PROJECT NARRATIVE RSI MARINE BOAT STORAGE FACILITIES 1. Project Narrative. The project will consist of design and construction of (4) single story boat and watercraft storage facilities. The project is intended to be built in multiple phases, cost and utilization will determine the quantity of buildings to be built in phase 1. All buildings will be submitted for proper building permitting prior to construction. The proposed buildings are designed to maximize future flexibility. Multiple overhead doors are utilized to load and unload boats as well as allow future partitioning of the spaces. The buildings are not intended to be occupied except for loading and unloading of stored units. There are no Full-Time employees and no public access, meaning there is no need for parking on this site. 2. Project Design. a. The building exteriors are designed to be in conformance with the City of Chanhassen chapter 20, Article XXIII design requirements. Earth tone colors have been selected to blend with the natural landscape. Architectural brick tower corner elements will be utilized on the southern and west elevations to create building articulation and hold the corners of the main highway gateway district. Tower elements will have a hipped metal roof feature element. The main building utilizes color integrated CMU rock face block. Wood grain longboard lap siding and architectural insulated metal wall panels. The architectural insulated metal panel will have a stucco finish appearance. These various materials and textures create additional façade articulations. We have incorporated a two-tone color scheme to aid in breaking up the facades and avoiding monolithic exterior elevations. Color integrated overhead doors are utilized to blend with the building colors. This is in lieu of white overheads, to avoid such strong contrast in building colors. The roof will be standing seam metal roof with color tones to match the building. We have selected a 4:12 roof pitch which was the recommended minimum pitch listed in the city guidelines. 3. Landscaping a. The site will be landscaped in accordance with city requirements. Additional landscape beds and groupings have been added to the south and west elevations to assist in the appearance of building articulations. b. The site usage does not necessitate the need for parking, so this helps reduce the amount of required asphalt paving and thus reduces heat island effect. c. Foundation plantings on the outward facing building facades has been provided. 4. Retaining Wall a. Retaining wall locations and heights are indicated on civil plans. The design and engineering team anticipates on utilizing a gravity retaining wall system (Similar to RECON wall systems). All retaining walls over 4 feet will be fully engineered prior to installation. 5. Fencing and Gates a. The owner would like to maintain the option to add in security fencing and entry gates. NO gates would exceed 8 feet in height and any installed gates and fencing would be installed outside the required front yard setbacks. 6. Signs a. No building or site signage is being requested at this time. Should any signage be proposed for future use a full sign submittal package will be prepared for City review and approval. 7. Traffic Generation and Parking a. The site will have minimal traffic throughout the year. More traffic will be seen in the spring and fall as boats and watercraft are either being removed or placed into storage. There are no employees that will be working on this site and no public traffic to this site or the facilities. The site is unoccupied except for loading and unloading of the units into storage. Because of the site being unoccupied and no public access parking is not a necessity. 8. Lighting a. New exterior site and building lighting is being proposed. All new lighting will be decorative LED with housing colors to match the building materials. Please refer to submitted photometric plan for additional information. 9. Dumpster enclosure a. No dumpster enclosure is being proposed for the site. The buildings are unoccupied storage and site operations will not produce trash. 10. Hazardous Materials a. No Hazardous materials will be stored on-site. 11. Rooftop Equipment and Screening a. No Rooftop equipment is being proposed for the buildings. No Rooftop screening will be required as there is no rooftop equipment. Any heating for the building will be through interior Gas Fired Units or Furnaces. No AC equipment will be installed at this time. Should AC units be installed in the future they would be ground mounted and screened with landscaping.