PC SUM 2006 05-02CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES MAY 2, 2006 Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry McDonald, Debbie Larson, Mark Undestad, Kurt Papke, Dan Keefe and Kevin Dillon MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Zorn STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Lori Haak, Water Resource Coordinator; and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC PRESENT FOR ALL ITEMS: Debbie Lloyd 73-2 Laredo Drive OATH OF OFFICE. Chairman McDonald administered the Oath of Office to Debbie Larson. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN: PUBLIC HEARING ON UPDATED PLAN (CONTINUED FROM 4/4/06). Lori Haak reviewed the public hearing process on the surface water management plan update. Commissioner Papke asked for an update on any specific projects planned with the surface water management plan. Chairman McDonald asked where clean-up of the city’s storm water ponds falls in the plan. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Papke moved, Keefe seconded that the Planning Commission table action on the Surface Water Management Plan update until the June 20, 2006 meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: GALPIN CROSSING TWINHOMES: REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM AGRICULTURAL ESTATE DISTRICT A2, TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, RESIDENTIAL, PUD-R; PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL CREATING 13 LOTS AND ONE OUTLOT WITH A VARIANCE FOR A PRIVATE STREET AND MORE THAN FOUR HOMES ACCESSING A PRIVATE STREET; AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT TH ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF WEST 78 STREET AND WEST OF GALPIN BOULEVARD, APPLICANT EPIC DEVELOPMENT XVI, LLC, PLANNING CASE NO. 06-13. Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 Public Present: Name Address Gerald P. Wolfe 7755 Vasserman Trail Tom Ernst 7749 Vasserman Trail Charles & Gail Gelino 7729 Vasserman Trail Larry Martin 7725 Vasserman Trail Bonnie Anderson 7732 Vasserman Place Mark Magnuson 7715 Vasserman Trail Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Papke asked staff to elaborate on their comment in the staff report which states, under a perfect scenario the use for open space and storm water ponding in conjunction with the southern parcel allowing us to get an intensification of the use on the parcel adjacent to Highway 5. He also asked for clarification on issues such as snow removal related to the narrow strip of land between the private and public street, design standards, the cul-de-sac intersecting with the property to the south, boulevard tree spacing, and enforcement of the statement that says storm water ponding must be constructed for the additional post development runoff when the property to the south is developed. Commissioner Dillon asked for clarification of the condition regarding cross access and maintenance agreements. Commissioner Keefe asked for clarification of the setback requirements, raising the lowest floor elevation, and sidewalks. Commissioner Larson asked for clarification of the wetland buffer requirements. Commissioner Undestad asked about access th onto West 78 Street and intersecting with access to the southern parcel. Chairman McDonald expressed concern with the density and what the city was getting in return for that density, clarification of the impervious coverage requirements, and design standards. Mark Scholle, representing Epic Development addressed issues brought up by commissioners. Commissioner Dillon asked the applicant about the target price range of the homes. Commissioner Undestad asked if fill was needed on the site. Chairman McDonald asked about guest parking. The public hearing was opened. Larry Martin, 7725 Vasserman Trail addressed the issues of density, the issue surrounding the private street, the landscaping and tree situations, and the power line issue. Gerald Wolfe, 7755 Vasserman Trail reiterated his concern about removal of the willow trees, th that all the soil borings were done on the south side of West 78 Street, not the north, the high water level mark, the 5 foot setback between the private street and trail, density and the association costs needed to maintain the property. Chairman McDonald closed the public hearing. After commission discussion and comments, the following motions were made. Keefe moved, Dillon seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development Rezoning the property within the Galpin Crossing Twinhomes project from A2, Agricultural Estate District to PUD-R, Planned Unit Development Residential incorporating the development design standards contained in the staff report. All voted in favor, except Commissioners Larson, Papke and Undestad who voted in opposition. The motion failed with a tie vote of 3 to 3. Keefe moved, Dillon seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Preliminary Platcreating 12 lots and 2 outlots with a variance for the use of a private street 2 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 and for more than four homes accessed via a private street, plans prepared by Ryan Engineering, dated March 16, 2006, revised April 19, 2006, subject to the following conditions: 1.Designate Lot 13 as Outlot B. 2.A cross-access and maintenance agreement shall be recorded over the private street. 3.A 10-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. 4.No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. 5.Yellow curbing and “No Parking Fire Lane” signs will be required. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of yellow curbing and locations of signs to be installed. Pursuant to Minnesota State Fire Code Section 503.3 and 503.4. 6.Dead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. Submit turn around designs to City Engineer and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for approval. Pursuant to Minnesota State Fire Code Exception Section 503.2.5. (: the code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet where the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system installed in accordance with Minnesota State Fire Code Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3). 7.Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protections shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. Pursuant to Minnesota State Fire Code Section 501.4. 8.Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed load of fire apparatus and shall be serviced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Pursuant to Minnesota State Fire Code Section 503.2.3. 9.The new proposed street will be required to have a street name. Submit proposed to street name to Chanhassen Building Official and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for review and approval. Pursuant to Minnesota State Fire Code Section 503.3. 10.An additional fire hydrant will be required. Maximum spacing is 300 feet. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of required additional fire hydrant. 3 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 11.Accessibility will have to be provided to all portions of the development and a percentage of the units may also be required to be accessible or adaptable in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. Further information is needed to determine these requirements. 12.The buildings are required to be protected with an automatic sprinkler system if they are over 8,500 sq. ft. in floor area. For the purposes of this requirement property lines do not constitute separate buildings and the area of basements and garages is included in the floor area threshold. 13.The buildings will be required to be designed by an architect and engineer as determined by the Building Official. 14.A final grading plan and soils report must be to the Inspections Division before building permits can be issued. 15.Walls and projections within 3 feet of property lines are required to be of one-hour fire-resistive construction. 16.Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 17.The developer and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 18.A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around Wetland 3. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City’s wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. All structures shall maintain a setback of at least 40 feet from the wetland buffer edge. 19.The grading plan shall be revised to eliminate grading within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. All structures shall maintain a minimum 40-foot setback from the primary corridor. The plans shall be revised to show that the structure on Lot 12, Block 1 meets the required 40-foot primary corridor setback. 20.Outlot A shall be protected in perpetuity through the dedication of the outlot to the City of Chanhassen or by the recording of a conservation easement, to be approved by the City, over the entire Outlot A. 21.All perimeter controls and inlet protections shall remain in place until 70% of the area is permanently protected by vegetative cover. 22.All area disturbed within 200 feet of Bluff Creek shall be stabilized within 3 days. 23.The plans shall be revised to show all areas with 3:1 slopes or steeper that will be blanketed. 4 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 24.A stable emergency overflow (EOF) for the ponds shall be provided. The EOF could consist of riprap and geotextile fabric or a turf re-enforcement mat (a permanent erosion control blanket). A typical detail shall be included in the plan. 25.Energy dissipation shall be provided for all inlets and outlets within 24 hours of installation 26.Wimco-type or other comparable inlet controls shall be used and installed within 24 hours of installation of the inlets. 27.Typical building lot controls shall be shown on the plan in a typical detail. These controls should include perimeter controls (silt fence), rock driveways, street sweeping, inlet control and temporary mulch after final grade and prior to issuing the Certificate of Occupancy (CO). 28.The proposed storm water ponds shall be used as a temporary sediment basin during mass grading. The pond shall be excavated prior to disturbing up-gradient areas. Plans shall show how the water will be diverted to the temporary basin. Berms and/or ditches may be needed to divert water to the pond, and temporary pond outlets are needed. The outlet could be a temporary perforated standpipe and rock cone. The plans shall be revised to include a detail for the temporary pond outlet. 29.An adequate easement for pond access for maintenance purposes is needed and shall be shown on the plan. 30.The proposed silt fence along Wetland 3 shall be Type 2 silt fence, as specified in Chanhassen Standard Detail Plate 5300. Type 1 silt fence may be used for the remainder of the site. The grading plan shall be revised to show the proposed silt fence following the grading limits for the site, including the 20-foot grading setback from the primary corridor. The perimeter controls shall be inspected by the city and the SWCD prior to grading. 31.The grading plan shall be revised to show the location of the proposed rock construction entrance. 32.Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. 33.The estimated total SWMP fee based on 2006 fees, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $28,670. 34.The owner/operator of the proposed development shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase II Construction Site Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Health) and comply with their conditions of approval. 35.At least one tree is required in each front yard. 5 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 36.A landscape plan denoting areas of sod shall be submitted to the city. Common areas must be sodded and provided with irrigation. 37.Native plantings will be required along the northern edge of the development parallel to the wetland and Bluff Creek. These plantings shall be species selected from the Bluff Creek Management Plan planting list. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted prior to final plat approval to the city for approval. 38.Applicant shall increase understory plantings with the bufferyard areas to meet the minimum number of plantings required.” 39.The developer must obtain permission from MNDOT before performing any work within the MNDOT easement. 40.The developer must obtain permission from Metropolitan Council to perform the proposed grading within the sanitary sewer interceptor easement. 41.Prior to final plat consideration, the developer must show the overhead utility easement on the plans. 42.The building footprint must not lie within the overhead utility easement. 43.The developer must comply with any setback requirements the overhead utility company imposes. 44.The lowest floor elevations for Lots 1 through 4 must be raised to a minimum elevation of 963.1’. This condition may require a different housing type (SE, LO, R). 45.The lowest floor elevations for Lots 5 through 12 must be raised to a minimum elevation of 958.5’. Developer must modify 100-year elevation for Bluff Creek. 46.The final grading plan must identify an emergency overflow location and elevation for the proposed pond. 47.The grading plan must be adjusted so that soil grades are minimum 2%. 48.The proposed grading north and west of Lot 12 must be adjusted so that the drainage swale will not direct runoff toward the backs of Lots 11 and 12. 49.The six foot high berm on the east side of the private drive must be shifted to the east to provide minimum five feet of boulevard space. 50.The developer must ensure that the final grading plan does not include driveways sloping towards the homes on Lots 11 and 12. 6 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 51.Driveway grades must be between 1.5% and 10% at any point within the driveway. 52.The developer must submit existing and proposed drainage maps. 53.Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals and must include storm sewer inlet capacity analysis to verify that 100% of the runoff from a 10-year event can be captured. 54.Prior to utility installation the developer must obtain a permit from Metropolitan Council to connect to the interceptor sewer. 55.The storm sewer installed with this project shall be privately owned and maintained since it does not serve public property. 56.Advanced warning and traffic control measures required during the watermain connection must comply with the latest addition of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 57.The developer must submit a financial security with the final plat to ensure the restoration of th West 78 Street and the bituminous trail. 58.Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. These fees are collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. 59.The lowest floor elevation of each unit must be shown on the utility plan. 60.Snow removal from the private drive must not encroach into the public right of way. 61.Storm sewer manhole at west driveway entrance should include a 3' sump. The developer shall pay full park fees in effect at the time of final plat recording. 62.” Dillon voted in favor, the rest voted in opposition. The motion failed with a vote of 1 to 5. Keefe moved, Larson seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit to permit development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District, subject to the following conditions: 1.The grading plan shall be revised to eliminate grading within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. All structures shall maintain a minimum 40-foot setback from the primary corridor. The plans shall be revised to show that the structure on Lot 12, Block 1 meets the required 40-foot primary corridor setback. 7 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 2.Outlot A shall be protected in perpetuity through the dedication of the outlot to the City of Chanhassen or by the recording of a conservation easement, to be approved by the City, over the entire Outlot A.” Dillon voted in favor, the rest voted in opposition. The motion failed with a vote of 1 to 5. The commission discussed on how to proceed with this item regarding density, PUD versus straight R-4 zoning and private street versus public street. Chairman McDonald suggested that the applicant work with staff to address the issue of density and either resubmit something or he has the option of going forward to the City Council as an appeal. PUBLIC HEARING: ARBORETUM BUSINESS CENTER: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 25,300 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE-SHOWROOM-WAREHOUSE BUILDING ON 2.69 ACRES OF LAND ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON LOT 1, TH BLOCK 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 5 ADDITION, 2970 WATER TOWER PLACE, APPLICANT STEINER DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING CASE 06-16. Public Present: Name Address Joe Smith 3610 County Road 101 South, Wayzata Jeff Conkling 3610 County Road 101 South, Wayzata Todd Mohagen Mohagen Hansen Architectural Group Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Papke asked for clarification on architectural detailing and signage. Commissioner Keefe asked for clarification of the sidewalk location. Commissioner Larson asked for clarification of the parking plan. Joe Smith with Steiner Development addressed the issues of signage, parking, and roof top screening of HVAC units. The architect, Todd Mohagen further explained what they had planned for roof top screening. Chairman McDonald opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Larson moved, Undestad seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Planning Case #06-16 Site Plan, for a 25,300 square-foot, one-story office-showroom- warehouse building, plans prepared by Mohagen Hansen Architectural Group, dated March 30, 2006, subject to the following conditions: 1.The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 2.A separate sign permit will be necessary for each sign. 3.The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 8 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 4.The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 5.Air-test required on that portion of storm sewer within ten feet of building or water service. Permits and inspections required through Chanhassen Building Inspections Division. 6.Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete plans are submitted. 7.The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 8.The applicant shall obtain permission from the property owner to the north prior to silt fence installation. If permission is not obtained, the plans shall be revised to accommodate all sediment control measures on-site. 9.Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. 10.The owner/operator of the proposed development shall apply for and receive an NPDES Phase II Construction permit prior to beginning construction activities. 11.The applicant shall apply for and obtain a permit from the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District and comply with their conditions of approval. 12.The Black Hills spruce near the building shall be moved east to serve as screening for the truck area. A narrower species of evergreen shall be considered for planting in this area. 13.A revised landscape plan shall be submitted before building permit approval. 14.All lighting fixtures must be shielded with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees. 15.A professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota must sign all plans. 16.The applicant will be required to submit storm sewer sizing design data for a 10-year, 24- hour storm event with a full size drainage area map prior to building permit issuance. 17.The applicant must verify with the City Building Department if the site connecting to the existing 8-inch watermain on the east side is adequately sized to handle the two lots’ consumption. 18.As the eastern access will service the two lots, cross-access easements will need to be obtained and recorded against the lots. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. 9 Planning Commission Summary – May 2, 2006 APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Commissioner Papke noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 18, 2006 as presented. Chairman McDonald adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 8:50 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 10