06-17 PC Minutes 5-16-06 Planning Commission Meeting – May 16, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING: BLUFF CREEK BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT FOR BASIN 8, PLANNING CASE 06-17. Lori Haak presented the staff report on this item. McDonald: Kurt, any questions? Papke: What actually is the mitigation action here? Are you going to dredge? Are you going to plant? Can you describe what actions you’ll be taking in the mitigation area? Haak: Absolutely. The applicant is proposing, and actually these cross sections show it a little bit. The existing grade is the solid, or the, actually it’s a little hard to see here. There’s actually removal of some material. What I’ve drawn in in blue in those two cross sections is the finished grade of the wetland, and it’s very common in wetland mitigation to basically just excavate out an additional area adjacent to existing wetland. It really helps the long term viability of the wetland because a 1 acre wetland isn’t really that large if it was isolated in it’s own little area so yes, it would be the excavation of some material. In this case it’s a couple feet of material, and then there is some seeding that goes on with wetland mixes to ensure that the plants that are established are good plants. In addition there’s a 5 year monitoring period that’s required for all mitigation areas created within the city, and that’s actually a state requirement. So these will be monitored to make sure that they’re viable wetlands before they’re signed off on by the city. Papke: So just to summarize, you know in my own words. You’re basically going in with a backhoe and take out part of the bank and just make it a little bit wider is the bottom line. Haak: Correct. Papke: And then put some seeds in there and hopefully something will come up. Haak: Yes. Aanenson: Can I just add one other thing to that. When we looked at the Preserve site, this was a site that was identified as wetland replacement on the Preserve subdivision site, and some of the comments we got, because…by putting the sewer line through that area, so this is backing up some of…coming up against that sewer line itself so actually…so that was incorporated in the Preserve plan…but this will go onto the Degler property. Papke: Could you point out where the proposed trail is in relationship to this? So will this improve the sight lines of the trail, if you will? Haak: I’m actually now certain where the, I’ve drawn it in in yellow here, which is what they’re showing on the plan in the mitigation plan. Aanenson: The sewer line. 46 Planning Commission Meeting – May 16, 2006 Haak: Right, which is, and the sewer line goes like this. So actually it will be nice along the view shed of that trail. McDonald: Okay. Debbie, do you have any questions? No? Keefe: I just have one question in regards to, the Basin 5 is a Type 4 basin. Basin 6 is a Type 3 basin. You have a Type 1 and then they’re all going to be Type 1. Haak: I knew that somebody was going to ask that. Keefe: Without getting into too much detail, Haak: That’s alright. The edges of the wetlands are different than the middle. And when you type the entire basin, you type the deepest part. So a Type 4 is a deep wetland. Open water, you know cattails around the edges, but then when you go up towards the side, it is classified as a different type of wetland. Because it’s a little bit drier, it doesn’t flood as often. It doesn’t have standing water. Keefe: Okay. So we’re taking Basin 8, which is a Type 1, right? That’s the one we’re taking out, correct? Or filling. Haak: Right. Keefe: Which is an open water. Haak: Type 1, yes. Type 1 is not open water. Keefe: Okay. Type 1 is? Haak: Is more of a meadow. A wet meadow. Keefe: Okay. Alright. Haak: Yep, as the number goes up it gets wetter. Up to 5 and then it changes to water. Keefe: Okay, so we’re taking out one that’s virtually a meadow. Haak: Correct. Keefe: And we’re placing meadow around ones that are, have more open water potential? Haak: Correct. McDonald: I have no further questions. I guess in this particular case you’re also the applicant so there’s nobody else to bring up. This is a public meeting so if anyone from the public wishes to speak, state your name and address and state your comments. Okay, seeing no one step 47 Planning Commission Meeting – May 16, 2006 forward, I will close the public meeting and I’ll bring the issue back before the commissioners for discussion. No discussion. Okay. Then I would be open to a motion. Keefe: I make a motion the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve Wetland Alteration Permit 06-17 subject to conditions 1 through 5. McDonald: Do I have a second? Papke: Second. Keefe moved, Papke seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve Wetland Alteration Permit 06-17 subject to the following conditions: 1. Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420) at a ratio of 2:1. 2. The applicant shall provide plans for the mitigation of the additional 0.32 acres of wetland to city staff for review and approval prior to wetland impacts occurring. 3. All exposed soils from temporary haul routes, exposed slopes above the normal water level (NWL) and adjacent areas to the project shall be temporarily stabilized and seeded within the 7, 14 and 21 day time frames, depending upon slopes. Any concentrated flow areas shall receive temporary protection. 4. Erosion control blanket shall be used in concentrated flow areas and for slopes of 3:1. All remain areas shall be mulched and seeded to control erosion. 5. The applicant shall apply for NPDES Phase II Construction Permit and comply with their conditions of approval. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: NEAR MOUNTAIN LAKE ASSOCIATION BEACHLOT: REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ADDITION OF A SECOND DOCK ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OF LOTUS LAKE OFF PLEASANT VIEW ROAD (OUTLOT B, REICHERT’S ADDITION), PLANNING CASE 06-20. Public Present: Name Address Sam & Laurie Curnow 650 Pleasant View Road David & Valerie Rossbach 670 Pleasant View Road Amy & Jahn Dyvik 610 Pleasant View Road 48