CC Minutes 6-12-06 City Council Meeting - June 12, 2006 e. T-Mobile: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a 9 foot fence at the Water Tower Site, 6434 Murray Hill Road. f. Bluff Creek Boulevard Improvement Project: Approval of a Wetland Alteration Permit for Basin 8. g. Lake Minnewashta Homeowners Association: Approval of a Fireworks Permit for July 4, 2006. h. Resolution #2006-39: Approval of 2005 Year End Closings and Transfers. 1. Resolution #2006-40: Adoption of Resolution Removing Properties from the Rural Service District. J. Expansion of Licensed Premises for Serving Beer & Wine, CJ's Coffee & Wine Bar, 600 Market Street, Suite 170. k. Approval of Quote: Tennis Court Resurfacing Project. 1. Resolution #2006-41: Longacres Drive Storm Pond Outlet Improvement and Lyman Boulevard Sewer Repair, City Project Nos. 06-08, 06-09: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Keith Gunderson: This is new business? Mayor Furlong: No sir. This is visitor presentations. Is there a particular item that you wanted to discuss? Keith Gunderson: Yes. It's about the trees that Todd Hoffman has made a decision to plant on the north end of Lotus Lake. Mayor Furlong: Okay, this would be the time to do it. Keith Gunderson: My name's Keith Gunderson. I live at 6661 Mohawk Drive. I'm here tonight to talk about people affected by the decision that Todd Hoffman just made to plant trees in the parkland known as Carver Beach Park. Todd has 5 trees scheduled for planting on the north end of the park that runs parallel with this trail. Six homes are affected by this decision, and this is what I want to talk about tonight. The homes affected by this decision from north to south are Maureen Schroeder, Glen Grainer, Richard and Joan Wright, Martha Nygren, myself, Keith and Patricia Gunderson, Chris and Cindy Anderson. Here tonight we have a couple of the homeowners with us tonight. The Wright's and the Anderson's, along with myself. Martha's 93 and she doesn't get out much anymore. All these people have felt that, have told him that they 2