Application 3 '. w Planning Case No. ~ - /)51 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: ~ &.LN\ ~I"'O fZ.~ cJ~ ~6+"'''''' +or~ 31 "- )...0..- IJ.~ U.a.. z ~I +, ^IJ ~ fj,.; oJ.) :1~ Ie. 1 Ckn.-~k~ ~N S:.t;~~~ Contact: ! Il. M GooC. ~~ Phone:6'2-~gs...6.2BC'f Fax: 95:z.-_?tJ8-95/~ Email: .....~.Gjj......4i......-~.2.u_~~..i U~.. b'l~ ,~ Owner Name and ddress: o I s-'t, D 13 14 f f <!. (! Q 'L I( C~4.~~~ MN) 553/,(J Contact: ~~~ ~IA~T~~ Phone: /'1 - '6 .. Fax: Email: NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit . Conditional Use Pennit (CUP) Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements 01 AC) ,... . Interim Use Pennit (IUP) Variance 01 AR) Non-conforming Use Pennit Wetland Alteration Pennit (WAP) Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Pennits Sign Plan Review Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attomey Cost** - $50 CUP/SPRlVACNARlWAPlMetes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ Site Plan Review (SPR)* Subdivision* An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, includ'in9 an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diqital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. "'Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. TOTAL ACREAGE: ~J;7 ~,d J,~T7~ PtUfu...re b rn d~ LOCATION: iau~:lia^-, d~~~"^".j-~ DA.. &L-Ua..d..e.cl 7.6 h'll,,~~ h\.y LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~de,- ~lh:'tr: r;,~.AJ.'f"';Jj IIi. Nor-ft...., /i!.aV~- 'Z(o \J o~"" oil ",0,--0 Y'i . W~~-t, SeG-liLJ-1...a ~/ ..JJ~ J'~ ~~J&i) , (.. ; 6~8 A~re.~ X NO E#~ ~ J:&. ~::d :l.~ PROJECT NAME: ,4 J) .0 t"'o -x. I , WETLANDS PRESENT: YES Az NA ~== PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION:_ AI!;; '" ~ -~k JZ.fY;.,j e~~,t>1 1-0...;2 ()e..-c."'jr REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION" /2..e.6Ide/'l-l.iJ Io...t-J' ()P../L~ l};/ REASON FOR REQUEST: :[oh.^- Kli~e.1 J...u-i-~ uJo~J /; k... .s~Q.. ~ II o.........d 1n OdD;1 c~ J...:~ ~ I"'b f)~~ -It, ~""'otrlA... ao.-a:J- lSl1.-i.l2..... I I , ~ +J.r.e. .t'i.+Q.~ ~IOnq~~. I AIJIl,{)")' 30, GOO v I . PRESENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING: C'f v of' F:/lo This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 6/..2.rYIJ6 ( D Ie 6/~/a6 · D Ie G:\pLANlformslOevelopmenl Review Application.OOC Rev 12/05 CCAtUlED Chanhassen Grading Permit Q&A Job No. Klingelhutz Grading Permit Application Da~: June29,2006 Section 7-35 Applications for Earth Work Permits Q: The name and address of the operator and owner of the land. A: Operator: Zumbro River Constructors 312 Lake Hazeltine Drive, Suite 100 Chaska, MN, 55318 Ph: 952-368-5600 Cell: 612-685-5289 Owner: John Klingelhutz 1560 Bluff Creek Chanhassen MN, 55318 Q: The correct legal description of the property where the activity is proposed to occur. A: 1560 Bluff Creek Drive, Chanhassen MN, 55318 -zjp (l,J 1z... ~ 5w y~ ') Carver County; Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Section 35 (Nt!;--'74-;-o~ Q: A certified abstract listing the names of all landowners owning property within 500 feet of the boundary of the property described above. A: City personnel expressed that this is done by the City Q: Provide the following: a. Proposed Grading Plan - Answer ; provided herein b. Proposed Stockpile Sites - Answer; Not Applicable, material will not be stockpiled. c. The physical relationship of the proposed designated site to the community and existing development - Answer; See attached 7.5 minute map. d. Site topography and natural features including location of watercourses and water bodies - Answer; See grading plan, Secondly, no watercourses or bodies of water are lie within the area of this grading plan. e. The description and quantity of material to be excavated - Answer; No excavation is required, approximately 30,000 cubic yards of material will be placed as fill. f. The depth of water tables throughout the area. Answer - Water table is more than 20' below grade. g. The location and depth of wells and buried garbage, water, and fill. Answer - Not applicable, there are no wells, buried garbage, water, fill, etc in this area. ZUMBRO RIVER CONSTRUCTORS ~CAmIED Chanhassen Grading Permit Q&A Job No. Klingelhutz Grading Permit Application Date: June 29, 2006 Q: The purpose of the Operation? A: John Klingelhutz would like to receive some fill materials to reduce the steepness of some of some of his pasture slopes. The area which will receive fill is approximately 6.8 acres in SIZe. Q: The estimated time required to complete the operation A: Approximately one week time. ZRC generally moves over 20,000 cubic yards of material per day. Q: Hours and months of operation A: Hours of operation are between 7am and Spm but are flexible: Month of operation will depend on the approval of the permit, but we are predicting sometime in August, September or October of 2006. Q: A tree survey indicating the location and type of all trees over 6 inches in caliper. A: See attached grading plan. Q: An end use landscape plan and interim screening plan for the operation period. A: Not applicable due to the short duration of the activity. Landscaping will be re-established to the original condition, i.e. a hay field. Seed will be picked by the owner. Q: The plan of operation, including processing, nature of the processing and equipment, . location of the plant source of water) disposal of water and reuse of water. A: Not applicable, should not use any water, except for dust control and compaction: Q: Travel routes to and from the site and the number and type of trucks that will be used. A: Fill will be placed with scrapers which will cross the new Hwy 212 alignment and access Mr. Klingelhutz's property without going on public roads. ZUMBRO RIVER CONSTRUCTORS Chanhassen Grading Permit Q&A Job No. Klingelhutz Grading Permit Application Date: June 29,2006 Q: Plans for drainage, erosion control, sedimentation and dust control. A: Drainage patterns are not being altered. Erosion control will be provided in accordance with Chanhassen, Bluff Creek Watershed and MnDot standards. In the event the standards conflict with one another, the more stringent standard will apply. Standard erosion control measures such as silt fence and rock checks are shown on the plan. Area will be permanently seeded and mulched within 7 days of completion of the grading. Applicant will install the erosion control measures per the standard City of Chanhassen plates attached. Q: Restoration Plan: A: Area will be restored to a hayfield per the contours and x-sections shown on the grading plan. Q: Provide the contour of the land prior to excavation and proposed contours after completion of excavation and after completion of restoration. A: See Grading Plan Q: Those areas of the site to be used for storage of topsoil and overburden. A: Topsoil will be stockpiled around the perimeter of the grading area for a short term duration of approximately one week. Q: A schedule setting forth the timetable for excavation of land lying with the extraction facility. A: Approximately one week of a filling operation, no excavation should be necessary. Q: The grade of all slopes after restoration, base upon proposed land uses and description of the type and quantity of plantings where revegetation is to be conducted. A: See grading plan and cross sections. Area will be reseeded using a hay mix identified by the owner. ZUMBRO RIVER CONSTRUCTORS Chanhassen Grading Permit Q&A Job No. Klingelhutz Grading Permit Application Date: June 29, 2006 Q: A statement identifying the applicant's program to insure compliance with the permit conditions, method of response to complaints and resolving conflicts that may arise as a result of complaints. A: The applicant for this project is Zumbro River Constructors whom are responsible for the construction of the new Hwy 212 project. As part of this project, ZRC has numerous environmental compliance personnel who can respond to any environmental or permit issues. Additionally, public complaints will be heard and responded through our public relations department. The contact person is Paige Andrews, Phone 612-685-3954. If this person is not available, please contact the Segment Manager for this area who is Mike MacArthur, Cell 612-685-5289. Q: Provide the criteria and standards to be used to achieve final restoration as wells as intermittent stabilization. A: The area will be re-established to a hay field unless the City of Chanhassen has other requirements we are not aware of. Due to the short duration of the project, intermittent stabilization other than the erosion control shown on the grading plan should not be necessary. Q: Provide, unless exempt under Minnesota Rules, an environmental assessment worksheet, if required by the City. A: To our knowledge this is not required for this application. Q: Provide a wetland alteration permit, if require by the City Code, which shall be processed concurrently with the excavation permit application. A: No wetlands are affected by this application. ZUMBRO RIVER CONSTRUCTORS Chanhassen Grading Permit Q&A Job No. Klingelhutz Grading Permit Application Date: June 29, 2006 Section 7-35 Applications for Earth Work Permits Q: The name and address of the operator and owner of the land. A: Operator: Zumbro River Constructors 312 Lake Hazeltine Drive, Suite 100 Chaska, MN, 55318 Ph: 952-368-5600 Cell: 612-685-5289 Owner: John Klinge1hutz 1560 Bluff Creek Chanhassen MN, 55318 Q: The correct legal description of the property where the activity is proposed to occur. A: 1560 Bluff Creek Drive, Chanhassen MN, 55318 Carver County; Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Section 35 (NE V4, of SW V4) Q: A certified abstract listing the names of all landowners owning property within 500 feet of the boundary of the property described above. A: City personnel expressed that this is done by the City Q: Provide the following: a. Proposed Grading Plan - Answer ; provided herein b. Proposed Stockpile Sites - Answer; Not Applicable, material will not be stockpiled. c. The physical relationship of the proposed designated site to the community and existing development - Answer; See attached 7.5 minute map. d. Site topography and natural features including location of watercourses and water bodies - Answer; See grading plan, Secondly, no watercourses or bodies of water are lie within the area of this grading plan. e. The description and quantity of material to be excavated - Answer; No excavation is required, approximately 30,000 cubic yards of material will be placed as fill. f. The depth of water tables throughout the area. Answer - Water table is more than 20' below grade. g. The location and depth of wells and buried garbage, water, and fill. Answer - Not applicable, there are no wells, buried garbage, water, fill, etc in this area. ZUMBRO RIVER CONSTRUCTORS Chanhassen Grading Permit Q&A Job No. Klingelhutz Grading Permit Application Da~: June29,2006 Q: The purpose of the Operation? A: John Klingelhutz would like to receive some fill materials to reduce the steepness of some of some of his pasture slopes. The area which will receive fill is approximately 6.8 acres in SIZe. Q: The estimated time required to complete the operation A: Approximately one week time. ZRC generally moves over 20,000 cubic yards of material per day. Q: Hours and months of operation A: Hours of operation are between 7am and 5pm but are flexible. Month of operation will depend on the approval of the permit, but we are predicting sometime in August, September or October of 2006. Q: A tree survey indicating the location and type of all trees over 6 inches in caliper. A: See attached grading plan. Q: An end ,use landscape plan and interim screening plan for the operation period. , A: Not applicable due to the short duration of the activity. Landscaping will be re-established to the original condition, i.e. a hay field. Seed will be picked by the owner. Q: The plan of operation, including processing, nature of the processing and equipment, location of the plant source of water, disposal of water and reuse of water. A: Not applicable, should not use any water, except for dust control and compaction. Q: Travel routes to and from the site and the number and type of trucks that will be used. A: Fill will be placed with scrapers which will cross the new Hwy 212 alignment and access Mr. Klingelhutz's property without going on public roads. ZUMBRO RIVER CONSTRUCTORS SAMPLE EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS HAINT AIN A 16 roOT BUffER BET\lEEN EDGE llf \lATER AND DISTURBED SOIL " . SURFACE" WATER O"R VATERVAY. LOT 2 I I I OPTION 2 - J-HllOK SILT fENCE BUTT fENCE TOGETHER A T PROPERTY LINE ~ I LEGEND I .,..............~.. ..-..-- HOUSE GARAGE ......... S1..T ruG: ~ S1MVM.I..I:H .... SUFMX VATER -v"raF'l.JJW STOR~1 SEIJER INLET IJIMCO DR SIMILAR INLET PROTECTION DETAIL 5302A SEDIMENT CONTROL * Perimeter sediment controls are necessary at downsloping property and street edges. Note that sediment controls need to provide containment by turning perimeter controls upslope-into property. * Perimeter controls can include mulch socks, mulch berms and/or silt fence. EROSION CONTROL * Topsoil-Site has a minimum of 4-6 inches of topsoil. * Construction entrance-1.5 to 3-inch clean rock at a depth of 6 inches. * House Roof Perimeter-Straw mulch at 2 inches deep around house directly below roof line. If house has rain gutters, downpouts need energy dissipation. * Slopes-Steeper than 4: 1 need fiber blankets and temporary or permanent seeding. * Swales-Need check dams or blankets. . CI TY OF CHARRISSEI EROSION CONTROL REVISED: 1 -06 DATE: PLATE NO.: 53028 FILE NAME: 393 53028 ~ I .i~._.,~\ 2 r.~\1.. . ..........'-........ . . ......" /"'~ r- " -~.~--tt.-- ". , I. ---. - ..n-.... .f' .11........: . .... ........ "'. -l!2S' , , Sz. 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