Certificate of Title File No. 8393 Volume No. 45 Page No. 202 Certificate of Title OWNER'S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE Certificate No. 15025 Transfer from No. 10988 Volum,' 9 Originally registered the page 104 28th day of December 1953 State of Minnesota,} ss. County of Carver. THIS IS TO CERTIFY. THAT NEAR MOUNTAIN LAKE ASSOCIATION, INC. of the 610 Pleasant View Road, City of Chanhassen County of Carver and State of Minnesota Is IIOW the owner of an estate, to wit: in fee simple of and in the follO/dng described land situated in the County of Carver and State of Minnesota. to wit: Outlot B, REICHERT'S ADDITION, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. Subject to the Fifty Per Cent (50%) interest of Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation in all mineral rights reserved by deed recorded in Book Forty-three (43) of Deeds Page Six Hundred Twenty One (621). Subject to the encumbrances, liens and interest noted by the memorial underwritten orendorsed hercon;and suoject to the fol/OIl'inJ.l ri[~hts or encumbrances suosistinN, as provided in M. S. A. Section 508.25 namely: I. Uens. claims, or rights arising or exi.~tinJ.l under the laws or the Constitution of the United States. which this state cannot require to appear of rccord; 2. Th,-lien of any real property tax or special assessment (or which the land has IlOt been sold at thedateo(thecertific:ate of title; :/. An.y lease for a period not exceeding three years. when there is actual occupation of the premises thereunder; 1. All rights in public highways upon the land; .S. The right o( appeal or right to appear and contest the application. as is allowed by this chapter; (j. The rights o( any person in possession under deed or contract (or deed from the owner o( the certificate of title; 7. An)' outstanding mechanics lien rights which //lay exist under sections 514.01 to 514.17. That the said xx~e<d.xx Near Mountain Lake Association is a Minnesota Corporation and is x~~a~~xxxxxxxxxxxx~s. undt'r no disahility. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office. this 31 day of January ('-5.J/lIC0, /Itt) U}J, ), 19 85 Ilt 1:30 P.M NUMBER: 25626 Volume: 78 Page: 224 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF CARVER TRANSFER FROM: 17493 ' ORIGINALLY,REGISTERED: 28 day of December 1953 Volume 9 page 104 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT: JAHN A. DYVIK '. ':- , " ":-;,','; - '. :'- ".-. ........ '- ,.:..."..... -.:-.':.:....:.: ,', ,. : .J. ._ _ '_", .. . 610 Pleasant Vie\v Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 is no\v the owner of an estate, to wit: In fee simple of and in the following described land situated in the County of Carver and State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 8, Block I, REICHERT'S ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof. Subject to the Fifty Per Cent (50%) interest of Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation in all mineral rights sexved byde~d recorded in Book Forty-three (43) of Deeds, Page Six Hundred Twenty-one (621). Subject to the encumbrances, liens and interest noted by the memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon: and subject to the rights or encumbrances subsisting as provided in M.S.508.25, namely: (1) Liens, claims, or rights arising under the laws or the Constitution of the United States, which the statutes of this state cannot require to appear of record; (2) Any real property tax or special assessment for which a sale of the land has not been had at the date of the certificate of title; (3) Any lease for a period not exceeding three years, when there is actual occupation of the premises under the lease; (4) All rights in public highways upon the land; (5) Such right of appeal or right to appear and contest the application as is allowed by law; (6) The rights of any person in possession under deed or contract for deed from the owner of the certificate of title; (7) Any outstanding mechanics lien rights which may exist under sections 514.01 to 514.17. That the said Jahn A. Dyvik is of the age of 18 years or older, is under no legal incapacity, and is single. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my offIce, this 10 day of August, 1998 3.t 2:30 P.~. . ~' "~4J '. ,.",', ~ , l' ~ 'J'" '''l~ . \. Carl W. Hanson, Jr. Registrar of Titles In and for the County of Carver and State of