Survey "\ :RANK R. CARDARELLE '\.(612) 941-3031 Land Surveyor Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Qtt~tit ieatt lI9t itt~tI~'tj . . Survey For Loren Veltkamp 6724 Lotus Trail w . . ._.' ~ C_hi;m.bass_en~.. MN .... Book 34~ Page ~6 File 4 622 I 2a / ! !;l.... 't%fbtl. '''NI. J ~. 1'1 Il I Sc.u\e 1'll30 SurfRce Drainage Arrows )... . ~ I _ &''7..2 ;r . .' Tot~l Land Area: 15,373 sq.ft. Hoq~e Area: 1,875 sq.ft. :" Garage: 6 9G- elq. ft. Total 2565 Deck: 822 sq.ft. Driveway:2245 sq.ft. Grand Total Lan~ Cover 5632 sq. ft. 36.6% Description: Lots 1170 through and inclusive of Lot 1178 and ~hatBar~ of Lot 1179 lying Northerly of a line running from the Nortn~est i~orner of said Lot 1179 to a point on the East line 15.0 feet ~~uth [f~om the Northeast corner of said Lot 1179; als6 that part of the I~st ~~.O feet of Lot 116~ and all of Lot 1169 lying Northerly of a 1~~e r~ppipg from a point on the East line of said Lot 1169, a distance of 180.0;' :feet South of the Northeast cbr~er of said Lot 1169 to a point on ~he W;~~t l~ne of the East 10 feet of sald Lot 1168 a. distance of 60.0 feet Fou~rl of ~he Northwest corner of said East 10 feet of Lot 1168 and there. term~natlng, Carver County, Minnesota. . ' 'I' I ,. . If MY on lAId land. ,.,1 horoby ~r\Ify th~lthlo 10 ~ true Illld Qorrool ropruontoUon of II ourvey of the boundrloo of above de s cr' ".} ~. C a rver ::.: ..County, Mlnnosolund the 10QoUon chil buildings oroo. rJ 17;'2 6k> ~- Survoyedbymoonthlo 2nd dllyof September .19~. l'\eV, ,./; I' , Rey.... //-/o~ 17 .f?!~~"<5'&d fJet.!< ( 'I '. rJ-8.{)6 rank R. Cardarelle State Reg. No. 6508