Administrative Section Administrative Section CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227 1100 Fax 952.227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.2271180 Fax 952.2271190 Engineering Phone 952.2271160 Fax 952.227 1170 Finance Phone 952.2271140 Fax 952.2271110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227 1120 Fax 952.2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.2271400 Fax 952.227 1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.2271130 Fax 952.2271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.2271300 Fax 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone 952.227 1125 Fax 952.2271110 Web Site VNlw.ci. chanhassen. mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent ~ DATE: June 27,2006 SUBJ: Skate Park Attendant Update The Skate Park Attendant program officially started on June 22. Currently, Nate has one (1) attendant hued, and starting thIS week, two more attendants will begin working. A staff manual has been distributed to current staff and will be distributed to other staff pnor their start date. Nate has contacted Jim Olson, Chanhassen Sergeant, and will coordinate a training session with the Carver County Sheriff's Department and the skate park attendants. This will give the attendants an opportumty to meet and interact WIth the deputies and establish a high level of communication between the city and county. The deputies have stopped over at the skate park to introduce themselves to Matt Juelich, our current attendant. Response to having a skate park attendant has been mixed. The kids are wondering what is going on and the parents are thrilled that an attendant will be present. Our current attendant, Matt Juelich, seems to enjoy his new position and is domg a good job. Attached please find the attendance sheets from the days an attendant has been on duty, a current work schedule, and a staff manual. I hope you find thIS information helpful. Please let me know if you need additional mformation. The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. ~ ~ co co 0... co 0... co co co 0 "<t '0 '0 ..- '0 I '0 '0 '0 c: c: I c: ~ c: c: c: ~ ~ ~ ~ e:{ ~ ~ ~ C/) C/) 0... C/) 0 C/) C/) C/) "<t ~ ~ ~ 0... 0... 0... ~ 0 CO ~ CO 0 CO 0... CO C") CO CO '0 '0 ..- '0 "f '0 <i;i '0 '0 ... c: ... I ... ... ... ... ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c: ~ ~ - 0 - 0... - e:{ - 0 - - CO CO CO CO CO CO C/) c: C/) 0 C/) 0 C/) 0 C/) C/) C\l C") c: C\l ~ ~ ~ 0... 0... 0... 0 CO 0 CO 0 CO CO CO ..- CO I '0 ..- '0 ..- '0 '0 '0 ~ '0 ';: I ';: ~ ';: ';: .;: .;: LL. ~ LL. LL. LL. LL. 0... LL. 0... 0... 0 "<t "<t C") Q) :; "0 ~ Q) ..c: ~ ~ 0... ~ C,) CO 0... CO CO 0... CO 0 CO CO C/) '0 0 '0 '0 0 '0 C") '0 0... '0 - CII ..- CII CII ..- CII ~ CII ll( CII c: ... I ... ... 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I'L~ luxe TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals 5fYV' 1.1 (lJ 4 0pM, Y }2' 4 I q 2 11 ? fJ "'" ~~M 15 f!f 15 01 oM & jE5 ~ .. 14 1- .15 j()ni"\ Clo~e.... , WEATHER TEMPERA TURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANTISNAME:~o..t\- "1"v~tc~ DATE: 6/'L3/Wo6 The attendant on duty during the followmg times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals 4oV"\. ~ ~ 3 , h '1 ~ 5o~ I L fJ. L G olh. , 4 f5 Lf "7()1"\ ~O"" 3 'z S- Cin~ ~ 6 '3 , 3> '7 l () ll{V\ ex r / WEA THER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: DATE: bitt.{ lot The attendant on duty uring the following tImes must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals \ Z. l?~ 4 2 6' 1f)~ ~ ~ ~ 20M r; RJ ( ') niM l~ . \b 3 "' 4 OM ) :M J , \. I , 6 I)JII\ f .~.. t . - WEATHER (j~~~ TEMPERA TURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department A TTENDANT'S NAME: ~^oJt- :SVe/\~ 0~ DA TE: c; /?-.C /0,6 The attendant o~ duty during the following times must complete an attendance fonb. ' Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals .1- 1- L s- \0 b --- J 6 WEA THER TEMPERA TURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: "^tA\- ~e-\ic~ DATE: k;/7fl/oC The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. . Fill out the following information completely. ! TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals !f(),-..., \1- C/ 17 , 'If e tt ~ (l t'\ (, lvv' 5 > 8 '7<11fl/1. ."" .,- 1- 6" b r \'1 1 ~'lJfV\ \~ q 1M. 11- /5 YL It) :M \\ Cf \ \ r r WEATHER TEMPERA TURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: tv\lA\t- -SV~\Lk DATE: (; /7 g l(Je The attendant on duty dunng the following times must complete an attendance fo~. ' Fill out the following mformation completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals \ \0.."'" 2 {2J L \ 1 OM 3 i L{ , LJ e1 q '\ \/JIM , 5 6 ~ Z. IIIt1V1 r tI\ \ to 3 .1,.4.. r p g C YI1"" I , WEATHER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: tJ\Q,\\- -SV<J\'\~ DATE: 6/'$%t The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals 4{)V\.. '1 rf L( ~~M Z er z. c;~~ 5 V5 [; r;~M 6 j.. f7 ... ,6 :0 c:;: CJ....",.jV\ 1 to ( ef \Q a 0"" " b (?5 ~ ft\f'IM r WEA THER TEMPERA TURE: ~()\- WIND: ~"\J~ WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKA TE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: tI\~1J ~e\(~ DATE: 7/1/06 The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals o ~ \0 l' rf J\ 5e 11- 4 9 1.1- 14 5V'"\ /:J (4 j2J WEATHER TEMPERA TURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: -r SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'SNAME:-----M JVe.\,c.~ DATE: 7/2,/06 The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals 4 4 5~ s v"'\ 10 ^ 5 ~ 5 WEA THER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: f i f I j I I CLOUDY: Comments: i f , i i \ \ SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department A TTENDANT'S NAME: tJ\ a \t Jve.- \ j c.h DATE: ry I '3 ! 0 ( The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals ) L ()}1\'1 2 (If L 1~~ 2- ~ ~ ~ 2 , L.I ~ 5 L~V"-\. 3 'O~ 6 1- '1 , (2f 4 O~ \L-. , 1..- , g ~ \6 50-" " ~ 4 lZ- ~ , 'S \) ~ t?~ 4- & ~^ 1~ Jt; ~ I ;f I i I I I f WEA THER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'SNAME:~ ~e.'iG"" DATE: ?/'-I/Ob The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals \~ 3 J;r ~ . ~ 1rwv. 1- <-f 2~M , 1- & , \2- L \LA ~M I if 12- Yl)~ ~ 5'/\ "'^ ~ 1 Lf , 5 g \~ (;()1'lI\ , 1- r; 1fJ{)(\., c;- ~IN'Y\ ~ C1 L WEATHER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCIDLL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'SNAME:_~O,i\\. ~\clA DATE: 7/b /0:( The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the followmg information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals L{DV--\ r; @' 7 , S- f[ S 1;;0"",, , Cf , bOf"\ t1 Y f7 n '" g. (q ''7 , \0 ]/ \0 ~ 01', 9~f\ , I \ \4 , \0 '-\ \4 \(')0('\ I , ,. WEATHER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: Mokb -rvt..\\c1\ DATE: fit 2::>/06 The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance forin. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals \OGV4 L {2f L ( 111M <;2J ~ eJ \7 1>" (jZ5 f25 )Zf , 1- IZf 1- 1 ()M , ~ ::L L\ Co",,", )~ ? 1- S ~:" ~ 1 y r WEATHER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANTISNAME:J'I\tt\\ ~\Jt~ DATE: f""] / q /06" The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals I () ft.V'\ f!5 ff?f J25 t\Q\W\ (?) L 0' 's:;25 tloW\ 2 1- :3 1-nIAA G g G 2,:~ ~ .JZr 3 , ~ (lJ L1 38.-" , '7 (2f ~ l-fil,N\ I WEATHER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: V\~ 3Je..-\\~ DATE: 7/fO/ob The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals !;; P.M Is- J l'& Otf)"" \ \ 0 \\ ? ~n \\ \ \'L ~OA \5' 2 t7 . l\ 2 t3 90.A. lIS n ("'\ ~ 0 5 v WEATHER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'SNAME:~ JU("I~cf1 DATE: 7'rL/Otf The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance fo. ' Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals L(p~ y (0 \l\ 5~ ~ 1- \0 b~ q (; \5" r;~M \2- Z. lL\ Do,,", ILl L \(' q~ '7 {lJ r; , b 0 b IOt?M , WEA THER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and ~~creation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: N\O\\+- -S\X.-\idA. DATE:Jg /, ') 16{ The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance fo~. I Fill out the following information completely. TIME # of Skaters # of Non-skaters Totals M. ~ y L i 12- WEA THER TEMPERATURE: WIND: WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: SKATE PARK ATTENDANCE FORM Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department ATTENDANT'S NAME: ~o.\\- :Sue \ ~ (,~ DA TE: r; I 'J /06' The attendant on duty during the following times must complete an attendance form. Fill out the following information completely. TIME It (1 1 L ) # of Skaters # of Non-skaters 'L TOUJls Z- 5 b '1 TEMPERATURE: \-\r\- ~\\ WIND: Mo('~ I' WEA THER WINDCHILL TEMPERATURE: CLEAR: CLOUDY: Comments: , , . , Wfi' .p REC""=;VJ:D Jtp .~ _ . JUL 0 6 2006 CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. CITY OF CHANHA" P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~~ ~ ( .eJ-; Picnic Facility \...e...taJ.-. ~ ~\t~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic 1 (i) 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 (j) 3 4 5 Was facility clean 1 W 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 0 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 1 ~ 3 4 5 Overall impression of facility 1 cp 3 4 5 Comments: What did you like most about your picnic facility: l/U-6vv- ~ C~G [v...f ~ ~~ o\(~ ~~ I ~ , (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? ~ f (~ , What improvements could be made to better the facility? ~ FAOj- / ~ Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation,process?' . --t\. - CV0k~e-<'-h6 ,- .~) Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! RECE\VED ,. CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREA lION JUN 2 2 ZOO~ ~ 7700 MARKET BLVD. CITY OF CHANH ~w'. P.O. BOX 147 ....:,. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) Picnic Facility Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 2 3 4 5 Was facility clean 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. CD 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 8 2 3 4 5 Overall impression of facility 2 3 4 5 comments:~ ~ Q fClAA. - vJ~ ~- uJ). ~ )wy~ '1~ ~ What #0: YOU-like most about your picnic facility: ~uwLJ -- bMN.~ ~ ~ ~ J.ot ctJv ~, W-<_ W rtJ. -/ (1 qwA- - <:o-nv~,-een-- d~ (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? ~~U0 What improvements could be made to better the facility? Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! ~w~ / . ~(~d' u ;) vJu ~ " ~~ CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. RECr:lVr:D P.O. BOX 147 JUL 1 0 2006 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF CHAi'JHASSEN PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional).J1Le-~e/' Picnic Facility La k Sa~ {!.~ 0"1 (3 ckA e-h "'Y\. Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic 1 @ 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 (i) 3 4 5 Was facility clean 1 ~ 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. @ 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 0 2 3 4 5 Overall impression of facility CD 2 3 4 5 What amenities would you like added? ~< ~ ou.r- f~ - e~/vllIlt(;- WiY5 What improvements could be made to better the facility? {lj)IAt!N~ led 1e So l'vt ~ p;;ui tfrOy, . {' 9 v' e.oc:f- / eOwJev wac;..?l ~e- CJW,I7A U/fs/L. f'.Lk?JJ u)c?J S / -- Do you have any suggestions or ideas tp better the picnic reservation process? ~:J, ~o~+~ ~jC ~vL.rno~tf:!;/:;!:u'ltrf5 ~ r1.4f ~fr2~)((k;" Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! RECE1'lED CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION JUL 0 3 2006 7700 MARKET BLVD. CITY OF CHANHA P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) S V ~^ ~ ~ l \ ~ Picnic Facility L-.w k S Jj~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic I ~ 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee I 2 3 ~ 5 iCV Was facility clean I 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. q) 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations I G 3 4 5 Overall impression of facility I ~ 3 4 5 comments:~17 ~_6.~~6~1\ 0.-( JC; +o-tJ ~ \~ ~ . at did you like most!i:about your pic~cfacility: i-c k~~y~\l~ w~ (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? _p ~ fY"d ~~q / What improvements could be made to better the facility? Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! RECEIVED JUL 0 6 2006 CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREA TIOlSlTY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BLVD. P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(OpTIOnal)~(JlJff..... rH~n1C ruclllTY t w;/t _ ~....~ A'r -: 'o~lJ:./ DradJia-ll"n Party Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic (1) 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 (f) 3 4 5 Was facility clean 1 0 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. CO 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 0J 2 3 4 5 Overall impression of facility 6) 2 3 4 5 Comments: What did you like most about your picnic facility: / (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? What improvements could be made to better the facility? jl1ft11 fl <; t1~ Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? ~{j Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. RECE\VED In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Picnic FacilityJ1Alt5t.~ Fc...ui~ ~ Group Name:(optiona Excellent Good Average Fair (Please circle one) Procedure for reserving picnic Cl) 2 3 4 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 2 3 \D Was facility clean 1 C2) 3 4 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 CD 3 4 Did facility meet your expectations 1 CD? 3 4 Overall impression of facility 1 2 c::u 4 Poor 5 5 5 5 5 5 ~ Comments:_MAj (~~~ '\- ~~~~ UJele.. IN:L,..QpD Q.6U(-k5\.clc., .=t...0{~\~I~~ ) ::c:. ~ -t4.o ~(\.e~, ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ What did you like most about your picnic facility: ~~ \)<)~ C" ~ Ji:: (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? ~ ~uJ~ riA. ~ Cm ~ ~ ~ QC\tl ~~~ ~ a. \~ l2~~ {jf ~UL ~~Q (\0 .. fO\\\ l tl~i'\ \ ~ot\l\A5 t~ . What improvements could be made to better the facility? ~ ~U) .. ~ ~f~~~ .~ ~c.. -~. \ u..YU-l -fur o.;ocut- Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? t.J> 1 ::c.... ~~~ ~ ~'Cu~ ~~cO (--OnCll>..' ~Hl +~(~ ~~ (Socd:- ~ I t...'<btl( ~.. \ Additional Comments:~ ~ (. Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day!