7 Senior Center Activities Update
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Todd Hoffman, Park and RecreatIon Director
Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator
June 14,2006
Senior Center Activities Update
Participation in spring programs and tnps has been good. The highlight of the
spring programs is always the numerous events and activities that occur in May
"Senior Awareness Month." All the card clubs have month long tournaments, the
CHAN-o-Iaries have community concerts, and various special events are offered.
The annual "Breakfast with the Mayor" (which was attended by 45 people) is a
favorite event. Mayor Furlong updates the Senior Center participants on all the
new developments and projects that are occurring in Chanhassen. I have received
excellent feedback on how much they appreciate hearing this information first
hand, seeing the PowerPoint presentation and how open the Mayor is to their
questions and feedback.
Once again, the Chanhassen Lions Club hosted the Annul Lake Ann picmc. The
weather, food and games were perfect and all 85 people had an enjoyable time. A
Certificate of Appreciation was presented to the Lions for sponsoring the picnic.
The Semor Center continues to offers health, wellness and various educatIOn
programs. A relationship has been developed with Ridgeview Medical Center
Education Department and 3 excellent programs were offered so far in 2006.
Informational technology classes are being offered each quarter. The Basis of
ebay class, which was offered in Apnl, was a huge success. The next class
"Digital Cameras - What you need to know" will be offered in July.
The Connection, quarterly newsletter, and the weekly "Senior News" section in
the Chanhassen Villager continues to be an excellent source of exposure and for
bringing new people into the center. I know I state this in every report, but as I
informally track new names, I inquire how they heard about the Senior Center and
the majority of people state they saw it in the Villager or in the Connection.
Participation in extended trips is fair. This seems to be the trend with numerous
local travel companies as well. In an effort to offer a few shorter trips, to attract
different people, this fall we will be offering a joint overnight trip with Chaska
Seniors to Lanesboro, Minnesota. To date there are 18 people SIgned up.
Summer tends to be a little slower, however, not in Bridge (weekly attendance
48 +) and monthly special events, as the snowbirds are back.
The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a chanming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.