5. Congregate Dining - Seniors C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 6" - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager Update: I contacted Barbara Portwood (the attorney at Monday's meeting) regarding Councilman Berquist's question. I should be able to provide the answer on Tuesday evening. TO: Mayor and City Council DATE: DWA (5-21-97) May 7, 1997 SUBJ: Congregate Dining This past year, Kate questioned Hennepin County as to the ability of Chanhassen to use our Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for congregate dining. She was informed that the rules had been changed and that we cannot currently use CDBG funds for congregate dining. However, since Chanhassen's allocations were actually from previous years, they reversed their position, stating that the approximate $100,000 which had accumulated could in fact be used for congregate dining. We then went through a needs assessment to determine usage, size, etc. We also employed Todd Christopherson to act as the construction manager. His initial budget was $116,000. Attached are the bids received for this project. As you can see, the total of$144,000 is significantly different than the initial estimates from Amcon. In Todd's defense, no one anticipated the magnitude of the Davis Bacon Act which requires paying "prevailing wage." In obtaining the bids, Todd did confirm that virtually all of the contractors had increased their bids by 20% to 30% simply to meet reporting and prevailing wage standards. We did look at things to cut. In fact, the original bids were approximately $12,000 higher than those shown. Todd believes that we could come close to budget if the mechanical systems (heat/cooling) were reduced to solely accommodate the needs of the congregate dining room. He cannot make that as a recommendation as the city really needs to look to the long term heating/cooling needs of the entire lower level. How do we come up with the $26,000 differential? Approximately $10,000 of it could come from the construction budget of $1,229,000. [Note: I hope to distribute the most recent estimates from Todd Christopherson Monday evening. J However, given the significant period of time that the city hall construction was delayed to study different alternatives, look at various configurations, and to demonstrate the need for the new space, did have a positive side--we made money. For example, interest Mayor and City Council May 7, 1997 Page 2 earnings in the city hall expansion account were $65,306 (1994). None of those dollars have been allocated for any purpose. Approval of awarding the low bids, as attached, is recommended with the city council authorizing an additional $26,000 to be reallocated out of the city hall expansion fund to the congregate dining project. g:\mgr\congregaledining.doc (f) +oJ :J (f) Q) e:::: "'0 al c CI) ~ u ... 52 .... .Q c CI) tI) r--- :2 O'l co ....... r--- "C ....... Q) lJ") Vl '5 Q) c=:: :E co ~ o ...J GIG [J ... Q) Cl "C :::I co "C ~ o .... a. c.. <( E Q) ~ VIId 0 ~ G -, Vl :::I Q) o ..c 'C Q) C'il 0 >~ (.00 lJ")0 lJ")~ r---N (.00 lJ")0 L/')~ r---N Vl Vl Q) Vl :::IVlCO ~ Q) EQ)V) C'l ~,C'l :2 0 "C "" "C ~ .c ,~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ;1 ,~ u-~cO~<(O::O:: ~ .2 co Q) ~ a.. .c ~~ ....0 "C 0 'oC'l ~ ~C'l_c :::I ci..5 u- ~ u ro ~ .S! '(ij ,5 U U f- a.. OL/')Oo....oo GOlJ")ONON (.0 0'llJ")lJ") (.0 GO ~ r---'d"M 0L/')00'l....00 GOlJ")MNON CO O'lO'llJ")(.O CO lJ") CO~M co N L/') (.OOOOCOOOO'l lJ")~ OOOM L/')(.O L/')....OO r---N M............O'l .--.. U- ti) "-" Vl C o :-e "C c o U2 ~ ~ Q) U C C Q) 0 ~U C'il Q) .... <( ~ c Vl oCO Vl ... C'il CI) ::2:::2: ~ .... o ~ ::2: I..:' Q) ..c c E .Q Vl :::I ~ ~ -l :; 0 .Vl"C e- .E .5 8c)S:Vl c ~ Q) "C ._ Vl ~ o 14- .... .!!! ooooc :> 0 :>C=::Ou- z o tI)......m~L/')(.Or---GOO'l :> o L6/ LIS IJI! >- c.. c.. :::I V) +-i Vl Q) 0:: "C :::I o o +-i V) 00'l0 ON MGO lJ") m ... Q) C'l "C :::I .c C'il ,5 C'l 'C o E o .... "I- "C Q) U :::I "C Q) .... (.0 L/') N 'd" M lJ")00 0lJ")0 GOr---lJ") NNN (.0.... o O'l GO r--- M mOO 0lJ")0 ......r---o CONc..o" (.0.... lJ")lJ")0 NO'lO ....lJ")0 MOc..o" m.... c o '.0 U :::I .... Vl......CO CI) C Vl '.0 Q) C .!::! co .~ ~ 8 ~ .g ~ ~ ':; '0 -5 t ~ a.C"oQ)Q)..:;;. V)u.Ja..::2:UJu o....mlJ")(.O ..- ~ ..- ..- ..- G009-G99-G ~ 9 A M ~ M ~ ~ 'd" ...... o o o c..o" .... ~ CI) :::I ~ Q) ... C'il E 'x o .... a. a. <( ~ .... ~ O'l lJ") .... N (j) (.0 ~ 'd" o .... ~ Q) ... CO E ',p Vl UJ ... Vl o U (ij ... o r;- .c :::I tI) +-i Q) Cl "C :::I ..c Q) .c ... "C ~ o .... a. c.. C'il U C :::I o U .... CI) ... "I- C'il "C CI) "C "C C'il Vl C'il ~ .-:: C :::I C'l C o o U "C C C'il C'l C '.0 C'il Q) .c a. o ... 14- o o a::: ~ Z Q U & ~ VII:) UO~'WV