2 Discussion Regarding Baseball Facilities
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Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
June 21, 2006
Discussion Regarding Baseball FacIlIties
Daniel HOIsington wrote in his book "Chanhassen - A Centennial History" that
Reubon Bongard had a dream. He wanted a baseball team for his town.
Hoisington contmues that Bongard had a right-hand man in Ollie Iverson who
became the assistant coach. Iverson was a veteran who landed at Normandy on
D-Day. The players looked up to Iverson who was in his 40's at the tIme. He
was a pitcher and he could stIll pItch well mto his 60's.
In 1947 Bongard officIally organized the Chanhassen Red Birds. First they
needed a field. It is reported in the Centennial Book that a bunch of locals
gathered together to clear some wooded land north of the original St. Hubert's
Church. Tom KeIrn remembered, "We cut 300 trees by hand and then blew up
stumps. Dutch (Pauly) was lucky that they didn't hit the stained glass wmdows at
his store. They just hit the basement windows. Stumps flying through the au!"
For the first game, the field was nothing more than a flat piece of hard ground.
There were no dugouts, no grandstands, no refreshment stand. But as one player
recalled, "Chanhassenites were prouder than New Yorkers are of Yankee
Stadium." That debut game was played on May 4, 1947. The Red Birds beat
Hydes Lake by a score of 9-4.
On Tuesday, May 22, 2006 a group of local baseball enthusiasts came before the
Park and Recreation Commission with the same dream. To bring baseball back to
Chanhassen, the first order of business is to build another baseball field. I wish
we could gather up a bunch of locals, some saws and dynamite; head out to the
edge of town and go to work on another field. But times have changed and
although the dream is the same, the path to fulfilling that dream has become a bit
more complicated.
Fortunately, I believe the timing of this conversation could not be better. This
November Chanhassen residents living within School District 112 will vote on a
school referendum to accomplish, among other things, the construction of a new
High School. Land in Chanhassen has already been purchased and set aside by
the School District for this project. If approved by voters and constructed, this
school wIll bring with it the need for a variety of outdoor sporting venues. These
new venues will include a baseball field capable of hosting hIgh school baseball
The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks A great place to live, work, and play
Park and Recreation Commission
June 27, 2006
Page 2 of 2
If approved, the new school will open in the fall of 2009. Their first baseball
season would be in the spnng of 2010. I understand the desire to see baseball
moved back into town next spring. However, it is my recommendation that we
explore a joint effort with School District 112 to build a baseball stadium capable
of hosting multiple teams.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the
City Council initiate a jomt effort with School District 112 and other interested
parties to explore the future construction of a baseball stadIUm within the City of
c: Harold Lund
Dick Mingo
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