2 Skate Park Attendant/Program Assistant
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone 952.2271100
Fax 952.227 1110
Building Inspections
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2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone 952.2271400
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Phone 952.2271125
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Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
Nate Rosa. Recreation Supervisor N ~
May 16, 2006
Skate Park Attendant/Program Assistant
The Chanhassen Skate Park opened in September of 1999. The park is located
between City Hall and the downtown fire station. Skateboards, bicycles, and
in-line skates are welcome at this facility.
Since its inception, numerous concerns have been raised on how to maintain
an acceptable level of behavior within the skate park facility and surrounding
areas. The decision was made to hire a Skate Park Attendant/Program
Assistant to momtor the Skate Park and to fill in as needed in the Summer
Discovery Playground Program, field trips, etc. The position is under the
direct supervision of the Recreation Supervisor. It will be necessary to hIre
two or three people to cover the hours when the facility is most heavily used.
Work hours for this new position will be tentatively set until the best hours
can be determined. Hours will vary, however, on a rotating schedule so
facility users are unable to see set patterns for supervision of the skate park.
A brief job description on the position is as follows:
ProvIde supervision to city skate park and City Center Park. Enforce
skate park rules. Provide assistance with other park and recreation
programs as assigned. Must have previous experience working in
recreatIon programs or similar setting. 20-40 hours per week from
early spring to late fall, Monday through Sunday, varying hours of the
day. Must be able to consistently work weekends. Salary: $10 per
Attached you will find a complete job description for the position. We are
looking to fill this position with suitable employees as soon as possible.
The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
POSITION: Skate Park Attendant/Program Assistant CLASSIFICATION: Non-Exempt
Parks and Recreation
DATE: Spring 2006
To provide supervisIOn for the CIty skate park and surroundmg areas of City Center Park;
maintain an acceptable level of behavior wIthm these facilities and interact wIth partIcIpants.
ProvIde assistance with other park and recreation programs as assigned.
RELA TIONSHIPS: Reports to RecreatIOn Supervisor
1. Skate Park
Maintam and assert a visible presence
Enforce rules
Maintam clean facIlItIes: instruct partIcIpants to pick up after themselves or
personally remove litter
Maintam a safe environment for all partIcIpants: skatmg and non-skating
Report maintenance concerns to park maintenance staff and Recreation
Fill out mCIdent reports: behavioral and/or mJury related
Report mCIdents to Recreation Supervisor: behavioral and/or injury related
Contact emergency or non-emergency personnel if a sItuation arises needmg such
AssIgn, document, and enforce individual appropriate corrective actIOn when
necessary for behavioral and verbal misconduct
Communicate assigned correctIve action wIth all skate park staff and RecreatIOn
Record skate park attendance hourly: skaters and non-skaters
2. City Center Park/LIbrary/City Hall
Maintain and assert a viSIble presence
DIrect skaters to skate park area
Mamtain clean facilities: instruct partIcipants to pick up after themselves or
personally remove lItter
Maintam a safe environment for all partIcIpants
Report maintenance concerns to park maintenance staff and RecreatIOn
Contact emergency or non-emergency personnel If a situation arises needmg such
Act as liaison to City Center Park patrons: fields, the plaza, fountain area, parking
lots, library, and rink
3. Program Assistant
Assist in the preparation and/or supervisIOn of other CIty programs as assIgned i.e.
field trips, playground programs, sports programs, etc.
Perform office tasks as assigned
4. Prepare recommendations for purchase, utilization and maintenance of necessary
equipment, materials and supplies.
5. Prepare recommendatIOns for policIes, procedures, and scheduling.
6. Perform other duties as necessary to achieve the city's recreatIOnal and commumty
serVIces objectives as assigned.
1. Must be a mimmum of 18 years of age.
2. Must possess a positive attItude towards skateboardmg m general.
3. AbIlity to establIsh and maintain effective relationships and deal properly wIth the pubhc.
4. Work effectively in a fast-paced environment.
5. Experience working in recreation programs or SImIlar setting.
6. Ability to enforce rules in a positive, professional manner and take appropnate corrective
action when necessary.