PC SUM 2006 04 18
APRIL 18, 2006
Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Jerry McDonald, Kurt Papke, Dan Keefe, Kevin Dillon, and Mark
Debbie Larson and Deborah Zorn
Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Josh Metzer, Planner
I; Paul Oehme, City Engineer/Public Works Director; and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City
Chairman McDonald administered the oath of office to Kurt Papke and
Kevin Dillon.
Papke moved, Keefe seconded to adopt the Planning Commission Bylaws as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Undestad moved, Papke seconded to appoint Jerry McDonald as Chair of the Planning
Commission. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Keefe moved, Undestad seconded to appoint Kurt Papke as Vice Chair of the Planning
Commission. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Public Present:
Name Address
Dan Cook Eden Prairie
Cory Meyer 7699 Anagram Drive, Eden Prairie
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
Brian Sullivan 7599 Anagram Drive, Eden Prairie
Dan Herbst 7640 Crimson Bay
Justin Larson 7699 Anagram Drive, Eden Prairie
Rick Dorsey 1551 Lyman Boulevard
Jim Benshoof Wenck Associates, Maple Plain
C & G St. Martin 9231 Audubon Road
Mrs. Dean Degler 9111 Audubon Road
Gayle & Lois Degler 1630 Lyman Boulevard
Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Papke asked staff to
clarify their recommendation to move Lots 1 through 5, Block 1 along Street M, condition 30
regarding sidewalks along private streets, which sidewalks are being recommended to be
eliminated, and condition number 36 regarding the location of the creek crossing. Commissioner
Keefe clarified the setback requirements between buildings, the quality of runoff into Bluff
Creek, bluff calculations, sidewalk circulation and street access. Commissioner Dillon asked
about park dedication requirements and the price point of the houses being built. Chairman
McDonald asked for clarification of the hard surface coverage calculations. The applicant Dan
Herbst, Pemtom Land Company provided background information of his involvement with the
city of Chanhassen and introduced his team. Cory Meyer with Westwood Professional Services
presented the plan in detail and explained the concept of cluster housing. Commissioner Keefe
asked Mr. Meyer to cover in more detail the tree preservation plan. Commissioner Dillon asked
the applicant to address the issue of fences versus open space. Commissioner Papke asked the
applicant to elaborate on their noise mitigation plan, especially towards Lyman Boulevard and
Highway 212. Brian Sullivan with Ryland Homes addressed the home style issues.
Commissioner Papke asked for further clarification on the garage design. Chairman McDonald
opened the public hearing.
Jim Benshoof, traffic engineer with Wenck Associates speaking on behalf of the Fox and Dorsey
families addressed the question of how this development plan relates to their properties, which
are just to the east of this subject development. Rick Dorsey clarified what can be done to his
property that is in ag preserve and questioned the proposed road alignment and discrepancy of
the plan that was done in August with today’s plans. He asked that the Planning Commission
look specifically at the ordinance, Section 20-57 regarding buffer yards and mitigation of traffic.
Chairman McDonald closed the public hearing. Dan Herbst discussed the economic effect of
losing lots and asked to change or delete three conditions in the staff report. After commission
discussion the following motion was made.
Papke moved, Keefe seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of
Rezoning the land within the Plat for The Preserve from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to
Planned Unit Development-Residential, PUD-R; approval of a Conditional Use Permit to
permit development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and alterations within the flood
plain; and approval of the Preliminary Plat for “The Preserve” creating 155 lots, 15 outlots
and right-of-way for public streets, plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc.,
dated 3-17-06 subject to the following conditions:
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
1.The drainage and utility easement over the northern portion of Lift Station #24 must be
vacated and filed upon final approval of the final plat.
2.The “Existing Conditions” plan must be revised to show the drainage and utility easement
that was granted to the City and contain trunk sanitary sewer and watermain.
3.Prior to City Council consideration of the final plat, the applicant must provide
documentation indicating that the proposed right-of-way for Lyman Boulevard meets Carver
County’s requirement.
4.The grading plan must identify the existing and proposed 100-year floodplain.
5.Due to the anticipated timing of the final plat with respect to the timing of formal approvals
from FEMA, the proposed lots that are within the current floodplain may be preliminary
platted subject to FEMA approval of the LOMR.
6.Any grading within the floodplain will require a Conditional Use Permit.
7.Catch basins on each side of all public streets must be no more than 300 feet apart.
8.The proposed outlet for Wetland A must lie along the edge of the wetland.
9.The storm sewer from Pond 1 must outlet to the wetland north of Pond 2 in order to maintain
hydrology to the wetland.
10.Storm sewer within Street J must be rerouted through the sideyards within Block 3 and outlet
to Pond 2.
11.Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals.
12.The legend on the final grading plan must identify the lowest floor elevation.
13.The final grading plan must show the top and bottom of wall elevations.
14.Any retaining wall four feet high or taller requires a building permit and must be designed by
an Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota.
15.The developer must work with staff to find the preferred sanitary sewer alignment west of
Block 3 prior to City Council consideration of the final plat.
16.The plan must be revised to show an 18-inch diameter watermain on the south side of Lyman
Boulevard to the east property line.
17.The developer’s engineer must submit a separate cost estimate for the watermain oversizing
along Lyman Boulevard with the final plat submittals.
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
18.To the maximum extent practicable, the trail along the east side of Bluff Creek must be
within close proximity of the manholes for the existing trunk sanitary sewer.
19.The lowest floor elevation of each unit must be shown on the utility plan.
20.The existing well and septic system must be properly removed and abandoned during site
grading and utility installation.
21.The developer must pay $14,365.00 in cash with the final plat for the pro-rated cost for the
preparation of the 2005 MUSA AUAR.
22.The outstanding assessments – $310,999.03 for 2005 MUSA roads and water, and
$162,976.08 for Highway 101/Lyman Boulevard/Highway 312/Highway 212 must be paid
with the final plat or reassessed to the lots and outlots for future development.
23.Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. These fees are
collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building
permit application. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of
these fees.
24.The City will construct Bluff Creek Boulevard Improvements to serve the development in
conjunction with public improvement project No. 06-05. The property within the plat will be
specially assessed for this project.
25.The development is subject to the arterial collector fee, which must be paid in cash with the
final plat.
26.Streets F and K must extend past Lot 6, Block 13 and Lot 1, Block 17, respectively to
provide adequate space for a vehicle to back out of the driveway and turn into the street.
27.Curbs on public streets will be high-back; curbs on private streets will be surmountable.
28.The sidewalk along the north side of Street H between Street A and Street I, and along the
north side of Street E must be eliminated.
29.Sidewalks adjacent to private streets and within privately owned outlots can be used by the
The applicant will work with staff to discuss eliminating
30.Lots 1 and 2, Block 11, and Lots
1 through 5, Block 1.
31.The applicant shall revise the plan design to ensure adequate hydrology for Wetland 4 in the
post-development condition.
32.If the applicant wishes to pursue an exemption for impact to Wetland A, the applicant shall
furnish information to substantiate the exemption request. The applicant is advised that, even
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
if impacts would be exempt from WCA, they may not be exempt from the requirements of
the Army Corps of Engineers.
33.A wetland buffer with a minimum width of 16.5 feet shall be maintained around all wetlands
and wetland mitigation areas. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in
accordance with the City’s wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge
signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per
sign. All structures shall maintain a setback of at least 40 feet from the wetland buffer edge.
34.All structures shall maintain a 50-foot setback from the ordinary high water level of Bluff
Creek. All structures shall maintain a minimum 40-foot setback from the primary corridor.
No alterations shall occur within the primary corridor or within the first 20 feet of the setback
from the primary corridor. The 50-foot setback, primary corridor boundary, 40-foot structure
setback and 20-foot grading setback shall be shown on the plans.
35.The applicant shall provide details for the proposed trail crossing of Bluff Creek. Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) permits shall be obtained for all creek crossings. In
addition, the trail alignment shall be revised to cross Bluff Creek in the same location as the
sanitary sewer crossing. Immediately south of the creek crossing, the trail intersection shall
be redesigned to avoid impact to the trees.
36.The plans shall be revised to provide a lower EOF for Wetland A and a path to the west for
excess water that will not threaten proposed structures.
37.The EOF path for Pond 1 shall be revised to provide a more direct EOF route from Pond 1 to
Wetland 4.
38.The proposed sanitary sewer and storm sewer outlet in the vicinity of Pond 2 shall be revised
to ensure: 1. The runoff from the outlet will not compromise the integrity of the sanitary
sewer; and 2. The sanitary sewer is not located below the normal water level (NWL) of Pond
39.The outfall from Pond 3 shall not outlet upslope of the proposed trail.
40.The applicant shall clarify the avoidance of the drainageway to be preserved during the
construction of Pond 4 and, if possible, redesign the pond to provide additional storage and
treatment in lieu of avoiding the drainageway.
41.Pond 5 shall be constructed prior to the construction of all the areas that drain to it.
42.Drainage and utility easements (minimum 20 feet in width) shall be provided over all
existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water ponds.
43.Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. All
exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round,
according to the following table of slopes and time frames:
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
Type of Slope Time (Maximum time an area can
Steeper than 3:1 7 days remain open when the area
10:1 to 3:1 14 days is not actively being worked.)
Flatter than 10:1 21 days
These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed
soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter
system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man
made systems that discharge to a surface water.
44.Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street
sweeping as-needed.
45.The applicant shall be proactive in addressing potential run-on problems in the vicinity of the
extreme southeast corner of the property. This would potentially involve vertically tracking
equipment up and down the graded faces of the slope to increase roughness and prevent rilling.
Similar practices shall be used behind the homes along the central part of Outlot A.
46.At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat
recording, is $242,760.
47.The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g.,
Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES
Phase II Construction Site Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for
dewatering), Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota
Department of Health) and comply with their conditions of approval.
48.The applicant shall demonstrate that the outlet pipe installation and elevation will not impact
the wetland.
49.If recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission, park fees shall be paid as per City
ordinance at the rate of final platting.
50.Tree protection fencing shall be installed prior to construction around all areas designated for
preservation and/or at the edge of proposed grading limits.
51.A walk-through inspection of the silt/tree preservation fence shall be required prior to
52.No burning permits shall be issued for tree removal. All trees removed on site shall be
chipped and used on site or hauled off.
53.A turf plan shall be submitted to the City indicating the location of sod and seeding areas.
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
54.Buffer plantings shall be installed along the east property line in the rear yards of Lots 7
through 16, Block 3 and Lots 1 through 5, Block 10.
55.Applicant shall remove Emerald Queen Norway maple from the planting schedule. The
applicant shall substitute another species with approval from the City.
56.A conservation easement shall be recorded over Outlot A.
57.The developer shall work with staff to develop and install appropriate markers at lot lines to
demarcate the primary zone.
58.The applicant shall submit a plan for the revegetation of any areas of grading within Outlot
A. The plan shall incorporate native plants and be consistent with the City’s Bluff Creek
Natural Resources Management Plan Appendix C. Special attention should be paid to areas
with steep slopes (greater than 3:1). Staff recommends that the Hill Prairie planting list be
used for the restoration.”
59. The developer shall work with staff to develop architectural variety or texture for the garage
doors, whether windows or other type of architectural variety.
60. Developer will reconsider their tree preservation plan in an attempt to save significant trees
currently slated for removal.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Public Present:
Name Address
Keith Werner 850 Flying Cloud Drive
Corey Truebenbach 404 Synchove Street, Jordan
Skip Cook 850 Flying Cloud Drive
Josh Metzer presented the staff report on this item. The applicant, Skip Cook addressed the 1996
Interim Use Permit, what the new tenant Keith Werner has done to try to comply to that permit
and outlined possible improvements to the site. Chairman McDonald opened the public hearing.
No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. After commission discussion the following
motion was made.
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
Keefe moved, Undestad seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of
the Interim Use Permit #96-2 allowing the expansion of the wholesale/retail nursery use on
property located in the Agricultural Estate (A-2) District at 850 Flying Cloud Drive, as shown
on the plans prepared by Jeff Zeitler of Green Gardens dated March 31, 2006, subject to the
following conditions:
1.The applicant shall submit vehicular use area measurements.
2.The applicant shall install landscape islands or peninsulas based on the overall area of the
vehicular use area.
3.The applicant shall install overstory trees in the parking area in quantities as required by City
4.Bufferyard plantings will be required along Highway 212 to screen the parking lot.
5.Bufferyard plantings may be required in front of the stone sales area and mulch bins
depending on the visibility of these areas from Highway 212.
6.Landscaping, storage and disposal activities shall be prohibited within 50 feet of the drainage
way which runs along the northwest corner of the property.
7.The accumulation of nursery waste shall not be permitted on site.
8.Drainage in the Highway 212 right-of-way and Highway 101 right-of-way shall not be
modified or changed as part of the IUP amendment activities.
9.If active grading, earthwork or landscaping activity exceeds 1 acre of the site leaving
exposed soils, the applicant will need to obtain an NPDES permit as determined by the
Pollution Control Agency.
10.If a NPDES permit is not needed, the applicant shall be responsible for controlling erosion
and sediment from their property. Upon inspection, if erosion becomes a problem on site, the
City may require the applicant to make corrections and stabilize soil.
11.All drive lanes shall be surfaced with a Class V gravel base or similar material to minimize
erosion potential.
12.Applicant must fill out the aboveground storage tank installation permit application.
13.An aboveground storage tank installation permit must be issued by the Chanhassen Fire
Marshal before any type of work on tanks and dispensing equipment is started.
14.Acceptance test on the aboveground storage tank must be conducted by the installer and
witnessed by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal.
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
15.Building permits must be obtained for proposed structures and all must comply with the
Minnesota State Building Code.
16.Construction of the third storage shed shall be of compatible design, materials and color to those
of the existing storage sheds.
17.The applicant will be allowed to utilize the trailer through November 30, 2006. The trailer must
be permanently removed from the property no later than December 1, 2006.
18.Use of the temporary office trailer shall cease within 30 days following the issuance of
certificate of occupancy for the third storage shed.
19.Area 4 shall not be used for the storage of equipment, materials or vehicles associated with
the nursery. Storage or display of nursery stock is permitted in Area 4.
20.A 50-foot setback shall be maintained from all property lines for the storage of materials,
growing ranges and parking, except that the existing display area adjacent to Highway 212 and
Highway 101 (southeast corner of the property) may continue to be used for these purposes. No
materials or displays shall be placed within the right-of-way or obstruct the view of the traveling
public. The storage of materials over three (3) feet in height shall be prohibited in the site
triangle of Highway 101 and 212.
21.Hours of operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The sale of seasonal merchandise consisting of pumpkin
and Christmas tree sales shall be permitted from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
22.Exterior light sources shall be shielded.
23.No outside speaker system shall be allowed.
24.The use shall terminate one year following the availability of public sewer and water service.
An annual review shall be made to determine compliance with the attached conditions.
25.The applicant shall work with staff to develop signage that will comply with city ordinances.
26.Stop signs shall be erected at the intersections of the driveways at Highways 101 and 212.
27.No equipment or vehicles shall be stored on the site with the exception of employee vehicles
and equipment necessary for the operation of the nursery.
28.No outside storage of equipment and materials unrelated to the nursery business shall be
29.Storage structures shall not be used for retail purposes. A portion of the proposed storage
structure may be allocated as office space to service wholesale customers. Storage of equipment
and materials is permitted in these buildings.
Planning Commission Summary – April 18, 2006
30.No grading of the property shall be permitted unless a grading permit is obtained from the City.
31.The applicant shall work with MnDOT in examining the possibility of relocating the access
point on TH 212 further to the west and providing a deceleration lane along westbound TH 212
in conjunction with the Highway 212 improvements.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Papke noted the verbatim and summary
minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 4, 2006 as presented.
Chairman McDonald adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim