooded E - Seasonally saturated G -Intermittently flooded SPECIAL MODIFIERS: b - beaver f - farmed x - excavated B - Saturated D - Seasonally well drained F - Semipermanently flooded H - Permanently flooded d - partially drained/ditched s - spoil EXAMPLES: PEMCd: Palustrine, emergent vegetation, seasonally flooded, partially drained/ditched. PF01 E: Palustrine, forested with broad-leaved deciduous trees, seasonally saturated. <it': Houston Eng/neePlng; Inc::::: ~':;'lcavc Nothing To Chanc~";- . '." y:ww'housionengineeringinc,com n. "':; :;~:::' .~. l ? + " J , .~, _."'. $ - . . > MUSA Area Wetland Delineation Basin 8 November 10,2005 KimZey-Horn and Associates I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment A Location of Project Site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend CJ PropertyBou ndary D Section Line Water Features (MN DNR 24K) D Waterbody or River - Stream or Drainage Ditch (Perennial) Transportation (MN DOT) ~ US Highway ~ State Highway ~ County State-aid Highway @ County Road Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) W*E S o 1,000 2,000 4,000 6,000 · Feet - - Sheet: H"s',n Engin",.;ng, Inc. It!av~ Nothing to Chan~TM 10900 73rd Avenue North. Suite 106 Maple Grove. MN 55369-5400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 www houstonenainAArinainc com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment B Wetland Delineation Map I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~-~---~ - -- Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend c:J PropertyBoundary Cl Section Line o Actual Wetlands Water Features (MN DNR 241<) D Waterbody or River - Stream or Drainage Ditch (Perennial) Transportation (MN DOT) ~ State Highway ~ County State-aid Highway @ County Road Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) N W*E S o 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet - - Sheet: B,'1"" EIg/",p/,g, "C. 1..cavc Nothing to ChanccTW 10900 73rd Avenue North, Suite 106 Maple Grove, MN 55369-5400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 WNW h~u!ltonenl1ineerinl1inc r'..nm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C Transect Locations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend c:J Actual Wetlands D Section Line - Transect Location Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) W+E S o 75 150 - 300 450 600 Feet Sheet: Houston Engin"ring, Inc. Leave Nothing to ChanccTM 10900 73rd Avenue North, Suite 106 Maple Grove, MN 55369-5400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 www hnlJ~tnnp-nnin~p.rinC1in~ cnm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I Attachment D Delineation Data Sheets I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project Site: Bluff Creek, Chanhassen, MN Date: Nov. 12005 Applicant/Owner: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. County: Carver Investi.gator(s): Sara Beth Scadlock State: Minnesota Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No Basin #: Basin 8 Type of Disturbance? Transect ID: 1 Is the site a potential Problem Area? No Site ID: Wetland VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species % Cover Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species % Cover Indicator Stratum Pha/aris arundinacea 100 F ACW+ Herb % of dominant species that are OBL, F ACW, and/or F AC? 100% Is Hydrophytic Vegetation criteria met? Yes Notes: HYDROLOGY Primary Indicators: Surface water (inundated) := Soils saturated in upper 12 inches Drift lines r-- r-- Water-borne sediment deposits f- Wetland drainage patterns f- Water marks Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Water stained leaves Morphological plant adaptations x Oxidized root channels in upper 12 inches FAC-Neutral Test Other x Soil Survey x Landscape position x NWI x Air photos Field Observations: Surface water depth Depth to saturation Depth to water in pit inches inches inches Notes: Pockets of saturation were found however due to the timing ofthis delineation saturation was not expected SOILS Soil Parent Material Till Slope (%) 2% Landscape Position Toe slope Drainage Class Poorly Drained Profile Descril tions: Mottles Depth (in) Texture . Matrix Color Color % Size 0-8 Clay loam 1 OYR 4/1 IOYR 5/2 3-5% Fine IOYR 5/4 2-3% Fine, root channels 8-18 Clay loam IOYR 2/1 10YR 5/2 3-5% Fine IOYR 5/4 5-6% Fine, root channels Hydric Soils Yes I Field Indicator(s)? F3 - Depleted Matrix Present? Notes: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Criteria Met? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Notes: Yes Yes Yes Is the Sample Point a Wetland? Wetland Type? Yes PEMCd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project Site: Bluff Creek, Chanhassen, MN Date: Nov 1,2005 Applicant/Owner: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. County: Carver Investigator(s): Sara Beth Scadlock State: Minnesota Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No Basin #: Basin 8 Type of Disturbance? Transect ID I Is the site a potential Problem Area? No Site ID: Upland VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species % Cover Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant % Indicator Stratum Species Cover Soybean croo 100% % of dominant species that are OBL, F ACW, and/or F AC? 0% Is Hydrophytic Vegetation criteria met? No Notes: HYDROLOGY Primary Indicators: _ Surface water (inundated) _ Soils saturated in upper 12 inches Drift lines = Water-borne sediment deposits _ Wetland drainage patterns Water marks - Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Water stained leaves Morphological plant adaptations Oxidized root channels in upper 12 inches FAC-Neutral Test Other Field Observations: Surface water depth Depth to saturation Depth to water in pit inches inches inches Notes: No hydrology indicators were observed. Soils are damp, no pockets of saturation. SOILS Soil Parent Material Till Slope (%) 3% Landscape Position Toeslope Drainage Class Poorly drained Profile Descriptions: Mottles Depth (in) Texture Matrix Color Color % Size 0-10 Clay loam IOYR 2/1 10-16 Sandy clay loam IOYR 3/2 IOYR 5/6 1-2% Fine IOYR 5/2 1-2% Fine 16-21 Clay loam IOYR 3/2 IOYR 5/6 8-10% Coarse IOYR 5/1 5-10% Coarse Hydric Soils No Field Indicator(s)? Present? Notes: Soil is damp but not saturated, no crop damage observed on the upland end of transect. There is some mixing from plowing. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Criteria Met? No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? No Notes: Is the Sample Point a Wetland? No Wetland Type? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project Site: Bluff Creek, Chanhassen, MN Date: Nov 1,2005 Applicant/Owner: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. County: Carver Investigator( s): Sara Beth Scadlock State: Minnesota Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No Basin #: Basin 8 Type of Disturbance? Transect ID: 2 Is the site a potential Problem Area? No Site ID: Wetland VEGETATION Dominant Plant Soecies % Cover Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Soecies % Cover Indicator Stratum Phalaris arundinacea 100% Herb % of dominant soecies that are OBL, F ACW, and/or F AC? 100% Is Hydrophytic Vegetation criteria met? Yes Notes: HYDROLOGY Primary Indicators: _ Surface water (inundated) _ Soils saturated in upper 12 inches _ Drift lines _ Water-borne sediment deposits Wetland drainage patterns - _ Water marks Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Water stained leaves Morphological plant adaptations x Oxidized root channels in upper 12 inches FAC-Neutral Test Other x Soil survey x NWI x Air photos Field Observations: Surface water depth Depth to saturation Depth to water in pit inches inches inches Notes: There was no saturation observed however due to the late season timing of this delineation this is expected. SOILS Soil Parent Material Till Slope (%) 0-3% Landscape Position Toeslope Drainage Class Verv Poorly Drained Profile Descril tions: Mottles Depth (in) Texture Matrix Color Color % Size 0-6 Clay loam 10YR 4/3 & 4/1 lOYR 5/6 2-3% Fine, root channels 10YR 5/6 5% Fine 6-14 Clay loam lOYR 4/2 lOYR 5/2 5-10% Medium lOYR 5/6 5-10% Medium Hydric Soils Yes I Field Indicator(s)? F3 - Depleted Matrix Present? Notes: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Criteria Met? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Notes: Yes Yes Yes Is the Sample Point a Wetland? Wetland Type? Yes PEMCd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project Site: Bluff Creek, Chanhassen, MN Date: Nov 1,2005 Applicant/Owner: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. County: Carver Investigator( s): Sara Beth Scadlock State: Minnesota Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No Basin #: Basin 8 Type of Disturbance? Transect ID: 2 Is the site a potential Problem Area? No Site ID: Upland VEGET A nON Dominant Plant Species % Cover Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant % Indicator Stratum Species Cover Soybean crop 100% Raf!:Weed 5% % of dominant species that are OBL, F ACW, and/or F AC? 0% Is Hydrophytic Vegetation criteria met? No Notes: No crop damage observed on the upland end of transect. HYDROLOGY Primary Indicators: Surface water (inundated) Soils saturated in upper 12 inches Drift lines Water-borne sediment deposits Wetland drainage patterns Water marks Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Water stained leaves Morphological plant adaptations x Oxidized root channels in upper 12 inches FAC-Neutral Test Other Field Observations: Surface water depth Depth to saturation Depth to water in pit inches inches inches Notes: Soils are damp. SOILS Soil Parent Material Till Slope (%) 0-3 Landscape Position Toeslope Drainage Class Poorly drained Profile Descriptions: Mottles Depth (in) Texture Matrix Color Color % Size 0-6 Clay loam lOYR 3/3 & 3/1 6-12 Clay loam lOYR 3/1 lOYR 5/4 1-3% Very fine 12-20 Clay lOYR312 10YR4/4 10-15% Medium 20+ Clay 10YR 3/1 lOYR4/1 10-15% Course Hydric Soils Yes Field Indicator(s)? F3 - Depleted Matrix Present? Notes: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Criteria Met? No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? Yes Notes: Is the Sample Point a Wetland? No Wetland Type? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment E Site Photos ------------------- Basin 8 Wetland Delineation - Kimley Horn y-'" ...~ -~~~:,~ ;<.>>i~~ .<1 '~~l ... . ~ _......... 1IIIIIw.o.. ---*' ~____ __ --J November 1,2005 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Basin 8 Wetland Delineation - Kimley Horn November 1, 2005 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Basin 8 Wetland Delineation - Kimley Horn -~ ----- --- ~l November 1, 2005 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Basin 8 Wetland Delineation - Kimley Horn November 1, 2005 - - ------------------- Basin 8 Wetland Delineation - Kimley Horn November 1, 2005 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment F NWI Map - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend c:J PropertyBoundary c:J Section Une rlZtI Wetland (NWI) _ Wetland (NWI) in area of delineation of Bluff Creek Corridor Water Features (MN DNR 24K) c=J Waterbody or River - Stream or Drainage Ditch (Perennial) Transportation (MN DOT) ~ State Highway O!J County State-aid Highway <@) County Road Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) W*E S o 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet - - Sheet: "IIS'" E"I""I'" I,c. leave Nothing to Chancc11l 10900 73rd Avenue North. Suite 106 Maple Grove. MN 55369-50400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 'WWW hnustnnenninAArinainc com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment G SSURGO Soils - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bluff Creek Residential Development Legend I::] PropertyBoundary I::] Section Line Water Features (MN DNR 24K) c=J Waterbody or River - Stream or Drainage Ditch (PerenniaQ Soil (SSURGO) .. Canisteo silty clay loam, depressional ~ Cordova-Webster complex .. Glencoe clay loam c:J Hamel loam .. Houghton and Muskego soils .. Kilkenny-Lester loams (2-6% slopes) CJ Klossner muck Le Sueur-Lester loams (1-4% slopes) D Lester-Kilkenny clay loams (12-18% slopes, severely eroded) ~ Lester-Kilkenny clay loams (18-25% slopes. severely eroded) D Lester-Kilkenny loams (12-18% slopes) _ Lester-Kilkenny loams (12-18% slopes, eroded) ~ Lester-Kilkenny loams (18-25% slopes, eroded) ~ Lester-Kilkenny loams (2-6% slopes, eroded) ~ Lester-Kilkenny loams (25-40% slopes) B Lester-Kilkenny loams (6-12% slopes) Q Lester-Kilkenny loams (6-12% slopes) .. Terrilloam (0-6% slopes) Transportation (MN DOT) 8 State Highway G County State-aid Highway @ County Road Background Image: 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, National Imagery Program (NAIP) W+E S o 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet - Sheet: H'IISI" E"IB""/'" Inc. l..cav~ NothinSJ to Chanc~TM 10900 73rd Avenue North. Suite 106 Maple Grove. MN 55369-&400 Bus: (763) 493-4522 Fax: (763) 493-5572 www houstnnenainAerin(]i~ ('".om I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment B Adjoining Property Owners I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Property Owners Main Property Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Co. c/o Severin Peterson Jr. 15900 Flying Cloud Drive Taxpayer Address Eden Prairie, MN 55347 1600 Pioneer Trail Chanhassen, MN 55347 Property Address Adjoining Property Gayle and Lois Degler 1630 Lyman Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Adjoining Property Dean and Lois Degler 9111 Audubon Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C Suggested Wetland Seeding Plan I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Basin 8 Seeding Plan Suggested Basin 8 Mitigation Area Seeding Plan The wetland and upland buffer area created for this restoration project will require periodic management to become established and dominated by native noninvasive species as required by the Wetland Conservation Act. Management will include eliminating non-native and invasive vegetation along with creating conditions for the native vegetation that has been planted to survive and flourish. A contractor specializing in vegetative wetland restoration will be hired to grade, seed and mulch the wetland. If needed an herbicide will be applied to the soils and remaining vegetation to prepared for seeding of wetland vegetation. The wetland mitigation area will be lightly tilled 4-6 inches below the new grading elevation to assist in disturbing the seed bank and plant roots. The wetland should be seeded with BWSR seed mix W2 (2) and W5 (5) (see suggested seed mixes below) or other equivalent seed mix as suggested and approved by BWSR through the review process. Grading and Site Preparation The wetland restoration area will be graded to expand the natural contours and shape of the original wetland (Basin 5). Currently precipitation flows into the basin from east and hydrology is also received from seasonal flooding of Bluff Creek. The bottom of the basin will be excavated to match the current elevation of 870 (See Figures 5 and 6 for grading details.) Wetland boundaries are determined in conjunction with the City of Chanhassen's plan for a trail or other corridor adjacent to the east side ofthe wetland. Wetland hydrology will be provided by seasonal flooding of Bluff Creek, by runoff from the adjacent lots and groundwater. The goal ofthis system is to emulate periodic and seasonally wet conditions common to floodplain wetlands. Given the design assumption regarding hydrology the area is expected to establish Type 1 floodplain wetland characteristics. Above the wetland boundary elevation of871 buffers will be established as shown in Figure 5. The upland I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I buffer will consist of non-wetland species and will be planted with a native wetland fringe mix as specified on the plan sheets (Figure 5). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MIXTURE W2 (NATIVE SEDGEIWET MEADOW) ALL COMPONETS ARE PLS AND MCIA YELLOW TAG IF AVAILABLE RATE: 8 PLS Ibs/acre COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME #LBS %AGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRASSES SLOUGH GRASS AMERICAN BECKMANNIA SYZ/GACHNE 2.00 25.00% BROME FRINGED BROMUS CILIA TUS 0.40 5.00% BLUEJOINT CALAMAGROSTlS CANADENSIS 0.08 1.00% WILD RYE VIRGINIA EL YMUS VIRGINICUS 2.00 25.00% GRASS REED MANNA GL YCERIA GRANDIS 0.08 1.00% GRASS FOWL MANNA GL YCERIA STRIA TA 0.08 1.00% BLUEGRASS FOWL POA PALUSTRIS 2.00 25.00% GRAMINOIDS SEDGE BOTTLE-BRUSH CAREX COMOSA 0.08 1.00% SEDGE TUSSOCK CAREX STRICTA 0.04 0.50% SEDGE FOX CAREX VULPINOIDEA 0.16 2.00% RUSH SLENDER JUNCUS TENUIS 0.02 0.30% BULRUSH GREEN SCIRPUS A TROVIRENS 0.08 1.00% WOOLGRASS SCIRPUS CYPERINUS 0.01 0.10% BULLRUSH RIVER SCIRPUS FLU VIA TILlS 0.03 0.40% BULRUSH SOFTSTEM SCIRPUS VALlDUS 0.13 1.60% FORBS CANADA ANEMONE ANEMONE CANADES/S 0.05 0.60% MILKWEED MARSH ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA 0.08 1.00% ASTER SWAMP ASTER PUNICEUS 0.02 0.20% ASTER FLAT-TOPPED ASTER UMBELLA TUS 0.03 0.40% WEED JOE-PYE EUPA TORIUM MACULA TUM 0.02 0.20% BONESET EUPA TORIUM PERFOLlA TUM 0.02 0.20% GOLDENROD GRASS-LEAVED EUTHAMIA GRAMINIFOLlA 0.01 0.10% SNEEZEWEED HELENIUM AUTUMNALE 0.02 0.20% SUNFLOWER SAWTOOTH HELlANTHUS GROSSESERRA TUS 0.03 0.40% BLUE FLAG IRIS IRIS VERSICOLOR 0.37 4.60% BLAZING STAR MEADOW LlA TRIS L1GULlSTYLlS 0.05 0.60% GREAT BLUE LOBELIA LOBELIA SIPHILlTlCA 0.02 0.20% MONKEY FLOWER MIMULUS RINGENS 0.01 0.10% MINT MOUNTAIN PYCNA THEMUM VIRGINIANUM 0.02 0.20% GOLDENROD GIANT SOLIDAGO G/GANTEA 0.02 0.20% VERVAIN BLUE VERBENA HASTATA 0.03 0.40% IRONWEED VERNONIA FASCICULATA 0.03 0.40% CULVERS ROOT VERONICA STRUM VIRGINICUM 0.01 0.10% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 8.00 100.00% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MIXTURE W5 (BWSR NATIVE WETLAND FRINGE) ALL COMPONETS ARE PLS AND MCIA YELLOW TAG IF AVAILABLE NOTE: Either Alisma triviale (water plantain) or Alisma subcordatum (mud plantain) is acceptable. RATE: 8 PLS Ibs/acre COMMON NAME #LBS %AGE SCIENTIFIC NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRASSES SLOUGH GRASS AMERICAN BECKMANNIA SYZIGACHNE 0.80 10.00% BROME FRINGED BROMUS CILIA TUS 1.04 13.00% BLUEJOINT CALAMAGROSTlS CANADENSIS 0.08 1.00% WILD RYE VIRGINIA EL YMUS VIRGINICUS 1.92 24.00% GRASS REED MANNA GL YCERIA GRANDIS 0.16 2.00% RYE GRASS ANNUAL LOLlUM ITALlCUM 1.20 15.00% BLUEGRASS FOWL POA PALUSTRIS 1.44 18.00% PRAIRIE CORDGRASS SPAR TINA PECTlNA TA 0.40 5.00% GRAMINOIDS SEDGE POINTED BROOM CAREX SCOPARIA 0.04 0.50% SEDGE FOX CAREX VULPINOIDEA 0.40 5.00% BULRUSH GREEN SCIRPUS A TROVIRENS 0.08 1.00% WOOLGRASS SCIRPUS CYPERINUS 0.04 0.50% BULRUSH SOFTSTEM SCIRPUS VALlDUS 0.16 2.00% FORBS PLANTIAN, LARGE FLOWERED-WATER ALlSMA TRIVIALE 0.08 1.00% MILKWEED MARSH ASCLEPIAS INCARNA TA 0.02 0.20% ASTER SWAMP ASTER PUNICEUS 0.01 0.10% ASTER FLAT-TOPPED ASTER UMBELLA TUS 0.01 0.10% WEED JOE-PYE EUPA TORIUM MACULA TUM 0.01 0.10% BONESET EUPA TORIUM PERFOLlA TUM 0.01 0.10% SNEEZEWEED HELENIUM AUTUMNALE 0.01 0.10% BLAZING STAR PRAIRIE (TALL) LlATRIS PYCNOSTACHYA 0.03 0.40% GREAT BLUE LOBELIA LOBELIA SIPHILlTlCA 0.01 0.10% MONKEY FLOWER MIMULUS RINGENS 0.01 0.10% WATER PLANTAIN SAGITTARIA LA T1FOLlA 0.04 0.50% VERVAIN BLUE VERBENA HASTATA 0.02 0.20% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 8.00 100.00% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment D Suggested Wetland Maintenance Plan I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Basin 8 Mitie:ation Plan Suggested Wetland Maintenance Plan The wetland created in the mitigation process will require regular management to become established and dominated by native and noninvasive vegetation as required by the Wetland Conservation Act. This maintenance is critical in the first three to five years and should be recognized as integral to the successful wetland creation process. Management will include both eliminating non-native and invasive vegetation along with creating ideal conditions for native plants to flourish. Some invasive plants are strong competitors and without proper management could hamper the establishment of native plantings. Non-native plant removal/management and careful monitoring is vital during the early stages of the restoration. As the site becomes more established and the native species grow the site will be less vulnerable to non-native and invasive species. Suggested Methods for Invasive/Non-native Species Control Mowing - During the first two years of plant establishment mowing at a height of 6-10 inches where feasible will reduce competition from annual weeds. Mowing allows light to reach the small native seedlings and reduces competition from weeds for water and soil nutrients. Spot application of herbicide - Individual invasive plants can be eradicated through wick application or spraying of herbicide. Rodeo or other Minnesota Department of Natural Resources herbicides approve for use near or in water bodies should be applied by a licensed applicator at the appropriate times to control individual plants. Eradicate large infestations with herbicide - The most effective method of eradicating large colonies of plants is to wick-apply or spray them with herbicide. Use Rodeo when spray may come in contact with w~ter and Roundup in upland situations. Repeated application will probably be necessary. Apply to green, actively growing foliage. Repeated application will probably be necessary. Herbicides can effectively control I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I herbicides non-invasive vegetation when applied in spring or fall. Take great care not to apply herbicide to surrounding native plants. A very small amount of herbicide can kill a plant. Cut woody stems and apply herbicide to wound - All woody plants greater than ~ - inch in diameter that cannot be hand pulled should be cut down to expose the vascular tissue, or cambium. Herbicide painted on the cambium will be transported within the plant, eventually killing it. Cut the woody plant at the height that ensures the native herbaceous plants will not have contact with the stump and herbicide. This procedure should not be conducted while woody plants are dormant. Maintenance Schedule Year One: After planting annual weeds should be mowed or removed as needed. The site will likely require one or two mowings. Spot herbicide or hand removal of aggressive weeds such as thistle should occur when the management crew is at the site to mow. Mid summer - Mow wetland where feasible. Early fall - Mow wetland where feasible. Spot spray invasive species. Buckthorn is easier to treat with herbicide in late summer through fall when the plants are storing energy. Year Two: Conduct an initial site visit in May to evaluate status of restoration and determine management tasks for the year. This will most likely include: Spot mowing and spraying invasive weed species, and re-seeding areas that do not meet the performance standards. Spring and Fall- Spot spray invasive species. Year Three: Conduct an initial site visit in May to evaluate status of restoration and determine management tasks for the year. This will most likely include: Spot mowing and spraying invasive weed species, and re-seeding areas that do not meet the performance standards. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Spring - Spot spray invasive species and re-seed areas that do not meet the performance standards. Summer - Spot spray invasive species. Fall- Spot spray invasive species. Year Four: Conduct an initial site visit in May to evaluate status of restoration and determine management tasks for the year. This will most likely include: Spot mowing and spraying invasive weed species, and re-seeding areas that do not meet the performance standards. Spring - Spot spray invasive species and re-seed areas that do not meet the performance standards. Summer - Spot spray invasive species. Fall- Spot spray invasive species. Year Five: Conduct an initial site visit in May to evaluate status of restoration and determine management tasks for the year. This will most likely include: Spot mowing and spraying invasive weed species, and re-seeding areas that do not meet the performance standards. Spring - Spot spray invasive species and re-seed areas that do not meet the performance standards. Summer - Spot spray invasive species. Fall- Spot spray invasive species. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Performance Standards The following performance standards are the general standards recommended by BWSR at this time. Year 1 - Year one is considered the first full growing season after the establishment of the wetland vegetation. Seedlings of at least 4 native species shall be widely dispersed through the newly seeded area. No areas of bare soil larger than 9 square feet shall exist. There shall be no more than 20% total coverage of exotic, non-native, or invasive vegetation within the restored area. Year 2 - Year two is considered the second full growmg season after wetland establishment. The created wetland shall contain at least 30% of all species contained in the specified seed mixes. There shall be no more than 20% total coverage of exotic, non- native, or invasive vegetation within the restored area. Years 3-5 - Years three through five after wetland establishment and beyond. The restored wetland area shall have a minimum of 70% cover of native vegetation. The created wetland shall contain 40% of all species contained in the specified seed mixes. The created wetland shall have no bare patches of soil. There shall be no more than 30% total coverage of exotic, non-native, or invasive vegetation within in restored area. .