Findings of Fact CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE: Application of Near Mountain Lake Association request for Conditional Use Permit amendment; Variance for additional dock without required beachlot area; and Variance from maximum number of watercraft per dock structure - Planning Case 06-20. On May 16,2006, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application Near Mountain Lake Association for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment, Variance from lot area requirement for a second dock structure and variance from maximum allowed boats per dock. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed Planned Unit Development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Residential Single Family, RSF. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential - Low Density. 3. The legal description of the property is: Outlot B, Reichert's Addition. 4. Recreational Beachlot Conditional Use Permit a. The beach lot does provide a recreational amenity, however the area on Pleasant View Road which is currently a substandard road with poor sightlines which will reduce public safety if beach lot use is intensified. b. The beach lot will not be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance unless variances from the required lot area for the second dock and the number of boats allowed per dock are obtained. c. There are several beach lots on Lotus Lake. The proposed CUP amendment will impact the existing neighborhoods with increased boat traffic and/or decreased public safety on Pleasant View Road a current substandard street from intensified beach lot usage. d. Pleasant View Road is 26 feet wide with poor sightlines and is a substandard street. The current standard road width for public residential streets is 31 feet. The area of the beach 1 lot will interfere with traffic if additional cars were to park along Pleasant View Road decreasing the ability for traffic to travel Pleasant View Road. e. The recreational beach lot ordinance indicates that the maximum amount of boats docked cannot exceed 3 per dock (Sec.20-266 (6)). Boats may be clustered if additional dock structures are allowed. The applicant does not meet the requirements for a second dock structure and would be limited to 3 docked boats. f. The beach lot has over 500 feet of frontage and an area of 27,000 square feet as determined by a survey submitted by the applicant. This is 23,000 square feet short of the required 50,000 square feet for a second dock structure. A variance is required if the second dock is to be installed at the beach lot. 5. Variance (Second Dock). a. The literal enforcement of this chapter would not cause undue hardship. There are no comparable properties within 500 feet. There are other recreational beach lots on Lotus Lake that exist within single family residential zoning which are governed by nonconforming use permits or existing conditional use permits. b. The conditions upon which this petition for a variance is based are generally applicable to beach lots. c. Since its creation, the beach lot has never had the area necessary for a second dock structure. Therefore, the hardship is self-created. d. The granting of a variance will be detrimental to the public welfare due to intensified use of the beach lot including increased parking and substandard street width. 6. Variance (Four Boat Slips per dock). a. The literal enforcement of this chapter would not cause undue hardship. There are no comparable properties within 500 feet. There are other recreational beach lots on Lotus Lake that exist within single family residential zoning which are governed by nonconforming use permits or existing conditional use permits. No beach lots on Lotus Lake with Conditional Use Permits are permitted to have more than 3 slips per dock. b. The conditions upon which this petition for a variance is based are generally applicable to beach lots. c. The alleged difficulty or hardship is a self-created hardship because the number of slips per dock allowed by code has not changed since the original conditional use permit was granted in 1981. 2 d. The granting of a variance will be detrimental to the public welfare due to intensified use of the beach lot including increased parking and substandard street width. RECOMMENDA TION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council deny the Conditional Use Amendment with Variances for Near Mountain Lake Association. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 16th day of May, 2006. 3